991 resultados para Marprelate controversy


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This article considers the manner in which police in Australia investigate art that is putatively indecent, obscene or pornographic. It does so by examining the recent Bill Henson controversy and other similar instances where art and the criminal law have collided. This analysis will demonstrate that under Australian law there is little or no chance of a successful criminal prosecution for obscenity, indecency or pornography. Consequently, it is argued that police investigative procedures must take account of this legal reality. To this end a reform proposal is offered: upon receiving a complaint of this nature, police must — as a matter of internal procedure or law — immediately refer the impugned artwork to the Classification Board for a classification decision before they commence a formal investigation.


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Byzantine society of the eighth and ninth centuries experienced a vigorous and often violent dispute over the status of holy icons. 'Iconoclasts' were deeply suspicious of any pictorial representations of Christ, the Mother of God, and the saints, and they therefore unleashed a wave of persecution against the use of religious images, while 'iconophiles' fiercely defended the veneration of icons as an integral element of the life of the church. The extent and magnitude of this controversy indicates that it was more than a mere dispute over competing conceptions of religious art. A number of deeper issues and concerns were at play, and in this paper I seek to uncover some of these underlying concerns and hidden agendas. In particular, I argue that the opposing factions in the iconoclast crisis were, at bottom, concerned with issues relating to salvation, power, idolatry, tradition, and access to the divine.


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This seminar paper enlists the controversy about vaccination in an attempt to illustrate how human subjectivity can be said to be always created discursively. It suggests how these discourses are often manipulated along irrational lines.


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Includes bibliography


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Acute type A aortic dissection is a lethal condition requiring emergency surgery. It has diverse presentations, and the diagnosis can be missed or delayed. Once diagnosed, decisions with regard to initial management, transfer, appropriateness of surgery, timing of operation, and intervention for malperfusion complications are necessary. The goals of surgery are to save life by prevention of pericardial tamponade or intra-pericardial aortic rupture, to resect the primary entry tear, to correct or prevent any malperfusion and aortic valve regurgitation, and if possible to prevent late dissection-related complications in the proximal and downstream aorta. No randomized trials of treatment or techniques have ever been performed, and novel therapies-particularly with regard to extent of surgery-are being devised and implemented, but their role needs to be defined. Overall, except in highly specialized centers, surgical outcomes might be static, and there is abundant room for improvement. By highlighting difficulties and controversies in diagnosis, patient selection, and surgical therapy, our over-arching goal should be to enfranchise more patients for treatment and improve surgical outcomes.


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The indications for screening and TSH threshold levels for treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism have remained a clinical controversy for over 20 years. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction is a common finding in the growing population of older adults, occurring in 10–15% among those age 65 and older, and may contribute to multiple common problems of older age, including cardiovascular disease, muscular impairment, mood problems, and cognitive dysfunction (1). In 2004, both the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2) and a clinical consensus group of experts (3) concluded that the existing evidence about the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and cardiovascular risks, primarily cross-sectional or case-control studies (4), was insufficient. For example, a frequently cited analysis from the Rotterdam study found a cross-sectional association between subclinical hypothyroidism and atherosclerosis, as measured by abdominal aortic calcification (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1–2.6) and prevalent myocardial infarction (MI) (odds ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.3–4.0) (5). Conversely, the prospective part of this study included only 16 incident MIs; the hazard ratio (HR) for subclinical hypothyroidism was 2.50, with broad 95% CIs (0.70–9.10). Potential mechanisms for the associations with cardiovascular diseases among adults with subclinical hypothyroidism include elevated cholesterol levels, inflammatory markers, raised homocysteine, increased oxidative stress, insulin resistance, increased systemic vascular resistance, arterial stiffness, altered endothelial function, and activation of thrombosis and hypercoagulability that have all been reported to be associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (1, 6).


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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the maxillary sinus is a relatively rare disease. As the reported incidence of regional metastasis varies widely, controversy exists as to whether or not the N0 classified neck should be treated electively. In this review, the data from published series are analyzed to decide on a recommendation of elective treatment of the neck in maxillary SCC. The published series consist of heterogeneous populations of different subsites of the paranasal sinuses, different histological types, different staging and treatment modalities used and different ways of reporting the results. These factors do not allow for recommendations based on high levels of evidence. Given this fact, the relatively high incidence rate of regional metastasis at presentation or in follow-up in the untreated N0 neck, and the relatively low toxicity of elective neck irradiation, such irradiation in SCC of the maxillary sinus should be considered.


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This contribution deals with psychological vulnerability resulting from marital breakup after a long-term relationship. Despite the existing vast body of consolidated knowledge on divorce and psychological adaptation, there are still several controversies concerning the vulnerabilizing impact of marital breakup. One major issue refers to the question of whether vulnerability after marital breakup is a temporary crisis or rather a chronic strain. In this chapter we want to present two possible methodological options to tackle this question: First, comparing a sample of almost 1000 middle-aged persons, who were married on average 19 years, and who experienced a marital split within the last 5 years (4 time groups), with a group of age-matched married controls with regard to various indicators of psychological vulnerability (such as depression and hopelessness). Second, comparing within the divorced group the most vulnerable individuals (in terms of depression, hopelessness, life satisfaction) with those who were the least affected, regarding intra-personal resources (personality, resilience), divorce circumstances, post-divorce situation, and socio-economic resources. The study results underline the vulnerabilizing impact of marital breakup, but at the same time they reveal individual differences in psychological adaptation especially due to personality, new partnership, economic resources, and last but not least due to time. Furthermore our data strongly suggest that there is not a generalized psychological vulnerability after marital breakup, but that the emotional dimensions such as depression or feelings of not overcoming the loss are more affected than the more cognitive ones such as life satisfaction.


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Total war is a controversial term used in the past by politicians, publicists and military officers as well as by computer specialists and academics in the present. Since its conception by French politicians during the First World War in a time of severe crisis (1916/17), it has become a term used by historians and other academics to cover a wide array of elements when looking at wars of the past. A real total war was and is impossible. Elements of total war – total war aims, total methods of warfare, total mobilization and total control – can, however, be identified and can serve as a useful tool for further transnational research on war.


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Caesarean section is one of the most frequently performed operations in human medicine. It has become a routine procedure with a very low morbidity and mortality. Over the centuries, it has emerged an essential achievement in obstetric medicine. In the presence of cephalo-pelvic-disproportion, cervical dystocia, malpresentation, preterm birth, macrosomia, placental insufficiency, placenta praevia or fetal distress it is crucial to improve the perinatal morbiditiy and mortality of mother and child. The procedure has become much more frequent over the past 20 years for multiple reasons. There is variety in incidence between countries but also regional differences. It's occurrence is being influenced by level of education and socio-economic status of the pregnant woman. In the meantime, also the longterm consequences of cesarean section are well known. The potential hazards for future pregnancies and deliveries are well described. Actual controversy addresses cesarean section on demand without any medical indication, which in fact is only seldom performed in Switzerland. The ethical justification of this procedure needs to be discussed in view of the current tendency towards autonomy and self-determination of the pregnant woman.