212 resultados para Magdeburg
Klaus Jenewein
Credence goods markets are characterized by asymmetric information between sellers and consumers that may give rise to inefficiencies, such as under- and overtreatment or market break-down. We study in a large experiment with 936 participants the determinants for efficiency in credence goods markets. While theory predicts that either liability or verifiability yields efficiency, we find that liability has a crucial, but verifiability only a minor effect. Allowing sellers to build up reputation has little influence, as predicted. Seller competition drives down prices and yields maximal trade, but does not lead to higher efficiency as long as liability is violated.
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Contribution to the Congress " Sacred and Secular Buildings," Washington, May 1999, describing a project of the Institute of Architecture at the Technical University of Braunschweig in cooperation with the Center for Jewish Art in Jerusalem, which has been working on a documentation of synagogues, cemetery chapels, and ritual baths in Germany since 1994.
The memoir was written between 1899 and 1918. Family history going back to the early 18th century. Recollection of the author's childhood in Hildesheim. Moritz was the youngest child of Joseph and Bena Guedemann. Early death of his father in 1847. Moritz attended the Jewish elementary school prior to the age of five. In 1843 he was enrolled in the episcopal "Josephinum Gymnasium", where he was the only Jewish student in the entire school. He had friendly relationships with students and teachers and was not confronted with antisemitism during his school years. Moritz Guedemann graduated in 1853 and enrolled in the newly established Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau. Description of teachers and colleagues in the seminary. Doctorate in 1858 and continuation of rabbinic studies. Occasional invitation to preach at the high holidays in Berlin, where Moritz got acquainted with the famous rabbi Dr. Michael Sachs. Position as a rabbi in Magdeburg in 1862. Small publications of studies in Jewish history. Engagement with Fanny Spiegel. In 1863 Moritz and Fanny Guedemann got married. Offer to succeed rabbi Michael Sachs in Berlin. Division and intrigues in the Jewish community and withdrawing from the position. Invitation to give a sermon in Vienna. In 1866 Moritz Guedemann was nominated to succeed rabbi Mannheimer at the Leopoldstadt synagogue in Vienna. Austro-Prussian war and defeat of Austria in Koeniggraetz. Initial difficulties and cultural differences. Criticism toward his orthodox conduct in the Vienna Jewish press ("Neuzeit"). Cultural life in Vienna. Welfare institutions and philanthropists. Difference within the Jewish community. Crash of the stock exchange and rise of antisemitism. Publication of sermons and studies in Jewish history. In 1891 Max Guedemann became chief rabbi of Vienna. Speeches against antisemitism and blood libel trials. He was awarded with the title "Ritter" of the Kaiser Franz Joseph order for these achievements. Death of his wife in
Typescript about Julius and Paula (née Hirsch) Briske and their three children, Hans, Elisabeth, and Julius. Also included are Judge Briske’s letters of appointment.
El artículo se propone desarrollar la continuidad y proyección de la estética de Hildegarda de Bingen en el siglo XIII a través del estudio del imaginario de la luz en la obra La luz fluyente de la divinidad de Matilde de Magdeburgo. El paso de una estética espacial de lo ígneo hacia una estética temporal de lo líquido se corresponde con la transformación del paradigma sacral feudal en el de la mística cortés, a cuyos tópicos responde la obra de esta última. La figura de Matilde, que se vuelve una con su obra, describe una curva que va desde la cosmología simbólica, por la mística cortés del Amor, hacia la mística del abismo y del desierto que brota del grito inarticulado de la cruz y que proyecta su influencia hacia el siglo XIV. En el dinamismo de la simbólica del agua y de las imágenes nupciales que acompañan a esta luz fluyente del amor, Matilde ha dejado trazadas sendas para pensar, en lenguaje estético, la experiencia de Dios en nuestro siglo XXI.
Los Siete grados de Amor de la poetisa y mística flamenca Beatriz de Nazareth conforma, junto con la obra de sus dos contemporáneas Hadewijch de Amberes y Matilde de Magdeburgo, un coro de voces femeninas que destacan dentro de la teología monástica del siglo XIII, por haber sido escritas en lengua vernácula y haber adoptado de modo creativo las formas poéticas del amor cortés para expresar su experiencia de Dios. En continuidad con la tradición patrística despliega Beatriz la via amoris, centrando su discurso en el deseo de Dios. El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar la actualidad de esta obra medieval premoderna en el horizonte de una posmodernidad en la que deseo y alteridad se cruzan. La original concepción caleidoscópica del amor que presenta este texto abre horizontes desde los cuales plantear hoy la pregunta por lo absoluto a partir de la experiencia y el lenguaje de los místicos.
There is increasing adoption of computer-based tools to support the product development process. Tolls include computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacture, systems engineering and product data management systems. The fact that companies choose to invest in tools might be regarded as evidence that tools, in aggregate, are perceived to possess business value through their application to engineering activities. Yet the ways in which value accrues from tool technology are poorly understood.
This report records the proceedings of an international workshop during which some novel approaches to improving our understanding of this problem of tool valuation were presented and debated. The value of methods and processes were also discussed. The workshop brought together British, Dutch, German and Italian researchers. The presenters included speakers from industry and academia (the University of Cambridge, the University of Magdeburg and the Politechnico de Torino)
The work presented showed great variety. Research methods include case studies, questionnaires, statistical analysis, semi-structured interviews, deduction, inductive reasoning, the recording of anecdotes and analogies. The presentations drew on financial investment theory, the industrial experience of workshop participants, discussions with students developing tools, modern economic theories and speculation on the effects of company capabilities.
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist entstanden im Rahmen eines von Michael Simon betreuten studentischen Projektes im Studiengang Diplom-Pflegemanagement. Ziel des gemeinsamen Projektes war eine Bestandsaufnahme und Evaluation internetbasierter Krankenhaussuchmaschinen. Das Projekt bestand aus drei Teilprojekten, startete im Wintersemester 2006/2007 und schloss im Frühjahr 2008 mit einem gemeinsamen Projektbericht ab. Die jetzt vorgelegte Veröffentlichung ist eine überarbeitete Fassung des Projektberichts, aktualisiert auf den Stand von Mitte 2009. Enthält: "Der Bedarf von Patienten an Informationen über die Qualität der Krankenhausbehandlung" von Gert Freiwald, "Qualitätsdimensionen und Qualitätsindikatoren der Krankenhausbehandlung" von Jörn Magdeburg und "Anforderungen an und Qualitätskriterien für Krankenhaus-Suchmaschinen" von Frank Fihlon