971 resultados para Medical Expenditures Panel Survey (U.S.).
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography: p. 86-89.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Background/aims: Network 1000 is a UK-based panel survey of a representative sample of adults with registered visual impairment, with the aim of gathering information about people’s opinions and circumstances. Method: Participants were interviewed (Survey 1, n = 1007: 2005; Survey 2, n = 922: 2006/07) on a range of topics including the nature of their eye condition, details of other health issues, use of low vision aids (LVAs) and their experiences in eye clinics. Results: Eleven percent of individuals did not know the name of their eye condition. Seventy percent of participants reported having long-term health problems or disabilities in addition to visual impairment and 43% reported having hearing difficulties. Seventy one percent reported using LVAs for reading tasks. Participants who had become registered as visually impaired in the previous 8 years (n = 395) were asked questions about non-medical information received in the eye clinic around that time. Reported information received included advice about ‘registration’ (48%), low vision aids (45%) and social care routes (43%); 17% reported receiving no information. While 70% of people were satisfied with the information received, this was lower for those of working age (56%) compared with retirement age (72%). Those who recalled receiving additional non-medical information and advice at the time of registration also recalled their experiences more positively. Conclusions: Whilst caution should be applied to the accuracy of recall of past events, the data provide a valuable insight into the types of information and support that visually impaired people feel they would benefit from in the eye clinic.
Medicalization is the process by which non-medical problems become defined and treated as medical problems, usually as illnesses or disorders. There has been growing concern with the possibility that medicalization is driving increased health care costs. In this paper we estimate the medical spending in the U.S. of identified medicalized conditions at approximately 77 billion in 2005, 3.9% of total domestic expenditures on health care. This estimate is based on the direct costs associated with twelve medicalized conditions. Although due to data limitations this estimate does not include all medicalized conditions, it can inform future debates about health care spending and medicalization.
Background: No studies have been conducted in the UK context to date that categorise medications in terms of appropriateness for patients with advanced dementia, or that examine medication use in these vulnerable patients.
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to categorise the appropriateness of a comprehensive list of medications and medication classes for use in patients with advanced dementia; examine the feasibility of conducting a longitudinal prospective cohort study to collect clinical and medication use data; and determine the appropriateness of prescribing for nursing home residents with advanced dementia in Northern Ireland (NI), using the categories developed.
Methods: A three-round Delphi consensus panel survey of expert clinicians was used to categorise the appropriateness of medications for patients with advanced dementia [defined as having Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) scores ranging from 6E to 7F]. This was followed by a longitudinal prospective cohort feasibility study that was conducted in three nursing homes in NI. Clinical and medication use for participating residents with advanced dementia (FAST scores ranging from 6E to 7F) were collected and a short test of dementia severity administered. These data were collected at baseline and every 3 months for up to 9 months or until death. For those residents who died during the study period, data were also collected within 14 days of death. The appropriateness ratings from the consensus panel survey were retrospectively applied to residents’ medication data at each data collection timepoint to determine the appropriateness of medications prescribed for these residents.
Results: Consensus was achieved for 87 (90 %) of the 97 medications and medication classes included in the survey. Fifteen residents were recruited to participate in the longitudinal prospective cohort feasibility study, four of whom died during the data collection period. Mean numbers of medications prescribed per resident were 16.2 at baseline, 19.6 at 3 months, 17.4 at 6 months and 16.1 at 9 months. Fourteen residents at baseline were taking at least one medication considered by the consensus panel to be never appropriate, and approximately 25 % of medications prescribed were considered to be never appropriate. Post-death data collection indicated a decrease in the proportion of never appropriate medications and an increase in the proportion of always appropriate medications for those residents who died.
Conclusions: This study is the first to develop and apply medication appropriateness indicators for patients with advanced dementia in the UK setting. The Delphi consensus panel survey of expert clinicians was a suitable method of developing such indicators. It is feasible to collect information on quality of life, functional performance, physical comfort, neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive function for this subpopulation of nursing home residents with advanced dementia.
Veränderungen des Raum-Zeit-Verhaltens im Zuge von Lebensumbrüchen und ihre Anforderungen an die Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung am Beispiel des Eintritts in den Ruhestand. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde untersucht, ob und in welchem Maße sich das Raum-Zeit-Verhalten im Alltag mit dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand verändert. Bei der Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine mehrjährige Panel-Studie, die in den Regionen Hamburg und Kassel durchgeführt wurde. Mit insgesamt 50 Studienteilnehmern wurden vor und nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben umfassende Interviews geführt. Hierbei kam die an der Oxford University entwickelte „HATS“-Methode („Household Activity Travel Simulator“) zum Einsatz, die einen tiefen Einblick in die Alltagsstrukturen und das aus ihnen resultierende raum-zeitliche Verhalten ermöglicht. Ein Untersuchungsschwerpunkt lag auf der Verkehrsmittelwahl. Auf Grundlage der Untersuchungsergebnisse wurden Handlungsempfehlungen für die Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung abgeleitet. Es zeigte sich, dass die Studienteilnehmer mit ihrem Eintritt in den Ruhestand grundsätzlich deutlich später im Tagesverlauf als Verkehrsteilnehmer in Erscheinung treten. Darüber hinaus zeichnete sich ein Bedeutungszuwachs des Stadtquartiers bzw. der nahräumlichen Mobilität ab; der Fuß- und Fahrradverkehr gewinnt für die Alltagsmobilität an Bedeutung. Versorgungs- und Dienstleistungsangebote im eigenen Wohnquartier – und somit nutzungsgemischte Stadtquartiere – erweisen sich demnach insbesondere für die Gruppe der Ruheständler als besonders relevant. Trotz der steigenden Bedeutung des Fuß-und Fahrradverkehrs zeigt die Studie, dass dem Pkw in der Alltagsmobilität eine (nach wie vor) dominante Rolle zukommt – eine Entwicklung, die sich aufgrund des Kohorteneffekts eher noch verstärken wird. Im Rahmen der Diskussion geeigneter Handlungsansätze für die Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung zur Stärkung des Umweltverbundes werden – neben Interventionen zur Attraktivitätsminderung des Pkw – insbesondere verschiedene Maßnahmen zu Angebotsverbesserungen im ÖPNV behandelt. Dabei wird u. a. auch die Verhaltensrelevanz von Kostenwahrnehmungen betrachtet. Zusätzlich wird deutlich, dass bei der Etablierung verkehrsplanerischer Maßnahmen auch die zu-nehmende Bedeutung von Wegen, die in Begleitung anderer Haushaltsmitglieder zurückgelegt werden (Stichwort: Haushaltsmobilität), berücksichtigt werden muss. Der Eintritt in den Ruhestand erweist sich grundsätzlich als eine Umbruchsituation im Lebensverlauf, die ein Aufbrechen von (Verkehrs-)Gewohnheiten im Alltag begünstigt und die Betroffenen besonders empfänglich für Informationen zu verschiedenen Verkehrsangeboten bzw. Verhaltens-alternativen werden lässt. Hinsichtlich möglicher Handlungsansätze wird in dieser Studie u. a. thematisiert, wie im Rahmen einer zielgruppenspezifischen Kommunikation im ÖPNV dieses Zeit-fenster genutzt werden kann, um Menschen an der Schwelle zum Eintritt in den Ruhestand als regelmäßige Nutzer von Bus und Bahn (neu) zu gewinnen bzw. zu halten.
This paper aims to consider whether there is a link between youth happiness levels and adult life satisfaction. Our results are unequivocal that such a link exists both because demographic and socio-economic conditions are persistent over a lifetime and also because there is a persistence in personality effects. To test this link, we estimate a model of happiness for a sample of young people. This model provides us with a range of variables measuring socio-economic effects and personality effects amongst young people. These variables are then included in the adult life satisfaction model. The model is estimated using data from the British Household Panel Survey for 1994–2008. In addition to childhood happiness levels influencing adult life satisfaction significantly, we also find that the youthful personality trait for happiness has a larger effect on adult life satisfaction than demographic and socio-economic conditions.