948 resultados para METRIC LIE ALGEBRA
The present thesis is about the inverse problem in differential Galois Theory. Given a differential field, the inverse problem asks which linear algebraic groups can be realized as differential Galois groups of Picard-Vessiot extensions of this field. In this thesis we will concentrate on the realization of the classical groups as differential Galois groups. We introduce a method for a very general realization of these groups. This means that we present for the classical groups of Lie rank $l$ explicit linear differential equations where the coefficients are differential polynomials in $l$ differential indeterminates over an algebraically closed field of constants $C$, i.e. our differential ground field is purely differential transcendental over the constants. For the groups of type $A_l$, $B_l$, $C_l$, $D_l$ and $G_2$ we managed to do these realizations at the same time in terms of Abhyankar's program 'Nice Equations for Nice Groups'. Here the choice of the defining matrix is important. We found out that an educated choice of $l$ negative roots for the parametrization together with the positive simple roots leads to a nice differential equation and at the same time defines a sufficiently general element of the Lie algebra. Unfortunately for the groups of type $F_4$ and $E_6$ the linear differential equations for such elements are of enormous length. Therefore we keep in the case of $F_4$ and $E_6$ the defining matrix differential equation which has also an easy and nice shape. The basic idea for the realization is the application of an upper and lower bound criterion for the differential Galois group to our parameter equations and to show that both bounds coincide. An upper and lower bound criterion can be found in literature. Here we will only use the upper bound, since for the application of the lower bound criterion an important condition has to be satisfied. If the differential ground field is $C_1$, e.g., $C(z)$ with standard derivation, this condition is automatically satisfied. Since our differential ground field is purely differential transcendental over $C$, we have no information whether this condition holds or not. The main part of this thesis is the development of an alternative lower bound criterion and its application. We introduce the specialization bound. It states that the differential Galois group of a specialization of the parameter equation is contained in the differential Galois group of the parameter equation. Thus for its application we need a differential equation over $C(z)$ with given differential Galois group. A modification of a result from Mitschi and Singer yields such an equation over $C(z)$ up to differential conjugation, i.e. up to transformation to the required shape. The transformation of their equation to a specialization of our parameter equation is done for each of the above groups in the respective transformation lemma.
This paper considers left-invariant control systems defined on the orthonormal frame bundles of simply connected manifolds of constant sectional curvature, namely the space forms Euclidean space E-3, the sphere S-3 and Hyperboloid H-3 with the corresponding frame bundles equal to the Euclidean group of motions SE(3), the rotation group SO(4) and the Lorentz group SO(1, 3). Orthonormal frame bundles of space forms coincide with their isometry groups and therefore the focus shifts to left-invariant control systems defined on Lie groups. In this paper a method for integrating these systems is given where the controls are time-independent. In the Euclidean case the elements of the Lie algebra se(3) are often referred to as twists. For constant twist motions, the corresponding curves g(t) is an element of SE(3) are known as screw motions, given in closed form by using the well known Rodrigues' formula. However, this formula is only applicable to the Euclidean case. This paper gives a method for computing the non-Euclidean screw motions in closed form. This involves decoupling the system into two lower dimensional systems using the double cover properties of Lie groups, then the lower dimensional systems are solved explicitly in closed form.
Purpose: To quantify to what extent the new registration method, DARTEL (Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie Algebra), may reduce the smoothing kernel width required and investigate the minimum group size necessary for voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies. Materials and Methods: A simulated atrophy approach was employed to explore the role of smoothing kernel, group size, and their interactions on VBM detection accuracy. Group sizes of 10, 15, 25, and 50 were compared for kernels between 0–12 mm. Results: A smoothing kernel of 6 mm achieved the highest atrophy detection accuracy for groups with 50 participants and 8–10 mm for the groups of 25 at P < 0.05 with familywise correction. The results further demonstrated that a group size of 25 was the lower limit when two different groups of participants were compared, whereas a group size of 15 was the minimum for longitudinal comparisons but at P < 0.05 with false discovery rate correction. Conclusion: Our data confirmed DARTEL-based VBM generally benefits from smaller kernels and different kernels perform best for different group sizes with a tendency of smaller kernels for larger groups. Importantly, the kernel selection was also affected by the threshold applied. This highlighted that the choice of kernel in relation to group size should be considered with care.
We develop an approach to the deformation quantization on the real plane with an arbitrary Poisson structure which is based on Weyl symmetrically ordered operator products. By using a polydifferential representation for the deformed coordinates, xj we are able to formulate a simple and effective iterative procedure which allowed us to calculate the fourth-order star product (and may be extended to the fifth order at the expense of tedious but otherwise straightforward calculations). Modulo some cohomology issues which we do not consider here, the method gives an explicit and physics-friendly description of the star products.
Let R be a commutative ring, G a group and RG its group ring. Let phi : RG -> RG denote the R-linear extension of an involution phi defined on G. An element x in RG is said to be phi-antisymmetric if phi(x) = -x. A characterization is given of when the phi-antisymmetric elements of RG commute. This is a completion of earlier work.
We study the problem of the existence of filtered multiplicative bases of a restricted enveloping algebra u(L), where L is a finite-dimensional and p-nilpotent restricted Lie algebra over a field of positive characteristic p.
We introduce a new class of noncommutative rings - Galois orders, realized as certain subrings of invariants in skew semigroup rings, and develop their structure theory. The class of Calms orders generalizes classical orders in noncommutative rings and contains many important examples, such as the Generalized Weyl algebras, the universal enveloping algebra of the general linear Lie algebra, associated Yangians and finite W-algebras (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
In [19], [24] we introduced a family of self-similar nil Lie algebras L over fields of prime characteristic p > 0 whose properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups. The Lie algebra L is generated by two derivations v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(p-1) (partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...))))), v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...)))) of the truncated polynomial ring K[t(i), i is an element of N vertical bar t(j)(p) =0, i is an element of N] in countably many variables. The associative algebra A generated by v(1), v(2) is equipped with a natural Z circle plus Z-gradation. In this paper we show that for p, which is not representable as p = m(2) + m + 1, m is an element of Z, the algebra A is graded nil and can be represented as a sum of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. L. Bartholdi [3] andYa. S. Krylyuk [15] proved that for p = m(2) + m + 1 the algebra A is not graded nil. However, we show that the second family of self-similar Lie algebras introduced in [24] and their associative hulls are always Z(p)-graded, graded nil, and are sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras.
This thesis presents general methods in non-Gaussian analysis in infinite dimensional spaces. As main applications we study Poisson and compound Poisson spaces. Given a probability measure μ on a co-nuclear space, we develop an abstract theory based on the generalized Appell systems which are bi-orthogonal. We study its properties as well as the generated Gelfand triples. As an example we consider the important case of Poisson measures. The product and Wick calculus are developed on this context. We provide formulas for the change of the generalized Appell system under a transformation of the measure. The L² structure for the Poisson measure, compound Poisson and Gamma measures are elaborated. We exhibit the chaos decomposition using the Fock isomorphism. We obtain the representation of the creation, annihilation operators. We construct two types of differential geometry on the configuration space over a differentiable manifold. These two geometries are related through the Dirichlet forms for Poisson measures as well as for its perturbations. Finally, we construct the internal geometry on the compound configurations space. In particular, the intrinsic gradient, the divergence and the Laplace-Beltrami operator. As a result, we may define the Dirichlet forms which are associated to a diffusion process. Consequently, we obtain the representation of the Lie algebra of vector fields with compact support. All these results extends directly for the marked Poisson spaces.
lsoscalar (T = 0) plus isovector (T = 1) pairing Hamiltonian in LS-coupling. which is important for heavy N = Z nuclei, is solvable in terms of a SO(8) Lie algebra for three special values of the mixing parameter that measures the competition between the T = 0 aid T = 1 pairing. The SO(8) algebra is generated, amongst others, by the S = 1, T = 0 and S = 0, T = 1 pair creation and annihilation operators and corresponding to the three values of the mixing parameter, there are three chains of subalgebras: SO(8) superset of SOST (6) superset of SOS(3) circle times SOT(3), SO(8) superset of [SOS(5) superset of SOS(3)] circle times SOT(3) and SO(8) superset of [SOT(5) superset of SOT(3)] circle times SOS(3). Shell model Lie algebras, with only particle number conserving generators, that are complementary to these three chains of subalgebras are identified and they are used in the classification of states for a given number of nucleons. The classification problem is solved explicitly tor states with SO(8) seniority nu = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Using them, hand structures in isospin space are identified for states with nu = 0, 1, 2 and 3. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A solution of the sourceless Einstein's equation with an infinite value for the cosmological constant L is discussed by using Inonu-Wigner contractions of the de Sitter groups and spaces. When Lambda --> infinity, spacetime becomes a four-dimensional cone, dual to Minkowski space by a spacetime inversion. This inversion relates the four-cone vertex to the infinity of Minkowski space, and the four-cone infinity to the Minkowski light-cone. The non-relativistic limit c --> infinity. is further considered, the kinematical group in this case being a modified Galilei group in which the space and time translations are replaced by the non-relativistic limits of the corresponding proper conformal transformations. This group presents the same abstract Lie algebra as the Galilei group and can be named the conformal Galilei group. The results may be of interest to the early Universe Cosmology.
We associate to an arbitrary Z-gradation of the Lie algebra of a Lie group a system of Riccati-type first order differential equations. The particular cases under consideration are the ordinary Riccati and the matrix Riccati equations. The multidimensional extension of these equations is given. The generalisation of the associated Redheffer-Reid differential systems appears in a natural way. The connection between the Toda systems and the Riccati-type equations in lower and higher dimensions is established. Within this context the integrability problem for those equations is studied. As an illustration, some examples of the integrable multidimensional Riccati-type equations related to the maximally nonabelian Toda systems are given.
The so-called conformal affine Toda theory coupled to the matter fields (CATM), associated to the (s) over capl(2) affine Lie algebra, is studied. The conformal symmetry is fixed by setting a connection to zero, then one defines an off-critical model, the affine Toda model coupled to the matter (ATM). Using the dressing transformation method we construct the explicit forms of the two-soliton classical solutions, and show that a physical bound soliton-antisoliton pair (breather) does not exist. Moreover, we verify that these solutions share some features of the sine-Gordon (massive Thirring) solitons, and satisfy the classical equivalence of topological and Noether currents in the ATM model. We show, using bosonization techniques that the ATM theory decouples into a sine-Gordon model and a free scalar. Imposing the Noether and topological currents equivalence as a constraint, one can show that the ATM model leads to a bag model like mechanism for the confinement of the color charge inside the sine-Gordon solitons (baryons).
According to general relativity, the interaction of a matter field with gravitation requires the simultaneous introduction of a tetrad field, which is a field related to translations, and a spin connection, which is a field assuming values in the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group. These two fields, however, are not independent. By analyzing the constraint between them, it is concluded that the relevant local symmetry group behind general relativity is provided by the Lorentz group. Furthermore, it is shown that the minimal coupling prescription obtained from the Lorentz covariant derivative coincides exactly with the usual coupling prescription of general relativity. Instead of the tetrad, therefore, the spin connection is to be considered as the fundamental field representing gravitation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)