997 resultados para Mato Grosso (State)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Rochas siliciclásticas da Formação Raizama, unidade basal do Grupo Alto Paraguai de idade ediacarana-cambriana (635 – 541 Ma), ocorrem distribuídas descontinuamente ao longo da margem sul do Cráton Amazônico e segmento norte da Faixa Paraguai, centro-oeste do Brasil, estado do Mato Grosso. Estas recobrem discordantemente os depósitos de plataforma carbonática do Grupo Araras, onde foram registrados evidências do evento glacial Marinoano (635 Ma). O Grupo Alto Paraguai representa os estágios finais da colisão entre os blocos Amazônico e Paranapanema que culminaram no fechamento do Oceano Clymene (540-520 Ma). A Formação Raizama com espessura de aproximadamente 570 m é constituída por pelitos, arenitos finos a grossos, e arenitos com cimento dolomítico previamente interpretados como depósitos flúvio-costeiros distribuídos nos membros inferior (270 m) e superior (300 m). O estudo faciológico e estratigráfico desta unidade na região de Nobres, Estado do Mato Grosso, foi focado principalmente na seção aflorante de 600 m no leito do rio Serragem, que inclui a Cachoeira da Serra do Tombador. Foram definidas 17 fácies sedimentares, agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF) representativas de uma sucessão costeira progradante iniciando por depósitos de shoreface inferior, os quais recobrem em conformidade correlativa os depósitos de plataforma carbonática da Formação Serra do Quilombo (Grupo Araras). A AF1 consiste em arenitos com laminação plano-paralela e laminação truncada por onda (microhummocky), individualizada por camadas de pelito laminado interpretadas como depósitos de shoreface inferior. Destaca-se na AF1 a primeira ocorrência de níveis centimétricos bioturbados por Skolithos em depósitos neoproterozoicos – cambrianos na Faixa Paraguai. A AF2 é formada por arenitos com estratificação cruzada swaley e estratificação plano-paralela interpretada como depósitos de shoreface superior. A AF3 é composta por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangenciais e acanaladas com recobrimentos de siltito/arenito muito fino representativos de depósitos de canal e barras de submaré. A AF4 é caracterizada por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangencial e sigmoidal, laminação plano-paralela a cruzadas de baixo-ângulo, ritmito arenito muito fino/siltito com acamamento flaser e gretas de contração, organizados em ciclos métricos de raseamento ascendente de planície de maré. A AF5 é constituída por arenito com estratificação cruzada acanalada marcada por lags residuais na base da associação, arenito com estratificações plano-paralela e cruzada de baixo-ângulo, interpretados como depósitos fluviais distais de rios entrelaçados, parcialmente retrabalhados por ondas. Grãos detríticos de zircão foram obtidos da AF3 e datados pelo método U-Pb, sendo a idade de 1001±9 Ma interpretada como a idade de máxima deposição da Formação Raizama. Aliado a tal análise, as paleocorrentes NE-SE mostram que estes grãos teriam como áreas fontes principais a Faixa Sunsás, SW do Cráton Amazônico, não sendo descartada contribuições oriundas da parte NW desse Cráton. A idade mesoproterozóica obtida serviu principalmente para desvendar a proveniência da Formação Raizama, enquanto que as datações da base do Grupo Araras, em torno de 627-622 Ma, associada à presença inequívoca do icnogênero Skolithos, tornam esta unidade muito mais próxima do limite com o Cambriano Inferior. Traços fósseis do Proterozoico são caracterizados quase que exclusivamente por traços horizontais, sendo que bioturbações verticais praticamente são ausentes ao longo do Neoproterozoico. Esta inferência vem de encontro com a idade máxima de 541 Ma obtida para a Formação Diamantino, a qual recobre a unidade estudada. Os dados radiométricos aliados com as interpretações paleoambientais, que incluem o registro das primeiras atividades de organismos perfurantes na Faixa Paraguai, abrem perspectivas de entender com maiores detalhes a sequência de eventos que tipificam os estratos do limite Ediacarano-Cambriano do Brasil, ainda pouco conhecidos.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
O Batólito Guaporeí é um corpo de aproximadamente 240 km2 alongado segundo a direção NW, localizado na região de Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade, estado de Mato Grosso. Situa-se nos domínios da Província Rondoniana-San Ignácio, no Terreno Paraguá, na porção meridional do Cráton Amazônico. É formado por monzogranitos e, subordinadamente, granodioritos, quartzo-monzonitos e sienogranitos, caracterizados por granulação grossa e textura, em geral, porfirítica a porfiroclástica. Possui biotita como mineral máfico primário, por vezes, associada a anfibólio, e encontra-se metamorfizado na fácies xisto verde, exibindo estrutura milonítica, em estreitas zonas de cisalhamento. Evidências geoquímicas indicam que essas rochas derivam de um magma cálcio-alcalino de alto potássio a shoshonítico, metaluminoso a levemente peraluminoso evoluído por cristalização fracionada associada à assimilação crustal, possivelmente gerado em ambiente de arco continental. Duas fases de deformação relacionadas à Orogenia San Ignácio, caracterizadas pelo estiramento e alinhamento mineral evidenciadas pelas foliações S1 e S2, foram identificadas nestas rochas. Foi obtida pelo método de evaporação de Pb em zircão uma idade de 1.314 ± 3 Ma, interpretada como idade de cristalização do corpo granítico. Dados Sm-Nd em rocha total indicam idade modelo TDM em torno de 1,7 Ga e valor negativo para εNd (t = 1,3) (-14), corroborando a hipótese de envolvimento crustal na gênese do magma. Os resultados obtidos apontam semelhanças entre essas rochas e aquelas de região adjacente em território boliviano, sugerindo que o Granito Guaporeí representa uma extensão do Complexo Granitoide Pensamiento.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Background: Fumonisins produced by Fusarium verticillioides are among the most important medical mycotoxins known. The intake of concentrate based on corn and corn by-products contaminated with fumonisins can cause severe poisoning in horses. The injuries are observed mainly in the white matter of the brain, and the disease is known as Equine Leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM). This study aims to describe and discuss the epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic aspects of an outbreak of ELEM occurred in three farms in the municipalities of Canarana and Agua Boa, in the eastern region of Mato Grosso, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: The outbreak occurred between May and August 2010. The disease affected six horses and four mules of different ages and sex. Clinical examination was only possible in animals with chronic evolution of the disease. All the affected animals showed neurological clinical signs such as ataxia and recumbency, which progressed to death or sudden death. Histopathological analysis showed foci of necrosis that predominantly affected the white matter, and the presence of gitter cells. Degenerative lesions were observed in the liver of the animals. Mortality rate ranged from 12.5 to 71%, and lethality reached 100%. The cases were preceded by sudden drops in the weather temperature. Fumonisins levels of 6.6 ppm were detected in the feed of the animals.Discussion: The presumptive diagnosis of leukoencephalomalacia was consistent and based on clinical and epidemiological studies. However, the definitive diagnosis was based upon the histological features of the brain including the presence of extensive areas of malacia. Moreover, the animals were being fed with corn or corn by-products contaminated with fumonisins levels considered to be toxic to equids. The mortality and lethality rates are in agreement with outbreaks described in previous studies. The animals showed neurological signs as the predominant clinical manifestation, with gait ataxia followed by recumbency, prostration and death between 24 h and 29 days. Similarly to other reports, the disease was more frequent in adult animals, which succumbed in 24-48 h. Conversely, the evolution of the disease in young animals was of 10 to 29 days. Sudden death was more prevalent in the mules. Previous studies have shown a predominance of cerebral and brainstem lesions in horses, whereas in mules the clinical signs are related to brainstem lesions. Corn and corn by-products are commonly used as energy supplementation to horses in the southern of Mato Grosso state, but outbreaks of the disease are uncommon. This may be influenced by the prevalence of hot climate conditions, which does not favor the production of toxin by the fungus. The atypical low weather temperatures (9-11 degrees C) observed prior to the outbreak could have contributed to the mycotoxin production by F. verticillioides, which requires temperatures between 8-12 degrees C to produce toxins. However, the disease in the region may be underestimated, considering that the practice of necropsies is not common among field technicians, mainly in the occurrence of sporadic deaths among horses intended for work. Preventive measures include avoiding the use of corn and corn by-products for horses after periods of sudden drops in temperature in the region. Furthermore, clinical and epidemiological surveys and post-mortem and histopathological analyses are undoubtedly important for appropriate differential diagnosis, especially in equids with neurological signs.
Issues concerning deforestation have become a crucial theme in the environmental world debate. In this picture, Mato Grosso State has become an unfavorable example because it represents 36% of the accumulated deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In order to investigate the relationship between deforestation and income growth, this paper estimates an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for 139 cities of Mato Grosso through spatial econometrics. Using data for the year 2006, we estimate an EKC for the deforestation per capita against income per capita and other variables controlling the spatial effects. The preliminary results indicate that an EKC exists in a reversed U shape, i. e., the income growth reduces environmental effects from the maximum point. However, introducing a cubic term for the income, the economic growth would not reveal any relationship with the deforestation in the Mato Grosso State.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
In this study we evaluated an attacked-by-piranha human male cadaver in Mato Grosso’s Pantanal.
The multivariate analysis grouping was used to characterize the productive and climate profile of southeastern of Mato Grosso state. This technique allowed the junction of similar micro regions from characteristics of productivity and climatic, without the need for the assumption of the number or structure of the groups. Cluster analysis allowed the design of a mosaic of spatial heterogeneity regions. It established different profiles in the composition of groups, joining the more traditional in the culture of a species, or more productive, or those for the development of a particular culture. The results obtained by estimation of the climatic parameters and the multivariate procedures enabled the provision of systematic information that will allow farmers to better decision-making on the competitiveness and maintaining the flow of investment in agricultural sector southeastern Mato Grosso.
After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...
After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...
Performance and economic indicators of a large scale fish farm that produces round fish, located in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, were evaluated. The 130.8 ha-water surface area was distributed in 30 ponds. Average total production costs and the following economic indicators were calculated: gross income (GI), gross margin (GM), gross margin index (GMI), profitability index (PI) and profit (P) for the farm as a whole and for ten ponds individually. Production performance indicators were also obtained, such as: production cycle (PC), apparent feed conversion (FC), average biomass storage (ABS), survival index (SI) and final average weight (FAW). The average costs to produce an average 2.971 kg.ha-1 per year were: R$ 2.43, R$ 0.72 and R$ 3.15 as average variable, fixed and total costs, respectively. Gross margin and profit per year per hectare of water surface were R$ 2,316.91 and R$ 180.98, respectively. The individual evaluation of the ponds showed that the best pond performance was obtained for PI 38%, FC 1.7, ABS 0.980 kg.m-2, TS 56%, FAW 1.873 kg with PC of 12.3 months. The worst PI was obtained for the pond that displayed losses of 138%, FC 2.6, ABS 0.110 kg.m-2, SI 16% and FAW 1.811 kg. However, large scale production of round-fish in farms is economically feasible. The studied farm displays favorable conditions to improve performance and economic indicators, but it is necessary to reproduce the breeding techniques and performance indicators achieved in few ponds to the entire farm.