963 resultados para Mapeamento de processos


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUÇÃO: A deglutição é um processo fisiológico complexo que acontece por uma sequência motora automática, regulada por um complicado mecanismo neuromotor e neuromuscular que é iniciado de maneira consciente e é resultado da integridade anatômica e funcional de diversas estruturas faciais. É de extrema importância para a nutrição do organismo como um todo. Um dos maiores desafios no campo das ciências é identificar os substratos neurais de comportamentos fisiológicos, incluindo esse processo de deglutição. O desenvolvimento da tecnologia em neuroimagem funcional nos últimos anos está provocando um rápido avanço no conhecimento de funções cerebrais, o que resultou numa explosão de novos achados em neurociência. OBJETIVO: Mapear as regiões de ativação cerebral durante o fenômeno da deglutição por meio do exame de ressonância magnética funcional. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo quatro indivíduos do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, sem alterações neurológicas, estruturais e alimentares. Após a aprovação da Instituição (Clínica Lobo), do Comité de Ética e Pesquisa do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde (ICS) e a aprovação escrita de cada paciente através do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, foram submetidos a quatro provas deglutórias, utilizando a técnica de ressonância magnética funcional. RESULTADOS: Foi possível a determinação da ativação dos hemisférios cerebrais e cerebelares e as especificas áreas que os compõem. Mesmo com uma amostragem pequena, os resultados das análises individuais mostraram padrões de acordo com a literatura, conjuntamente com dados novos. DISCUSSÃO: O cerebelo é responsável pela coordenação da ação motora e manutenção da harmonia dos movimentos, posição e equilíbrio do bolo alimentar; o bolbo raquidiano juntamente com o tronco cerebral constitui o centro de atividades reflexas que controla funções ou respostas orgânicas automáticas como a deglutição; o mesencéfalo é a parte do encéfalo que coordena a informação visual; o tálamo encaminha quase todo o tipo de informação sensorial para as zonas específicas do córtex cerebral; o hipotálamo, importante na experimentação das sensações de prazer, regula as funções homeostáticas do corpo, gustação, olfação, salivação, interagindo com o sistema nervoso autônomo e o sistema límbico está ligado ao controle e direção das reações emocionais, sob a ação da amígdala, no processamento de odores e no armazenamento de conteúdos da memória, aqui através do hipocampo. CONCLUSÃO: O ato de deglutir é um processo complexo, ativando muitas áreas cerebrais, dentre elas podemos destacar a gustativa, mental/visual e a olfativa e que é iniciado muito antes dos processos mecânicos envolvidos, conforme demonstrado pelas áreas corticais e subcorticais ativadas. A área olfativa foi a mais notadamente destacada nas imagens colhidas pela Rmf.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, mapear o uso da terra das sub-bacias dos córregos São José e Água do Ventura no ano 2000, e verificar, como esta ocupação vem atuando nos processos de assoreamento dos corpos de água. O estudo teve como base, um mosaico em escala nominal aproximada de 1:10.000, produzido a partir de fotografias aéreas verticais do ano 2000, em escala nominal aproximada 1:30.000. Os resultados permitiram constatar que a pastagem foi a maior ocupação do solo, com 430,89 ha, correspondente a 65,21% da área estudada. Devido ao manejo inadequado do solo, é a cobertura vegetal que mais produz sedimentos por ocasião das chuvas, merecendo cuidados especiais para evitar os processos erosivos do solo. Foi constatado também, que os serviços de adequação e melhoria de estradas rurais, executados nas estradas municipais BRU-030 (antiga Bauru/Piratininga) e variante da BRU-030, atingiram seus objetivos, pois, praticamente, acabaram com a erosão das estradas, permitindo tráfego o ano inteiro, reduzindo o custo de manutenção das estradas e aumentando o abastecimento do lençol freático, além de outros benefícios.


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This work aims to identify the main motivations and difficulties faced by Brazilian companies to obtain ISO 9001 certification. The key quality management practices that provide support to this certification and the relationship with other types of systems, such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), were also investigated. A survey research was conducted with 191 companies. The main motivations for implementing ISO 9001 are the following: internal organization improvement, production efficiency increase, and brand reliability improvement. Employee resistance was the greatest challenge found during the implementation process. On the other hand, the main benefits identified were: quality processes improvement and increased employee awareness of quality. The results reveal that the most common quality programs and tools used are: 5S, brainstorming, and Ishikawa diagram, while the least common are SERVQUAL and QFD.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Increasingly the business for large companies tend to sustainable actions. Such actions may have motivated social, environmental and economical too. Thus, the study of small actions or investments aimed at improving a product or a process may impact on financial return and even the exposure of a sustainable paper company, a fact that is increasingly wel l regarded in the market. This study presents proposals raised in the market and in the literature showing the cost of each investment, the payback over time and the benefits of each project to be implemented in a corporative building located in the city of São Paulo. It was analyzed the energy consumption, determining the amount of consumption of each device through measurement of some parameters such as voltage and operating current, and lifting nominal values supplied by the manufacturers. By understanding the conditions of each equipment and the processes involved, were raised possible energy improvements, focusing on the cooling system of the building, the tariff system and the installation of an energy management system


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This final assignment aimed to promote a critical analysis of methods of preparation mappings danger of landslide and presentation of proposed development from the use of participative method, as an instrument to facilitate the identification of adverse geological processes. There search was executed from literature review about concept associated with geological dangers theme and the typology and characteristics of gravitational mass movements. We analyzed particularly the so-called methods of mapping danger tradicional/classic and alternative. It is believed, that integrating the work of specialists with the participation of involvedagents (local community and stake holders). This literature review and proposed work do noted in itself. You need the continuing advance in the discussion, debates and research on this topic as well as public policies that act on problems identified more concretely


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The transport market has forced organizations reduce the cost of services and processes, resulting from the highly competitive and, for such waste at all levels and processes are a focus of study for its elimination. This study refers to carrier fractional loads, located in the municipality of Itapecerica da Serra Layout and headquartered in São Paulo, which requires a rapid development throughout its structure, because its expansion was not accompanied by an evolution of effective processes. The need to increase efficiency in delivery with a reduced cost of transport forced the company to hire a logistics consulting to help identify potential bottlenecks in processes, suggest improvements with greater impact and implementation at the end of a critical analysis of results. This work focuses on the Layout of the warehouse shipping area of this organization and we used the method of action research to the consultant and involved could reach this conclusion collaboratively, as well as interviews with those involved in the process and also visual observation. Tools such as Key Performance Indicator, Mapping Workflow, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Applied Statistics and Standard Operating Procedure were used to assist in the identification, analysis and implementation of the proposed improvements


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Geologic and geomorphologic mapping are important ways to characterize the environment, because they look to describe and diagnose landforms, identifying and understanding the morphogenetic processes, making it possible to comprehend the landscape dynamic. This work aimed to make a geological and geomorphological map, in a 1:10.000 scale, of the Morro Azul, the main elevation in the city of Limeira – SP, with the application of photogeological techniques and field descriptions. As final products are presented a geological-geomorphological map, a topographical profile, a slope map, beyond the main characteristics of the geological-geomorphological units of the area. This study presents itself as a preliminary work, and can serve as a subsidy to more specific works, such as geotechnics, environmental problems, among others


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Geological and geomorphological mapping is an important tool for the characterization of physical environment, thus enabling the planning and use of areas more efficiently. This work represents a geological- geomorphologic mapping on the scale of 1:20.000 in the rural area of Quirinópolis – GO town, where outcrop rocks of Paraná Sedimentary Basin, specifically the Bauru Group. Through the methodology of analysis of integrated elements of the physical environment, it was possible to delineate geological- geomorphological five units, which were characterized as lithology, topography, soil conditions, and operating processes, and the development of weathering profiles bring of great importance for planning of land use as occupation thus avoiding further degradation of the physical environment


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Studies of mafic-ultramafic bodies have been carried out through the years due to their great use on the interpretation of geochemical and geotectonic processes that took place in Earth's history. Amongst them, chromitites are notably recognized for being excellent indicators of their parental magma chemistry and of different geotectonic environments, as well for frequently containing associated noble metals mineralization. Thus the investigation of one of this ultramafic bodies that occurs inside the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt was proposed, resulting in a detailed map of the chromitites and country rocks, as well as innumerous new data on the chemistry of chromite and associated matrix and accessory minerals. These studies were based upon geological field observations, optic and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), besides electron microprobe and cathodoluminescence analysis performed at the “Eugen F. Stumpfl Laboratory” of the Montanuniversität Institute of Resource Mineralogy, University of Leoben - Leoben, Austria. The chromitites are composed of 40-70% in volume of chromite (~50% on average), 14-55% of talc (~30% on average), 3-60% of chromium rich chlorite (~20% on average), traces to 4% of iron hydroxides and traces to 3% of rutile (1,5% on average). The chromite occurs as large spherical aggregates or as fine grained subhedral crystals disseminated in the matrix. This aggregates have diameters of 0.3-1.5 cm (1 cm on average) and are extremely well rounded, massive to intensively fractured, and commonly deformed to ellipsoids. When observed under the microscope, these aggregates show well rounded to slightly irregular borders, but on their interiors, these structures are represented by fine to medium grained euhedral to subhedral chromite crystals that have sharp contacts between themselves. The rock's matrix is basically made of chlorite and talc that define a metamorphic foliation (Sn), being the talc an alteration product ...