988 resultados para Magneto-optical trap


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In this paper, I review some recent high-precision Rydberg state lifetime measurements using a cold-trapped sample of neutral atoms held in a magneto-optical trap. The measurements were performed in rubidium for the S, P and D states varying the principal quantum number from n = 26 to 45 using the field ionization technique. The experimental results were compared with quantum mechanical calculations and good agreement was observed. This is an important demonstration of how cold atomic samples can be used to perform high-precision spectroscopy in the time domain.


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We have revisited photoassociative ionization (PAI) in a cold sample of Na atmos. A two-color experiment was performed ina magneto-optical trap through the addition of aprobe laser. The observation of a marked change in the PAI rate for a definite frequency range can be attributed to the influence of repuisive levels and a possible avoided crossing between long-range molecular levels. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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A free-running, temperature stabilized diode laser has been injection-locked to an external cavity diode laser for use in cold Rydberg atom experiments. Cold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) are excited to Rydberg states using a 10 ns laser pulse. The Rydberg atoms spontaneously ionize due to dipole forces, and the collisional ionization dynamics are observed as a function of atom density and principal quantum number of the Rydberg state, n. The injection-locked diode laser will be used as a repumper in conjunction with a dark spontaneous-force optical trap (SPOT) to increase the Rydberg state density. We report on the design of the injection-locked laser system.


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In dieser Arbeit werden vier unterschiedliche, stark korrelierte, fermionische Mehrbandsysteme untersucht. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Mehrstörstellen-Anderson-Modell, zwei Hubbard-Modelle sowie ein Mehrbandsystem, wie es sich aus einer ab initio-Beschreibung für ein korreliertes Halbmetall ergibt.rnrnDie Betrachtung des Mehrstörstellen-Anderson-Modells konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Austauschwechselwirkung und der nicht-lokalen Korrelationen zwischen zwei Störstellen in einem einfach-kubischen Gitter. Das zentrale Resultat ist die Abstandsabhängigkeit der Korrelationen der Störstellenelektronen, welche stark von der Gitterdimension und der relativen Position der Störstellen abhängen. Bemerkenswert ist hier die lange Reichweite der Korrelationen in der Diagonalrichtung des Gitters. Außerdem ergibt sich, dass eine antiferromagnetische Austauschwechselwirkung ein Singulett zwischen den Störstellenelektronen gegenüber den Kondo-Singuletts der einzelnen Störstellen favorisiert und so den Kondo-Effekt der einzelnen Störstellen behindert.rnrnEin Zweiband-Hubbard-Modell, das Jz-Modell, wird im Hinblick auf seine Mott-Phasen in Abhängigkeit von Dotierung und Kristallfeldaufspaltung auf dem Bethe-Gitter untersucht. Die Entartung der Bänder ist durch eine unterschiedliche Bandbreite aufgehoben. Wichtigstes Ergebnis sind die Phasendiagramme in Bezug auf Wechselwirkung, Gesamtfüllung und Kristallfeldparameter. Im Vergleich zu Einbandmodellen kommen im Jz-Modell sogenannte orbital-selektive Mott-Phasen hinzu, die, abhängig von Wechselwirkung, Gesamtfüllung und Kristallfeldparameter, einerseits metallischen und andererseits isolierenden Charakter haben. Ein neuer Aspekt ergibt sich durch den Kristallfeldparameter, der die ionischen Einteilchenniveaus relativ zueinander verschiebt, und für bestimmte Werte eine orbital-selektive Mott-Phase des breiten Bands ermöglicht. Im Vergleich mit analytischen Näherungslösungen und Einbandmodellen lassen sich generische Vielteilchen- und Korrelationseffekte von typischen Mehrband- und Einteilcheneffekten differenzieren.rnrnDas zweite untersuchte Hubbard-Modell beschreibt eine magneto-optische Falle mit einer endlichen Anzahl Gitterplätze, in welcher fermionische Atome platziert sind. Es wird eine z-antiferromagnetische Phase unter Berücksichtigung nicht-lokaler Vielteilchenkorrelationen erhalten, und dabei werden bekannte Ergebnisse einer effektiven Einteilchenbeschreibung verbessert.rnrnDas korrelierte Halbmetall wird im Rahmen einer Mehrbandrechnung im Hinblick auf Korrelationseffekte untersucht. Ausgangspunkt ist eine ab initio-Beschreibung durch die Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT), welche dann durch die Hinzunahme lokaler Korrelationen ergänzt wird. Die Vielteilcheneffekte werden an Hand einer einfachen Wechselwirkungsnäherung verdeutlicht, und für ein Wechselwirkungsmodell in sphärischer Symmetrie präzisiert. Es ergibt sich nur eine schwache Quasiteilchenrenormierung. Besonders für röntgenspektroskopische Experimente wird eine gute Übereinstimmung erzielt.rnrnDie numerischen Ergebnisse für das Jz-Modell basieren auf Quanten-Monte-Carlo-Simulationen im Rahmen der dynamischen Molekularfeldtheorie (DMFT). Für alle anderen Systeme wird ein Mehrband-Algorithmus entwickelt und implementiert, welcher explizit nicht-diagonale Mehrbandprozesse berücksichtigt.rnrn


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We describe the construction and characterization of a new apparatus that can produce degenerate quantum gases of strontium. The realization of degenerate gases is an important first step toward future studies of quantum magnetism. Three of the four stable isotopes of strontium have been cooled into the degenerate regime. The experiment can make nearly pure Bose-Einstein condensates containing approximately 1x10^4 atoms, for strontium-86, and approximately 4x10^5 atoms, for strontium-84. We have also created degenerate Fermi gases of strontium-87 with a reduced temperature, T/T_F of approximately 0.2. The apparatus will be able to produce Bose-Einstein condensates of strontium-88 with straightforward modifications. We also report the first experimental and theoretical results from the strontium project. We have developed a technique to accelerate the continuous loading of strontium atoms into a magnetic trap. By applying a laser addressing the 3P1 to 3S1 transition in our magneto-optical trap, the rate at which atoms populate the magnetically-trapped 3P2 state can be increased by up to 65%. Quantum degenerate gases of atoms in the metastable 3P0 and 3P2 states are a promising platform for quantum simulation of systems with long-range interactions. We have performed an initial numerical study of a method to transfer the ground state degenerate gases that we can currently produce into one of the metastable states via a three-photon transition. Numerical simulations of the Optical Bloch equations governing the three-photon transition indicate that >90% of a ground state degenerate gas can be transferred into a metastable state.


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This dissertation reports experimental studies of nonlinear optical effects manifested by electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in cold Rb atoms. The cold Rb atoms are confined in a magneto-optic trap (MOT) obtained with the standard laser cooling and trapping technique. Because of the near zero Doppler shift and a high phase density, the cold Rb sample is well suited for studies of atomic coherence and interference and related applications, and the experiments can be compared quantitatively with theoretical calculations. It is shown that with EIT induced in the multi-level Rb system by laser fields, the linear absorption is suppressed and the nonlinear susceptibility is enhanced, which enables studies of nonlinear optics in the cold atoms with slow photons and at low light intensities. Three independent experiments are described and the experimental results are presented. First, an experimental method that can produce simultaneously co-propagating slow and fast light pulses is discussed and the experimental demonstration is reported. Second, it is shown that in a three-level Rb system coupled by multi-color laser fields, the multi-channel two-photon Raman transitions can be manipulated by the relative phase and frequency of a control laser field. Third, a scheme for all-optical switching near single photon levels is developed. The scheme is based on the phase-dependent multi-photon interference in a coherently coupled four-level system. The phase dependent multi-photon interference is observed and switching of a single light pulse by a control pulse containing ∼20 photons is demonstrated. These experimental studies reveal new phenomena manifested by quantum coherence and interference in cold atoms, contribute to the advancement of fundamental quantum optics and nonlinear optics at ultra-low light intensities, and may lead to the development of new techniques to control quantum states of atoms and photons, which will be useful for applications in quantum measurements and quantum photonic devices.


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This thesis consists of two parts; in the first part we performed a single-molecule force extension measurement with 10kb long DNA-molecules from phage-λ to validate the calibration and single-molecule capability of our optical tweezers instrument. Fitting the worm-like chain interpolation formula to the data revealed that ca. 71% of the DNA tethers featured a contour length within ±15% of the expected value (3.38 µm). Only 25% of the found DNA had a persistence length between 30 and 60 nm. The correct value should be within 40 to 60 nm. In the second part we designed and built a precise temperature controller to remove thermal fluctuations that cause drifting of the optical trap. The controller uses feed-forward and PID (proportional-integral-derivative) feedback to achieve 1.58 mK precision and 0.3 K absolute accuracy. During a 5 min test run it reduced drifting of the trap from 1.4 nm/min in open-loop to 0.6 nm/min in closed-loop.


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We report that the average rotation speed of optically trapped crenated erythrocytes is direct signature of their membrane deformability. When placed in hypertonic buffer, discocytic erythrocytes are subjected to crenation. The deformation of cells brings in chirality and asymmetry in shape that makes them rotate under the scattering force of a linearly polarized optical trap. A change in the deformability of the erythrocytes, due to any internal or environmental factor, affects the rotation speed of the trapped crenated cells. Here we show how the increment in erythrocyte membrane rigidity with adsorption of Ca++ ions can be exhibited through this approach.


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We report magnetic trapping of Yb in the excited P-3(2) state. This state, with a lifetime of 15 s, could play an important role in studies ranging from optical clocks and quantum computation to the search for a permanent electric dipole moment. Yb atoms are first cooled and trapped in the ground state in a 399-nm magneto-optic trap. The cold atoms are then pumped into the excited state by driving the S-1(0) -> P-3(1) -> S-3(1) transition. Atoms in the P-3(2) state are magnetically trapped in a spherical quadrupole field with an axial gradient of 110 G/cm. We trap up to 10(6) atoms with a lifetime of 1.5 s.


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In this paper we demonstrate the design of a low-cost optical current sensor. The sensor principle is the Faraday rotation of a light beam through a magneto-optical material, SF2, when a magnetic field is present. The prototype has a high sensitivity and a high linearity for currents ranging from 0 up to 800 A. The error of the optical fibre sensor is smaller than 1% for electric currents over 175 A.


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Illumination of an optically levitated particle with an intensity-modulated transverse beam induces a transverse vibration of a particle in an optical trap. Based on this, the trapping force of a trap can be measured. Using an intensity-modulated longitudinal levitating beam causes a particle to move vertically, allowing for the determination of some aerodynamic parameters of a particle in air. The principles and the experimental phenomena are described and the initial results are given. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, the evolution of the gradient force pattern, focal shift, and focal switch induced by a three-portion pure phase-shifting apodizer is numerically investigated in detail. The results show that the proposed apodizer may induce tunable gradient force on the particles in the focal region, focal shift, and focal switch. By adjusting the geometrical parameters of the phase-shifting apodizer, multiple traps may occur with changeable distance between them, and the shape of the optical trap also evolves evidently. More interestingly, for certain geometrical parameters of the proposed apodizer, by changing the phase shift of inner annular portion, the considerable focal shift may occur with focal switch accompanying, which is discussed to show that this kind of apodizer may be a very promising method of transporting trapped particles. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In this paper the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of amorphous rare earth-transition metal (RE-TM) alloys as well as the magnetic coupling in the multi-layer thin films for high density optical data storage are presented. Using magnetic effect in scanning tunneling microscopy the clusters structure of amorphous RE-TM thin films has been observed and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in amorphous RE-TM thin films has been interpreted. Experimental results of quick phase transformation under short pulse laser irradiation of amorphous semiconductor and metallic alloy thin films for phase change optical recording are reported. A step-by-step phase transformation process through metastable states has been observed. The waveform of crystallization propagation in micro-size spot during laser recording in amorphous semiconductor thin films is characterized and quick recording and erasing mechanism for optical data storage with high performance are discussed. The nonlinear optical effects in amorphous alloy thin films have been studied. By photo-thermal effect or third order optical nonlinearity, the optical self-focusing is observed in amorphous mask thin films. The application of amorphous thin films with super-resolution near field structure for high-density optical data storage is performed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetoexcitonic optical absorption of a GaAs bulk semiconductor driven by a terahertz (THz) field is investigated numerically. The method of the solution of the initial-value problem, in combination with the perfect matched layer technique, is used to calculate the optical susceptibility, with Coulomb interaction, Landau quantization, and THz fields involved nonperturbatively. It shows that there appear replicas and sidebands of magnetoexciton of different Landau levels, which greatly enrich the magneto-optical spectrum in the presence of a driving THz field. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008.