986 resultados para MOLECULAR-IONS


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We have applied a combination of spectroscopic and diffraction methods to study the adduct formed between squaric acid and bypridine, which has been postulated to exhibit proton transfer associated with a single-crystal to single-crystal phase transition at ca. 450 K. A combination of X-ray single-crystal and very-high flux powder neutron diffraction data confirmed that a proton does transfer from the acid to the base in the high-temperature form. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements demonstrated that the transition was reversible but that a significant kinetic energy barrier must be overcome to revert to the original structure. Computational modeling is consistent with these results. Modeling also revealed that, while the proton transfer event would be strongly discouraged in the gas phase, it occurs in the solid state due to the increase in charge state of the molecular ions and their arrangement inside the lattice. The color change is attributed to a narrowing of the squaric acid to bipyridine charge-transfer energy gap. Finally, evidence for the possible existence of two further phases at high pressure is also presented.


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The papers by Winser et al. [(1990) J. atmos. terr. Phys.52, 501] and Häggström and Collis [(1990) J. atmos. terr. Phys.52, 519] used plasma flows and ion temperatures, as measured by the EISCAT tristatic incoherent scatter radar, to investigate changes in the ion composition of the ionospheric F-layer at high latitudes, in response to increases in the speed of plasma convection. These studies reported that the ion composition rapidly changed from mainly O+ to almost completely (>90%) molecular ions, following rapid increases in ion drift speed by >1 km s−1. These changes appeared inconsisent with theoretical considerations of the ion chemistry, which could not account for the large fractions of molecular ions inferred from the obsevations. In this paper, we discuss two causes of this discrepancy. First, we reevaluate the theoretical calculations for chemical equilibrium and show that, if we correct the derived temperatures for the effect of the molecular ions, and if we employ more realistic dependences of the reaction rates on the ion temperature, the composition changes derived for the faster convection speeds can be explained. For the Winser et al. observations with the radar beam at an aspect angle of ϕ = 54.7° to the geomagnetic field, we now compute a change to 89% molecular ions in < 2 min, in response to the 3 km s−1 drift. This is broadly consistent with the observations. But for the two cases considered by Häggström and Collis, looking along the field line (ϕ = 0°), we compute the proportion of molecular ions to be only 4 and 16% for the observed plasma drifts of 1.2 and 1.6 km s−1, respectively. These computed proportions are much smaller than those derived experimentally (70 and 90%). We attribute the differences to the effects of non-Maxwellian, anisotropic ion velocity distribution functions. We also discuss the effect of ion composition changes on the various radar observations that report anisotropies of ion temperature.


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Data are presented for a nighttime ion heating event observed by the EISCAT radar on 16 December 1988. In the experiment, the aspect angle between the radar beam and the geomagnetic field was fixed at 54.7°, which avoids any ambiguity in derived ion temperature caused by anisotropy in the ion velocity distribution function. The data were analyzed with an algorithm which takes account of the non-Maxwellian line-of-sight ion velocity distribution. During the heating event, the derived spectral distortion parameter (D∗) indicated that the distribution function was highly distorted from a Maxwellian form when the ion drift increased to 4 km s−1. The true three-dimensional ion temperature was used in the simplified ion balance equation to compute the ion mass during the heating event. The ion composition was found to change from predominantly O4 to mainly molecular ions. A theoretical analysis of the ion composition, using the MSIS86 model and published values of the chemical rate coefficients, accounts for the order-of-magnitude increase in the atomic/molecular ion ratio during the event, but does not successfully explain the very high proportion of molecular ions that was observed.


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Data are presented from the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter (Facility)) CP-3-E experiment which show large increases in the auroral zone convection velocities (>2 km s−1) over a wide range of latitudes. These are larger than the estimated neutral thermal speed and allow a study of the plasma in a nonthermal state over a range of observing angles. Spectra are presented which show a well-defined central peak, consistent with an ion velocity distribution function which significantly departs from a Maxwellian form. As the aspect angle decreases, the central peak becomes less obvious. Simulated spectra, derived using theoretical expressions for the O+ ion velocity distribution function based on the generalized relaxation collision model, are compared with the observations and show good first-order, qualitative agreement. It is shown that ion temperatures derived from the observations, with the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution function, are an overestimate of the true ion temperature at large aspect angles and an underestimate at low aspect angles. The theoretical distribution functions have been included in the “standard” incoherent scatter radar analysis procedure, and attempts have been made to derive realistic ionospheric parameters from nonthermal plasma observations. If the expressions for the distribution function are extended to include mixed ion composition, a significant improvement is found in fitting some of the observed spectra, and estimates of the ion composition can be made. The non-Maxwellian analysis of the data revealed that the spectral shape distortion parameter, D*, was significantly higher in this case for molecular ions than for atomic ions in a thin height slab roughly 40 km thick. This would seem unlikely if the main molecular ions present were NO+. We therefore suggest that N2+ formed a significant proportion of the molecular ions present during these observations.


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Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and principal components analysis were used in real time to monitor the progress of curing reactions on the surface of a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF) epoxy resin blend reacted with the diamine hardener isophorone diamine at different time intervals. Molecular ions in the mass spectra that characterized the curing reactions steps, including blocking, coupling, branching, and crosslinking, were identified. The aliphatic hydrocarbon ions were correlated to the curing reaction rate, and this indicated that coupling and branching occurred much faster than the blocking and crosslinking curing reactions steps. The total conversion of the coupling and branching reaction steps were followed on the basis of changes with time in the relative ion intensity of molecular ions assigned to the DGEBA/DGEBF, aliphatic hydrocarbon, epoxide, and aromatic ring structures. Indicative measures of crosslinking density were monitored through the observation of changes in the ratio of the relative intensities of the aliphatic hydrocarbon and hydroxyl molecular ions over time. The curing reaction conversion was established by the observation of the changes in the relative ion intensity of the molecular ions that were related to the DGEBA/ DGEBF molecules.


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The main challenges in the manufacture of composite materials are low surface energy and the presence of silicon-containing contaminants, both of which greatly reduce surface adhesive strength. In this study, carbon fiber (CF) and E-glass epoxy resin composites were surface treated with the Accelerated Thermo-molecular adhesion Process (ATmaP). ATmaP is a multiaction surface treatment process where tailored nitrogen and oxygen functionalities are generated on the surface of the sample through the vaporization and atomization of n-methylpyrrolidone solution, injected via specially designed flame-treatment equipment. The treated surfaces of the polymer composites were analyzed using XPS, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), contact angle (CA) analysis and direct adhesion measurements. ATmaP treatment increased the surface concentration of polar functional groups while reducing surface contamination, resulting in increased adhesion strength. XPS and ToF-SIMS showed a significant decrease in silicon-containing species on the surface after ATmaP treatment. E-glass composite showed higher adhesion strength than CF composite, correlating with higher surface energy, higher concentrations of nitrogen and CO functional groups (from XPS) and higher concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen-containing functional groups (particularly C2H3O+ and C2H5NO+ molecular ions, from ToF-SIMS).


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MALDI was developed for the ionisation of relatively large polypeptides and proteins but its application has widened to incorporate glycoproteins, oligonucleotides and complex carbohydrates. A great advantage of MALDI TOF MS is that the process of soft-ionisation causes little or no fragmentation of analytes, allowing the molecular ions of analytes to be identified, even within mixtures. MALDI TOF MS analysis is sensitive and very rapid as once the sample has been mixed with a 'matrix' on a MALDI target, a spectrum can be generated within seconds. Hence, the majority of protein and oligonucleotide analysis in the context of high throughput proteomics and genomics is carried out by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry.


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The vibrational spectroscopy of TCNQF4, TCNQF41- and TCNQF42- has been investigated by means of density functional theory. Band assignments in infrared and Raman spectra have been clarified and a series of diagnostics developed for redox level characterisation of TCNQF4 compounds. In the C£C stretching region (1460-1600 cm-1), TCNQF40 and TCNQF 41- show two bands, with the more energetic being at 1600 cm-1 in TCNQF40 and at approximately 1535 cm-1 in TCNQF41-; in TCNQF42- both modes absorb below 1500 cm-1, often merging to give a single band. In the C-F and endocyclic C-C stretching region (1290 and 1360 cm-1), TCNQF40 and TCNQF41- show strong bands, whereas TCNQF42- absorbs weakly or not at all. (Additional bands, e.g. from co-crystallised solvent molecules, may complicate this region.) In the nitrile stretching region (2000-2250 cm-1), modes are highly sensitive to nitrile coordination by metal cations. All three redox levels can produce bands above 2200 cm -1, however bands below 2150 cm-1 are usually due to TCNQF42-. This sensitivity to coordination is likely to affect the spectra of many organic molecular ions. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Mario Sergio Palma, Yasuhiro Itagaki, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Hideo Naoki and Terumi Nakajima. Structural characterization of a new acylpolpaminetoxin from the venom of Brazilian garden spider Nephilengys: cruentata. Toxicon 36, 455-493, 1998.-The use of mass spectrometry, in which high-energy CID and charge remote fragmentation both of protonated and sodium-attached molecular ions was applied, afforded the structural elucidation of a new acylgolyaminetoxin with M-W= 801 da from the venom of the Brazilian garden spider Nephilengys cruentata. In spite of having the same M-W of the NPTX-2, previously described in the venom of the Joro spider Nephila clavata, neither toxins are isomers. In order to differentiate them by using the most usual nomenclature, the new toxin was named NPTX-801C and the NPTX-2 was renamed to NPTX-801E. Both toxins have as common structure the 4-hydroxyindole-3-acetyl-asparaginyl-cadaveryl moiety in their molecules and their structure may be represented in a simplified way: NPTX-801E is HO-indole-Asn-Cad-Pta-Orn-Arg and NPTX-801C is HO-indole-Asn-Cad-Gly-Put-Pta-Pta. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is employed to design 16s, 16s10p, 24s17p13d, 25s17p13d, and 26s17p Gaussian basis sets for the H ((2)S), O ((3)P), O(2-) ((1)S), Cr(3+) ((4)F), Cr(4+) ((3)F), and Cr(6+) ((1)S) atomic species. These basis sets are then contracted to (4s) for H ((2)S), (6s4p) for O ((3)P), and O(2-) ((1)S), (986p3d) for Cr(3+) ((4)F), (10s8p3d) for Cr(4+) ((3)F), and (13s7p) for Cr(6+) (1S) by a standard procedure. For evaluation of the quality of those basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished studies of total and orbital (HOMO and HOMO-1) energies at the HF-Roothaan level for the molecular species of our interest. The results obtained with the contracted basis sets are compared to the values obtained with our extended basis sets and to the standard 6-311G basis set from literature. Finally, the contracted basis sets are enriched with polarization function and then utilized in the theoretical interpretation of IR-spectrum of hexaaquachromium (III) ion, [Cr(H(2)O)(6)](3+), tetraoxochromium (IV) ion, [CrO(4)](4-), and tetraoxochromium (VI) ion, [CrO(4)](2-). The respective theoretical harmonic frequencies and IR-intensities were computed at the density functional theory (DFT) level. In the DFT calculations we employed the Becke's 1988 functional using the LYP correlation functional. The comparison between the results obtained and the corresponding experimental values indicates a very good description of the IR-spectra of the molecular ions studied, and that the GCHF method is still a legitimate alternative for selection of Gaussian basis sets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Zusammenfassung der DoktorarbeitDie MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionisation–Time Of Flight) ist in der Lage, Moleküle mit einem Molekulargewicht bis zu mehreren Hunderttausend Da intakt in die Gasphase zu überführen. Dabei wird die Fragmentierung des Analyten stark eingeschränkt bzw. gänzlich vermieden. Diese Methode findet daher zunehmend Verwendung für die Charakterisierung von Biopolymeren und synthetischen Polymeren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie zur Charakterisierung von Makromolekülen einzusetzen, bei denen die konventionellen polymeranalytischen Methoden nur unzureichende Informationen oder gar falsche bzw. gar keine Ergebnisse liefern. Mittels einer methodischen Entwicklung der MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie gelang es, die bisherigen Grenzen der Methode zu erweitern und neue Anwendungsbereiche der Polymeranalytik aufzuzeigen. Anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse wurden darüber hinaus neue Erklärungsansätze formuliert, die zu einem besseren Verständnis des noch immer ungeklärten MALDI-Prozesses beitragen können. Besonders vielversprechend sind zum einen die Ergebnisse der Fragmentionenanalyse synthetischer Polymere und zum anderen die Charakterisierung von unlöslichen PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). Die Möglichkeiten und Aussagekraft der Fragmentionenanalyse wurde an synthetischen Polymeren getestet. Mit Hilfe dieser neuen Technik konnte die komplizierte Endgruppenverteilung einer Polycarbonat-Probe sowie die Zusammensetzung eines Poly-para-phenylenethynylen-b-Polyethylenoxid-Diblock-Copolymers eindeutig bestimmen werden, während die konventionellen MALDI-Massenspektren nur über einen wesentlich geringeren Informationsgehalt verfügten. Auf dem Gebiet der Analytik von unlöslichen PAHs wurde mit der Entwicklung einer neuen MALDI-Probenvorbereitung eine Methode gefunden, die über die PAH Analytik hinaus von großem Nutzen ist. Diese erstmalig angewendete Probenvorbereitung unterscheidet sich von den üblichen MALDI-Probenpräparationen, indem sie auf die Beteiligung eines Lösungsmittels vollkommen verzichtet. Damit konnte speziell ein unlöslicher, zuvor nicht nachweisbarer PAH von ca. 2700 Da mit MALDI eindeutig charakterisiert werden.


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Auf Paulfallen basierende Experimente spielen eine wichtige Rolle in verschiedenen Bereichen der Physik, z.B. der Atomphysik zum Test theoretischer Modelle und der Massenspektroskopie. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich beiden Themengebieten und gliedert sich entsprechend in zwei Teilbereiche: 1) Erdalkali-Ionen sind aufgrund ihrer Energieniveaus optimale Kandidaten für Laserspektroskopie-Experimente mit Ionenfallen und bestens geeignet, um mittels der spektroskopischen Daten die theoretischen Modelle zu testen. Lediglich für Ra+ fehlen bislang als einzigem Erdalkali-Ion diese Daten wie z.B. die Lebensdauern der metastabilen Niveaus. Diese wären auch von Interesse für bereits geplante Radium-Experimente zur Paritätsverletzung. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau eines Laser-Paulfallenexperiments zur Messung der Lebensdauer des 6D3/2 Zustands von 226Ra+ dokumentiert und es werden Testmessungen mit 138Ba+ vorgestellt. 2) Für die Verwendung der Paulfalle in der Massenspektroskopie und zur Analyse von Reaktionsprodukten ist die Kenntnis der Lage der im Speicherbereich auftretenden nichtlinearen Resonanzen wesentlich, ebenso wie deren Veränderung durch Dämpfung und Raumladung. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit werden detaillierte Untersuchungen der Speicherung großer puffergasgekühlter Ionenwolken an zwei unterschiedlichen Paulfallen-Experimenten vorgestellt. Am ersten wurden 138Ba+-Ionenwolken kontinuierlich durch Laserspektroskopie bzw. über einen elektronischen Nachweis beobachtet, während das zweite N2+-Molekülionen automatisiert destruktiv nachwies. Am N2+-Experiment wurden zwei hochaufgelöste Messungen des ersten Speicherbereichs durchgeführt, die erstmals eine direkte Überprüfung der theoretisch berechneten Verläufe der Resonanzen mit experimentellen Daten erlauben. Die Nachweiseichung ermöglichte dabei zum ersten Mal die Angabe absoluter Ionenzahlen. Im Gegensatz zu vergleichbaren früheren Messungen wurden hierbei die sich überlagernden Speicherbereiche von 4 simultan gespeicherten Ionensorten beobachtet und zur Analyse der Resonanzen herangezogen. Die nichtlinearen Resonanzen wurden untersucht bei Variation von Puffergasdruck und Ionenzahl, wobei kollektive Resonanzen ohne zusätzliche externe Anregung beobachtet wurden. Die gemessenen Raumladungsverschiebungen wurden mit theoretischen Modellen verglichen. Bei Variation des Puffergasdrucks wurde mit Bariumionen die räumliche Ausdehnung der Ionenwolke gemessen und mit Stickstoffionen die Verschiebung des Punktes optimaler Speicherung bestimmt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß der zum Ioneneinfang optimale Puffergasdruck kleiner ist als der, bei dem die längsten Speicherdauern erzielt werden. Mit gespeicherten N2+-Ionen wurde die Position extern angeregter kollektiver und individueller Resonanzen im Frequenzspektrum bei Änderung der Parameter Ionenzahl, Puffergasdruck und Dauer der Anregung untersucht, ebenso wie die Resonanzform, die mit theoretischen Linienformen verglichen wurde. Bei Änderung der Fallenparameter wurden verstärkende Effekte zwischen nahen kollektiven Resonanzen festgestellt. Die Beobachtung, welche der im Frequenzspektrum vorher identifizierten Bewegungs-Resonanzen sich bei Variation der Fallenparameter a bzw. q überlagern, ermöglicht eine bislang nicht beschriebene einfache Methode der Bestimmung von nichtlinearen Resonanzen im Stabilitätsdiagramm.


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Doubly charged ion mass spectra of alkyl-substituted furans and pyrroles were obtained using a double-focusing magnetic mass spectrometer operated at 3.2 kV accelerating voltage. Molecular ions were the dominant species found in doubly charged spectra of lower molecular weight heterocydic compounds, whereas the spectra of the higher weight homologues were typified by abundant fragment ions from extensive decomposition. Measured doubly charged ionization and appearance energies ranged from 22.8 to 47.9 eV. Ionization energies were correlated with values calculated using self-consistent field–molecular orbital techniques. A multichannel diabatic curve-crossing model was developed to investigate the fundamental organic ion reactions responsible for development of doubly charged ion mass spectra. Probabilities for Landau–Zener type transitions between reactant and product curves were determined and used in the collision model to predict charge-transfer cross-sections, which compared favorably with experimental cross-sections obtained using time-of-flight techniques.


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On the orbiter of the Rosetta spacecraft, the Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser (COSIMA) will provide new in situ insights about the chemical composition of cometary grains all along 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P/CG) journey until the end of December 2015 nominally. The aim of this paper is to present the pre-calibration which has already been performed as well as the different methods which have been developed in order to facilitate the interpretation of the COSIMA mass spectra and more especially of their organic content. The first step was to establish a mass spectra library in positive and negative ion mode of targeted molecules and to determine the specific features of each compound and chemical family analyzed. As the exact nature of the refractory cometary organic matter is nowadays unknown, this library is obviously not exhaustive. Therefore this library has also been the starting point for the research of indicators, which enable to highlight the presence of compounds containing specific atom or structure. These indicators correspond to the intensity ratio of specific peaks in the mass spectrum. They have allowed us to identify sample containing nitrogen atom, aliphatic chains or those containing polyaromatic hydrocarbons. From these indicators, a preliminary calibration line, from which the N/C ratio could be derived, has also been established. The research of specific mass difference could also be helpful to identify peaks related to quasi-molecular ions in an unknown mass spectrum. The Bayesian Positive Source Separation (BPSS) technique will also be very helpful for data analysis. This work is the starting point for the analysis of the cometary refractory organic matter. Nevertheless, calibration work will continue in order to reach the best possible interpretation of the COSIMA observations.