1000 resultados para Maternidade Brasil
Essa pesquisa objetiva a anlise da relao entre religio e poltica, em perspectiva de gnero considerando a atuao de parlamentares evanglicos/as na 54 Legislatura (de 2011 a 2014) e a forma de interveno desses atores no espao poltico brasileiro quanto promulgao de leis e ao desenvolvimento de polticas pblicas que contemplem, dentre outras, a regulamentao do aborto, a criminalizao da homofobia, a unio estvel entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e os desafios oriundos dessa posio para o Estado Brasileiro que se posiciona como laico. Ora, se laico remete ideia de neutralidade estatal em matria religiosa, legislar legitimado por determinados princpios fundamentados em doutrinas religiosas, pode sugerir a supresso da liberdade e da igualdade, o no reconhecimento da diversidade e da pluralidade e a ausncia de limites entre os interesses pblicos / coletivos e privados / particulares. Os procedimentos metodolgicos para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa fundamentam-se na anlise e interpretao bibliogrfica visando estabelecer a relao entre religio e poltica, a conceituao, qualificao e tipificao do fenmeno da laicidade; levantamento documental; anlise dos discursos de parlamentares evanglicos/as divulgados pela mdia, proferidos no plenrio e adotados para embasar projetos de leis; pesquisa qualitativa com a realizao de entrevistas e observaes das posturas pblicas adotadas pelos/as parlamentares integrantes da Frente Parlamentar Evanglica - FPE. Porquanto, os postulados das Cincias da Religio devidamente correlacionados com a interpretao do conjunto de dados obtidos no campo de pesquisa podem identificar o lugar do religioso na sociedade de forma interativa com as interfaces da laicidade visando aprofundar a compreenso sobre a democracia, sobre o lugar da religio nas sociedades contemporneas e sobre os direitos difusos, coletivos e individuais das pessoas.
O contexto batista predominantemente marcado por lideranas masculinas, destinando s mulheres apenas lugares e comportamentos socialmente estabelecidos, como a casa, o cuidado, a maternidade, a submisso, entre outras caractersticas que enfatizam a hierarquia de gnero. Mesmo diante do desenvolvimento econmico e da ocupao que as mulheres esto conquistando no campo pblico, a igreja e principalmente as igrejas batistas, permanecem fundadas em alicerces que exaltam o poder masculino em detrimento do lugar que deve ser ocupado pelas mulheres, ou seja, onde elas decidirem atuar. Caso elas decidam atuar num campo predominantemente masculino, tero que lidar com a desconstruo de um pensamento socialmente permeado de dominao masculina e com a rdua construo de um pensamento que vise a igualdade de gnero. O objeto desta pesquisa o ministrio pastoral feminino no contexto batista brasileiro. O texto analisa o discurso das Pastoras Batistas do Estado de So Paulo e o discurso dos lderes da Ordem dos Pastores Batistas de So Paulo (OPBB-SP) a respeito do ministrio pastoral feminino e a no filiao de mulheres na OPBB-SP. A importncia deste trabalho a de demostrar as relaes de micro poder existentes entre pastores e pastoras e concomitantemente as desigualdades dentro do contexto batista com relao ao ministrio pastoral feminino. Essa afirmao se consolida por meio das anlises das entrevistas semiestruturadas que realizei na pesquisa de campo, com sete pastoras batistas do Estado de So Paulo, bem como com trs lderes da OPPB-SP. Esta uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram analisados documentos oficiais da igreja, como pautas de convenes, atas, sites institucionais, peridicos e documentos no oficiais encontrados em redes sociais, blogs, jornais online, entre outros. Posso afirmar que as pastoras batistas esto se mobilizando para cumprir sua vocao, usando argumentos transcendentes que impedem qualquer pessoa de desafiar ou duvidar de seu chamado pastoral, pois: O vento sopra onde quer; ouve-se o rudo, mas no sabes de onde vem, nem para onde vai. Assim acontece com aquele(a) que nasceu do Esprito. (Joo 3.8).
O contexto batista predominantemente marcado por lideranas masculinas, destinando s mulheres apenas lugares e comportamentos socialmente estabelecidos, como a casa, o cuidado, a maternidade, a submisso, entre outras caractersticas que enfatizam a hierarquia de gnero. Mesmo diante do desenvolvimento econmico e da ocupao que as mulheres esto conquistando no campo pblico, a igreja e principalmente as igrejas batistas, permanecem fundadas em alicerces que exaltam o poder masculino em detrimento do lugar que deve ser ocupado pelas mulheres, ou seja, onde elas decidirem atuar. Caso elas decidam atuar num campo predominantemente masculino, tero que lidar com a desconstruo de um pensamento socialmente permeado de dominao masculina e com a rdua construo de um pensamento que vise a igualdade de gnero. O objeto desta pesquisa o ministrio pastoral feminino no contexto batista brasileiro. O texto analisa o discurso das Pastoras Batistas do Estado de So Paulo e o discurso dos lderes da Ordem dos Pastores Batistas de So Paulo (OPBB-SP) a respeito do ministrio pastoral feminino e a no filiao de mulheres na OPBB-SP. A importncia deste trabalho a de demostrar as relaes de micro poder existentes entre pastores e pastoras e concomitantemente as desigualdades dentro do contexto batista com relao ao ministrio pastoral feminino. Essa afirmao se consolida por meio das anlises das entrevistas semiestruturadas que realizei na pesquisa de campo, com sete pastoras batistas do Estado de So Paulo, bem como com trs lderes da OPPB-SP. Esta uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram analisados documentos oficiais da igreja, como pautas de convenes, atas, sites institucionais, peridicos e documentos no oficiais encontrados em redes sociais, blogs, jornais online, entre outros. Posso afirmar que as pastoras batistas esto se mobilizando para cumprir sua vocao, usando argumentos transcendentes que impedem qualquer pessoa de desafiar ou duvidar de seu chamado pastoral, pois: O vento sopra onde quer; ouve-se o rudo, mas no sabes de onde vem, nem para onde vai. Assim acontece com aquele(a) que nasceu do Esprito. (Joo 3.8).
The study aimed to understand the concept of women with physical disabilities about their ability to gestate, give birth or care a child. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with qualitative approach developed in three non-governmental organizations in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data collection occurred in the period from April to June, 2014, through semi-structured interviews, using a script composed by sociodemographic questions and a guiding one. It was obtained a priori the permission from the associations directors, the approval from the Research Ethics Committee, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE n 27442814.7.0000.5537 and the assent n 618.045, as well as the participants formal authorization by signing the Informed Consent Statement. Participated in the study 12 women, selected according to the following inclusion criteria: to have physical disability, to be aged 18 to 49 years old, and to affirm the existence of limiting characteristics from early childhood (0-3 years). The information obtained in the interviews were subjected to the precepts of Content Analysis according to Bardin, under the thematic analysis technique. From this process, three categories emerged: Conceiving motherhood in front of disability; Conceiving the capacity to be mother with disability; and Conceiving the support during pregnancy and puerperium period. As the theoretical framework we adopted the principles of symbolic interactionism proposed by Blumer. The discussion was supported by literature findings on women's health care in the context of reproduction. The interviewees conceive motherhood as an accomplishment and believe in their own ability to gestate, give birth and care a child. However, the desire for the maternal role tends to be influenced by adverse feelings and limitations raised by disability, social barriers and prejudices. They also referred the importance of support from partner, family and health professionals in the care of child. Upon these findings, it is understood that although there are barriers to the realization of their desire, these barriers were not enough to make them give up on becoming a mother. Therefore, it is necessary that health professionals, highlighted the nurse, be trained to care for women with disabilities in the context of reproductive health care in order to offer adequate support to their needs
Unplanned pregnancy is experienced by millions of women worldwide. Such fact increases the risk of abortion-related morbimortality, which represents a serious public health problem. This study aims to evaluate the advances and challenges of the implementation of Humanized Abortion Care at the Maternity-School in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research was evaluative, was preceded by an Evaluative Study, and resulted in a Case Study. The intentional sample totaled 102 subjects (60 users, 39 professionals and 3 managers). The collection techniques included documental analysis, semi-structured interview and observation with a field diary. The documental analysis was descriptive, while the Content Analysis by Bardin was used for semi-structured interviews and field diary. The Evaluative Study observed that Humanized Abortion Care is an evaluative program with preparation and pact of the logical model, of the matrix of indicators and evaluative questions. The Case Study showed that users were satisfied with the problem-solving capacity and access to the service; however, is also showed that they pointed out inadequacy in terms of environment, qualified hearing and reproductive planning. Professionals reported that the inefficiency of service consists of infrastructure and environment, which are considered inefficient and inadequate to humanized care, especially regarding patient accommodation, the lack of hospital beds, the reduced number of rooms in the surgical center and the lack of laboratory inside the maternity. Moreover, reproductive planning does not consist of an institutionalized practice in the service, and integrality with other services or partnership with the community is not in place. The Maternity Board emphasizes that the excessive demand of patients is one of the reasons that hinders the appropriate implementation of the technical standard. We then conclude that although satisfied regarding problem-solving capacity in terms of service and ease of access, there is room for improvement in qualified hearing systems, in the creation of a system to promote team work, implementation of ombudsman and satisfaction surveys. The right of shared choice did not prevail among users and health professionals with regard to the option of uterine evacuation procedure. Environment was the most mentioned category as that requiring more changes, seeing as a limited factor for the development of humanized and welcoming practices. Health professionals do not establish a periodic routine of planning practices, and such practices are not aligned with the Technical Standard. Incorporation of guidelines and availability of a plurality of methods and possibilities of choices for family planning are required. There is no institutionalization of reference and counter-reference, or partnerships with the community, which makes integrality of care not viable. The Standard needs to be included in the action plans of managers as one of the priorities in the construction of care strategies for women's health, in order to enable, allied to other initiatives, the real integration among safe conduct service, primary care network and social organizations. As a result, respect for human rights and adequate humanized care, as a way of attention and prevention of abortion, can be secured.
The process mapping is an important tool in the management of organizations, allowing better levels of productivity, quality and reciprocity concerning the implementation and decision-making. It benefits in a clear way the process organization and assures the manager a macro vision of the system. In this sense, the objective of this study is to describe the mapping process as it occurs in the Januario Cicco Maternity SchoolMEJC. The bibliographic and descriptive research included interviews, observations and researches in many databases. The study analyzed the limiting points of the detected flow trying to find a better comprehension of the flow of patients in the maternity in order to offer the gestors the information necessary to improve the quality of the assistance as well as a general view of the flow of patients and any change detected there. As a result, we believe that the process mapping may become a relevant factor to the organizational management of MEJC, in view that it is an element that can contribute to ease up the management of information studied, considering that the perfect change of information inside a complex system will produce improvements in all spheres of this institution.
This study focus on the reconfiguration of educational management in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, which was promoted by the new logic of social regulation and the new role attributed to the State, considering each country's own historicity. So, the cultural factors that interfere on the dynamics of the 90' school reform are analyzed. Aspects that show the homogeneity or heterogeneity of these reforms in the region, as well as local specificities that block out the concretization of the reform are underlined. It is shown that the historicity that characterizes the educational reform has taken, in each country, a form that can be called, in Mexico, conservative rupture; in Chile, conservative continuity; in Brazil, conservative renovation; and, in Argentina, interrupted rupture. Some conclusions about the impact of educational reform in the selected countries are recuperated through the analysis of 186 academic texts on the subject.
This article analyses the emergence and development of social policies for children and adolescents attendance that are in line with the development process of the Brazilian social protection system, focusing on some of the main representations attributed to childhood, according to the historical and political periods. It seeks to present the notion of childhood instituted under the constitution of the Brazilian welfare state, in such a way as to place it within the broader context of the historical and political transformations that involved the emergence and consolidation of the social policies directed towards children and adolescents in Brazil in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.
The purpose of this article is to develop some ideas that may contribute to the debate about the secondary education in Brazil, giving emphasis to the conditions existing in the educational institutions, the ongoing educational policies and the challenges posed by the social, economic and political reality of the country. It is also discussed the political, social and economic importance of the expansion and the compulsory character of secondary education as well as the school's culture dimension, in its relationship to the so-called knowledge society. Finally, the role of secondary education for the youth and the new demands it poses for teachers are presented, among some others aspects.
This article takes the concepts of biopower and governmentality as the starting point for an analysis of certain recent Brazilian government documents about the introduction of Philosophy as a subject in secondary school. In the 1980s, this argument centered on Philosophy's so-called criticism and its potential for preparing citizens for a democratic society, was used by the movements aimed to restore democracy in Brazil. This argument appears to have been assimilated by the Brazilian government, because it is stated in the Guidelines and Bases of Education Law, secondary school students should demonstrate knowledge of philosophy necessary for the exercise of citizenship. The argument also appears in documents such as the PCN and PCN+ (National Curricular Parameters) and OCEM (Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary School) in their chapters on Philosophy. These documents are examined here in the light of governmentality, making explicit how Philosophy is equipped to train young people according to what is understood as a modern democratic society.
Chemical research in Brazil has grown significantly in the past 20 years, largely thanks to the Brazilian S&T Development Program of the federal government (PADCT). However, the newly achieved levels of highly qualified manpower and research infra-structure require new research organization frameworks to make science, technology and innovation really useful and meaningful for the citizens. The current requirements for creating viable networks of academic and industry researchers are presented and discussed as well as some structural and procedural bottlenecks that have to be eliminated, to achieve maximum high-quality science, technology and relevant innovation output.
Chemometric activities in Brazil are described according to three phases: before the existence of microcomputers in the 1970s, through the initial stages of microcomputer use in the 1980s and during the years of extensive microcomputer applications of the 90s and into this century. Pioneering activities in both the university and industry are emphasized. Active research areas in chemometrics are cited including experimental design, pattern recognition and classification, curve resolution for complex systems and multivariate calibration. New trends in chemometrics, especially higher order methods for treating data, are emphasized.
Quimica Nova and the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society are two examples of successful initiatives taken by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ - Sociedade Brasileira de Qumica), and may serve as models for the scientific societies of developing countries. Pillars of the SBQ, these two periodicals are undeniable demonstrations that idealism, utopia and dignity are the essential ingredients for transforming dreams into reality. Few believed that the Brazilian chemical community would one day have, as it does today, two scientific research periodicals indexed in the principal international data banks.