This study presents the results of Raman spectroscopy applied to the classification of arterial tissue based on a simplified model using basal morphological and biochemical information extracted from the Raman spectra of arteries. The Raman spectrograph uses an 830-nm diode laser, imaging spectrograph, and a CCD camera. A total of 111 Raman spectra from arterial fragments were used to develop the model, and those spectra were compared to the spectra of collagen, fat cells, smooth muscle cells, calcification, and cholesterol in a linear fit model. Non-atherosclerotic (NA), fatty and fibrous-fatty atherosclerotic plaques (A) and calcified (C) arteries exhibited different spectral signatures related to different morphological structures presented in each tissue type. Discriminant analysis based on Mahalanobis distance was employed to classify the tissue type with respect to the relative intensity of each compound. This model was subsequently tested prospectively in a set of 55 spectra. The simplified diagnostic model showed that cholesterol, collagen, and adipocytes were the tissue constituents that gave the best classification capability and that those changes were correlated to histopathology. The simplified model, using spectra obtained from a few tissue morphological and biochemical constituents, showed feasibility by using a small amount of variables, easily extracted from gross samples.
In multiobject pattern recognition the height of the correlation peaks should be controlled when the power spectrum of ajoint transform correlator is binarized. In this paper a method to predetermine the value of detection peaks is demonstrated. The technique is based on a frequency-variant threshold in order to remove the intraclass terms and on a suitable factor to normalize the binary joint power spectrum. Digital simulations and experimental hybrid implementation of this method were carried out.
In this work, we derive the full 3D kinematics of the near-infrared outflow HH 223, located in the dark cloud Lynds 723 (L723), where a well-defined quadrupolar CO outflow is found. HH 223 appears projected on to the two lobes of the eastwest CO outflow. The radio continuum source VLA 2, towards the centre of the CO outflow, harbours a multiple system of low-mass young stellar objects. One of the components has been proposed to be the exciting source of the eastwest CO outflow. From the analysis of the kinematics, we get further evidence on the relationship between the near-infrared and CO outflows and on the location of their exciting source. The proper motions were derived using multi-epoch, narrow-band H2 (2.122 μm line) images. Radial velocities were derived from the 2.122 μm line of the spectra. Because of the extended (∼5 arcmin), S-shaped morphology of the target, the spectra were obtained with the multi-object-spectroscopy (MOS) observing mode using the instrument Long-Slit Intermediate Resolution Infrared Spectrograph (LIRIS) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope. To our knowledge, this work is the first time that MOS observing mode has been successfully used in the near-infrared range for an extended target.
Stratospheric ozone can be measured accurately using a limb scatter remote sensing technique at the UV-visible spectral region of solar light. The advantages of this technique includes a good vertical resolution and a good daytime coverage of the measurements. In addition to ozone, UV-visible limb scatter measurements contain information about NO2, NO3, OClO, BrO and aerosols. There are currently several satellite instruments continuously scanning the atmosphere and measuring the UVvisible region of the spectrum, e.g., the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) launched on the Odin satellite in February 2001, and the Scanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) launched on Envisat in March 2002. Envisat also carries the Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS) instrument, which also measures limb-scattered sunlight under bright limb occultation conditions. These conditions occur during daytime occultation measurements. The global coverage of the satellite measurements is far better than any other ozone measurement technique, but still the measurements are sparse in the spatial domain. Measurements are also repeated relatively rarely over a certain area, and the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere changes dynamically. Assimilation methods are therefore needed in order to combine the information of the measurements with the atmospheric model. In recent years, the focus of assimilation algorithm research has turned towards filtering methods. The traditional Extended Kalman filter (EKF) method takes into account not only the uncertainty of the measurements, but also the uncertainty of the evolution model of the system. However, the computational cost of full blown EKF increases rapidly as the number of the model parameters increases. Therefore the EKF method cannot be applied directly to the stratospheric ozone assimilation problem. The work in this thesis is devoted to the development of inversion methods for satellite instruments and the development of assimilation methods used with atmospheric models.
This article describes a projection spectrograph for use in optical spectroscopy classrooms demonstrations. The apparatus is based on an overhead projector and permits the visualization of several phenomena such as, light dispersion by diffraction gratings, diffraction order, optical fluorescence, continuous and discrete optical emission spectra, and light absorption by liquids and solids. A historical survey about the optical spectroscopy development is also presented.
This article describes the use of a projection spectrograph based on an overhead projector for use in classroom demonstrations on light polarization and optical activity. A simple adaptation on a previously developed apparatus allows illustrating several aspects of optical activity, such as circular and linear birefringence, including their wavelength dependence. Specifically, we use the projection spectrograph to demonstrate the optical activity of an aqueous solution of sugar (circular birefringence), of a quartz plate and of an overhead projector transparence film (linear birefringence). A historical survey about the optical activity discovery and the main principles involved is also presented.
In this work is presented a versatile system for X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) measurements. The apparatus was assembled from a sample holder connected to an optical fiber responsibly for the acquisition of the scintillation signal. The spectrum is registered with a CCD coupled in a spectrograph provided with diffraction gratings. The system performance was analyzed by exciting GdAlO3:Eu3+ 3.0 at.% with X-rays from a diffractometer and measuring the emission spectra. The system can be used to obtain precise and reliable spectroscopic properties of samples with various conformations without the loss of the required safety when dealing with ionizing radiations.
A regional geochemical reconnaissance by bottom stream sediment sampling, has delineated an area of high metal content in the north central sector of the North Creek Watershed. Development of a geochemical model, relating to the relative chemical concentrations derived from the chemical analyses of bottom sediments, suspended sediments, stream waters and well waters collected from the north central sector, was designed to discover the source of the anomaly. Samples of each type of material were analysed by the A.R.L. Direct Reading Multi-element Emission Spectrograph Q.A. 137 for elements: Na, K, Ca, Sr, Si, As, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Ti, Ag, Mo, Be, Fe, AI, Mn, Cu, Cr, P and Y. Anomalous results led to the discovery of a spring, the waters of which carried high concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, As, Ni, Ti, Ag, Sr and Si. In addition, the spring waters had high concentrations of Na, Ca, Mg, 504 , alkalinity, N03' and low concentrations of K, Cl and NH3. Increased specific conductivity (up to 2500 ~mho/cm.) was noted in the spring waters as well as increased calculated total dissolved solids (up to 2047 mg/l) and increased ionic strength (up to 0.06). On the other hand, decreases were noted in water temperature (8°C), pH (pH 7.2) and Eh (+.154 volts). Piezometer nests were installed in the anomalous north central sector of the watershed. In accordance with the slope of the piezometric surface from wells cased down to the till/bedrock interface, groundwater flow is directed from the recharge area (northwest of the anomaly) towards the artesian spring via the highly fractured dolostone aquifer of the Upper Eramosa Member. The bedrock aquifer is confined by the overlying Halton till and the underlying Lower Eramosa Member (Vinemount Shale). The oxidation of sphalerite and galena and the dissolution of gypsum, celestite, calcite, and dolomite within the Eramosa Member, contributed its highly, dissolved constituents to the circulating groundwaters, the age of which is greater than 20 years as determined by tritium dating. Groundwater is assumed to flow along the Vinemount Shale and discharge as an artesian spring where the shale unit becomes discontinuous. The anomaly is located on a topographic low where bedrock is close to the surface. Thermodynamic evaluation of the major ion speciation from the anomalous spring and surface waters, showed gypsum to be supersaturated in these spring waters. Downstream from the spring, the loss of carbon dioxide from the spring waters resulted in the supersaturation with respect to calcite, aragonite, magnesite and dolomite. This corresponded with increases in Eh (+.304 volts) and pH (pH 8.5) in the anomalous surface waters. In conclusion, the interaction of groundwaters within the highly, mineralized carbonate source (Eramosa Member) resulted in the characteristic Ca*Mg*HC03*S04 spring water at the anomalous site, which appeared to be the principle effect upon controlling the anomalous surface water chemistry.
The 3700 A - 3000 A absorption spectra of CH3CHO and its isotopic compounds such as CH3CDO, CD3CHO and CD3CDO were studied in the gas phase at room temperature and low temperatures. The low resolution spectra of the compounds were recorded by a 1.5 m Baush and Lomb grating spectrograph. The high resolution spectra were recorded by a Ebert spectrograph with the Echelle grating and the holographic grating separately. The multiple reflection cells were used to achieve the long path length. The pressure-path length used for the absorption spectrum of CH 3CHO was up to 100 mm Hg )( 91 . 43mo The emission spectrum and the excitation spectrum of CH3CHO were also recorded in this research. The calculated satellite band patterns \vhich were ob-tailied by the method of Lewis were used to compare with the observed near UV absorption spectrum of acetaldehyde. These calculated satellite band patterns belonged to two cases: namely, the barriers-in-phase case and the barriers- out-of-phase case. Each of the calculated patterns corresponded to a stable conformation of acetaldehyde in the excited state . The comparisons showed that the patterns in the observed absorption spectra corresponded to the H-H eclipsed conformations of acetaldehyde in the excited state . The least squares fitting analysis showed that the barrier heights in the excited state were higher than in the ground state. Finally, the isotopic shifts for the isotopic compounds of acetaldehyde were compared to the compounds with the similar deuterium substitution.
Cette thèse porte sur la capacité à détecter des compagnons de faible intensité en présence de bruit de tavelures dans le contexte de l’imagerie à haute gamme dynamique pour l’astronomie spatiale. On s’intéressera plus particulièrement à l’imagerie spectrale différentielle (ISD) obtenue en utilisant un étalon Fabry-Pérot comme filtre accordable. Les performances d’un tel filtre accordable sont présentées dans le cadre du Tunable Filter Imager (TFI), instrument conçu pour le télescope spatial James Webb (JWST). La capacité de l’étalon à supprimer les tavelures avec ISD est démontrée expérimentalement grâce à un prototype de l’étalon installé sur un banc de laboratoire. Les améliorations de contraste varient en fonction de la séparation, s’étendant d’un facteur 10 pour les séparations supérieures à 11 lambda/D jusqu’à un facteur 60 à 5 lambda/D. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec une étude théorique qui utilise un modèle basé sur la propagation de Fresnel pour montrer que les performances de suppression de tavelures sont limitées par le banc optique et non pas par l’étalon. De plus, il est démontré qu’un filtre accordable est une option séduisante pour l’imagerie à haute gamme dynamique combinée à la technique ISD. Une seconde étude basée sur la propagation de Fresnel de l’instrument TFI et du télescope, a permis de définir les performances de la technique ISD combinée avec un étalon pour l’astronomie spatiale. Les résultats prévoient une amélioration de contraste de l’ordre de 7 jusqu’à 100, selon la configuration de l’instrument. Une comparaison entre ISD et la soustraction par rotation a également été simulée. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce chapitre porte sur les performances de la technique ISD dans le cadre de l’instrument Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS), conçu pour remplacer TFI comme module scientifique à bord du Fine Guidance Sensor du JWST. Cent quatre objets localisés vers la région centrale de la nébuleuse d’Orion ont été caractérisés grâce à un spectrographe multi-objet, de basse résolution et multi-bande (0.85-2.4 um). Cette étude a relevé 7 nouvelles naines brunes et 4 nouveaux candidats de masse planétaire. Ces objets sont utiles pour déterminer la fonction de masse initiale sous-stellaire et pour évaluer les modèles atmosphériques et évolutifs futurs des jeunes objets stellaires et sous-stellaires. Combinant les magnitudes en bande H mesurées et les valeurs d’extinction, les objets classifiés sont utilisés pour créer un diagramme de Hertzsprung-Russell de cet amas stellaire. En accord avec des études antérieures, nos résultats montrent qu’il existe une seule époque de formation d’étoiles qui a débuté il y a environ 1 million d’années. La fonction de masse initiale qui en dérive est en accord avec des études antérieures portant sur d’autres amas jeunes et sur le disque galactique.
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) optical fibres are fabricated by a preform drawing process. The Raman spectra of PMMA fibres are recorded using a diode pumped solid state laser emitting at 532 nm and a CCD-spectrograph in the 400–3800 cm−1 range. The variation of the Raman intensity with the length of the optical fibre is studied. Investigations are carried out on the variation of FWHM of the Raman peak at 2957 cm−1 with the length of the optical fibre and pump power. The differential scattering cross section and gain coefficient of the Raman peak at 2957 cm−1 in PMMA are calculated in relation to that of toluene.
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) optical fibres are fabricated by a preform drawing process. The Raman spectra of PMMA fibres are recorded using a diode pumped solid state laser emitting at 532 nm and a CCD-spectrograph in the 400–3800 cm−1 range. The variation of the Raman intensity with the length of the optical fibre is studied. Investigations are carried out on the variation of FWHM of the Raman peak at 2957 cm−1 with the length of the optical fibre and pump power. The differential scattering cross section and gain coefficient of the Raman peak at 2957 cm−1 in PMMA are calculated in relation to that of toluene
Indium monofluoride was excited in a high-frequency discharge and the C-X system was photographed at a reciprocal dispersion of 0.3 AA mm-1 using a plane-grating spectrograph. Rotational analyses of the 0,0 1,0 2,2 3,3 4,4 2,4 3,5 4,6 and 5,7 bands have been carried out and the following molecular constants have been evaluated. Be'=0.2670(+or-3) cm-1, Be"=0.2628(+or-4) cm-1, alpha e'=0.0050(+or-4) cm-1, alpha e"=0.0020(+or-1) cm-1, De'=3.65(+or-5)*10-7 cm-1, De"=2.5(+or-3)*10-7 cm-1, beta e'=0.5(+or-2)*10-7 cm-1, beta e"=0.2(+or-1)*10-7 cm-1, re'=1.9672(+or-3) AA, re"=1.9853(+or-2) AA. The re" value agrees with the microwave absorption value 1.9854 AA.
Observations of the eruption of the Sarychev volcano and simulations using the HadGEM2 climate model
In June 2009 the Sarychev volcano located in the Kuril Islands to the northeast of Japan erupted explosively, injecting ash and an estimated 1.2 ± 0.2 Tg of sulfur dioxide into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, making it arguably one of the 10 largest stratospheric injections in the last 50 years. During the period immediately after the eruption, we show that the sulfur dioxide (SO2) cloud was clearly detected by retrievals developed for the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) satellite instrument and that the resultant stratospheric sulfate aerosol was detected by the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS) limb sounder and CALIPSO lidar. Additional surface‐based instrumentation allows assessment of the impact of the eruption on the stratospheric aerosol optical depth. We use a nudged version of the HadGEM2 climate model to investigate how well this state‐of‐the‐science climate model can replicate the distributions of SO2 and sulfate aerosol. The model simulations and OSIRIS measurements suggest that in the Northern Hemisphere the stratospheric aerosol optical depth was enhanced by around a factor of 3 (0.01 at 550 nm), with resultant impacts upon the radiation budget. The simulations indicate that, in the Northern Hemisphere for July 2009, the magnitude of the mean radiative impact from the volcanic aerosols is more than 60% of the direct radiative forcing of all anthropogenic aerosols put together. While the cooling induced by the eruption will likely not be detectable in the observational record, the combination of modeling and measurements would provide an ideal framework for simulating future larger volcanic eruptions.
We explore the prospects of predicting emission-line features present in galaxy spectra given broad-band photometry alone. There is a general consent that colours, and spectral features, most notably the 4000 angstrom break, can predict many properties of galaxies, including star formation rates and hence they could infer some of the line properties. We argue that these techniques have great prospects in helping us understand line emission in extragalactic objects and might speed up future galaxy redshift surveys if they are to target emission-line objects only. We use two independent methods, Artificial Neural Networks (based on the ANNz code) and Locally Weighted Regression (LWR), to retrieve correlations present in the colour N-dimensional space and to predict the equivalent widths present in the corresponding spectra. We also investigate how well it is possible to separate galaxies with and without lines from broad-band photometry only. We find, unsurprisingly, that recombination lines can be well predicted by galaxy colours. However, among collisional lines some can and some cannot be predicted well from galaxy colours alone, without any further redshift information. We also use our techniques to estimate how much information contained in spectral diagnostic diagrams can be recovered from broad-band photometry alone. We find that it is possible to classify active galactic nuclei and star formation objects relatively well using colours only. We suggest that this technique could be used to considerably improve redshift surveys such as the upcoming Fibre Multi Object Spectrograph (FMOS) survey and the planned Wide Field Multi Object Spectrograph (WFMOS) survey.