997 resultados para MATING-TYPE


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UNLABELLED: Pneumocystis species are fungal parasites of mammal lungs showing host specificity. Pneumocystis jirovecii colonizes humans and causes severe pneumonia in immunosuppressed individuals. In the absence of in vitro cultures, the life cycle of these fungi remains poorly known. Sexual reproduction probably occurs, but the system of this process and the mating type (MAT) genes involved are not characterized. In the present study, we used comparative genomics to investigate the issue in P. jirovecii and Pneumocystis carinii, the species infecting rats, as well as in their relative Taphrina deformans. We searched sex-related genes using 103 sequences from the relative Schizosaccharomyces pombe as queries. Genes homologous to several sex-related role categories were identified in all species investigated, further supporting sexuality in these organisms. Extensive in silico searches identified only three putative MAT genes in each species investigated (matMc, matMi, and matPi). In P. jirovecii, these genes clustered on the same contig, proving their contiguity in the genome. This organization seems compatible neither with heterothallism, because two different MAT loci on separate DNA molecules would have been detected, nor with secondary homothallism, because the latter involves generally more MAT genes. Consistently, we did not detect cis-acting sequences for mating type switching in secondary homothallism, and PCR revealed identical MAT genes in P. jirovecii isolates from six patients. A strong synteny of the genomic region surrounding the putative MAT genes exists between the two Pneumocystis species. Our results suggest the hypothesis that primary homothallism is the system of reproduction of Pneumocystis species and T. deformans. IMPORTANCE: Sexual reproduction among fungi can involve a single partner (homothallism) or two compatible partners (heterothallism). We investigated the issue in three pathogenic fungal relatives: Pneumocystis jirovecii, which causes severe pneumonia in immunocompromised humans; Pneumocystis carinii, which infects rats; and the plant pathogen Taphrina deformans. The nature, the number, and the organization within the genome of the genes involved in sexual reproduction were determined. The three species appeared to harbor a single genomic region gathering only three genes involved in sexual differentiation, an organization which is compatible with sexual reproduction involving a single partner. These findings illuminate the strategy adopted by fungal pathogens to infect their hosts.


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Typical Talaromyces ascomata were observed on dry Quercus suber leaf litter amongst the characteristic synnemata of Penicillium aureocephalum, and they appear to represent the sexual state of the latter species. The species is a synonym of the older Lasioderma flavovirens, and we propose the new combination Talaromyces flavovirens. Lectotype and epitype specimens are designated for this name. The defining characters of the asexual state include yellow, short-stalked, mycetozoan-like synnemata with an unusual, almost closed terminal head of penicillate conidiophores intermixed with sinuous hyphae, and dark green conidia. Ascomata could not be induced in culture, but PCR amplifications of mating-type genes indicate the species is heterothallic. In nature, ascocarp initials appear to be antheridia coiled around clavate ascogonia, similar to those of T. flavus, and the thick-walled, spiny ascospores are also similar to those of T. flavus. ITS barcodes and β-tubulin sequences place T. flavovirens in a clade with T. apiculatus, T. flavus, T. funiculosus, T. galapagensis, T. pinophilus, T. macrosporus, and seven other species.


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Foram identificados isolados de Magnaporthe grisea do Brasil a serem utilizados como parentais em estudos de determinação do tipo compatível ("mating type") do fungo. A escolha dos melhores parentais baseou-se naqueles isolados que determinaram o tipo compatível de maior número de isolados de M. grisea do trigo (Triticum aestivum). A inter-relação sexual da brusone do trigo com a brusone de diversos hospedeiros foi avaliada de acordo com os seguintes parâmetros: determinação de tipo compatível (MAT1-1 e MAT1-2), sexualidade (hermafrodita, fêmea e macho), fertilidade (número de peritécios) e produção de órgãos sexuais (peritécio, ascas e ascósporos). Os parentais Bp3a e Br118.2D possibilitaram a identificação do tipo compatível de maior porcentagem dos isolados da brusone do trigo. Entre as diversas gramíneas estudadas, os isolados de brusone provenientes de Brachiaria plantaginea e T. aestivum podem influenciar na alta variabilidade de M. grisea do trigo. Verificou-se variabilidade genética dentro de isolados de Setaria geniculata, sugerindo que a brusone desse hospedeiro pode influir na variabilidade da brusone do trigo. Isolados de brusone do arroz (Oryza sativa) apresentaram baixa fertilidade sexual.


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A brusone, causada por Pyricularia grisea (teleomorfa Magnaphorthe grisea), possui uma ampla gama de hospedeiros. No Brasil, arroz, trigo, triticale e cevada são as culturas que sofrem quedas significativas de produtividade devido ao ataque desse patógeno. Além desses cereais, outras gramíneas também têm apresentado sintomas dessa doença. Os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram: a) caracterizar sexualmente isolados de P. grisea desses hospedeiros baseado na determinação do "mating type", fertilidade, sexualidade, compatibilidade sexual, b) analisar o grau de compatibilidade sexual entre isolados de brusone de trigo e de outras gramíneas, c) estudar a ocorrência da reprodução sexual em isolados de trigo. Os resultados obtidos através de ensaios "in vitro" constataram: 1) compatibilidade sexual de P. grisea do trigo com Bromus catharticus, Phalaris canariensis e X. triticosecal; 2) desbalanço entre porcentagem de MAT1-1 e MAT1-2, com predominância de MAT1-1 na população de P. grisea do trigo; 3) existência de um campo de isolados de trigo com baixa habilidade de cruzamento; 4) baixa possibilidade de ocorrência de reprodução sexual de P. grisea em campos de trigo, mesmo com existência de ambos "mating type" num mesmo campo.


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A brusone é causada pelo fungo Ascomyceto Pyricularia oryzae, sendo a doença mundialmente mais importante do arroz. Além do arroz, P. oryzae causa a brusone em trigo no Brasil, no Paraguai e na Bolívia. A alta variabilidade genético-patotípica observada em populações locais de P. oryzae, é possivelmente responsável pela baixa durabilidade da resistência de cultivares de arroz e trigo a referida doença, e talvez também seja determinante em eventos de 'mudança de hospedeiro' pelo patógeno. Esta revisão tem por objetivo apresentar aspectos relevantes da reprodução sexuada de P. oryzae, bem como informações sobre mecanismos de regulação do ciclo reprodutivo sexual do patógeno por meio dos genes mating type e feromônios, num sistema de reconhecimento específico. O conhecimento da biologia reprodutiva e da importância da reprodução sexuada em P. oryzae é essencial para o manejo da brusone baseado em resistência durável.


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The anther smut fungus U stilago violacea has been developed as an important model organIsm for genetic, morphological and physiological studies. Valuable information on the nuclear genetics on U stilago violacea has been obtained in the last 20-25 years. However, in this organism almost nothing is known about mitochondria which make up an important aspect of the fungal genetic system. One fundamental aspect, mitochondrial inheritance, was addressed by this investigation. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of U. violacea was purified and restriction fragments cloned. MtDNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified among different isolates and were used as genetic markers for studying mitochondrial inheritance in crosses between polymorphic isolates. Matings of the yeast-like haploid cells of opposite mating types resulted in dikaryons containing mitochondria from both parents. The dikaryons were induced to form hyphae and then allowed to revert to haploid growth, resulting 1ll a colony that is bisectored for the two nuclear types. Both nuclear-type progeny of each cross were examined for parental mitochondrial type: Either mitochondrial type was observed 1ll the progeny. Thus, mitochondrial inheritance is biparental in this organism. The recovery of both mitochondrial types in the progeny was non-random. In progeny with the nuclear genotype of the al mating type parent mitochondria from both parents were inherited equally well. However, 1ll progeny with the a2 mating type, mitochondria were inherited almost exclusively (94%) from the a2 parent.


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Le transport et la localisation des ARN messagers permettent de réguler l’expression spatiale et temporelle de facteurs spécifiques impliqués dans la détermination du destin cellulaire, la plasticité synaptique, la polarité cellulaire et la division asymétrique des cellules. Chez S.cerevisiæ, plus de trente transcrits sont transportés activement vers le bourgeon cellulaire. Parmi ces transcrits, l’ARNm ASH1 (asymetric synthesis of HO) est localisé à l’extrémité du bourgeon pendant l’anaphase. Ce processus va entrainer une localisation asymétrique de la protéine Ash1p, qui sera importée uniquement dans le noyau de la cellule fille, où elle entraine le changement de type sexuel. La localisation asymétrique de l’ARNm ASH1, et donc de Ash1p, implique la présence de différents facteurs de localisation. Parmi ces facteurs, les protéines She (She1p/Myo4p, She2p et She3p) et les répresseurs traductionnels (Puf6p, Loc1p et Khd1p) participent à ce mécanisme. La protéine navette She2p est capable de lier l’ARNm ASH1 et va entrainer le ciblage de cet ARNm vers l’extrémité du bourgeon en recrutant le complexe She3p-Myo4p. Des répresseurs traductionnels régulent la traduction de cet ARNm et évitent l’expression ectopique de la protéine Ash1p pendant son transport. Alors que la fonction cytoplasmique de She2p sur la localisation des ARNm est connue, sa fonction nucléaire est encore inconnue. Nous avons montré que She2p contient une séquence de localisation nucléaire non classique qui est essentielle à son import nucléaire médié par l’importine α (Srp1p). L’exclusion de She2p du noyau par mutation de son NLS empêche la liaison de Loc1p et Puf6p sur l’ARNm ASH1, entrainant un défaut de localisation de l’ARNm et de la protéine. Pour étudier plus en détail l’assemblage de la machinerie de localisation des ARNm dans le noyau, nous avons utilisé des techniques d’immunoprécipitation de chromatine afin de suivre le recrutement des facteurs de localisation et des répresseurs traductionnels sur les ARNm naissants. Nous avons montré que She2p est recruté sur le gène ASH1 pendant sa transcription, via son interaction avec l’ARNm ASH1 naissant. Puf6p est également recruté sur ASH1, mais d’une manière dépendante de la présence de She2p. De façon intéressante, nous avons détecté une interaction entre She2p et la plus grande sous-unité de l’ARN polymérase II (Rpb1p). Cette interaction est détectée avec la forme active en élongation de l’ARN polymérase II. Nous avons également démontré que She2p interagit avec le complexe d’élongation de la transcription Spt4p/Spt5p. Une délétion de SPT4 ou une mutation dans SPT5 (Ts spt5) à température restrictive empêche l’interaction entre She2p et Rpb1p, et diminue le recrutement de She2p au gène ASH1, entrainant un défaut de localisation de l’ARNm et un défaut de localisation asymétrique de la protéine Ash1p. De manière globale, nos résultats montrent que les facteurs impliqués dans la localisation cytoplasmique des ARNm et dans leur contrôle traductionnel sont recrutés de façon co-transcriptionnelle sur les ARNm naissants via leur interaction avec la machinerie de transcription, suggèrant un rôle important de la machinerie transcriptionelle dans la localisation des ARNm.


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Data comprising 53,181 calving records were analyzed to estimate the genetic correlation between days to calving (DC), and days to first calving (DFC), and the following traits: scrotal circumference (SC), age at first calving (AFC), and weight adjusted for 550 d of age (W550) in a Nelore herd. (Co)variance components were estimated using the REML method fitting bivariate animal models. The fixed effects considered for DC were contemporary group, month of last calving, and age at breeding season (linear and quadratic effects). Contemporary groups were composed by herd, year, season, and management group at birth; herd and management group at weaning; herd, season, and management group at mating; and sex of calf and mating type (multiple sires, single sire, or AI). In DFC analysis, the same fixed effects were considered excluding the month of last calving. For DC, a repeatability animal model was applied. Noncalvers were not considered in analyses because an attempt to include them, attributing a penalty, did not improve the identification of genetic differences between animals. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.04 to 0.06 for DC, from 0.06 to 0.13 for DFC, from 0.42 to 0.44 for SC, from 0.06 to 0.08 for AFC, and was 0.30 for W550. The genetic correlation estimated between DC and SC was low and negative (-0.10), between DC and AFC was high and positive (0.76), and between DC and W550 was almost null (0.07). Similar results were found for genetic correlation estimates between DFC and SC (-0.14), AFC (0.94), and W550 (-0.02). The genetic correlation estimates indicate that the use of DC in the selection of beef cattle may promote favorable correlated responses to age at first mating and, consequently, higher gains in sexual precocity can be expected.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estimaram-se parâmetros genéticos para idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) de, aproximadamente, 6.000 novilhas, utilizando-se três diferentes definições de grupo contemporâneo (GC). Foram considerados no modelo o efeito aleatório de animal e os efeitos fixos de GC, além dos efeitos linear e quadrático da idade da mãe da novilha ao parto (IDV). A primeira definição de grupo contemporâneo (GC1) considerou as variáveis fazenda, ano, estação de nascimento, grupo de manejo de nascimento, desmama e sobreano e tipo de serviço (monta natural, monta controlada ou inseminação artificial). A segunda definição de grupo contemporâneo (GC2) incluiu as mesmas variáveis de GC1, além de ano e estação do parto. A terceira definição de grupo contemporâneo considerou as variáveis ano e estação de nascimento, fazenda, ano e estação do parto e tipo de cobertura. As estimativas de herdabilidade para IPP foram de 0,16 ± 0,03, 0,09 ± 0,03 e 0,11 ± 0,02, considerando-se GC1, GC2 e GC3, respectivamente.


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This work investigated the effects of increasing temperature from 30 degrees C to 47 degrees C on the physiological and genetic characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 63M after continuous fermentation with cell recycling in a system of five reactors in series. Steady state was attained at 30 degrees C, and then the temperature of the system was raised so it ranged from 35 degrees C in the last reactor to 43 degrees C in the first reactor or feeding reactor with a 2 degrees C difference between reactors. After 15 days at steady state, the temperature was raised from 37 degrees C to 45 degrees C for 25 days at steady state, then from 39 degrees C to 47 degrees C for 20 days at steady state. Starter strain 63M was a hybrid strain constructed to have a MAT a/alpha, LYS/lys, URA/ura genotype. This hybrid yeast showed vigorous growth on plates at 40 degrees C, weak growth at 41 degrees C, positive assimilation of melibiose, positive fermentation of galactose, raffinose and sucrose. of 156 isolates obtained from this system at the end of the fermentation process, only 17.3% showed the same characteristics as starter strain 63M. Alterations in mating type reaction and in utilization of raffinose, melibiose, and sucrose were identified. Only 1.9% of the isolates lost the ability to grow at 40 degrees C. Isolates showing requirements for lysine and uracil were also obtained. In addition, cell survival was observed at 39-47 degrees C, but no isolates showing growth above 41 degrees C were obtained.


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The genus Paracoccidioides includes the thermodimorphic species Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and P. lutzii, both of which are etiologic agents of paracoccidioidomycosis, a systemic mycosis that affects humans in Latin America. Despite the common occurrence of a sexual stage among closely related fungi, this has not been observed with Paracoccidioides species, which have thus been considered asexual. Molecular evolutionary studies revealed recombination events within isolated populations of the genus Paracoccidioides, suggesting the possible existence of a sexual cycle. Comparative genomic analysis of all dimorphic fungi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrated the presence of conserved genes involved in sexual reproduction, including those encoding mating regulators such as MAT, pheromone receptors, pheromone-processing enzymes, and mating signaling regulators. The expression of sex-related genes in the yeast and mycelial phases of both Paracoccidioides species was also detected by realtime PCR, with nearly all of these genes being expressed preferentially in the filamentous form of the pathogens. In addition, the expression of sex-related genes was responsive to the putative presence of pheromone in the supernatants obtained from previous cocultures of strains of two different mating types. In vitro crossing of isolates of different mating types, discriminated by phylogenetic analysis of the α-box (MAT1-1) and the high-mobility-group (HMG) domain (MAT1-2), led to the identification of the formation of young ascocarps with constricted coiled hyphae related to the initial stage of mating. These genomic and morphological analyses strongly support the existence of a sexual cycle in species of the genus Paracoccidioides. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology.


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The MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs associated with the MAT1 locus of Histoplasma capsulatum were identified by PCR. A total of 28 fungal isolates, 6 isolates from human clinical samples and 22 isolates from environmental (infected bat and contaminated soil) samples, were studied. Among the 14 isolates from Mexico, 71.4% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 48.3% to 94.5%) were of the MAT1-2 genotype, whereas 100% of the isolates from Brazil were of the MAT1-1 genotype. Each MAT1 idiomorphic region was sequenced and aligned, using the sequences of the G-217B (+mating type) and G-186AR (-mating type) strains as references. BLASTn analyses of the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 sequences studied correlated with their respective+ and-mating type genotypes. Trees were generated by the maximum likelihood (ML) method to search for similarity among isolates of each MAT1 idiomorph. All MAT1-1 isolates originated from Brazilian bats formed a well-defined group; three isolates from Mexico, the G-217B strain, and a subgroup encompassing all soil-derived isolates and two clinical isolates from Brazil formed a second group; last, one isolate (EH-696P) from a migratory bat captured in Mexico formed a third group of the MAT1-1 genotype. The MAT1-2 idiomorph formed two groups, one of which included two H. capsulatum isolates from infected bats that were closely related to the G-186AR strain. The other group was formed by two human isolates and six isolates from infected bats. Concatenated ML trees, with internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) -5.8S-ITS2 and MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 sequences, support the relatedness of MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 isolates. H. capsulatum mating types were associated with the geographical origin of the isolates, and all isolates from Brazil correlated with their environmental sources. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)