700 resultados para Marketing Social
La presente disertación tiene como objetivo la realización de un análisis que permita determinar la existencia o no de un alineamiento entre estrategia empresarial y prácticas de Responsabilidad Social que llevan a cabo empresas enroladas en dicha área. Adicional se plasma la propuesta en un modelo de gestión que sirva de orientación para lograr este alineamiento. El primer capítulo describe las generalidades de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), diferencias entre criterios y conceptos comunes como marketing social, marketing con causa y filantropía; además de un análisis de la guía de la norma ISO 26000 y comparación con normas similares. El segundo capítulo del trabajo presenta una exploración hacia el Consorcio Ecuatoriano para la Responsabilidad Social (CERES) y sus miembros. Adicional se procede con el análisis entre la alineación de estrategia y prácticas de Responsabilidad Social para lo cual se utilizó la aplicación de encuestas que permiten llegar a conclusiones de dicho estudio. Se realiza también un estudio de los modelos de gestión actuales con el fin de determinar si suplen o no la necesidad de la alineación. En el tercer capítulo se realiza la presentación del modelo de gestión de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial desde la estrategia empresarial, con su respectivo enfoque y detalle de sus componentes, actores, supuestos y riesgos para su ejecución y puesta en marcha. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones a las cuales se llegaron luego del desarrollo de este estudio.
O estudo busca investigar a atuação das grandes empresas varejista brasileiras com relação à Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE), procurando levantar o estágio em que estas se encontram, e se são aproveitadas as características do varejo de capilaridade geográfica, contato direto com a comunidade, forte vinculo com os clientes, interação entre funcionários e clientes e proximidade física de Organizações Não Governamentais e instituições públicas. Para tanto, foram utilizados conceitos relacionados à gestão, como comprometimento da cúpula, incorporação de valores de RSE na administração e no planejamento estratégico, autonomia e gestão de RSE nas lojas. A gestão foi avaliada pela ótica do contínuo de colaboração de Austin, e as práticas de RSE por meio da teoria dos stakeholders (públicos interessados), utilizando como base as dimensões dos Indicadores Ethos de Responsabilidade Social. A teoria de Kotler e Lee, para a classificação das iniciativas conforme os conceitos do marketing, também foi empregada. Conduziu-se uma pesquisa exploratória com cinco grandes empresas do setor varejista. Os resultados encontrados apontam que na maioria das empresas a incorporação dessas práticas é recente. Constata-se que as empresas diferem quanto ao estágio de RSE e que as características próprias do varejo não são aproveitadas em sua totalidade. Hipóteses são levantadas para que estas aproveitem a estrutura das lojas para atender às necessidades da comunidade local.
Segundo literatura específica do marketing, o tema de responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE) tem sido, muitas vezes, conduzido pelas empresas com o objetivo de antecipar o comportamento de consumidores que estão demandando cada vez mais esse tipo de iniciativa, configurando-se como uma ação de marketing social. Pesquisas indicam que, apesar de afirmar estar propenso a considerar as atitudes sociais das empresas em suas escolhas de compra, o consumidor não age de acordo com suas intenções declaradas, criando aparentemente uma lacuna entre intenção e comportamento de compra. O objetivo deste trabalho, tendo como ponto de partida a implantação de cobertura 3G na cidade de Belterra, no Pará, pela Vivo, é verificar a importância do stakeholder cliente dentro do contexto RSE da Vivo, por meio de dois pontos de observação: pela ótica das empresas, se o consumidor está entre os motivadores considerados pelos gestores no momento de decisão de investimento na condução de ações de RSE, e, pela ótica dos consumidores, se os brasileiros valorizam e legitimam essas iniciativas com a concretização do seu comportamento de compra. Partimos de uma extensa revisão bibliográfica sobre RSE, a fim de localizarmos, na literatura, como este tema tem sido atrelado ao campo do marketing. Em relação à observação dos motivadores das empresas, compusemos um estudo de caso sobre o projeto Conexão Belterra, tendo como fonte de informação revistas, blogs, entrevistas com executivos da empresa e pesquisa em um trabalho acadêmico dedicado ao levantamento dos resultados dessa implantação (CRUZ, 2002). Apesar de observar que a escolha dessa ação está alinhada com a missão e objetivo da empresa, exemplificando bem a relação entre seu negócio e a sociedade, essa decisão não teve o consumidor como um motivador-chave para sua condução. Em relação ao comportamento do consumidor, localizamos o trabalho desenvolvido por Öberseder, Schlegelmilch e Gruber (2011), cuja base teórica e metodológica, bem como o roteiro de pesquisa, serviu de guia para o desenvolvimento da nossa própria pesquisa empírica. Conduzimos uma pesquisa qualitativa, com 16 entrevistas em profundidade, a fim de explorarmos como as percepções acerca de ações de RSE interferem no processo de avaliação dos consumidores como critério de compra. Os resultados alcançados corroboram, em grande parte, os resultados da pesquisa de Öberseder, Schlegelmilch e Gruber (2011), embora tragam aspectos novos específicos do contexto sociocultural brasileiro.
Até a década de 1980 os temas sociais das grandes empresas não eram foco de interesse dos debates da área de estratégia. A globalização acirrou a concorrência e a competitividade entre as empresas. Todavia, existem aquelas que mesmo diante de um mercado mais competitivo não abrem mão do investimento na área social, seja por filosofia ou marketing. Essas empresas buscam contribuir positivamente para a melhoria do meio ambiente e com aqueles que estão envolvidos com seu negócio, como, por exemplo, funcionários, acionistas, concorrentes, entidades não governamentais e a sociedade de um modo geral. O discurso dessas empresas é a preservação do meio ambiente ao lado da emancipação social. Esta pesquisa se utilizou de uma abordagem crítica (foco social) em contraste com uma abordagem econômica (mainstream), para compreender como são elaboradas as estratégias de RSC através da voz dos atores envolvidos – “os praticantes de RSC” – observando se há predominância dos conteúdos críticos e/ou mainstream na prática da estratégia de responsabilidade social da empresa. Para que fosse possível atingir os objetivos inicialmente delimitados foi elaborado um estudo de caso único em uma empresa que declara ter em seu core business a prática de estratégia de responsabilidade social corporativa. A partir da revisão de literatura e através de dados coletados com gerentes internos, ex-funcionários, ONGs, entre outros, buscou-se compreender de que forma esta empresa lida com a dicotomia social e econômica na estratégia de responsabilidade social. Verificou-se que pode haver oportunidades para gerar valor tanto de ordem econômica como social, para os acionistas e stakeholders, nas quais a abordagem econômica e a abordagem social (utilizando os princípios do Critical Management Studies) podem conviver de forma interdependente sem se contrapor. Por outro lado, há que se ter cuidado para que a empresa não faça auto-regulação da estratégia social, legislando em causa própria. A RSC está presente no planejamento estratégico da empresa. O principal valor que estas estratégias têm dentro e fora da empresa é o reconhecimento da marca ligada a um forte envolvimento com a estratégia social e com o meio ambiente.
Currently, we attend a reverence of concepts ahead as health, life, youth and body. In we widen amount the ideals concerned to the healthful life, to the quality of life, the longevity and joviality and the extremities of the body represented by the illness, for the virus infection, the physical deficiency and the aging. Of the historical shades of the plague, of the hunger and the war that gagged the defenseless individual and its body, in the current days we increase the search for a full and powerful life, independent of a religious imaginary to predict the epidemic curse, the threat represented for the sick people and the incarnate divine anger in the death; or of medical science presented in the spaces of the technology and the physiology, being left fragile the social and psychological dimensions of the human confined to the patient issue and, finally, the commanded urban health politics in quantitative goals of hygienic cleaning, of the medical techniques and the education citizen. For beyond these instances, emerges in our days a plural, close and biographical agreement well of the body and welfare. On the other hand, an understanding of the healthful life and well-being that more certifies the presence of something the one that clear landmarks amongst normality and the irregularity, the esteem and the destructive vice: it has a projection of healthful life measures without conceptual models of body and health under the doctor-scientific standard occidental. This thematic one will confide in way to the enclosure for spaces to the muscles and fitness exercises and the bars from the city of Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, while comprehensive interchange concerning as the individual comes dealing with the notion the body and health and, mainly, if perceiving inside of its body and its health. Amongst these two spaces of typical leisure of the modern urban phenomenon, the hedonism bodily with its muscles and salience and one another form of hedonism in the fruition of allowed drugs will be across itself in a dialogue about which social s relationships are really in game in an imaginary construction amongst an doctor-aesthetic ideal of health and the social and subjective experience in the option for a healthful life
This study presents an investigation of the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in customer s satisfaction and loyalty through a study with car s buyers, besides that, it aims to contribute to conceptual models of satisfaction and loyalty analysis by applying the model of Johnson et al. (2001), adapted for the introduction of variables of CSR and conscious consumption, in a car dealership in Natal / RN. The methodology has a descriptive quantitative approach and for the analysis results were applied statistical methods of simple and multiple linear regression analysis, descriptive analysis and exploratory analysis. The field research provided 90 valid forms. The results show that CSR affects the image of the company studied and is also one of the elements of the compound of satisfaction and loyalty. This study concludes that CSR should be considered in the strategic and marketing actions of firms
Situated on Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 1998; MOITA LOPES, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009), this thesis, which is inscribed in a qualitative-interpretative approach of a critical analysis perspective , lies on the speech of social responsibility and the way like that is employed in seeking for legitimacy and prestige within the neopentecostal brazilian religious field, more specifically of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. The general goal of this research is t reflect upon the speech on social responsibility and the rethoric of selfpromotion of the Universal Church through the role of social actors in the making of his her identities, materialized in the newspaper Folha Universal. In order to achieve that, we have conjugated, in this research, social and discursive analysis. On the linguistic-discursive approach, the research is based on the Critical Analysis of Discourse (ACD), specially in Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2006), a proposal that provides theoretical-methodological tools to investigate the language beyond the linguistic structures , that is, the discourse, social practices in which it occurs and more ample structures. Theoretical assumptions were also used of Sistemico-Functional Linguistics(LSF), matching with categories of the Transitivity System of Halliday (1994, 2004), of the forms of representation of social actors in the socioeconomic perspective by Van Leeuwen (1997, 2008) and of the Appraisal system by Martin and White (2005). As we develop the argumentation on thesobre social role of religion in this thesis, we make use of the authors such as Freston (1994), Oro (1997, 2003), Campos (1996, 1999), Mariano (1999), Meneses (2008), among several ones. We have also used a series of concepts and categories coming from the field of communication and marketing on the business social responsability and social marketing . In this area, we take as references the contributions of Bueno (2003), Fossá and Sartoretto (2003) and Zenone (2006). The corpus of the work is framed by news taken at the newspaper Folha Universal, in which are given the social responsibility actions of the church . The timeframe used was on the editions of 2010 thru 2012. Results found at he analysis of the News lead to semantic features of Assessment of Affection, Judgment and Appreciation, many times followed by Gradation, and the Attribution, one of the subsystems of the Attachment, are evidence of positive assessments for the Universal Church and its agents and make up rethorical elements which provide structure for the discourse of the Universal Church at the newspaper Folha Universal consisted of its image (style) of social responsibility . Results show that the most frequente social actors of the discourse are, on one hand, the Universal Church itself and its volunteers, famous (actors, actresses, presenters), politicians and authorities, on the other hand, the population which was helped by the Church social projects . The first group seems to be Always activated, however the second one, most of the time rather passive. These are also represented by assimilation in most of the occurrences, however the other ones by individualization and nomination entitled by honorification, except for the volunteers that are represented either as an individual, or as a group
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
This study is the result of a bibliographical research on the performance of the Third Sector in the current society. From references the study tried to locate the sprouting of the Third Sector in the international scene, whit the bankruptcy of welfare state, until its insertion in the Brazilian scene. Following this historical context, the paper of Communitarian Communication, Social Marketing and Communitarian Public Relations is discussed the importance of the communication of this Sector. Moreover, it has the effort of making one brief conceptualization and definition of the present terms. Working whit the concepts of Communitarian Communication and Communitarian Public Relations the study tried to focus the importance of creating a bond whit the development of a new educational model. Finally, the relation and the paper of the Communication in the construction of a new conception of citizenship was discussed. The hypothesis that crossed this study with respect to the potentialities of the Third Sector are considered an answer to the current social economic and political questions. Confiding, thus, a dynamic and stimulating field for the professional of Public Relations that, opposing what some studies had tries to show, are not necessarily the service of the market or private interests, but can collaborate whit its expertise to help to rescues the ethical values capable to change the life into a more solidary society
The various changes occurring in society in the late twentieth century created a context of true technological revolution based on information. These changes resulted in three points: a new way to communicate with the emergence of new media and communication platforms; a new role assigned to organizations increasingly blamed for social problems, and a greater access to information by society, which forms more critical and demanding. The convergence of these three consequences observed strengthening of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and the importance of internal communication in their construction. This literature review and empirical research, based on a case study with the Junior Enterprise of Public Relations at Unesp Bauru, studied the role of Public Relations in the process of communication management as a facilitator of internal processes towards mobilization for Social Responsibility. It intent to see which are the main barriers to the inclusion of the concept too. The study shows the relevant current context itself, in which the concern with the changing social scenario should be seen as opportunities for growth. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility should be inserted into the organizational DNA to its consolidation, characterizing itself as a cultural and dependent matter of internal restructuring. The role of public relations in this context covers the management of communication and harmony of the interests of all public organization
This work points out innovative alternatives for increasing the visibility of nonprofits using the creative profile of the public relations professional through guerrilla marketing. By means of methodological literature and document the suggested proposal is that the public relations through a Strategic Planning, articulate actions of guerrilla marketing on behalf of third sector concerns increasing its visibility to the state's eyes, the private sector and company making the fundraising and the visibility of these entities increase with low cost, creativity and technique. How guerrilla marketing can encourage smaller competitor it is evident to face their opponents with great creative weapons, innovative and cost effective, providing improvement in the area of activity and easier to raise funds; especially in the third sector entities, which is moved without any profit, only for individual or collective will to solve social issues
There is considerable evidence that environmental variables can substantially influence consumer behavior in service settings (cf. Turley and Milliman, 2000). However, research to date has focused on the effects of the physical elements (‘atmospherics’), with the social aspects (customers and service providers) of the environment largely ignored. First, we provide a review of the extant literature drawing on four major streams of research from (1) previous marketing (servicescapes); (2) environmental psychology (approach–avoidance theory, behavior setting theory); (3) social psychology (social facilitation theory); and (4) organizational behavior (affective events theory). Second, we present a new conceptual model, the ‘Social-servicescape’. In this paper we argue that the social environment and purchase occasion dictates the desired social density which influences customers’ affective and cognitive responses, including repurchase intentions. Furthermore, we argue that customers play a key role in influencing the emotions of others either positively or negatively, and this largely determines whether they intend to return to the service setting. Implications of this conceptual model for theory and practice are discussed.
Deux concepts socio-économiques qui semblent être contradictoires à l'origine font l'objet d'étude de cet essai. Ainsi, par exemple, un auteur nous indique que: "Fille" de la misère et de la nécessité, la coopération a eu à l'origine pour objectif l'abolition du profit alors que, "Fils" de l'abondance, le marketing a été longtemps axé sur la recherche de la maximisation du profit. Cependant, dans le présent travail de recherche nous découvrons qu'il existe aujourd'hui le Marketing Social ou en anglais, Societal Marketing. Ce marketing d'implication sociale vise plutôt une augmentation de la qualité de vie de l'ensemble de la société. On a aussi essayé de démontrer ici que toute entreprise de type coopératif pourrait plus facilement se développer économiquement et socialement, en se servant directement des techniques marketing. L'application des principes de marketing dans la gestion d'associations coopératives nous a permis de faire ressortir les besoins, les alternatives possibles, les menaces ou risques, ainsi que les avantages qui s'offrent à ces types d'entreprises (du "Tiers monde"); particulièrement dans le contexte d'une petite association agricole et coopérative du Pérou. C'est à partir de l'étude de cas de l'Association de producteurs agricoles "Los Incas", de la région centrale péruvienne de Satipo que nous avons tenté d'appliquer les principes modernes du marketing, afin de concevoir un plan ou stratégie de développement économique et social de cette petite entreprise, en indiquant de façon générale le développement régional souhaité; et en dernier lieu, suggérer un plan national d'urgence à plus long terme.