992 resultados para MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLE


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We report temperature-dependent magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) properties of bulk and nanoparticle samples of Bi0.1Ca0.9MnO3 (BCMO). The nanoparticles of BCMO (dia similar to 50 nm) were prepared by the standard sol-gel technique and bulk samples by solid-state reaction method. We have investigated the magnetic ordering in the two samples by carrying out temperature-dependent magnetic and EPR studies and compared their properties. According to earlier reports, antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic orders coexist in the bulk sample of Bi0.1Ca0.9MnO3. Our magnetization and EPR results show the existence of ferromagnetism in the bulk sample which is present in the nanosample as well but with somewhat weakened strength with the size reduction.


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Nanoscale ordering in a polymer blend structure is indispensable to obtain materials with tailored properties. It was established here that controlling the arrangement of nanoparticles, with different characteristics, in co-continuous PC/PVDF (polycarbonate/poly(vinylidene fluoride)) blends can result in outstanding microwave absorption (ca. 90%). An excellent reflection loss (RL) of ca. -71 dB was obtained for a model blend structure wherein the conducting (multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs) and the magnetic inclusions (Fe3O4) are localized in PVDF and the dielectric inclusion (barium titanate, BT) is in PC. The MWNTs were modified using polyaniline, which facilitates better charge transport in the blends. Furthermore, by introducing surface active groups on BT nanoparticles and changing the macroscopic processing conditions, the localization of BT nanoparticles can be tailored, otherwise BT nanoparticles would localize in the preferred phase (PVDF). In this study, we have shown that by ordered arrangement of nanoparticles, the incoming EM radiation can be attenuated. For instance, when PANI-MWNTs were localized in PVDF, the shielding was mainly through reflection. Now by localizing the conducting inclusion and the magnetic lossy materials in PVDF and the dielectric materials in PC, an outstanding shielding effectiveness of ca. -37 dB was achieved where shielding was mainly through absorption (ca. 90%). Thus, this study clearly demonstrates that lightweight microwave absorbers can be designed using polymer blends as a tool.


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In recent years, magnetic core-shell nanoparticles have received widespread attention due to their unique properties that can be used for various applications. We introduce here a magnetic core-shell nanoparticle system for potential application as a contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MnFe2O4-Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by the wet-chemical synthesis method. Detailed structural and compositional charaterization confirmed the formation of a core-shell microstructure for the nanoparticles. Magnetic charaterization revealed the superparamagnetic nature of the as-synthesized core-shell nanoparticles. Average size and saturation magnetization values obtained for the as-synthesized core-shell nanoparticle were 12.5 nm and 69.34 emu g(-1) respectively. The transverse relaxivity value of the water protons obtained in the presence of the core-shell nanoparticles was 184.1 mM(-1) s(-1). To investigate the effect of the core-shell geometry towards enhancing the relaxivity value, transverse relaxivity values were also obtained in the presence of separately synthesized single phase Fe3O4 and MnFe2O4 nanoparticles. Average size and saturation magnetization values for the as-synthesized Fe3O4 nanoparticles were 12 nm and 65.8 emu g(-1) respectively. Average size and saturation magnetization values for the MnFe2O4 nanoparticles were 9 nm and 61.5 emu g(-1) respectively. The transverse relaxivity value obtained in the presence of single phase Fe3O4 and MnFe2O4 nanoparticles was 96.6 and 83.2 mM(-1) s(-1) respectively. All the nanoparticles (core-shell and single phase) were coated with chitosan by a surfactant exchange reaction before determining the relaxivity values. For similar nanoparticle sizes and saturation magnetization values, the highest value of the transverse relaxivity in the case of core-shell nanoparticles clearly illustrated that the difference in the magnetic nature of the core and shell phases in the core-shell nanoparticles creates greater magnetic inhomogeneity in the surrounding medium yielding a high value for proton relaxivity. The MnFe2O4-Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles exhibited extremely low toxicity towards the MCF-7 cell line. Taken together, this opens up new avenues for the use of core-shell nanoparticles in MRI.


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Despite intensive research on optimizing the methods for depositing carbon encapsulated ferromagnetic nanoparticles, the effect of the carbon cages remains unclear. In the present work, the effect of the graphitic cages on the magnetization of the ferromagnetic core has been studied by comparing the magnetic properties of pure and carbon encapsulated Ni particles of the same size. The carbon encapsulated Ni particles were formed using an electric arc discharge in de-ionized water between a solid graphite cathode and an anode consisting of Ni and C in a mass ratio of Ni:C = 7:3. This method is shown to have potential for low cost production of carbon encapsulated Ni nanoparticle samples with narrow particle size distributions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) analysis were used to study the crystallography, morphology, and size distribution of the encapsulated and pure Ni nanoparticle samples. The availability of encapsulated particles with various sizes allowed us to elucidate the role of carbon cages in size-dependent properties. Our data suggest that even though encapsulation is beneficial for protection against hostile chemical environments and for avoiding low proximity phenomena, it suppresses the saturation magnetization of the Ni cores.


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© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. Superparamagnetic nanoparticles are employed in a broad range of applications that demand detailed magnetic characterization for superior performance, e.g., in drug delivery or cancer treatment. Magnetic hysteresis measurements provide information on saturation magnetization and coercive force for bulk material but can be equivocal for particles having a broad size distribution. Here, first-order reversal curves (FORCs) are used to evaluate the effective magnetic particle size and interaction between equally sized magnetic iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles with three different morphologies: (i) pure Fe2O3, (ii) Janus-like, and (iii) core/shell Fe2O3/SiO2synthesized using flame technology. By characterizing the distribution in coercive force and interaction field from the FORC diagrams, we find that the presence of SiO2in the core/shell structures significantly reduces the average coercive force in comparison to the Janus-like Fe2O3/SiO2and pure Fe2O3particles. This is attributed to the reduction in the dipolar interaction between particles, which in turn reduces the effective magnetic particle size. Hence, FORC analysis allows for a finer distinction between equally sized Fe2O3particles with similar magnetic hysteresis curves that can significantly influence the final nanoparticle performance.


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FePt nanoparticles with average size of 9 nm were synthesized using a diblock polymer micellar method combined with plasma treatment. To prevent from oxidation under ambient conditions, immediately after plasma treatment, the FePt nanoparticle arrays were in situ transferred into the film-growth chamber where they were covered by an SiO2 overlayer. A nearly complete transformation of L1(0) FePt was achieved for samples annealed at temperatures above 700 A degrees C. The well control on the FePt stoichiometry and avoidance from surface oxidation largely enhanced the coercivity, and a value as high as 10 kOe was obtained in this study. An evaluation of magnetic interactions was made using the so-called isothermal remanence (IRM) and dc-demagnetization (DCD) remanence curves and Kelly-Henkel plots (Delta M measurement). The Delta M measurement reveals that the resultant FePt nanoparticles exhibit a rather weak interparticle dipolar coupling, and the absence of interparticle exchange interaction suggests no significant particle agglomeration occurred during the post-annealing. Additionally, a slight parallel magnetic anisotropy was also observed. The results indicate the micellar method has a high potential in preparing FePt nanoparticle arrays used for ultrahigh density recording media.


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Inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) with attractive electronic, optical, magnetic, thermal and catalytic properties have attracted great interest due to their important applications in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, materials science and interdisciplinary fields. Biomolecule-NP hybrid systems, which combine recognition and catalytic properties of biomolecules with electronic, optical, magnetic and catalytic properties of NPs, are particularly new materials with synergistic properties originating from the components of the hybrid composites. The biomolecule-NP hybrid system has excellent prospects for interfacing biological recognition events with electronic signal transduction so as to design a new generation of bioelectronic devices with high sensitivity.


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Bifunctional nanoarchitecture has been developed by combining the magnetic iron oxide and the luminescent Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) encapsulated in silica. First, the iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized and coated with silica, which was used to isolate the magnetic nanoparticles from the outer-shell encapsulated Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) to prevent luminescence quenching. Then onto this core an outer shell of silica containing encapsulated Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) was grown through the Stober method. Highly luminescent Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) serves as a luminescent marker, while magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles allow external manipulation by a magnetic field. Since Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) is a typical electrochemiluminescence (ECL) reagent and it could still maintain such property when encapsulated in the bifunctional nanoparticle, we explored the feasibility of applying the as-prepared nanostructure to fabricating an ECL sensor; such method is simple and effective. We applied the prepared ECL sensor not only to the typical Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) co-reactant tripropylamine (TPA), but also to the practically important polyamines. Consequently, the ECL sensor shows a wide linear range, high sensitivity, and good stability.


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Magnetic luminescent nanocomposites were prepared via a layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly approach. The Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles of 8.5 nm were used as a template for the deposition of the CdTe quantum dots (QDs)/polyelectrolyte (PE) multilayers. The number of polyelectrolyte multilayers separating the nanoparticle layers and the number of QDs/ polyelectrolyte deposition cycles were varied to obtain two kinds of magnetic luminescent nanocomposites, Fe3O4/PEn/CdTe and Fe3O4/(PE3/CdTe)(n), respectively. The assembly processes were monitored through microelectrophoresis and UV-vis spectra. The topography and the size of the nanocomposites were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The LbL technique for fabricating magnetic luminescent nanocomposites has some advantages to tune their properties. It was found that the selection of a certain number of the inserted polyelectrolyte interlayers and the CdTe QDs loading on the nanocomposites could optimize the photoluminescence properties of the nanocomposites. Furthermore, the nanocomposites could be easily separated and collected in an external magnetic field.


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We simulate the localized surface plasmon resonances of an Au nanoparticle within tunnelling proximity of an Au substrate. The results demonstrate that the calculated resonance energies can be identified with those experimentally detected for light emission from the tip-sample junction of a scanning tunnelling microscope. Relative to the modes of an isolated nanoparticle these modes show significant red-shifting, extending further into the infrared with increasing radius, primarily due to a proximity-induced lowering of the effective bulk plasmon frequency. Spatial mapping of the field enhancement factor shows an oscillatory variation of the field, absent in the case of a dielectric substrate; also the degree of localization of the modes, and thus the resolution achievable electromagnetically, is shown to depend primarily on the nanoparticle radius, which is only weakly dependent on wavelength.


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Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are of considerable interest for use as a radiosensitizer, because of their biocompatibility and their ability to increase dose deposited because of their high mass energy absorption coefficient. Their sensitizing properties have been verified experimentally, but a discrepancy between the experimental results and theoretical predictions suggests that the sensitizing effect does not depend solely on gold's superior absorption of energetic photons. This work presents the results of three sets of experiments that independently mapped out the energy dependence of the radiosensitizing effects of GNPs on plasmid DNA suspended in water. Incident photon energy was varied from 11.8 to 80 keV through the use of monochromatic synchrotron and broadband X-rays. These results depart significantly from the theoretical predictions in two ways: First, the sensitization is significantly larger than would be predicted; second, it does not vary with energy as would be predicted from energy absorption coefficients. These results clearly demonstrate that the effects of GNP-enhanced therapies cannot be predicted by considering additional dose alone and that a greater understanding of the processes involved is necessary for the development of future therapeutics.


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Metal oxide nanoparticles (MONPs) have widespread usage across many disciplines, but monitoring molecular processes at their surfaces in situ has not been possible. Here we demonstrate that MONPs give highly enhanced (X10(4)) Raman scattering signals from molecules at the interface permitting direct monitoring of their reactions, when placed on top of flat metallic surfaces. Experiments with different metal oxide materials and molecules indicate that the enhancement is generic and operates at the single nanoparticle level. Simulations confirm that the amplification is principally electromagnetic and is a result of optical modulation of the underlying plasmonic metallic surface by MONPs, which act as scattering antennae and couple light into the confined region sandwiched by the underlying surface. Because of additional functionalities of metal oxides as magnetic, photoelectrochemical and catalytic materials, enhanced Raman scattering mediated by MONPs opens up significant opportunities in fundamental science, allowing direct tracking and understanding of application-specific transformations at such interfaces. We show a first example by monitoring the MONP-assisted photocatalytic decomposition reaction of an organic dye by individual nanoparticles.


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Contexte: La cardiopathie ischémique (IHD) reste une cause majeure de mortalité en Amérique du Nord. La thérapie cellulaire cardiaque (CCT) a émergé comme une thérapie prometteuse pour aider à guérir certaines malades cardiaques. Parmi les cellulaires avec propriétés pluripotentes, les cellules stromales mésenchymateuses (MSC) sont prometteuses. Cependant, plusieurs questions demeurent non résolues et certaines défis empêchent l'application clinique de la CCT se dans l'IHD, tels que le faible taux de rétention cellulaire in situ, le suivi des cellules in vivo post-implantation et post-acheminements et l`apoptose. Ici, le traitement préliminaire des MSC avec des facteurs de croissance et leur couplage avec des nanoparticules (NP) seront étudiés comme des méthodes pour optimiser MSC. Méthodes: Des MSCs provenant du rat (rMSC) et du cochon (pMSC) ont été isolés à partir de moelle osseuse. Les rMSC ont été préconditionnées avec SDF-1a, TSG-6 et PDGF-BB, et ensuite soumises à une hypoxie, une privation de sérum et a un stress oxydatif. Des études de cicatrisation ont également été effectués avec rMSCs préconditionnées. En parallèle, de nouvelles NP ferromagnétiques liées aux silicones ont été synthétisées. Les NPs ont été couplées aux pMSCs suivant leur fonctionnalisation avec l`anticorps, CD44, un antigène de surface du MSC bien connu. Par la suite, les études de biocompatibilité ont été réalisées sur pMSC-NP et en incluant des tests des processus cellulaires tels que la migration, l'adhésion, la prolifération et les propriétés de la différenciation. Résultats: Parmi toutes les cytokines testées, PDGF-BB a démontré la plus grande capacité à améliorer la survie de MSC dans des conditions d'hypoxie, de privation de sérum et en reponse au stress oxydatif. La conjugaison de NP a atténué la migration et la prolifération des pMSCs, mais n`a pas changé leur capacité de différenciation. Enfin, la complexe du MSC-NP est détectable par IRM. Conclusion: Nos données suggèrent que de nouvelles stratégies, telles que traitement préliminaire de PDGF-BB et le couplage des nanoparticules ferromagnétiques, peuvent être considérés comme des avenues prometteuse pour optimiser les MSCs pour la CCT.


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Sol–gel glasses with Fe3O4 nanoparticles having particle sizes laying in the range 10–20 nm were encapsulated in the porous network of silica resulting in nanocomposites having both optical and magnetic properties. Spectroscopic and photoluminescence studies indicated that Fe3O4 nanocrystals are embedded in the silica matrix with no strong Si–O–Fe bonding. The composites exhibited a blue luminescence. The optical absorption edge of the composites red shifted with increasing concentration of Fe3O4 in the silica matrix. There is no obvious shift in the position of the luminescence peak with the concentration of Fe3O4 except that the intensity of the peak is decreased. The unique combinations of magnetic and optical properties are appealing for magneto–optical applications.


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Sol–gel glasses with Fe3O4 nanoparticles having particle sizes laying in the range 10–20 nm were encapsulated in the porous network of silica resulting in nanocomposites having both optical and magnetic properties. Spectroscopic and photoluminescence studies indicated that Fe3O4 nanocrystals are embedded in the silica matrix with no strong Si–O–Fe bonding. The composites exhibited a blue luminescence. The optical absorption edge of the composites red shifted with increasing concentration of Fe3O4 in the silica matrix. There is no obvious shift in the position of the luminescence peak with the concentration of Fe3O4 except that the intensity of the peak is decreased. The unique combinations of magnetic and optical properties are appealing for magneto–optical applications.