957 resultados para Major Protein
Lyme disease is a multisystemic disorder caused by tick-borne infection of humans or other mammalian hosts with Borrelia burgdorferi. If untreated, the spirochetes can persist in the mammalian host for months or years. The mechanisms by which Lyme disease spirochetes evade the immune response have not been determined. In this study, we have identified and characterized an elaborate genetic system in the Lyme disease spirochete B. burgdorferi that promotes extensive antigenic variation of a 34-kDa surface-exposed lipoprotein, VlsE. A 28-kilobase linear plasmid of B. burgdorferi B31 (lp28-1) was found to contain a vmp-like sequence (vls) locus that closely resembles the variable major protein (vmp) system for antigenic variation of relapsing fever organisms. The presence of lp28-1 correlates with the high-infectivity phenotype in B. burgdorferi strains tested. Segments of the 15 non-expressed (silent) vls cassette sequences located upstream of vlsE are able to recombine into the centra vlsE cassette region during infection of C3H/HeN mice, resulting in antigenic variation of the expressed lipoprotein. When compared to parental VlsE, VlsE variants progressively accumulate sequence changes during the period of 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days post infection in C3H/HeN mice. However, no recombination was detected during the period of 28-day in vitro culture, suggesting in vivo induction of VlsE antigenic variation. Adaptive immune responses do not appear to play a significant role in this induction, since similar recombination events were also observed in immunodeficient SCID mice. The $5\sp\prime$ and $3\sp\prime$ noncassette regions of vlsE are apparently not subject to recombination and sequence variation. The structure and sequence of the silent vls cassette locus is preserved during the process of the VlsE antigenic variation, consistent with a nonreciprocal recombination mechanism. This combinatorial form of antigenic variation could potentially yield millions of VlsE variants in the mammalian host, and thereby contribute to immune evasion, long-term survival, and pathogenesis of B. burgdorferi. ^
High concentrations of HDL cholesterol are considered to indicate efficient reverse cholesterol transport and to protect from atherosclerosis. However, HDL has been suggested to be dysfunctional in ESRD. Hence, our main objective was to investigate the effect of HDL cholesterol on outcomes in maintenance hemodialysis patients with diabetes. Moreover, we investigated the associations between the major protein components of HDL (apoA1, apoA2, and apoC3) and end points. We performed an exploratory, post hoc analysis with 1255 participants (677 men and 578 women) of the German Diabetes Dialysis study. The mean age was 66.3 years and the mean body mass index was 28.0 kg/m(2). The primary end point was a composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and stroke. The secondary end point included all-cause mortality. The mean duration of follow-up was 3.9 years. A total of 31.3% of the study participants reached the primary end point and 49.1% died from any cause. HDL cholesterol and apoA1 and apoC3 quartiles were not related to end points. However, there was a trend toward an inverse association between apoA2 and all-cause mortality. The hazard ratio for death from any cause in the fourth quartile compared with the first quartile of apoA2 was 0.63 (95% confidence interval, 0.40 to 0.89). The lack of an association between HDL cholesterol and cardiovascular risk may support the concept of dysfunctional HDL in hemodialysis. The possible beneficial effect of apoA2 on survival requires confirmation in future studies.
The discovery of the interaction of plant-derived N-alkylamides (NAAs) and the mammalian endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the existence of a plant endogenous N-acylethanolamine signaling system have led to the re-evaluation of this group of compounds. Herein, the isolation of seven NAAs and the assessment of their effects on major protein targets in the ECS network are reported. Four NAAs, octadeca-2E,4E,8E,10Z,14Z-pentaene-12-ynoic acid isobutylamide (1), octadeca-2E,4E,8E,10Z,14Z-pentaene-12-ynoic acid 2'-methylbutylamide (2), hexadeca-2E,4E,9Z-triene-12,14-diynoic acid isobutylamide (3), and hexadeca-2E,4E,9,12-tetraenoic acid 2'-methylbutylamide (4), were identified from Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra. Compounds 2-4 are new natural products, while 1 was isolated for the first time from this species. The previously described macamides, N-(3-methoxybenzyl)-(9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadecatrienamide (5), N-benzyl-(9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadecatrienamide (6), and N-benzyl-(9Z,12Z)-octadecadienamide (7), were isolated from Lepidium meyenii (Maca). N-Methylbutylamide 4 and N-benzylamide 7 showed submicromolar and selective binding affinities for the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (Ki values of 0.31 and 0.48 μM, respectively). Notably, compound 7 also exhibited weak fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) inhibition (IC50 = 4 μM) and a potent inhibition of anandamide cellular uptake (IC50 = 0.67 μM) that was stronger than the inhibition obtained with the controls OMDM-2 and UCM707. The pronounced ECS polypharmacology of compound 7 highlights the potential involvement of the arachidonoyl-mimicking 9Z,12Z double-bond system in the linoleoyl group for the overall cannabimimetic action of NAAs. This study provides additional strong evidence of the endocannabinoid substrate mimicking of plant-derived NAAs and uncovers a direct and indirect cannabimimetic action of the Peruvian Maca root.
A previous study in our lab has shown that the transforming neu oncogene ($neu\sp\*$) was able to initiate signals that lead to repression of the neu promoter activity. Further deletion mapping of the neu promoter identified that the GTG element (GGTGGGGGGG), located between $-$243 and $-$234 relative to the translation initiation codon, mediates such a repression effect. I have characterized the four major protein complexes that interact with this GTG element. In situ UV-crosslinking indicated that each complex contains proteins of different molecular weights. The slowest migrating complex (S) contain Sp1 or Sp1-related proteins, as indicated by the data that both have similar molecular weights, similar properties in two affinity chromatographies, and both are antigenically related in gel shift analysis. Methylation protection and interference experiments demonstrated these complexes bind to overlapping regions of the GTG element. Mutations within the GTG element that either abrogate or enhance complex S binding conferred on the neu promoter with lower activity, indicating that positive factors other than Sp1 family proteins also contribute to neu promoter activity. A mutated version (mutant 4) of the GTG element, which binds mainly the fastest migrating complex that contains a very small protein of 26-kDa, can repress transcription when fused to a heterologous promoter. Further deletion and mutation studies suggested that this GTG mutant and its binding protein(s) may cooperate with some DNA element within a heterologous promoter to lock the basal transcription machinery; such a repressor might also repress neu transcription by interfering with the DNA binding of other transactivators. Our results suggest that both positive and negative trans-acting factors converge their binding sites on the GTG element and confer combinatorial control on the neu gene expression. ^
La semilla es el principal órgano reproductivo de las plantas espermatofitas, permitiendo la dispersión de las poblaciones y asegurando su supervivencia gracias a su tolerancia a la desecación y a su capacidad para germinar bajo condiciones ambientales óptimas. El rendimiento y valor económico de los cereales, que constituyen la primera cosecha mundial, depende, en buena medida, de la eficacia con que se acumulan en la semilla sustancias de reserva: proteínas, carbohidratos y lípidos. El principal carbohidrato acumulado en la semilla de cebada es el almidón y la fracción mayoritaria de proteínas es la de las prolaminas (solubles en etanol al 70%); estas proteínas tienen muy bajo contenido en lisina, un aminoácido esencial en la dieta de animales monogástricos. Con el fin de mejorar el valor nutricional de la semilla de cebada, se han obtenido diferentes mutantes con un mayor contenido en este aminoácido. Riso 1508 es un mutante de cebada rico en lisina cuya mutación lys3a, de efectos pleiotrópicos, segrega como un único gen mendeliano. Entre otros, presenta una reducción drástica de la expresión de algunos genes que codifican proteínas de reserva de tipo prolamina, en concreto, presenta reducida la expresión de los genes que codifican B-, C- y ϒ-Hordeínas y del inhibidor de tripsina CMe, pero no tiene alterada la expresión del gen que codifica las D-Hordeínas. Este último gen carece en su promotor del motivo GLM (5’‐(G/A)TGA(G/C)TCA(T/C)‐3’), que es reconocido por factores transcripcionales bZIP. En este trabajo, el mutante de cebada Riso 1508 se ha utilizado como herramienta para profundizar en el conocimiento de la regulación génica en semillas durante las fases de la maduración y la germinación. Para ello, en una primera aproximación, se llevó a cabo un análisis transcriptómico comparando el genotipo mutante con el silvestre durante la maduración de la semilla. Además de confirmar variaciones en los genes que codifican proteínas de reserva, este análisis indicó que también estaban afectados los genes relacionados con metabolismo de carbohidratos. Por ello se decidió caracterizar la familia multigénica de sacarosas sintasa (SUSy) en cebada. Se anotaron dos nuevos genes, HvSs3 y HvSs4, cuya expresión se comparó con la de los genes HvSs1 y HvSs2, previamente descritos en el laboratorio. La expresión de los cuatro genes en tejidos diferentes y su respuesta a estreses abióticos se analizó mediante RT-qPCR. HvSs1 y HvSs2 se expresaron preferencialmente durante el desarrollo del endospermo, y HvSs1 también fue un tránscrito abundante durante la germinación. HvSs1 se indujo en hojas en condiciones de anoxia y HvSs3 por estrés hídrico, y ambos genes se indujeron por tratamientos de frío. La localización subcelular de las cuatro isoformas no fue sólo citoplásmica, sino que también se localizaron en zonas próximas a retículo endoplásmico y en la cara interna de la membrana plasmática; además, se observó una co-localización de HvSS1 con el marcador de mitocondrias. Estos datos sugieren un papel distinto aunque parcialmente solapante de las cuatro Sacarosa Sintasas de cebada, descritas hasta la fecha. Las cinéticas de expresión de los genes que codifican los TFs más importantes implicados en la regulación génica durante el desarrollo del endospermo de cebada, se analizaron por RT-qPCR en ambos genotipos, demostrando que los TFs de la clase DOF aparecieron desregulados durante todo el proceso en Riso 1508 comparado con el cv. Bomi, aunque también se observaron diferencias significativas en algunos de los que codifican bZIPs. Estudios previos indicaban que el ortólogo de BLZ2 en maíz, O2, se regula post-traduccionalmente mediante un mecanismo de fosforilación/defosforilación reversible, y que la forma defosforilada es la fisiológicamente activa. En este trabajo se demostró que BLZ2 está sujeto a este tipo de regulación y que la proteín-fosfatasa HvPP2C2 está implicada en el proceso. La interacción de HvPP2C2 y BLZ2 tiene lugar en el núcleo celular únicamente en presencia de 100 μM ABA. En el mutante Riso 1508, BLZ2 se encuentra en un estado hiperfosforilado tanto durante la maduración como durante la germinación de la semilla, lo que dificultaría la unión de BLZ2 a las secuencias GLM en los promotores de los genes que codifican B-, C-,y ϒ- Hordeínas y CMe. Summary The seed is the main reproductive organ of spermatophyte plants allowing the spread of populations and ensuring their survival through its desiccation tolerance and because of their ability to germinate under optimum environmental conditions. Yield and economic value of cereal crops, that constitute the first world crop, depend largely on the efficiency with which they accumulate in the seed reserve substances: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The main carbohydrate accumulated in the barley seed is starch and the major protein fraction is that of prolamins (soluble in 70% ethanol); these proteins have a very low lysine content, an essential amino-acid for the diet of monogastric animals. In order to improve the nutritional value of the barley seed, different mutants have been obtained with a higher content of this amino-acid. Riso 1508 is one lysine-rich mutant whose mutation (lys3a) segregates as a single Mendelian gene with pleiotropic effects, such as a drastic reduction of genes encoding the trypsin inhibitor CMe and the B-, C-and ϒ-hordeins, but has not altered the expression of the gene encoding the D-hordeins. This latter gene lacks in its promotor the GLM motif (5’‐(G/A)TGA(G/C)TCA(T/C)‐3’), that is recognised by bZIP transcription factors In this work we have used the barley mutant Riso 1508 as a tool for better understanding gene regulation in seeds during the maturation and germination phases. To this aim, a transcriptomic analysis was performed comparing wild and mutant genotypes during seed maturation. Besides confirming variations in the expression of genes encoding reserve proteins, this analysis indicated that some genes related with carbohydrate metabolism were also affected. It was therefore decided to characterize the multigene family of sucrose synthases (SUSy) in barley. Two new genes were annotated, HvSs3 and HvSs4, and its expression was compared with that of genes HvSs1 and HvSs2, previously described in our laboratory. The expression of the four genes in different tissues and in response to abiotic stresses was analyzed by RTqPCR. HvSs1 and HvSs2 were preferentially expressed during the development of the endosperm, and the HvSs1 transcript was also abundant upon germination. HvSs1 was induced in leaves by anoxic conditions, HvSs3 by water stress, and both genes were induced by cold treatments. The subcellular localization of all four isoforms was not only cytoplasmic, but they could be found along the endoplasmic reticulum and at the inner side of the cell membrane; HvSS1, was also associated with the mitochondrial marker. These data suggest a distinct but partially overlapping roles for the barley sucrose synthases, described so far. The expression kinetics of the genes encoding the most important TFs involved in gene regulation during barley endosperm development was analyzed by RT-qPCR in both genotypes. These data show that the genes encoding DOF TFs were mis-regulated throughout the process in Riso 1508, although significant differences were also found among some of those encoding bZIPs. Previous studies indicated that the BLZ2 orthologue in maize, O2, was post-translationally regulated by reversible phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and that the dephosphorylated protein is the physiologically active form. In this work we demostrate that BLZ2 is under a similar regulation and that the proteinphosphatase HvPP2C2 is implicated in the process. The interaction between HvPP2C2 and BLZ2 takes place in the cell nucleus only in the presence of 100 μM ABA. In the Riso 1508 mutant, BLZ2 is found in a hyperphosphorylated state in the maturation phase and upon seed germination; because of this, the BLZ2 binding to the GLM promoter sequences of genes encoding B-, C- y ϒ- Hordeins and CMe would be decreased in the mutant.
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is associated with several classes of plasma lipoproteins and mediates uptake of lipoproteins through its ability to interact with specific cell surface receptors. Besides its role in cardiovascular diseases, accumulating evidence has suggested that apoE could play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. In vertebrates, apoA-I is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein. ApoA-I may play an important role in regulating the cholesterol content of peripheral tissues through the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We have isolated cDNA clones that code for apoE and apoA-I from a zebrafish embryo library. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed the presence of a region enriched in basic amino acids in zebrafish apoE similar to the lipoprotein receptor-binding region of human apoE. We demonstrated by whole-mount in situ hybridization that apoE and apoA-I genes are highly expressed in the yolk syncytial layer, an extraembryonic structure implicated in embryonic and larval nutrition. ApoE transcripts were also observed in the deep cell layer during blastula stage, in numerous ectodermal derivatives after gastrulation, and after 3 days of development in a limited number of cells both in brain and in the eyes. Our data indicate that apoE can be found in a nonmammalian vertebrate and that the duplication events, from which apoE and apoA-I genes arose, occurred before the divergence of the tetrapod and teleost ancestors. Zebrafish can be used as a simple and useful model for studying the role of apolipoproteins in embryonic and larval nutrition and of apoE in brain morphogenesis and regeneration.
Thioredoxin, a ubiquitous 12-kDa regulatory disulfide protein, was found to reduce disulfide bonds of allergens (convert S—S to 2 SH) and thereby mitigate the allergenicity of commercial wheat preparations. Allergenic strength was determined by skin tests with a canine model for food allergy. Statistically significant mitigation was observed with 15 of 16 wheat-sensitive animals. The allergenicity of the protein fractions extracted from wheat flour with the indicated solvent was also assessed: the gliadins (ethanol) were the strongest allergens, followed by glutenins (acetic acid), albumins (water), and globulins (salt water). Of the gliadins, the α and β fractions were most potent, followed by the γ and ω types. Thioredoxin mitigated the allergenicity associated with the major protein fractions—i.e, the gliadins (including the α, β, and γ types) and the glutenins—but gave less consistent results with the minor fractions, the albumins and globulins. In all cases, mitigation was specific to thioredoxin that had been reduced either enzymically by NADPH and NADP–thioredoxin reductase or chemically by dithiothreitol; reduced glutathione was without significant effect. As in previous studies, thioredoxin was particularly effective in the reduction of intramolecular (intrachain) disulfide bonds. The present results demonstrate that the reduction of these disulfide bonds is accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in allergenicity of the active proteins. This decrease occurs alongside the changes identified previously—i.e., increased susceptibility to proteolysis and heat, and altered biochemical activity. The findings open the door to the testing of the thioredoxin system in the production of hypoallergenic, more-digestible foods.
The structure of truncated human apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), the major protein component of high density lipoprotein, has been determined at 4-Å resolution. The crystals comprise residues 44–243 (exon 4) of apo A-I, a fragment that binds to lipid similarly to intact apo A-I and that retains the lipid-bound conformation even in the absence of lipid. The molecule consists almost entirely of a pseudo-continuous, amphipathic α-helix that is punctuated by kinks at regularly spaced proline residues; it adopts a shape similar to a horseshoe of dimensions 125 × 80 × 40 Å. Four molecules in the asymmetric unit associate via their hydrophobic faces to form an antiparallel four-helix bundle with an elliptical ring shape. Based on this structure, we propose a model for the structure of apo A-I bound to high density lipoprotein.
Plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL), which protects against atherosclerosis, is thought to remove cholesterol from peripheral tissues and to deliver cholesteryl esters via a selective uptake pathway to the liver (reverse cholesterol transport) and steroidogenic tissues (e.g., adrenal gland for storage and hormone synthesis). Despite its physiologic and pathophysiologic importance, the cellular metabolism of HDL has not been well defined. The class B, type I scavenger receptor (SR-BI) has been proposed to play an important role in HDL metabolism because (i) it is a cell surface HDL receptor which mediates selective cholesterol uptake in cultured cells, (ii) its physiologically regulated expression is most abundant in the liver and steroidogenic tissues, and (iii) hepatic overexpression dramatically lowers plasma HDL. To test directly the normal role of SR-BI in HDL metabolism, we generated mice with a targeted null mutation in the SR-BI gene. In heterozygous and homozygous mutants relative to wild-type controls, plasma cholesterol concentrations were increased by ≈31% and 125%, respectively, because of the formation of large, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I)-containing particles, and adrenal gland cholesterol content decreased by 42% and 72%, respectively. The plasma concentration of apoA-I, the major protein in HDL, was unchanged in the mutants. This, in conjunction with the increased lipoprotein size, suggests that the increased plasma cholesterol in the mutants was due to decreased selective cholesterol uptake. These results provide strong support for the proposal that in mice the gene encoding SR-BI plays a key role in determining the levels of plasma lipoprotein cholesterol (primarily HDL) and the accumulation of cholesterol stores in the adrenal gland. If it has a similar role in controlling plasma HDL in humans, SR-BI may influence the development and progression of atherosclerosis and may be an attractive candidate for therapeutic intervention in this disease.
Growing evidence indicates that cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage, which includes peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and tissue macrophages, participate in a variety of neurodestructive events and may play a pivotal role in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer disease. The present study sought to determine whether exposure of PBM to beta-amyloid peptide (A beta), the major protein of the amyloid fibrils that accumulate in the brain in Alzheimer disease, could induce cytopathic activity in these cells upon their subsequent incubation with neural tissue. PBM were incubated with A beta for 3 days, centrifuged and washed to remove traces of cell-free A beta, and then applied to organotypic cultures of rat brain for varying periods of time. By using a cell-viability assay to quantitate neurocytopathic effect, an increase in the ratio of dead to live cells was detected in cultures containing A beta-stimulated PBM versus control PBM (stimulated with either bovine serum albumin or reverse A beta peptide) as early as 3 days after coculture. The ratio of dead to live cells increased further by 10 days of coculture. By 30 days of coculture, the dead to live cell ratio remained elevated, and the intensity of neurocytopathic effect was such that large areas of brain mass dissociated from the cultures. These results indicate that stimulation of PBM with A beta significantly heightens their neurocytopathic activity and highlight the possibility that inflammatory reactions in the brain play a role in the neurodegeneration that accompanies Alzheimer disease.
In inflammatory states, nitric oxide (.NO) may be synthesized from precursor L-arginine via inducible .NO synthase (iNOS) in large amounts for prolonged periods of time. When .NO acts as an effector molecule under these conditions, it may be toxic to cells by inhibition of iron-containing enzymes or initiation of DNA single-strand breaks. In contrast to molecular targets of .NO, considerably less is known regarding mechanisms by which cells become resistant to .NO. Metallothionein (MT), the major protein thiol induced in cells exposed to cytokines and bacterial products, is capable of forming iron-dinitrosyl thiolates in vitro. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that overexpression of MT reduces the sensitivity of NIH 3T3 cells to the .NO donor, S-nitrosoacetylpenicillamine (SNAP), and to .NO released from cells (NIH 3T3-DFG-iNOS) after infection with a retroviral vector expressing human iNOS gene. There was a 4-fold increase in MT in cells transfected with the mouse MT-1 gene (NIH 3T3/MT) compared to cells transfected with the promoter-free inverted gene (NIH 3T3/TM). NIH 3T3/MT cells were more resistant than NIH 3T3/TM cells to the cytotoxic effects of SNAP (0.1-1.0 mM) or .NO released from NIH 3T3-DFG-iNOS cells. A brief (1 h) exposure to 10 mM SNAP caused DNA single-strand breaks that were 9-fold greater in NIH 3T3/TM compared to NIH 3T3/MT cells. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of NIH 3T3 cells revealed a greater peak at g = 2.04 (e.g., iron-dinitrosyl complex) in NIH 3T3/MT than NIH 3T3/TM cells. These data are consistent with a role for cytoplasmic MT in interacting with .NO and reducing .NO-induced cyto- and nuclear toxicity.
Nel sesso maschile il carcinoma della prostata (CaP) è la neoplasia più frequente ed è tra le prime cause di morte per tumore. Ad oggi, sono disponibili diverse strategie terapeutiche per il trattamento del CaP, ma, come comprovato dall’ancora alta mortalità, spesso queste sono inefficaci, a causa soprattutto dello sviluppo di fenomeni di resistenza da parte delle cellule tumorali. La ricerca si sta quindi focalizzando sulla caratterizzazione di tali meccanismi di resistenza e, allo stesso tempo, sull’individuazione di combinazioni terapeutiche che siano più efficaci e capaci di superare queste resistenze. Le cellule tumorali sono fortemente dipendenti dai meccanismi connessi con l’omeostasi proteica (proteostasi), in quanto sono sottoposte a numerosi stress ambientali (ipossia, carenza di nutrienti, esposizione a chemioterapici, ecc.) e ad un’aumentata attività trascrizionale, entrambi fattori che causano un accumulo intracellulare di proteine anomale e/o mal ripiegate, le quali possono risultare dannose per la cellula e vanno quindi riparate o eliminate efficientemente. La cellula ha sviluppato diversi sistemi di controllo di qualità delle proteine, tra cui gli chaperon molecolari, il sistema di degradazione associato al reticolo endoplasmatico (ERAD), il sistema di risposta alle proteine non ripiegate (UPR) e i sistemi di degradazione come il proteasoma e l’autofagia. Uno dei possibili bersagli in cellule tumorali secretorie, come quelle del CaP, è rappresentato dal reticolo endoplasmatico (RE), organello intracellulare deputato alla sintesi, al ripiegamento e alle modificazioni post-traduzionali delle proteine di membrana e secrete. Alterazioni della protestasi a livello del RE inducono l’UPR, che svolge una duplice funzione nella cellula: primariamente funge da meccanismo omeostatico e di sopravvivenza, ma, quando l’omeostasi non è più ripristinabile e lo stimolo di attivazione dell’UPR cronicizza, può attivare vie di segnalazione che conducono alla morte cellulare programmata. La bivalenza, tipica dell’UPR, lo rende un bersaglio particolarmente interessante per promuovere la morte delle cellule tumorali: si può, infatti, sfruttare da una parte l’inibizione di componenti dell’UPR per abrogare i meccanismi adattativi e di sopravvivenza e dall’altra si può favorire il sovraccarico dell’UPR con conseguente induzione della via pro-apoptotica. Le catechine del tè verde sono composti polifenolici estratti dalle foglie di Camellia sinesis che possiedono comprovati effetti antitumorali: inibiscono la proliferazione, inducono la morte di cellule neoplastiche e riducono l’angiogenesi, l’invasione e la metastatizzazione di diversi tipi tumorali, tra cui il CaP. Diversi studi hanno osservato come il RE sia uno dei bersagli molecolari delle catechine del tè verde. In particolare, recenti studi del nostro gruppo di ricerca hanno messo in evidenza come il Polyphenon E (estratto standardizzato di catechine del tè verde) sia in grado, in modelli animali di CaP, di causare un’alterazione strutturale del RE e del Golgi, un deficit del processamento delle proteine secretorie e la conseguente induzione di uno stato di stress del RE, il quale causa a sua volta l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione dell’UPR. Nel presente studio su due diverse linee cellulari di CaP (LNCaP e DU145) e in un nostro precedente studio su altre due linee cellulari (PNT1a e PC3) è stato confermato che il Polyphenon E è capace di indurre lo stress del RE e di determinare l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione dell’UPR, le quali possono fungere da meccanismo di sopravvivenza, ma anche contribuire a favorire la morte cellulare indotta dalle catechine del tè verde (come nel caso delle PC3). Considerati questi effetti delle catechine del tè verde in qualità di induttori dell’UPR, abbiamo ipotizzato che la combinazione di questi polifenoli bioattivi e degli inibitori del proteasoma, anch’essi noti attivatori dell’UPR, potesse comportare un aggravamento dell’UPR stesso tale da innescare meccanismi molecolari di morte cellulare programmata. Abbiamo quindi studiato l’effetto di tale combinazione in cellule PC3 trattate con epigallocatechina-3-gallato (EGCG, la principale tra le catechine del tè verde) e due diversi inibitori del proteasoma, il bortezomib (BZM) e l’MG132. I risultati hanno dimostrato, diversamente da quanto ipotizzato, che l’EGCG quando associato agli inibitori del proteasoma non produce effetti sinergici, ma che anzi, quando viene addizionato al BZM, causa una risposta simil-antagonistica: si osserva infatti una riduzione della citotossicità e dell’effetto inibitorio sul proteasoma (accumulo di proteine poliubiquitinate) indotti dal BZM, inoltre anche l’induzione dell’UPR (aumento di GRP78, p-eIF2α, CHOP) risulta ridotta nelle cellule trattate con la combinazione di EGCG e BZM rispetto alle cellule trattate col solo BZM. Gli stessi effetti non si osservano invece nelle cellule PC3 trattate con l’EGCG in associazione con l’MG132, dove non si registra alcuna variazione dei parametri di vitalità cellulare e dei marcatori di inibizione del proteasoma e di UPR (rispetto a quelli osservati nel singolo trattamento con MG132). Essendo l’autofagia un meccanismo compensativo che si attiva in seguito all’inibizione del proteasoma o allo stress del RE, abbiamo valutato che ruolo potesse avere tale meccanismo nella risposta simil-antagonistica osservata in seguito al co-trattamento con EGCG e BZM. I nostri risultati hanno evidenziato, in cellule trattate con BZM, l’attivazione di un flusso autofagico che si intensifica quando viene addizionato l’EGCG. Tramite l’inibizione dell’autofagia mediante co-somministrazione di clorochina, è stato possibile stabilire che l’autofagia indotta dall’EGCG favorisce la sopravvivenza delle cellule sottoposte al trattamento combinato tramite la riduzione dell’UPR. Queste evidenze ci portano a concludere che per il trattamento del CaP è sconsigliabile associare le catechine del tè verde con il BZM e che in futuri studi di combinazione di questi polifenoli con composti antitumorali sarà importante valutare il ruolo dell’autofagia come possibile meccanismo di resistenza.
Casein is a major protein in cow's milk that occurs in several variant forms, two of which are beta-casein A(1) and beta-casein A(2). The levels of these two proteins vary considerably in milk dependent on the breed of cow, and epidemiology studies suggest that there is a relationship between their consumption and the degree of atherosclerosis. In the present study, the direct effect of consumption of beta-casein A(1) vs beta-casein A(2) on atherosclerosis development was examined in a rabbit model. Sixty rabbits had their right carotid artery balloon de-endothelialised at t = 0, divided randomly into 10 groups (n = 6 per group), then for 6 weeks fed a diet containing 0, 5, 10 or 20% casein isolate, either beta-casein variant A(1) or A(2) made up to 20% milk protein with whey. Some groups had their diets supplemented with 0.5% cholesterol. Blood samples were collected at t = 0, 3 and 6 weeks and rabbits were sacrificed at t = 6 weeks. In the absence of dietary cholesterol, beta-casein A(1) produced significantly higher (P < 0.05) serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels than whey diet alone, which in turn produced higher levels than beta-casein A(2). Rabbits fed beta-casein A(1) had a higher percent surface area of aorta covered by fatty streaks than those fed beta-casein A(2) (5.2+/-0.81 vs 1.1+/-0.39, P < 0.05) and the thickness of the fatty streak lesions in the aortic arch was significantly higher (0.04+/-0.010 vs 0.00, P < 0.05). Similarly, the intima to media ratio (I:M) of the balloon injured carotid arteries in A(1) fed animals (0.77+/-0.07) was higher than in those that consumed A(2) (0.57+/-0.04) or whey (0.58+/-0.04), but this did not reach significance. In the presence of 0.5% dietary cholesterol, the thickness of the aortic arch lesions was higher (P < 0.05) in 5, 10 and 20% casein A(1) fed animals compared with their A(2) counterparts, while other parameters were not significantly different. It is concluded that beta-casein A(1)is atherogenic compared with beta-casein A(2). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
During inflammation, many cell types release reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the respiratory burst. These ROS are potent oxidants of LDL and its major protein, apolipoprotein B. Whilst native LDL is taken up by endothelial cells via a feedback controlled receptor-regulated process, oxidative modification of LDL renders it a ligand for many scavenger receptors. Scavenger receptors include CD-36, LOX-1 and the prototypic macrophage SR A I/II, all of which are variably expressed. Uncontrolled uptake of oxidised LDL is implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In addition, oxidised LDL increases CCR2 protein and mRNA expression on monocytes, and thus may contribute to monocyte retention and perpetuation in inflammatory, unstable atherosclerotic lesions. However, little data are available on the effects of specific minor modifications to apolipoprotein B. In order to identify the sequence specificity and nature of oxidative modifications which confer altered properties on LDL, we have investigated the effects of modified peptides (which correspond to the putative LDLR binding domain) on LDL uptake by HUVECs and U937 monocytes.
A proportion of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) exhibit frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and some patients with FTD develop the clinical features of MND. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the pathological substrate of FTD and some forms of this disease (referred to as FTLD-U) share with MND the common feature of ubiquitin-immunoreactive, tau-negative cellular inclusions in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Recently, the transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) has been found to be a major protein of the inclusions of FTLD-U with or without MND and these cases are referred to as FTLD with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To clarify the relationship between MND and FTLD-TDP, TDP-43 pathology was studied in nine cases of FTLD-MND and compared with cases of familial and sporadic FTLD–TDP without associated MND. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the nine FTLD-MND cases suggested that variations in the density of surviving neurons in the frontal cortex and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in the dentate gyrus (DG) were the major histological differences between cases. The density of surviving neurons in FTLD-MND was significantly less than in FTLD-TDP cases without MND, and there were greater densities of NCI but fewer neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in some brain regions in FTLD-MND. A PCA of all FTLD-TDP cases, based on TDP-43 pathology alone, suggested that neuropathological heterogeneity was essentially continuously distributed. The FTLD-MND cases exhibited consistently high loadings on PC2 and overlapped with subtypes 2 and 3 of FTLD-TDP. The data suggest: (1) FTLD-MND cases have a consistent pathology, variations in the density of NCI in the DG being the major TDP-43-immunoreactive difference between cases, (2) there are considerable similarities in the neuropathology of FTLD-TDP with and without MND, but with greater neuronal loss in FTLD-MND, and (3) FTLD-MND cases are part of the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ overlapping with FTLD-TDP disease subtypes 2 and 3.