980 resultados para Mean Field


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Numerical simulations based on the time-dependent mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation was performed to explain the dynamics of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) of 85Rb atoms. The atomic interaction was manipulated by an external magnetic field via a Feshbach resonance. On changing the scattering length of atomic interaction from a positive to a large negative value, the condensate collapsed and ejected atoms via explosion.


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Using the explicit numerical solution of the axially symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the dynamics of interaction among vortex solitons in a rotating matter-wave bright soliton train in a radially trapped and axially free Bose-Einstein condensate to understand certain features of the experiment by Strecker et al (2002 Nature 417 150). In a soliton train, solitons of opposite phase (phase δ = π) repel and stay apart without changing shape; solitons with δ = 0 attract, interact and coalesce, but eventually come out; solitons with a general δ usually repel but interact inelastically by exchanging matter. We study this and suggest future experiments with vortex solitons.


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We perform a systematic numerical study, based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, of jet formation in collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates as in the experiment by Donley et al (2001 Nature 412 295). In the actual experiment, via a Feshbach resonance, the scattering length of atomic interaction was suddenly changed from positive to negative on a pre-formed condensate. Consequently, the condensate collapsed and ejected atoms via explosion. On disruption of the collapse by suddenly changing the scattering length to zero, a radial jet of atoms was formed in the experiment. We present a satisfactory account of jet formation under the experimental conditions and also make predictions beyond experimental conditions which can be verified in future experiments.


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We investigate the nonequilibrium roughening transition of a one-dimensional restricted solid-on-solid model by directly sampling the stationary probability density of a suitable order parameter as the surface adsorption rate varies. The shapes of the probability density histograms suggest a typical Ginzburg-Landau scenario for the phase transition of the model, and estimates of the "magnetic" exponent seem to confirm its mean-field critical behavior. We also found that the flipping times between the metastable phases of the model scale exponentially with the system size, signaling the breaking of ergodicity in the thermodynamic limit. Incidentally, we discovered that a closely related model not considered before also displays a phase transition with the same critical behavior as the original model. Our results support the usefulness of off-critical histogram techniques in the investigation of nonequilibrium phase transitions. We also briefly discuss in the appendix a good and simple pseudo-random number generator used in our simulations.


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We analytically study the input-output properties of a neuron whose active dendritic tree, modeled as a Cayley tree of excitable elements, is subjected to Poisson stimulus. Both single-site and two-site mean-field approximations incorrectly predict a nonequilibrium phase transition which is not allowed in the model. We propose an excitable-wave mean-field approximation which shows good agreement with previously published simulation results [Gollo et al., PLoS Comput. Biol. 5, e1000402 (2009)] and accounts for finite-size effects. We also discuss the relevance of our results to experiments in neuroscience, emphasizing the role of active dendrites in the enhancement of dynamic range and in gain control modulation.


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We investigate the canonical equilibrium of systems with long-range forces in competition. These forces create a modulation in the interaction potential and modulated phases appear at the system scale. The structure of these phases differentiate this system from monotonic potentials, where only the mean-field and disordered phases exist. With increasing temperature, the system switches from one ordered phase to another through a first-order phase transition. Both mean-field and modulated phases may be stable, even at zero temperature, and the long-range nature of the interaction will lead to metastability characterized by extremely long time scales.


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An explosive synchronization can be observed in scale-free networks when Kuramoto oscillators have natural frequencies equal to their number of connections. The present paper reports on mean-field approximations to determine the critical coupling of such explosive synchronization. It has been verified that the equation obtained for the critical coupling has an inverse dependence on the network average degree. This expression differs from those whose frequency distributions are unimodal and even. In this case, the critical coupling depends on the ratio between the first and second statistical moments of the degree distribution. Numerical simulations were also conducted to verify our analytical results.


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The Curie-Weiss model is defined by ah Hamiltonian according to spins interact. For some particular values of the parameters, the sum of the spins normalized with square-root normalization converges or not toward Gaussian distribution. In the thesis we investigate some correlations between the behaviour of the sum and the central limit for interacting random variables.


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In the course of this study, stiffness of a fibril array of mineralized collagen fibrils modeled with a mean field method was validated experimentally at site-matched two levels of tissue hierarchy using mineralized turkey leg tendons (MTLT). The applied modeling approaches allowed to model the properties of this unidirectional tissue from nanoscale (mineralized collagen fibrils) to macroscale (mineralized tendon). At the microlevel, the indentation moduli obtained with a mean field homogenization scheme were compared to the experimental ones obtained with microindentation. At the macrolevel, the macroscopic stiffness predicted with micro finite element (μFE) models was compared to the experimental stiffness measured with uniaxial tensile tests. Elastic properties of the elements in μFE models were injected from the mean field model or two-directional microindentations. Quantitatively, the indentation moduli can be properly predicted with the mean-field models. Local stiffness trends within specific tissue morphologies are very weak, suggesting additional factors responsible for the stiffness variations. At macrolevel, the μFE models underestimate the macroscopic stiffness, as compared to tensile tests, but the correlations are strong.


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Submitted ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T. B. acknowledges the financial support from SERB, Department of Science and Technology (DST), India [Project Grant No.: SB/FTP/PS-005/2013]. D. G. acknowledges DST, India, for providing support through the INSPIRE fellowship. J. K. acknowledges Government of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 14.Z50.31.0033 with Institute of Applied Physics RAS).


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We propose a general mean field model of ligand-protein interactions to determine the thermodynamic equilibrium of a system at finite temperature. The method is employed in structural assessments of two human immuno-deficiency virus type 1 protease complexes where the gross effects of protein flexibility are incorporated by utilizing a data base of crystal structures. Analysis of the energy spectra for these complexes has revealed that structural and thermo-dynamic aspects of molecular recognition can be rationalized on the basis of the extent of frustration in the binding energy landscape. In particular, the relationship between receptor-specific binding of these ligands to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease and a minimal frustration principle is analyzed.