995 resultados para Magnesium Zinc Precipitates


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The physicochemical electronic characteristics of SnO2 render it useful in many technical applications, including ceramic varistors, stable electrodes used in electric glass-melting furnaces and electrometallurgy of aluminum, transparent windows and chemical sensors. The use of ZnO as a sintering aid was explored in this study to obtain SnO2 as a dense ceramic. Compacts were obtained by mechanical mixing of oxides, isostatic pressing at 210 MPa and sintering in situ inside a dilatometer at heating rates of 10degreesC/min. The grain size and microstructure were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). The phases and chemical composition were analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicated that ZnO acts as a densification aid for SnO2, improving its grain growth with additions of up to 2 mol%. ZnO forms a solid solution with SnO2 UP to 1 mol%, above which SnZnO3 precipitates in the grain boundary, potentially inhibiting shrinkage and grain growth. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers


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The simultaneous formation of nanometer sized zinc oxide (ZnO), and acetate zinc hydroxide double salt (Zn-HDS) is described. These phases, obtained using the sol-gel synthesis route based on zinc acetate salt in alcoholic media, were identified by direct characterization of the reaction products in solution using complementary techniques: nephelometry, in situ Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), UV-Vis spectroscopy and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structures (EXAFS). In particular, the hydrolytic pathway of ethanolic zinc acetate precursor solutions promoted by addition of water with the molar ratio N = [H2O]/[Zn2+] = 0.05 was investigated in this paper. The aim was to understand the formation mechanism of ZnO colloidal suspension and to reveal the factors responsible for the formation of Zn-HDS in the final precipitates. The growth mechanism of ZnO nanoparticles is based on primary particle (radius approximate to 1.5 nm) rotation inside the primary aggregate (radius < 3.5 nm) giving rise to an epitaxial attachment of particles and then subsequent coalescence. The growth of second ZnO aggregates is not associated with the Otswald ripening, and could be associated with changes in equilibrium between solute species induced by the superficial etching of Zn-HDS particles at the advanced stage of kinetic.


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Layered Fe-Mn crusts from the off-axis region of the first segment of the Central Indian Ridge north of the Rodrigues Triple Junction were studied geochemically and mineralogically. Vernadite (delta-MnO2) is the main mineral oxide phase. 230Thxs and Co concentrations suggest high growth rates of up to 29 mm/Myr and a maximum age of the basal crust layer of 1 Ma. Whereas most of the major and minor elements show concentrations which are typical of hydrogenetic formation, Co, Pb, Ni and Ti concentrations are strikingly lower. Concentrations and distribution of the strictly trivalent rare-earths and yttrium (REY) are typical of hydrogenetic ferromanganese oxide precipitates, but in marked contrast, the crusts are characterized by negative CeSN (shale normalized) anomalies and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios less than unity. Profiles through the crusts reveal only minor variations of the REY distribution and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios range from 0.45 to 0.68 (compared to ratios of up to 2 for typical hydrogenetic crusts from the Central Indian Basin). The apparent bulk partition coefficients between the crusts and seawater suggest that for the strictly trivalent REY the adsorption-desorption equilibrium has been reached. Positive Ce anomalies in the partition coefficient patterns reveal preferential uptake of Ce, but to a lesser extent than in normal hydrogenetic crusts. A new parameter (excess Ce, Cexs) to quantify the degree of decoupling of Ce from REY(III) is established on the basis of partition coefficients. Cexs/Cebulk ratios suggest that the CIR crusts formed by precipitation of Fe-Mn oxides from a hydrothermal plume and that in hydrothermal plumes and normal seawater the enrichment of Ce results from the same oxidative sorption process. The growth rates, calculated with 230Thxs data as well as with the Co formula, are inversely related to Cexs.


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To reconstruct Recent and past sedimentary environments, marine sediments of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene ages from the eastern Arctic Ocean and especially from the Nansen-Gakkel Ridge (NGR) were investigated by means of radioisotopic, geochemical and sedimentological methods. In combination with mass physical property data and lithological analysis these investigations allow clearly to characterize the depositional environments. Age dating by using the radioisotope 230Th gives evidence that the investigated sediments from the NGR are younger than 250,000 years. Identical lithological sediment sequences within and between sediment cores from the NGR can be related to sedimentary processes which are clearly controlled by palaeoclimate. The sediments consist predominantly of siliciclastic, terrigenous ice-rafted detritus (IRD) deriving from assorted and redeposited sediments from the Siberian shelfs. By their geochemical composition the sediments are similar to mudstone, graywacke and arcose. Sea-ice as well as icebergs play a major roll in marine arctic sedimentation. In the NGR area rapid change in sedimentary conditions can be detected 128,000 years ago. This was due to drastic change in the kind of ice cover, resulting from rapid climatic change within only hundreds of years. So icebergs, deriving mostly from Siberian shelfs, vanished and sea-ice became dominant in the eastern Arctic Ocean. At least three short-period retreats of the shelf ice between 186,000 and 128,000 years are responsible for the change of coarse to fine-grained sediments in the NGR area. These warmer stages lasted between 1,000 and 3,000 years. By monitoring and comparing the distribution patterns of sedimentologic, mass physical and geochemical properties with 230Th ex activity distribution patterns in the sediment cores from the NGR, there is clear evidence that sediment dilution is responsible for high 230Th ex activity variations. Thus sedimentation rate is the controlling factor of 230Th ex activity variations. The 230Th flux density in sediments from the NGR seems to be highly dependent On topographic Position. The distribution patterns of chemical elements in sediment cores are in general governed by lithology. The derivation of a method for dry bulk density determination gave the opportunity to establish a high resolution stratigraphy on sediment cores from the eastern Arctic Ocean, based on 230Thex activity analyses. For the first time sedimentation and accumulation rates were determined for recent sediments in the eastern Arctic Ocean by 230Th ex analyses. Bulk accumulation rates are highly variable in space and time, ranging between 0.2 and 30 g/cm**2/ka. In the sediments from the NGR highly variable accumulation rates are related to the kind of ice cover. There is evidence for hydrothermal input into the sediments of the NGR. Hydrothermal activity probably also influences surficial sediments in the Sofia Basin. High contents of As are typical for surficial sediments from the NGR. In particular SL 370-20 from the bottom of the rift valley has As contents exceeding in parts 300 ppm. Hydrothermal activity can be traced back to at least 130,000 years. Recent to subrecent tectonic activity is documented by the rock debris in KAL 370 from the NGR. In four other sediment cores from the NGR rift valley area tectonically induced movements can be dated to about 130,000 years ago, related most probably to the rapid climate change. Processes of early diagenesis in sediments from the NGR caused the aobilization and redeposition of Fe, Mn and Mo. These diagenetic processes probably took place during the last 130,000 years. In sediment cores from the NGR high amounts of kaolinite are related to coarse grained siliciclastic material, probably indicating reworking and redeposition of siberian sandstones with kaolinitic binding material. In contrast to kaolinite, illite is correlated to total clay and 232Th contents. Aragonite, associated with serpentinites in the rift valley area of the NGR, was precipitated under cold bottom-water conditions. Preliminary data result in a time of formation about 60 - 80 ka ago. Manganese precipitates with high Ni contents, which can be related to the ultrabasic rocks, are of similar age.


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Massive clinoptilolite authigenesis was observed at about 1105 meters below sea floor (mbsf) in lower Miocene wellcompacted carbonate periplatform sediments from the Great Bahama Bank [Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 166, Site 1007]. The diagenetic assemblage comprises abundant zeolite crystallized within foraminifer tests and sedimentary matrix, as well as Mg smectites. In carbonate-rich deposits, the formation of the zeolite requires a supply of silica. Thus, the objective of the study is to determine the origin of the silica supply, its diagenetic evolution, and consequently the related implications on interpretation of the sedimentary record, in terms of local or global paleoceanographic change. For lack of evidence for any volcaniclastic input or traces of Si-enriched deep fluids circulation, an in situ biogenic source of silica is validated by isotopic data and chemical modeling for the formation of such secondary minerals in shallow-water carbonate sequences. Geochemical and strontium isotopic data clearly establish the marine signature of the diagenetic zeolite, as well as its contemporaneous formation with the carbonate deposition (Sr model ages of 19.6-23.2 Ma). The test of saturation for the pore fluids specifies the equilibrium state of the present mineralogical assemblage. Seawater-rock modeling specifies that clinoptilolite precipitates from the dissolution of biogenic silica, which reacts with clay minerals. The amount of silica (opal-A) involved in the reaction has to be significant enough, at least 10 wt.%, to account for the observed content of clinoptilolite occurring at the most zeolite-rich level. Modeling also shows that the observed amount of clinoptilolite (~19%) reflects an in situ and short-term reaction due to the high reactivity of primary biogenic silica (opal-A) until its complete depletion. The episodic occurrence of these well-lithified zeolite-rich levels is consistent with the occurrence of seismic reflectors, particularly the P2 seismic sequence boundary located at 1115 mbsf depth and dated as 23.2 Ma. The age range of most zeolitic sedimentary levels (biostratigraphic ages of 21.5-22 Ma) correlates well with that of the early Miocene glaciation Mi-1 and Mi-1a global events. Thus, the clinoptilolite occurrence in the shallow carbonate platform environment far from volcanogenic supply, or in other sensitive marine areas, is potentially a significant new proxy for paleoproductivity and oceanic global events, such as the Miocene events, which are usually recognized in deep-sea pelagic sediments and high latitude deposits.


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In order to validate the use of 238U/235U as a paleoredox proxy in carbonates, we examined the incorporation and early diagenetic evolution of U isotopes in shallow Bahamian carbonate sediments. Our sample set consists of a variety of primary precipitates that represent a range of carbonate producing organisms and components that were important in the past (scleractinian corals, calcareous green and red algae, ooids, and mollusks). In addition, four short push cores were taken in different depositional environments to assess the impact of early diagenesis and pore water chemistry on the U isotopic composition of bulk carbonates. We find that U concentrations are much higher in bulk carbonate sediments (avg. 4.1 ppm) than in primary precipitates (avg. 1.5 ppm). In almost all cases, the lowest bulk sediment U concentrations were as high as or higher than the highest concentrations found in primary precipitates. This is consistent with authigenic accumulation of reduced U(IV) during early diagenesis. The extent of this process appears sensitive to pore water H2S, and thus indirectly to organic matter content. d238/235U values were very close to seawater values in all of the primary precipitates, suggesting that these carbonate components could be used to reconstruct changes in seawater U geochemistry. However, d238/235U of bulk sediments from the push cores was 0.2-0.4 per mil heavier than seawater (and primary precipitates). These results indicate that authigenic accumulation of U under open-system sulfidic pore water conditions commonly found in carbonate sediments strongly affects the bulk U concentrations and 238U/235U ratios. We also report the occurrence of dolomite in a tidal pond core which contains low 234U/238U and 238U/235U ratios and discuss the possibility that the dolomitization process may result in sediments depleted in 238U. From this initial exploration, it is clear that 238U/235U variations in ancient carbonate sediments could be driven by changes in global average seawater, by spatial and temporal variations in the local deposition environment, or subsequent diagenesis. To cope with such effects, proxies for syndepositional pore water redox conditions (e.g., organic matter content, iron speciation, and trace metal distributions) and careful consideration of possible post-deposition alteration will be required to avoid spurious interpretation of 238U/235U data from ancient carbonate sediments.


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Trace element concentrations of altered basaltic glass shards (layer silicates) and zeolites in volcaniclastic sediments drilled in the volcanic apron northeast of Gran Canaria during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) leg 157 document variable element mobilities during low-temperature alteration processes in a marine environment. Clay minerals (saponite, montmorillonite, smectite) replacing volcanic glass particles are enriched in transition metals and rare earth elements (REE). The degree of retention of REE within the alteration products of the basaltic glass is correlated with the field strength of the cations. The high field-strength elements are preferentially retained or enriched in the alteration products by sorption through clay minerals. Most trace elements are enriched in a boundary layer close to the interface mineral-altered glass. This boundary layer has a key function for the physico-chemical conditions of the subsequent alteration process by providing a large reactive surface and by lowering the fluid permeability. The release of most elements is buffered by incorporation into secondary precipitates (sodium-rich zeolites, phillipsite, Fe- and Mn-oxides) as shown by calculated distribution coefficients between altered glasses and authigenic minerals. Chemical fluxes change from an open to a closed system behavior during prograde low-temperature alteration of volcaniclastic sediments with no significant trace metal flux from the sediment to the water column.


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The carbonate-free metalliferous fraction of thirty-nine sediment samples from four DSDP Leg 92 sites has been analyzed for 12 elements, and a subset of 16 samples analyzed for Pb isotopic composition. The main geochemical features of this component are as follows: i) very high concentrations of Fe and Mn, typically 25-39% and 5-14%, respectively; ii) Al and Ca contents generally less than 2% and 5%, respectively; iii) high Cu (1000-2000 ppm), and Zn and Ni (500-1000 ppm) values; and iv) Co and Pb concentrations of 100-250 ppm. In terms of element partitioning within the metalliferous fraction, amorphous to poorly crystallized oxide-oxyhydroxides removed by the second leach carry virtually all of the Mn, and about 90% of the Ca, Sr and Ni. The well-crystallized goethite-rich material removed by the third leach carries the majority of Fe, Cu, and Pb. These relations hold for sediments as young as ~1-2 Ma, indicating early partitioning of hydrothermal Fe and Mn into separate phases. Calculated mass accumulation rates (MAR) for Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni in the bulk sediment show the same overall trends at three of the sites, with greatest MAR values near the basement, and a general decrease in MAR values towards the tops of the holes (for sediments deposited above the lysocline). These relations strongly support the concept of a declining hydrothermal contribution of these elements away from a ridge axis. Nevertheless, MAR values for these metals up to ~200 km from the ridge axis are orders of magnitude higher than on abyssal seafloor plains where there is no hydrothermal influence. Mn/Fe ratios throughout the sediment column at two sites indicate that the composition of the hydrothermal precipitates changed during transport through seawater, becoming significantly depleted in Mn beyond ~200-300 km from the axis, but maintaining roughly the same proportion of Fe. Most of the Pb isotope data for the Leg 92 metalliferous sediments form approximately linear arrays in the conventional isotopic plots, extending from the middle of the field for mid-ocean ridge basalts toward the field for Mn nodules. The array of data lying between these two end-members is most readily interpreted in terms of simple linear mixing of Pb derived from basaltic and seawater end-member sources. The least radiogenic sediments reflect the average Pb isotope composition of discharging hydrothermal solutions and ocean-ridge basalt at the EPR over the ~4-8 Ma B.P. interval. Pb in sediments deposited up to 250 km from the axis can be almost entirely of basaltic-hydrothermal origin. Lateral transport of some basaltic Pb by ocean currents appears to extend to distances of at least 1000 km west of the East Pacific Rise.


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Carbonate precipitates recovered from 2,000 m water depth at the Dolgovskoy Mound (Shatsky Ridge, north eastern Black Sea) were studied using mineralogical, geochemical and lipid biomarker analyses. The carbonates differ in shape from simple pavements to cavernous structures with thick microbial mats attached to their lower side and within cavities. Low d13C values measured on carbonates (-41 to -32 per mill V-PDB) and extracted lipid biomarkers indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) played a crucial role in precipitating these carbonates. The internal structure of the carbonates is dominated by finely laminated coccolith ooze and homogeneous clay layers, both cemented by micritic high-magnesium calcite (HMC), and pure, botryoidal, yellowish low-magnesium calcite (LMC) grown in direct contact to microbial mats. d18O measurements suggest that the authigenic HMC precipitated in equilibrium with the Black Sea bottom water while the yellowish LMC rims have been growing in slightly 18O-depleted interstitial water. Although precipitated under significantly different environmental conditions, especially with respect to methane availability, all analysed carbonate samples show lipid patterns that are typical for ANME-1 dominated AOM consortia, in the case of the HMC samples with significant contributions of allochthonous components of marine and terrestrial origin, reflecting the hemipelagic nature of the primary sediment.


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The effect of volcanic activity on submarine hydrothermal systems has been well documented along fast- and intermediate-spreading centers but not from slow-spreading ridges. Indeed, volcanic eruptions are expected to be rare on slow-spreading axes. Here we report the presence of hydrothermal venting associated with extremely fresh lava flows at an elevated, apparently magmatically robust segment center on the slow-spreading southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 5°S. Three high-temperature vent fields have been recognized so far over a strike length of less than 2 km with two fields venting phase-separated, vapor-type fluids. Exit temperatures at one of the fields reach up to 407°C, at conditions of the critical point of seawater, the highest temperatures ever recorded from the seafloor. Fluid and vent field characteristics show a large variability between the vent fields, a variation that is not expected within such a limited area. We conclude from mineralogical investigations of hydrothermal precipitates that vent-fluid compositions have evolved recently from relatively oxidizing to more reducing conditions, a shift that could also be related to renewed magmatic activity in the area. Current high exit temperatures, reducing conditions, low silica contents, and high hydrogen contents in the fluids of two vent sites are consistent with a shallow magmatic source, probably related to a young volcanic eruption event nearby, in which basaltic magma is actively crystallizing. This is the first reported evidence for direct magmatic-hydrothermal interaction on a slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge.


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Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationship (OR) between Mg17Al12 precipitates and matrix in an AZ91D alloy. For both continuous and discontinuous precipitations, the Burgers OR and the Potter OR were equally observed. The lattice parameter of Mg17Al12 associated with the former is bigger than that of the latter. (C) 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A trace of beryllium can lead to dramatic grain coarsening in Mg-Al alloys at normal cooling rates. It is, however, unclear whether this effect applies to aluminium-free magnesium alloys or not. This work shows that a trace of beryllium also causes considerable grain coarsening in Mg-Zn, Mg-Ca, Mg-Ce and Mg-Nd alloys and hinders grain refinement of magnesium alloys by zirconium as well. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.