985 resultados para Mega-Marx : johdatus uuteen Marxiin


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This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.


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This paper supercedes an earlier attempt I made to pin down the meaning and significance of Adam Smith’s theory of productive and unproductive labour. (Strathclyde Discussion Papers in Economics, No.08-05) My conclusion then was that while Smith’s understanding of what was needed to achieve economic growth was sound, his discussion was marred by apparently conflicting definitions of productive labour. That (essentially conventional) interpretation does not, I now believe, do justice to Smith. Revision is therefore called for: hence the present paper.


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Prior genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of major depressive disorder (MDD) have met with limited success. We sought to increase statistical power to detect disease loci by conducting a GWAS mega-analysis for MDD. In the MDD discovery phase, we analyzed more than 1.2 million autosomal and X chromosome single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 18 759 independent and unrelated subjects of recent European ancestry (9240 MDD cases and 9519 controls). In the MDD replication phase, we evaluated 554 SNPs in independent samples (6783 MDD cases and 50 695 controls). We also conducted a cross-disorder meta-analysis using 819 autosomal SNPs with P<0.0001 for either MDD or the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium bipolar disorder (BIP) mega-analysis (9238 MDD cases/8039 controls and 6998 BIP cases/7775 controls). No SNPs achieved genome-wide significance in the MDD discovery phase, the MDD replication phase or in pre-planned secondary analyses (by sex, recurrent MDD, recurrent early-onset MDD, age of onset, pre-pubertal onset MDD or typical-like MDD from a latent class analyses of the MDD criteria). In the MDD-bipolar cross-disorder analysis, 15 SNPs exceeded genome-wide significance (P<5 × 10(-8)), and all were in a 248 kb interval of high LD on 3p21.1 (chr3:52 425 083-53 822 102, minimum P=5.9 × 10(-9) at rs2535629). Although this is the largest genome-wide analysis of MDD yet conducted, its high prevalence means that the sample is still underpowered to detect genetic effects typical for complex traits. Therefore, we were unable to identify robust and replicable findings. We discuss what this means for genetic research for MDD. The 3p21.1 MDD-BIP finding should be interpreted with caution as the most significant SNP did not replicate in MDD samples, and genotyping in independent samples will be needed to resolve its status.


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L'héritage d'un grand événement sportif peut être perçu de multiples façons. On peut le voir comme positif ou négatif, tangible ou intangible, territorial ou personnel, intentionnel ou non, global ou local, à court ou long terme, lié au sport ou non, et aussi selon la perspective de ses différentes parties prenantes. En fait, il est bien plus approprié d'employer le terme d'héritages au pluriel qu'au singulier. Cet article donne une vue d'ensemble d'un concept souvent utilisé mais rarement défini - celui d'héritage (legacy en anglais) - en utilisant des exemples provenant des Jeux olympiques et des Jeux du Commonwealth, deux des plus grands événements sportifs multisports régulièrement organisés. Il conclue que l'héritage est pour l'essentiel un rêve à poursuivre plutôt qu'une certitude à atteindre pour ce qui concerne les grands événements sportifs.


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The integration of the differential equation of the second law of Fick applied to the diffusion of chemical elements in a semi-infinite solid made it easier to estimate the time of stay of olivine mega-cristals in contact with the host lava The results of this research show the existence of two groups of olivine. The first remained in contact with the magmatic liquid during 19 to 22 days, while the second remained so during only 5 to 9 days. This distinction is correlative to that based on the qualitative observation.


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Este trabalho que se intitula “Recrutamento e Seleção de Recursos Humanos pelas Pequenas e Médias Empresas em Cabo Verde: o Caso da Mega Saúde Lda”, enquadra-se no âmbito do curso de Licenciatura em Economia e Gestão, variante Administração e Controlo Financeiro. As organizações e as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME´s) têm vindo a passar por diversas mudanças, a vários níveis. A nova configuração do mercado requer que as PME´s venham a alterar seu posicionamento e adotar estratégias adequadas o que passa pela gestão com destaque para os recursos humanos, sendo assim o processo de recrutamento e seleção do pessoal. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o processo de recrutamento e seleção de recursos humanos pela Mega Saúde Lda, de forma a inteirar-se desse processo e identificar os principais constrangimentos e sugerir sugestões que contribuam para uma melhor adequação a esse respeito. Para a realização deste trabalho, utilizou-se a metodologia com enfoque qualitativo e de caráter exploratório. Assim, aplicou-se entrevistas aplicados aos trabalhadores da Mega Saúde Lda, ao grupo focal das Pequenas e Médias Empresas, e em pesquisa documentais, nomeadamente os relatórios de contas da empresa em estudo, dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística de Cabo Verde (INE), bem como outros documentos sobre o assunto e consultas aos profissionais da área. Ainda, fez-se a análise SWOT da empresa objeto desse estudo. Com a realização deste trabalho concluiu-se que a Mega Saúde Lda, recorre-se sobretudo ao processo direto de recrutamento e seleção do pessoal tendo, na maioria das vezes, por base a confiança técnica e profissional, bem como na amizade. Entretanto, para os serviços de manutenção e de contabilidade fez-se a admissão dos técnicos com base em análise curricular dos candidatos. A empresa deve fazer o recrutamento misto dos técnicos, tendo em consideração as disponibilidades internas e as necessidades da empresa, de forma dar resposta as exigências do mercado e alcançar os objetivos, num ambiente de negócios cada vez mais concorrencial.


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Summary: All dressed up : or in Lindén's shoes?