75 resultados para Manns
Summary: Recent research on the evolution of language and verbal displays (e.g., Miller, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2002) indicated that language is not only the result of natural selection but serves as a sexually-selected fitness indicator that is an adaptation showing an individual’s suitability as a reproductive mate. Thus, language could be placed within the framework of concepts such as the handicap principle (Zahavi, 1975). There are several reasons for this position: Many linguistic traits are highly heritable (Stromswold, 2001, 2005), while naturally-selected traits are only marginally heritable (Miller, 2000a); men are more prone to verbal displays than women, who in turn judge the displays (Dunbar, 1996; Locke & Bogin, 2006; Lange, in press; Miller, 2000a; Rosenberg & Tunney, 2008); verbal proficiency universally raises especially male status (Brown, 1991); many linguistic features are handicaps (Miller, 2000a) in the Zahavian sense; most literature is produced by men at reproduction-relevant age (Miller, 1999). However, neither an experimental study investigating the causal relation between verbal proficiency and attractiveness, nor a study showing a correlation between markers of literary and mating success existed. In the current studies, it was aimed to fill these gaps. In the first one, I conducted a laboratory experiment. Videos in which an actor and an actress performed verbal self-presentations were the stimuli for counter-sex participants. Content was always alike, but the videos differed on three levels of verbal proficiency. Predictions were, among others, that (1) verbal proficiency increases mate value, but that (2) this applies more to male than to female mate value due to assumed past sex-different selection pressures causing women to be very demanding in mate choice (Trivers, 1972). After running a two-factorial analysis of variance with the variables sex and verbal proficiency as factors, the first hypothesis was supported with high effect size. For the second hypothesis, there was only a trend going in the predicted direction. Furthermore, it became evident that verbal proficiency affects long-term more than short-term mate value. In the second study, verbal proficiency as a menstrual cycle-dependent mate choice criterion was investigated. Basically the same materials as in the former study were used with only marginal changes in the used questionnaire. The hypothesis was that fertile women rate high verbal proficiency in men higher than non-fertile women because of verbal proficiency being a potential indicator of “good genes”. However, no significant result could be obtained in support of the hypothesis in the current study. In the third study, the hypotheses were: (1) most literature is produced by men at reproduction-relevant age. (2) The more works of high literary quality a male writer produces, the more mates and children he has. (3) Lyricists have higher mating success than non-lyric writers because of poetic language being a larger handicap than other forms of language. (4) Writing literature increases a man’s status insofar that his offspring shows a significantly higher male-to-female sex ratio than in the general population, as the Trivers-Willard hypothesis (Trivers & Willard, 1973) applied to literature predicts. In order to test these hypotheses, two famous literary canons were chosen. Extensive biographical research was conducted on the writers’ mating successes. The first hypothesis was confirmed; the second one, controlling for life age, only for number of mates but not entirely regarding number of children. The latter finding was discussed with respect to, among others, the availability of effective contraception especially in the 20th century. The third hypothesis was not satisfactorily supported. The fourth hypothesis was partially supported. For the 20th century part of the German list, the secondary sex ratio differed with high statistical significance from the ratio assumed to be valid for a general population.
Als Kräuter werden alle krautigen Pflanzen, die nicht zu den Gehölzen und zu den Gräsern zählen, bezeichnet. Sie erfüllen wichtige Funktionen bei der Förderung von Insekten und der Ästhetik von Landschaften und tragen zur Verbesserung des Grundfutters landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere bei. Ansaaten von Kräutern in geschlossene Vegetationsdecken und bei Neuanlagen sind durch deren langandauernde Entwicklungsphasen sehr schwierig zu realisieren. Eine innovative Option zur Etablierung in Grünlandbeständen kann die Herstellung von Kräutersoden sein. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Eignung von Kräutern zur Sodenproduktion. Durch unterschiedliche Merkmale von Kräutern und Gräsern können Probleme bei der Entwicklung von Kräutersoden auftreten. In dieser Arbeit sind verschiedene Anbauversuche mit Wurzelkürzungen und Ertragsbestimmungen sowie Sodenverpflanzungen, die Ermittlung eines optimalen Trägermaterials und Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines Sodenschneidersystems durchgeführt worden. Wurzelkürzungen an Kräutern ergaben, dass die Bildung der Gesamtwurzelmasse, der Wurzelneubildung und der Masse des Oberbewuchses bei einzelnen Kräutern nur z.T. im Zusammenhang mit der Schnitttiefe stehen und die Entwicklungsstadien der Kräuter keine signifikanten Unterschiede aufzeigen. Hieraus ergibt sich, dass ein Wurzelschnitt generell möglich ist, jedoch verschiedenen Arte von Kräutern unterschiedlich stark auf diesen reagieren. Zu den Entwicklungsstadien, zum Ertrag des Bewuchses und zum Anwurzelungsverhalten von Kräutersoden können in Abhängigkeit vom Vorzuchtsort und im Vergleich zu Fertigrasen keine abschließenden Aussagen getroffen werden. Es besteht daher weiterer Forschungsbedarf. Ein kombinierter Anbau mit Untergräsern eignet sich durch die wuchsverdrängende Wirkung nicht zur Stabilisierung von Kräutersoden. Es konnte aber gezeigt werden, dass Trägermaterial aus Kokosfaser durch die hohe Zugfestigkeit und der Langlebigkeit des Materials geeignet ist. Demzufolge könnte es bei der Produktion von Kräutersoden eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Das Design von Sodenschneidertechnik aus dem Fertigrasenanbau kann nicht auf die Erzeugung von Kräutersoden übertragen werden, da Kräuter andere Wurzelmerkmale als Gräser haben und sich daher spezielle Anforderungen ergeben. Für einen erfolgreichen Schälvorgang von Kräutersoden bedarf es der Entwicklung einer speziell angepassten Technik. Denkbar währe die Verwendung oszillierender Schneideorgane, welche den Schneidevorgang besser ermöglichen könnten. Dadurch, dass ein flacher Wurzelschnitt bei Kräutern erfolgen kann, ist eine Erzeugung von Kräutersoden möglich. Aufgrund von morphologischen Unterschieden zwischen Kräutern und Gräsern unterscheiden sich diese in ihren Anforderungsprofilen, die Techniken der Fertigrasenproduktion können somit nicht direkt auf eine Kräutersodenproduktion übertragen werden. Mit dieser Arbeit fand ein erster Ansatz zur technischen Entwicklung einer Kräutersodenproduktion statt. Die Versuche haben gezeigt, dass noch viele Fragen bei der Entwicklung von Kräutersoden offen sind.
Introducción: la insuficiencia renal crónica IRC ha aumentado su prevalencia en los últimos años pasando de 44.7 pacientes por millón en 1993 a 538.46 pacientes por millón en 2010, los pacientes quienes reciben terapia de remplazo renal hemodiálisis en Colombia cada vez tienen una mayor sobrevida. El incremento de los pacientes y el incremento de la sobrevida nos enfocan a mejorar la calidad de vida de los años de diálisis. Metodología: se comparó la calidad de vida por medio del SF-36 en 154 pacientes con IRC estadio terminal en manejo con hemodiálisis, 77 pacientes incidentes y 77 pacientes prevalentes, pertenecientes a una unidad renal en Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: se encontró una disminución de la calidad de vida en los componentes físicos (PCS) y metales (MCS) de los pacientes de hemodiálisis en ambos grupos. En el modelo de regresión logística la incapacidad laboral (p=0.05), el uso de catéter (p= 0,000), el bajo índice de masa corporal (p=0.021), la hipoalbuminemia (p=0,033) y la anemia (p=0,001) fueron factores determinantes en un 78,9% de baja calidad de vida de PCS en los pacientes incidentes con respecto a los prevalentes. En el MCS de los pacientes incidentes vs. Prevalentes se encontró la hipoalbuminemia (p=0.007), la anemia (p=0.001) y el acceso por catéter (p=0.001) como factores determinantes en un 70.6% de bajo MCS Conclusiones: la calidad de vida de los pacientes de diálisis se encuentra afectada con mayor repercusión en el grupo de los pacientes incidentes, se debe mejorar los aspectos nutricionales, hematológicos y de acceso vascular en este grupo.
Estudio cualitativo que analiza los abordajes teóricos utilizados por diferentes autores en la comprensión de la influencia de los recursos económicos en la actividad física desde los modelos de determinantes y determinación social.
The purpose of this thesis is to establish a direct relationship between literature and fields of knowledge such as science and technology, by focusing on some concepts that were fundamental for both science and the humanities at the beginning of the 20th century. The concepts are those of simultaneity, multiple points of view, map, relativity and acausality. In the spirit of several recent ideas, for example Katherine Hayles’ isomorphism notion, the dissertation shows how writers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann and Robert Musil developed the mentioned concepts within their narratives. The working hypothesis is that those concepts were at a crossroad of human activities, and that those authors used them extensively within their narratives. It is further argued that those same concepts – as developed by Joyce in Ulysses, Woolf’s shorts stories and novels from the end of the 1910’s until the end of the1920’s, Mann’s Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain), and Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man Without Qualities) — are still fundamental for our conception of time and space today. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first two chapters will analyse the concepts of simultaneity and multiple points of view and their relationship to cartography as developed within English literature and culture. The next two chapters will address the concepts of relativity and acausality, as developed within German literature and culture.
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection outcomes include liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and liver-related death.
BACKGROUND: Clinical outcomes of chronic hepatitis C infection in patients with advanced fibrosis include liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma, and death. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether sustained virologic response to treatment for hepatitis C is associated with improved clinical outcomes. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: 5 hepatology units of tertiary care centers in Europe and Canada caring for patients with chronic hepatitis C treated between 1990 and 2003. PATIENTS: Consecutively treated patients with chronic hepatitis C who had biopsy-proven advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis (Ishak score, 4 to 6). MEASUREMENTS: Sustained virologic response, defined as absence of detectable hepatitis C virus RNA at 24 weeks after the end of treatment, and clinical outcomes, defined as death (liver-related or non-liver-related), liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma. RESULTS: Of 479 patients, 29.6% had sustained virologic response and 70.3% did not. Median follow-up was 2.1 years (interquartile range, 0.8 to 4.9 years). Four patients with and 83 without sustained virologic response had at least 1 outcome event. Sustained virologic response was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the hazard of events (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.21 [95% CI, 0.07 to 0.58]; P = 0.003). The effect was largely attributable to a reduction in liver failure, which developed in no patients with and 42 patients without sustained virologic response (5-year occurrence, 0% vs. 13.3% [CI, 8.4% to 18.2%]; unadjusted hazard ratio, 0.03 [CI, 0.00 to 0.91]). LIMITATIONS: Because few events occurred in the sustained virologic response group, the study had limited ability to detect differences between groups in individual outcomes. In addition, the study was retrospective; selection and survival biases may therefore influence estimates of effect. CONCLUSION: Sustained virologic response to treatment is associated with improved clinical outcomes, mainly prevention of liver failure, in patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis.
Recent studies suggest that diabetes mellitus increases the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The aim of this study is to quantify the risk of HCC among patients with both diabetes mellitus and hepatitis C in a large cohort of patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis. We included 541 patients of whom 85 (16%) had diabetes mellitus. The median age at inclusion was 50 years. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 10.5% for patients with Ishak fibrosis score 4, 12.5% for Ishak score 5, and 19.1% for Ishak score 6. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed an increased risk of diabetes mellitus for patients with an elevated body mass index (BMI) (odds ratio [OR], 1.05; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00-1.11; P = 0.060) and a decreased risk of diabetes mellitus for patients with higher serum albumin levels (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.63-1.04; P = 0.095). During a median follow-up of 4.0 years (interquartile range, 2.0-6.7), 11 patients (13%) with diabetes mellitus versus 27 patients (5.9%) without diabetes mellitus developed HCC, the 5-year occurrence of HCC being 11.4% (95% CI, 3.0-19.8) and 5.0% (95% CI, 2.2-7.8), respectively (P = 0.013). Multivariate Cox regression analysis of patients with Ishak 6 cirrhosis showed that diabetes mellitus was independently associated with the development of HCC (hazard ratio, 3.28; 95% CI, 1.35-7.97; P = 0.009). CONCLUSION: For patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus increases the risk of developing HCC.
Cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remain at risk for complications following sustained virological response (SVR). Therefore, we aimed to evaluate treatment efficacy with the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent clinical endpoints. Mortality and cirrhosis-related morbidity were assessed in an international multicentre cohort of consecutively treated patients with HCV genotype 1 infection and cirrhosis. The NNT to prevent death or clinical disease progression (any cirrhosis-related event or death) in one patient was determined with the adjusted (event-free) survival among patients without SVR and adjusted hazard ratio of SVR. Overall, 248 patients were followed for a median of 8.3 (IQR 6.2-11.1) years. Fifty-nine (24%) patients attained SVR. Among patients without SVR, the adjusted 5-year survival and event-free survival were 94.4% and 80.0%, respectively. SVR was associated with reduced all-cause mortality (HR 0.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.48, P = 0.002) and clinical disease progression (HR 0.16, 95% CI 0.07-0.36, P < 0.001). The NNT to prevent one death in 5 years declined from 1052 (95% CI 937-1755) at 2% SVR (interferon monotherapy) to 61 (95% CI 54-101) at 35% SVR (peginterferon and ribavirin). At 50% SVR, which might be expected with triple therapy, the estimated NNT was 43 (95% CI 38-71). The NNT to prevent clinical disease progression in one patient in 5 years was 302 (95% CI 271-407), 18 (95% CI 16-24) and 13 (95% CI 11-17) at 2%, 35% and 50% SVR, respectively. In conclusion, the NNT to prevent clinical endpoints among cirrhotic patients with HCV genotype 1 has declined enormously with the improvement of antiviral therapy.
Why does Adrian Leverkühn choose a Shakespeare play for his major first and his first twelve-tone composition? Why in particular a Shakespeare comedy? And why, of all comedies, Love’s Labour’s Lost? Why does he start working on it in Munich? Why does his work there soon come to a halt? Why does it prosper only in Italy? And why does he eventually return to Upper Bavaria so as to complete it? Why is he said to have completed the opera exactly one hundred years ago? And why, finally, is it first performed only after the outbreak of the war and then, surprisingly, in a German adaptation? In order to answer these and similar questions, this paper sets out to re-contextualise Doktor Faustus with regard to discourse history and re-read the novel from a gender-theoretical perspective. The leading hypothesis is that Thomas Mann’s novel belongs to the proto-history of feminist Shakespeare reception, an assumption to be substantiated through an analysis of settings, locations and the constructions of space.