965 resultados para Man Ray, 1890-1976 -- Crítica i interpretació


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Copia digital: Biblioteca Valenciana, 2011


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Este tomo forma parte de una "Opera omnia" de Tomás de Aquino que consta de 17 v., publicada en Roma entre 1570-1571 por los herederos de Antonio Blado & Giovanni Gigliotti socios y algunos de Giulio Acconti , según el catalogo de la ICCU


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Cartel con orla tip. y esc. xil. de los Despuig


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Separata de: Revista Hispánica Moderna, t.II, nº 3


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Part I.

In recent years, backscattering spectrometry has become an important tool for the analysis of thin films. An inherent limitation, though, is the loss of depth resolution due to energy straggling of the beam. To investigate this, energy straggling of 4He has been measured in thin films of Ni, Al, Au and Pt. Straggling is roughly proportional to square root of thickness, appears to have a slight energy dependence and generally decreases with decreasing atomic number of the adsorber. The results are compared with predictions of theory and with previous measurements. While Ni measurements are in fair agreement with Bohr's theory, Al measurements are 30% above and Au measurements are 40% below predicted values. The Au and Pt measurements give straggling values which are close to one another.

Part II.

MeV backscattering spectrometry and X-ray diffraction are used to investigate the behavior of sputter-deposited Ti-W mixed films on Si substrates. During vacuum anneals at temperatures near 700°C for several hours, the metallization layer reacts with the substrate. Backscattering analysis shows that the resulting compound layer is uniform in composition and contains Ti, Wand Si. The Ti:W ratio in the compound corresponds to that of the deposited metal film. X-ray analyses with Reed and Guinier cameras reveal the presence of the ternary TixW(1-x)Si2 compound. Its composition is unaffected by oxygen contamination during annealing, but the reaction rate is affected. The rate measured on samples with about 15% oxygen contamination after annealing is linear, of the order of 0.5 Å per second at 725°C, and depends on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate and the dc bias during sputter-deposition of the Ti-W film.

Au layers of about 1000 Å thickness were deposited onto unreacted Ti-W films on Si. When annealed at 400°C these samples underwent a color change,and SEM micrographs of the samples showed that an intricate pattern of fissures which were typically 3µm wide had evolved. Analysis by electron microprobe revealed that Au had segregated preferentially into the fissures. This result suggests that Ti-W is not a barrier to Au-Si intermixing at 400°C.


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The X-ray crystal structures of (I), the base 4030W92, 5-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-2,4-diamino-6-fluoromethyl-pyrimidine, C11H9Cl2FN4, and (II) 227C89, the methanesulphonic acid salt of 5-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-1-H-2,4-diamino-6-methyl-pyrimidine, C11H11Cl2N4 center dot CH3O3S, have been carried out at low temperature. A detailed comparison of the two structures is given. Structure (I) is non-centrosymmetric, crystallizing in space group P2(1) with unit cell a = 10.821(3), b = 8.290(3), c = 13.819(4) angstrom, beta = 105.980(6)degrees, V = 1191.8(6) angstrom(3), Z = 4 (two molecules per asymmetric unit) and density (calculated) = 1.600 mg/m(3). Structure (II) crystallizes in the triclinic space group P (1) over bar with unit cell a = 7.686(2), b = 8.233(2), c = 12.234(2) angstrom, alpha = 78.379(4), beta = 87.195(4), gamma = 86.811(4)degrees, V = 756.6(2) angstrom(3), Z = 2, density (calculated) = 1.603 mg/m(3). Final R indices [I > 2sigma(I)] are R1 = 0.0572, wR2 = 0.1003 for (I) and R1 = 0.0558, wR2 = 0.0982 for (II). R indices (all data) are R1 = 0.0983, wR2 = 0.1116 for (I) and R1 = 0.1009, wR2 = 0.1117 for (II). 5- Phenyl-2,4 diaminopyrimidine and 6-phenyl-1,2,4 triazine derivatives, which include lamotrigine (3,5-diamino-6-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,4-triazine), have been investigated for some time for their effects on the central nervous system. The three dimensional structures reported here form part of a newly developed data base for the detailed investigation of members of this structural series and their biological activities.


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Creativitat i subversió en les reescriptures de Joan Sales se centra en la figura de l’editor i novel•lista Joan Sales (1912-1983) i pretén ressituar l’autor d’Incerta glòria dins del panorama literari català a partir d’una diversificació dels punts de mira des dels quals esdevé possible realitzar-ne un estudi. Com a base, s’han utilitzat les teories traductològiques de finals del segle XX, elaborades per autors com André Lefevere i Susan Bassnett, que situen la traducció, l’edició, l’adaptació, la crítica literària i la historiografia dins del terreny de la reescriptura creativa i atorguen un poder subversiu a totes aquestes activitats. Així, doncs, s’ha intentat modificar la tendència que, històricament, havia dut a considerar de manera negativa les reescriptures de Sales. Sota el paraigua teòric de la reescriptura, les manipulacions, els canvis i les intervencions esdevenen una eina que contribueix a l’evolució literària d’una cultura.