959 resultados para Medical doctors
Objectives: To explore whether an association exists between health care professionals (HCPs) asthma knowledge and inhaler technique demonstration skills. Methods: HCPs asthma knowledge and inhaler technique demonstration skills were assessed at baseline at an inter-professional educational workshop focusing on asthma medication use. Asthma knowledge was assessed via a published questionnaire. Correct inhaler technique for the three inhalers, the Accuhaler, Turbuhaler and pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler (pMDI) was assessed using published checklists. Results: Two hundred HCPs agreed to participate: 10 specialists (medical doctors specialized in respiratory diseases) (5%), 46 general practitioners (23%), 79 pharmacists (39%), 15 pharmacists assistants (8%), 40 nurses (20%) and 10 respiratory therapists (5%). Backwards stepwise multiple regression conducted to determine predictors of HCPs inhaler technique, showed that out of many independent variables (asthma knowledge score, profession, age, gender, place of work, years in practice and previous personal use of the study inhaler/s), asthma knowledge score was the only variable showing significant association with inhaler technique (R²=0.162, p<0.001). Conclusion: This study revealed significant associations between asthma knowledge and inhaler technique scores for all HCPs. Providing inter-professional workshops for all HCPs involved integrating education on asthma knowledge and practice of inhaler technique skills are looked-for.
The National Network of Continuing Care (RNCCI) was created in 2006 by Decree Law nr. 101/2006. Its mission is to supply adequate health and social care to all people who, independent of their age, are in a situation of dependence, and its action is articulated with the already existing health and social services, being a multidisciplinary team needed composed out of medical doctors, nurses, social workers and psychologists. Given the aforementioned it’s pertinent to perform research, with nurses and nursing students, about this new valence of care.
Considerando que el dolor persistente de origen no odontogénico, puede presentarse después de la terapia endodóntica, es importante que el odontólogo clínico lo conozca para evitar errores en el diagnóstico y procedimientos dentales ineficaces, innecesarios e irreversibles, los cuales no van a satisfacer al paciente y pondrían en tela de duda la pericia del clínico para resolver la queja principal del paciente. Esto tiene relevancia clínica ya que tanto médicos como odontólogos deben estar familiarizados con los signos de dolor provenientes de fuentes no odontogénicas.
La presente monografía; “Estrategias de intervención desde el Trabajo Social frente al suicidio en la adolescencia” aborda, entre otras, las siguientes temáticas; definiciones y tipos desuicidio; factores que influyen en el suicidio de la adolescencia y las causas que generan este problema de salud pública. El “sujeto” central de la investigación es la adolescencia, grupo etario donde el suicidio se ha convertido en la tercera causa de muerte. La conducta suicida,también es abordada; considerando los cambios y características psicológicas que es determinante para detectarestos comportamientos y poder prevenirlos e intervenir desde diferentes perspectivas profesionales, en donde el trabajo multidisciplinario es la base de la intervención especializada. En este escenario de multidisciplinariedad la tarea del Trabajador Social es caracterizada, en la monografía, como la del profesional que dinamiza armónicamente la acción de los profesionales involucrados, apoyándose en lopsicoeducativo y en la definición del escenario social. Finalmente se plantean estrategias y alternativas conceptuales y metodológicas, para prevenir el suicidio en la adolescencia y como intervenir con sus familias y allegados. La propuesta metodológica que se enfatiza como estrategia, para prevenir el suicidio, es el trabajo de equipo multidisciplinario,en dónde; psicólogos, médicos, psiquiatras, enfermeras, educadores, orientadores familiares y trabajadores sociales, aúnan esfuerzos para prevenir este flagelo y con la finalidad de relacionar lo conceptual y metodológico desde la práctica profesional se transcribe una entrevista a profundidad con un médico psiquiatra de uno de los hospitales de la localidad.
Investigadores, um pouco por todo o mundo, começaram a preocupar-se com o fenómeno do burnout, ao identificarem este sintoma essencialmente nas profissões que envolviam uma relação assistencial ou de ajuda, como o caso dos médicos, enfermeiros e psicólogos. Contudo, não tardou que se percebesse que este fenómeno pudesse também estar presente na profissão docente de uma forma muito significativa. A docência é, na atualidade, uma das profissões mais sujeitas a altos níveis de stresse, podendo levar ao burnout, caso se torne recorrente. Muitos docentes conseguem adaptar-se e reagir de uma forma funcional perante as dificuldades próprias da profissão, tornando-se profissionais engaged, ou seja, enquanto alguns professores vivenciam as dimensões negativas do burnout (exaustão emocional, despersonalização e perda de realização profissional), outros experienciam as três dimensões positivas do engagement (vigor, dedicação e absorção profissional). Com a entrada da chamada “psicologia positiva”, surge uma nova perspectiva de estudo que procura respostas para determinadas formas de envolvimento profissional. Assim, apesar do fenómeno do engagement ainda não estar muito estudado, encontrar professores engaged com a sua profissão também é uma realidade presente em muitos países. O recurso a estratégias de coping é uma forma de lidar com as dificuldades inerentes ao exercício da profissão docente. Logo, é importante perceber de que forma a utilização de determinado tipo de estratégia de coping poderá conduzir ao burnout ou, preferencialmente, ao engagement.
The world of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics presently integrates many different expertise, including computer science and electronic engineering. A major aim in Data Science is the development and tuning of specific computational approaches to interpret the complexity of Biology. Molecular biologists and medical doctors heavily rely on an interdisciplinary expert capable of understanding the biological background to apply algorithms for finding optimal solutions to their problems. With this problem-solving orientation, I was involved in two basic research fields: Cancer Genomics and Enzyme Proteomics. For this reason, what I developed and implemented can be considered a general effort to help data analysis both in Cancer Genomics and in Enzyme Proteomics, focusing on enzymes which catalyse all the biochemical reactions in cells. Specifically, as to Cancer Genomics I contributed to the characterization of intratumoral immune microenvironment in gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) correlating immune cell population levels with tumour subtypes. I was involved in the setup of strategies for the evaluation and standardization of different approaches for fusion transcript detection in sarcomas that can be applied in routine diagnostic. This was part of a coordinated effort of the Sarcoma working group of "Alleanza Contro il Cancro". As to Enzyme Proteomics, I generated a derived database collecting all the human proteins and enzymes which are known to be associated to genetic disease. I curated the data search in freely available databases such as PDB, UniProt, Humsavar, Clinvar and I was responsible of searching, updating, and handling the information content, and computing statistics. I also developed a web server, BENZ, which allows researchers to annotate an enzyme sequence with the corresponding Enzyme Commission number, the important feature fully describing the catalysed reaction. More to this, I greatly contributed to the characterization of the enzyme-genetic disease association, for a better classification of the metabolic genetic diseases.
Objective To determine the association between rural undergraduate training, rural postgraduate training and medical school entry criteria favouring rural students, on likelihood of working in rural Australian general practice. Methods National case - control study of 2414 rural and urban general practitioners (GPs) sampled from the Health Insurance Commission database. Participants completed a questionnaire providing information on demographics, current practice location and rural undergraduate and postgraduate experience. Results Rural GPs were more likely to report having had any rural undergraduate training [ odds ratio ( OR) 1.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32 - 1.95] than were urban GPs. Rural GPs were much more likely to report having had rural postgraduate training ( OR 3.14, 95% CI 2.57 - 3.83). As the duration of rural postgraduate training increased so did the likelihood of working as a rural GP: those reporting that more than half their postgraduate training was rural were most likely to be rural GPs ( OR 10.52, 95% CI 5.39 - 20.51). South Australians whose final high school year was rural were more likely to be rural GPs ( OR 3.18, 95% CI 0.99 - 10.22). Conclusions Undergraduate rural training, postgraduate training and medical school entry criteria favouring rural students, all are associated with an increased likelihood of being a rural GP. Longer rural postgraduate training is more strongly associated with rural practice. These findings argue for continuation of rural undergraduate training opportunities and rural entry schemes, and an expansion in postgraduate training opportunities for GPs.
Introduction: Consultations with patients suffering from chronic pain without objective findings represent a challenge fo r family doctors (FDs). A mutual lack of understanding may arise, which threatens the doctor-patient relationship and may lead to dissatisfaction of both patient and doctor and to a breakdown of the therapeutic alliance. Objectives: This study aims to investigate FDs' potential protective practices to preserve the doctor-patient relationship during this type of consultation. Method: In the first step of this qualitative research, I carried out a range of 10 se- mi-structured interviews with FDs to explore their reported practices and repre- sentations during consultations with people suffering from chronic pain without objective findings. The interviews' transcripts were integrally analysed with computer-assisted thematic content analysis (QSR NVivo ® ) to highlight the main themes related to the topic in the participants' talk. Results: At this point of the research, two types of FDs' protective practices can be identified: first the use of complementary sources of knowledge in addition to the medical model to provide explanations to patients, second the collaboration with multidisciplinary teams or support gr oups that allow them to share profes- sional expertise and emotional experiences. Conclusion: The findings could be useful to develop ways to improve the follow- up of patients suffering from chronic pain without objective findings and conse- quently the FDs' work satisfaction.
BACKGROUND: To determine male outpatient attenders' sexual behaviours, expectations and experience of talking about their sexuality and sexual health needs with a doctor. METHODS: A survey was conducted among all male patients aged 18-70, recruited from the two main medical outpatient clinics in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2005-2006. The anonymous self-administered questionnaire included questions on sexual behaviour, HIV/STI information needs, expectations and experiences regarding discussion of sexual matters with a doctor. RESULTS: The response rate was 53.0% (N = 1452). The mean age was 37.7 years. Overall, 13.4% of patients were defined as at STI risk--i.e. having not consistently used condoms with casual partners in the last 6 months, or with a paid partner during the last intercourse--regarding their sexual behaviour in the last year. 90.9% would have liked their physician to ask them questions concerning their sexual life; only 61.4% had ever had such a discussion. The multivariate analysis showed that patients at risk tended to have the following characteristics: recruited from the HIV testing clinic, lived alone, declared no religion, had a low level of education, felt uninformed about HIV/AIDS, were younger, had had concurrent sexual partners in the last 12 months. However they were not more likely to have discussed sexual matters with their doctor than patients not at risk. CONCLUSION: Recording the sexual history and advice on the prevention of the risks of STI should become routine practice for primary health care doctors.
Introduction: This research project examined influence of the doctors' speciality on primary health care (PHC) problem solving in Belo Horizonte (BH) Brazil, comparing homeopathic with family health doctors (FH), from the management's and the patients' viewpoint. In BH, both FH and homeopathic doctors work in PHC. The index of resolvability (IR) is used to compare resolution of problems by doctors. Methods: The present research compared IR, using official data from the Secretariat of Health and test requests made by the doctors and 482 structured interviews with patients. A total of 217,963 consultations by 14 homeopaths and 67 FH doctors between 1 July 2006 and 30 June 2007 were analysed. Results: The results show significant differences greater problem resolution by homeopaths compared to FH doctors. Conclusion: In BH, the medical speciality, homeopathy or FH, has an impact on problem solving, both from the managers' and the patients' point of view. Homeopaths request fewer tests and have better IR compared with FH doctors. Specialisation in homeopathy is an independent positive factor in problem solving at PHC level in BH, Brazil. Homeopathy (2012) 101, 44-50.