A space-time analysis of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) in humans in the city of Bauru, Sao Paulo State, Brazil was carried out based on 239 cases diagnosed between June 2003 and October 2008. Spatial analysis of the disease showed that cases occurred especially in the city's urban areas. AVL annual incidence rates were calculated, demonstrating that the highest rate occurred in 2006 (19.55/100,000 inhabitants). This finding was confirmed by the time series analysis, which also showed a positive tendency over the period analyzed. The present study allows us to conclude that the disease was clustered in the Southwest side of the city in 2006, suggesting that this area may require special attention with regard to control and prevention measures.
A space-time analysis of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) in humans in the city of Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil was carried out based on 239 cases diagnosed between June 2003 and October 2008. Spatial analysis of the disease showed that cases occurred especially in the city's urban areas. AVL annual incidence rates were calculated, demonstrating that the highest rate occurred in 2006 (19.55/100,000 inhabitants). This finding was confirmed by the time series analysis, which also showed a positive tendency over the period analyzed. The present study allows us to conclude that the disease was clustered in the Southwest side of the city in 2006, suggesting that this area may require special attention with regard to control and prevention measures.
Das Wachstum von Milchsäurebakterien-Arten der Gattungen Lactobacillus, Pediococcus und Leuconostoc während der Weinfermentation kann durch die Bildung verschiedener Stoffwechselprodukte zu Weinfehlern führen. Um rechtzeitig Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen zu können und einem Weinverderb vorzubeugen, bedarf es geeigneter Identifizierungsmethoden. Klassische mikrobiologische Methoden reichen oft nicht aus, um Mikroorganismen auf Art- und Stammniveau gezielt zu identifizieren. Wegen ihrer schnellen Durchführbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit sind molekularbiologische Identifizierungsmethoden zur Kontrolle der mikrobiellen Flora während der Lebensmittelfermentierung in der heutigen Zeit unabdingbar. In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wurden die 23S rRNA-Gensequenzen von neun Pediococcus-Typstämmen sequenziert, analysiert und phylogenetische Analysen durchgeführt. Zur Art-Identifizierung der Pediokokken wurden PCR-Primer generiert und ein Multiplex PCR System entwickelt, mit dem alle typischen Arten simultan in einer Reaktion nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse der Multiplex PCR-Identifizierung von 62 Pediococcus-Stämmen aus Kulturensammlungen und 47 neu isolierten Stämmen aus Wein zeigten, dass einige Stämme unter falschen Artnamen hinterlegt waren, und dass P. parvulus im Weinanbaugebiet Rheinhessen weit verbreitet war. Die Fähigkeit der Pediococcus-Stämme zur Exopolysaccharid-Synthese wurde durch den Nachweis zweier Gene überprüft. Auf Basis der 23S rDNA-Sequenzen wurden rRNA-Sekundärstrukturen mit der neu entwickelten Software Structure Star generiert, die zum Auffinden von Zielbereichen für fluoreszenzmarkierte DNA-Sonden geeignet waren. Die Sequenzunterschiede zwischen den Pediococcus-Arten reichten aus, um zwei Gruppen durch Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung differenzieren zu können. Die Verwendung unmarkierter Helfer-sonden verbesserte die Zugänglichkeit der Sonden an die rRNA, wodurch das Fluoreszenz-Signal verstärkt wurde. Um Milchsäurebakterien durch Denaturierende Gradienten Gel Elektrophorese differenzieren zu können, wurden Primer entwickelt, mit denen ein hochvariabler 23S rDNA-Bereich amplifiziert werden konnte. Die Nested Specifically Amplified Polymorphic DNA (nSAPD)-PCR wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit zur Art- und Stamm-Differenzierung pro- und eukaryotischer Organismen angewandt. Es wurden vor allem weinrelevante Milchsäurebakterien der Gattungen Oenococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus und Leuconostoc und Hefen der Gattungen Dekkera / Brettanomyces und Saccharomyces untersucht. Die Cluster-Analyse der Pediococcus-Typstämme führte zu einer unterschiedlichen Baum-Topologie im Vergleich zum phylogenetischen 23S rDNA-Stammbaum. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der untersuchten O. oeni-Stämme aus Starterkulturen konnten in Bezug auf eine frühere Cluster-Analyse reproduziert werden. Die Untersuchung von 40 B. bruxellensis-Stämmen aus rheinhessischen Weinproben zeigte eine Gruppierung der Stämme gemäß dem Ort der Probennahme. Beim Vergleich der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse von Stämmen der Arten P. parvulus und B. bruxellensis, die aus denselben Weinproben isoliert wurden, konnte eine hohe Übereinstimmung der beiden Baum-Topologien beobachtet werden. Anhand der SAPD-PCR Untersuchung von Sekthefen aus Starterkulturen konnten alle Stämme der Art S. cerevisiae zugeordnet werden. Die nSAPD-PCR war darüber hinaus geeignet, um höhere Eukaryoten wie Weinreben zu differenzieren und es konnten die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse von Mäusen und menschlichen Individuen durch Cluster-Analysen nachvollzogen werden. Mit Hilfe der Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR)-Technik wurden (n)SAPD-Marker in SCAR-Marker konvertiert. Die neu generierten SCAR-Primer konnten zur simultanen Art-Identifizierung von sieben weinschädlichen Milchsäurebakterien in einer Multiplex PCR erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten molekularbiologischen Identifizierungsmethoden können zum Beispiel in der mikrobiologischen Qualitätskontrolle Anwendung finden.
Abstract. Rock magnetic, biochemical and inorganic records of the sediment cores PG1351 and Lz1024 from Lake El’gygytgyn, Chukotka peninsula, Far East Russian Arctic, were subject to a hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis in order to refine and extend the pattern of climate modes as defined by Melles et al. (2007). Cluster analysis of the data obtained from both cores yielded similar results, differentiating clearly between the four climate modes warm, peak warm, cold and dry, and cold and moist. In addition, two transitional phases were identified, representing the early stages of a cold phase and slightly colder conditions during a warm phase. The statistical approach can thus be used to resolve gradual changes in the sedimentary units as an indicator of available oxygen in the hypolimnion in greater detail. Based upon cluster analyses on core Lz1024, the published succession of climate modes in core PG1351, covering the last 250 ka, was modified and extended back to 350 ka. Comparison to the marine oxygen isotope (�18O) stack LR04 (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) and the summer insolation at 67.5� N, with the extended Lake El’gygytgyn parameter records of magnetic susceptibility (�LF), total organic carbon content (TOC) and the chemical index of alteration (CIA; Minyuk et al., 2007), revealed that all stages back to marine isotope stage (MIS) 10 and most of the substages are clearly reflected in the pattern derived from the cluster analysis.
BACKGROUND: The Enterococcus faecium genogroup, referred to as clonal complex 17 (CC17), seems to possess multiple determinants that increase its ability to survive and cause disease in nosocomial environments. METHODS: Using 53 clinical and geographically diverse US E. faecium isolates dating from 1971 to 1994, we determined the multilocus sequence type; the presence of 16 putative virulence genes (hyl(Efm), esp(Efm), and fms genes); resistance to ampicillin (AMP) and vancomycin (VAN); and high-level resistance to gentamicin and streptomycin. RESULTS: Overall, 16 different sequence types (STs), mostly CC17 isolates, were identified in 9 different regions of the United States. The earliest CC17 isolates were part of an outbreak that occurred in 1982 in Richmond, Virginia. The characteristics of CC17 isolates included increases in resistance to AMP, the presence of hyl(Efm) and esp(Efm), emergence of resistance to VAN, and the presence of at least 13 of 14 fms genes. Eight of 41 of the early isolates with resistance to AMP, however, were not in CC17. CONCLUSIONS: Although not all early US AMP isolates were clonally related, E. faecium CC17 isolates have been circulating in the United States since at least 1982 and appear to have progressively acquired additional virulence and antibiotic resistance determinants, perhaps explaining the recent success of this species in the hospital environment.
Binding of CD47 to signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα), an inhibitory receptor, negatively regulates phagocytosis. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), CD47 is overexpressed on peripheral blasts and leukemia stem cells and inversely correlates with survival. Aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between CD47 protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a bone marrow (BM) tissue microarray (TMA) and clinical outcome in AML patients. CD47 staining on BM leukemia blasts was scored semi-quantitatively and correlated with clinical parameters and known prognostic factors in AML. Low (scores 0-2) and high (score 3) CD47 protein expression were observed in 75% and 25% of AML patients. CD47 expression significantly correlated with percentage BM blast infiltration and peripheral blood blasts. Moreover, high CD47 expression was associated with nucleophosmin (NPM1) gene mutations. In contrast, CD47 expression did not significantly correlate with overall or progression free survival or response to therapy. In summary, a BM TMA permits rapid and reproducible semi-quantitative analysis of CD47 protein expression by IHC. While CD47 expression on circulating AML blasts has been shown to be a negative prognostic marker for a very defined population of AML patients with NK AML, CD47 expression on AML BM blasts is not.
Increasing antibiotic resistance among uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is driving interest in therapeutic targeting of nonconserved virulence factor (VF) genes. The ability to formulate efficacious combinations of antivirulence agents requires an improved understanding of how UPEC deploy these genes. To identify clinically relevant VF combinations, we applied contemporary network analysis and biclustering algorithms to VF profiles from a large, previously characterized inpatient clinical cohort. These mathematical approaches identified four stereotypical VF combinations with distinctive relationships to antibiotic resistance and patient sex that are independent of traditional phylogenetic grouping. Targeting resistance- or sex-associated VFs based upon these contemporary mathematical approaches may facilitate individualized anti-infective therapies and identify synergistic VF combinations in bacterial pathogens.
Microarray technology is a high-throughput method for genotyping and gene expression profiling. Limited sensitivity and specificity are one of the essential problems for this technology. Most of existing methods of microarray data analysis have an apparent limitation for they merely deal with the numerical part of microarray data and have made little use of gene sequence information. Because it's the gene sequences that precisely define the physical objects being measured by a microarray, it is natural to make the gene sequences an essential part of the data analysis. This dissertation focused on the development of free energy models to integrate sequence information in microarray data analysis. The models were used to characterize the mechanism of hybridization on microarrays and enhance sensitivity and specificity of microarray measurements. ^ Cross-hybridization is a major obstacle factor for the sensitivity and specificity of microarray measurements. In this dissertation, we evaluated the scope of cross-hybridization problem on short-oligo microarrays. The results showed that cross hybridization on arrays is mostly caused by oligo fragments with a run of 10 to 16 nucleotides complementary to the probes. Furthermore, a free-energy based model was proposed to quantify the amount of cross-hybridization signal on each probe. This model treats cross-hybridization as an integral effect of the interactions between a probe and various off-target oligo fragments. Using public spike-in datasets, the model showed high accuracy in predicting the cross-hybridization signals on those probes whose intended targets are absent in the sample. ^ Several prospective models were proposed to improve Positional Dependent Nearest-Neighbor (PDNN) model for better quantification of gene expression and cross-hybridization. ^ The problem addressed in this dissertation is fundamental to the microarray technology. We expect that this study will help us to understand the detailed mechanism that determines sensitivity and specificity on the microarrays. Consequently, this research will have a wide impact on how microarrays are designed and how the data are interpreted. ^
Background: Despite almost 40 years of research into the etiology of Kawasaki Syndrome (KS), there is little research published on spatial and temporal clustering of KS cases. Previous analysis has found significant spatial and temporal clustering of cases, therefore cluster analyses were performed to substantiate these findings and provide insight into incident KS cases discharged from a pediatric tertiary care hospital. Identifying clusters from a single institution would allow for prospective analysis of risk factors and potential exposures for further insight into KS etiology. ^ Methods: A retrospective study was carried out to examine the epidemiology and distribution of patients presenting to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas, with a diagnosis of Acute Febrile Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (MCLS) upon discharge from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009. Spatial, temporal, and space-time cluster analyses were performed using the Bernoulli model with case and control event data. ^ Results: 397 of 102,761 total patients admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital had a principal or secondary diagnosis of Acute Febrile MCLS upon over the 5 year period. Demographic data for KS cases remained consistent with known disease epidemiology. Spatial, temporal, and space-time analyses of clustering using the Bernoulli model demonstrated no statistically significant clusters. ^ Discussion: Despite previous findings of spatial-temporal clustering of KS cases, there were no significant clusters of KS cases discharged from a single institution. This implicates the need for an expanded approach to conducting spatial-temporal cluster analysis and KS surveillance given the limitations of evaluating data from a single institution.^
Multivariate analyses of latest Pliocene through Holocene benthic foraminifera from 61 samples from Deep-Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 214, eastem Indian Ocean were carried out. The 46 highest ranked species were used in R-mode factor analysis which has enabled to the identification of three environmentally significant assemblages at Site 214. Assemblage 1 is characterized by Uvigerina hispido-costata, Osangularia culter , Gavelinopsis lobatulus, Cibicides wuellerstorfi and Karreriella baccata as principal species. This assemblage is inferred to reflect high-energy, well-oxygenated and probably low-organic carbon deep-sea environment at Site 214. Assemblage 2 is defined principally by Globocassidulina pacifica and U. proboscidea and is considered to indicate an organic carbon-rich environment which resulted from high surface productivity irrespective of dissolved oxygen content. Assemblage 3 is marked by Oridorsalis umbonatus, Textularia lythostrota, Hoeglundina elegans, Pyrgo murrhina, and Pullenia quinqueloba as principal species. This assemblage is inferred to indicate a low-organic carbon environment with high pore water oxygen concentration leading to better preservation of deep-sea sediments.
Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.
Optimal currency area theory suggests that business cycle comovement is a sufficient condition for monetary union, particularly if there are low levels of labour mobility between potential members of the monetary union. Previous studies of co-movement of business cycle variables (mainly authored by Artis and Zhang in the late 1990s) found that there was a core of member states in the EU that could be grouped together as having similar business cycle comovements, but these studies always used Germany as the country against which to compare. In this study, the analysis of Artis and Zhang is extended and updated but correlating against both German and euro area macroeconomic aggregates and using more recent techniques in cluster analysis, namely model-based clustering techniques.