918 resultados para Material culture
This paper provides a critical examination of the taken for granted nature of the codes/guidelines used towards the creation of designed spaces, their social relations with designers, and their agency in designing for people with disabilities. We conducted case studies at three national museums in Canada where we began by questioning societal representations of disability within and through material culture through the potential of actor-network theory where non-human actors have considerable agency. Specifically, our exploration looks into how representations of disability for designing, are interpreted through mediums such as codes, standards and guidelines. We accomplish this through: deep analyses of the museums’ built environments (outdoors and indoors); interviewed curators, architects and designers involved in the creation of the spaces/displays; completed dialoguing while in motion interviews with people who have disabilities within the spaces; and analyzed available documents relating to the creation of the museums. Through analyses of our rich data set involving the mapping of codes/guidelines in their ‘representation’ of disability and their contributions in ‘fixing’ disability, this paper takes an alternative approach to designing for/with disability by aiming to question societal representations of disability within and through material culture.
“Red coats and wild birds: military culture and ornithology across the nineteenth-century British Empire” investigates the intersections between British military culture and the practices and ideas of ornithology, with a particular focus on the British Mediterranean. Considering that British officers often occupied several imperial sites over the course of their military careers, to what extent did their movements shape their ornithological knowledge and identities at “home” and abroad? How did British military naturalists perceive different local cultures (with different attitudes to hunting, birds, field science, etc.) and different local natures (different sets of birds and environments)? How can trans-imperial careers be written using not only textual sources (for example, biographies and personal correspondence) but also traces of material culture? In answering these questions, I centre my work on the Mediterranean region as a “colonial sea” in the production of hybrid identities and cultural practices, and the mingling of people, ideas, commodities, and migratory birds. I focus on the life geographies of four military officers: Thomas Wright Blakiston, Andrew Leith Adams, L. Howard Lloyd Irby, and Philip Savile Grey Reid. By the mid-nineteenth century, the Mediterranean region emerged as a crucial site for the security of the British “empire route” to India and South Asia, especially with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Military stations served as trans-imperial sites, connecting Britain to India through the flow of military manpower, commodities, information, and bodily experiences across the empire. By using a “critical historical geopolitics of empire” to examine the material remnants of the “avian imperial archive,” I demonstrate how the practices and performances of British military field ornithology helped to: materialize the British Mediterranean as a moral “semi-tropical” place for the physical and cultural acclimatization of British officers en route to and from India; reinforce imperial presence in the region; and make “visible in new ways” the connectivity of North Africa to Europe through the geographical distribution of birds. I also highlight the ways in which the production of ornithological knowledge by army officers was entwined with forms of temperate martial masculinity.
The large contemporary French migrant population – estimated by the French Consulate at around 300,000–400,000 in the UK, the majority living in London and the South-East – remains ‘absent’ from studies on migration, and, in a study of migrant food history in Britain, is considered not to have left traces as a migrant community. Over the centuries, the presence of various French communities in London has varied significantly as far as numbers are concerned, but what does not change is their simultaneous ‘visibility’ and ‘invisibility’ in accounts of the history of the capital: even when relatively ‘visible’ at certain historical moments, they still often remain hidden in its histories. At times the French in London are described as a ‘sober, well-behaved […] and law-abiding community’; at other times they ‘appeared as a foreign body in the city’. This article reflects on the dynamics at play between a migrant culture associated with high cultural capital (so much so that is often emulated by those who are not French) and the host culture perception of and relationship to it, in order to consider what this may ‘mean’ for the French (and Francophone) migrant experience. French gastronomy and culinary knowledge is taken as an example of material culture and of cultural capital ‘on display’ specifically in the activity of dining out, especially in French restaurants, or in those influenced by French gastronomy. The social activity of dining out is replete with displays of knowledge (linguistic, culinary), of cultural literacy, of modes of behaviour, of public identity, and of rituals strictly codified in both migrant and host cultures. Dining out is also an emotional and politically-charged activity, fraught with feelings of suspicion (what is in the food? what does the chef get up to in the kitchen?) and of anxieties and tensions concerning status, class and gender distinctions. This article considers the ways in which the migrant French citizen of London may be considered as occupying an ambiguous position at different times in history, simultaneously possessing cultural capital and needing to negotiate complex cultural encounters in the connections between identity and the symbolic status of food in food production, food purveying and food consumption.
This introduction firstly discusses the ongoing paradigm shift in the study of transnational migration, in particular the emergent interest in the convergence of migration and material culture as the starting point of our investigation. Then it highlights three aspects that this Special Issue could further in the current study of migration and materialities: namely, historical consciousness in materialising migration experiences and the notion of generational transmission; the everyday experience of body as the site for mutual constitution between subject and object; and the unique value of a language-based, interdisciplinary-oriented approach for migration studies. In the final part, it summarizes the four articles that follow, highlighting the contribution that each makes to our overall objective of making a ‘material turn’ in migration studies, and discusses some ways it could be further developed.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude de la culture matérielle de l’Auguste, un navire de cartel ayant fait naufrage en 1761 au nord-est de l’île du Cap-Breton, en Nouvelle-Écosse. La date de 1759 marque la conquête de la Nouvelle-France par l’Angleterre. La France perd donc un important territoire. À la suite de la capitulation de Montréal en 1760, un Régime militaire temporaire anglais est mis en place et entraîne le départ de plusieurs membres des classes dirigeantes de la colonie vers la France. Leur rapatriement est effectué au moyen de navires de cartel, c’est-à-dire des vaisseaux voyageant sous drapeau blanc et transportant des « prisonniers », leur famille et leurs avoirs. L’Auguste, un navire marchand d’appartenance britannique, est réquisitionné à Québec comme navire de cartel à l’automne 1761. Un mois après son départ, le navire s’échoue dans la baie d’Aspy et fait naufrage en emportant à la mort la majorité des passagers. Plus de deux siècles après ces événements tragiques, un partenariat entre Parcs Canada et des plongeurs locaux a mené à la réalisation de deux campagnes de fouilles archéologiques à la fin des années 1970 mettant au jour une collection de plus de quatre mille artefacts. L’analyse de cette culture matérielle comprend notamment la mise en contexte de l’histoire et de la découverte du navire et un classement des artefacts selon des catégories fonctionnelles liées à l’archéologie maritime. Les différents niveaux analytiques mènent ultimement à l’intégration des données archéologiques dans la compréhension du rapatriement des élites au sein de l’État moderne et à l’établissement de liens intéressants entre les familles nanties de la colonie et certains artisans de Nouvelle-France. L’étude de l’Auguste a finalement permis de mettre en lumière la fonction de cartel du navire et d’établir et l’organisation maritime d’un voyage transatlantique pour le transport de passagers.
This article aims at analyzing the role of the objects of learning in the propositions for innovation of primary schools during the 20th century, highlighting the changes in the composition of school subjects having in mind the objects that were introduced and marked out as relevant for school modernization and those that remained or were redefined in terms of their finality and uses. The examination of three significant moments of the implementation of innovations in the elementary school is intended: the modernization by the intuitive method at the turn of the century; the propositions of Escola Nova between the 1930s and the 1950s; and the renovation represented by educational technology in the 1960s and 1970s.
En este trabajo se presentan algunas novedades de la investigación arqueológica altomedieval en el sureste de la Península Ibérica a la luz de los trabajos desarrollados en el Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete) y se discuten, en el marco del debate cronológico recientemente planteado, aspectos relativos al método arqueológico, la cultura material, el poblamiento y la edilicia visigoda.
This paper is based on the undergraduate dissertation of Lindsey Stirling, which was supervised by Karen Milek, and which won the Society of Medieval Archaeology's John Hurst Memorial Dissertation Prize Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible without the assistance of Dr Martin Goldberg at the National Museum of Scotland, Lynda Aiano at Tankerness House Museum, Orkney, and Beverley Ballin Smith. The authors also wish to thank the two anonymous reviewers who provided valuable comments on earlier versions of this paper.
This paper is based on the undergraduate dissertation of Lindsey Stirling, which was supervised by Karen Milek, and which won the Society of Medieval Archaeology's John Hurst Memorial Dissertation Prize Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible without the assistance of Dr Martin Goldberg at the National Museum of Scotland, Lynda Aiano at Tankerness House Museum, Orkney, and Beverley Ballin Smith. The authors also wish to thank the two anonymous reviewers who provided valuable comments on earlier versions of this paper.
Viral Bodies: Uncontrollable Blackness in Popular Culture and Everyday Life maps rapidly circulated performances of Blackness across visual media that collapse Black bodies into ubiquitous “things.” Throughout my dissertation, I use viral performance to describe the uncontrollable discursive circulation of bodies, their behaviors, and the ideas around them. In particular, viral performance is employed to describe the complicated ways that (mis)understandings of Black bodies spread and are often transformed into common-sense beliefs. As viral performances, Black bodies are often made more visible, while simultaneously becoming more opaque. This dissertation examines the recurrence of viral performances of Blackness in viral videos online, film, and photography/images. I argue that viral performances make products that reinscribe stereotypical notions of Blackness while also generating paths of alterity—which contradict the normalized clichés and provide desirable possibilities for Black performance. Viral Bodies forges a new dialogue between visual and aural technologies, performance, and larger historic discourses that script Black bodies as visually (and sonically) deviant subjects. I am interested in how technologies complicate the re-presentation of images, ideas, and ideologies—producing a necessity for new decipherings of performances of Blackness in popular culture and everyday life.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2016.
L'objectif de cette recherche est de fournir une analyse de la pièce de théâtre perse ''Marionettes'' de Bahrām Beyzā'ī (1963) ainsi que de sa traduction anglaise (1989) afin de comparer et de mettre en contraste les traits propres à la culture «Culture-specific items» (CSI) et des stratégies de traduction. Les formes problématiques pertinentes des différences culturelles seront étudiées et les procédés suggérés par Newmark (1988) seront examinés afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure ils sont pertinents dans la traduction des différences culturelles du perse à l'anglais. La pièce a été traduite par une équipe de traducteurs: Sujata G.Bhatt, Jacquelin Hoats, Imran A. Nyazee et Kamiar K. Oskouee. (Parvin Loloi et Glyn Pursglove 2002:66). Les oeuvres théâtrales de Beyzā'ī sont basées sur les traditions ainsi que sur le folklore iranien. L'auteur aborde la réalité sous une perspective philosophique. « (Un point de vue) enveloppé dans une cape de comparaisons complexes à tel point que nombre des personnages de son oeuvre errent entre des symboles de la mythologie et de l’histoire, ou sociaux» (M.R. Ghanoonparvar, John Green 1989, p.xxii notre traduction). La classification des éléments culturels de Newmark (1988) va comme suit: «Écologie, culture matérielle, culture sociale, organisations, coutumes / moeurs, gestes et habitudes» (Newmark 1988:95). La recherche mettra l’accent sur les procédés suggérés pour traduire les CSI ainsi que sur les stratégies de traduction selon Newmark. Ces procédés comprennent : «traduction littérale, transfert, équivalent culturel, neutralisation, équivalent fonctionnel, équivalent descriptif, synonymie, par le biais de la traduction, transposition, modulation, traduction reconnue, étiquette de traduction, compensation, analyse componentielle, réduction et expansion, paraphraser, distique, notes, additions, gloses» (Newmark 1988:81-93). L'objectif ici est de déterminer si les procédés suggérés sont applicables à la traduction des CSIs du perse à l'anglais, et quels sont les procédés les plus fréquemment utilisés par les traducteurs.