966 resultados para Lysine content analyses


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Television (TV) food advertising has attracted criticism for its potential role in promoting unhealthy dietary practices among children. Content analyses indicate junk food advertising is prevalent on Australian children's TV; healthy eating is rarely promoted. This paper presents (a) a cross-sectional survey examining associations between children's regular TV viewing habits and their food-related attitudes and behaviour; and (b) an experiment assessing the impact of varying combinations of TV advertisements (ads) for unhealthy and healthy foods on children's dietary knowledge, attitudes and intentions. The experimental conditions simulated possible models for regulating food ads on children's TV. Participants were 919 grade five and six students from schools in Melbourne, Australia. The survey showed that heavier TV use and more frequent commercial TV viewing were independently associated with more positive attitudes toward junk food; heavier TV use was also independently associated with higher reported junk food consumption. The experiment found that ads for nutritious foods promote selected positive attitudes and beliefs concerning these foods. Findings are discussed in light of methodological issues in media effects research and their implications for policy and practice. It is concluded that changing the food advertising environment on children's TV to one where nutritious foods are promoted and junk foods are relatively unrepresented would help to normalize and reinforce healthy eating.


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• This article reports on observation of 18 nurses in urban and rural based critical care settings.

• The purpose of the study was to observe and describe the decision-making activities of critical care nurses within natural clinical settings.

• During the 2-hour observation, the researcher dictated a detailed commentary on to audio-tape of each nurse's actions. Tapes were transcribed and subjected to content analysis.

• Findings indicated three main categories of decisions. Decision frequencies were linked to nurses' critical care experience, appointment level, and location, as well as nursing shifts.

• The findings are discussed in relation to previous empirical evidence and the implications for practice.

• The author concludes that future research should be directed towards measuring the contextual influences on nurses' decision-making on the outcome of patient care.


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As part of a larger study on talent development in tennis1, 10 Australian top ranked Australian female professional tennis players responded to a questionnaire about the attributes of a champion recalling the major challenges faced in pursuing a tennis career and strategies adopted to address these challenges. To analyse the data, a series of three inductive content analyses were conducted. The results highlighted the importance of psychological attributes and skills in a player’s journey to become a champion. The study’s implications for coaches and sport psychologists are also highlighted.


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Eighteen (10 female and 8 male) recently retired top world-ranked Australian professional tennis players responded to a questionnaire that was developed to address future directions by mental toughness researchers. A series of inductive content analyses was conducted to analyze the qualitative data obtained from participants’ responses. These analyses revealed that mental toughness is a most sought-after dynamic attribute that encompasses a range of abilities (e.g., focus, work ethic) to consistently perform well under pressure. Further, mental toughness is thought to be ‘taught’ and/or ‘acquired’ over many years and can be influenced by factors that include injury, changes in a player’s technique and match results. Examples of mentally tough players were cited and reasons given as to their selection as outstanding mentally tough competitors. Sport psychologists, coaches, parents and other mentors were identified as significant members of a support team to guide and equip players to be mentally tough competitors. This study’s value to the tennis community includes practical benefits from gaining a fuller understanding of what is arguably one of the most important psychological skills in achieving excellence and enjoyment in tennis, namely mental toughness.


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As part of a larger study on talent development, ten top ranked players and ten coaches (nominated by the player) responded to open-ended questionnaires. Players and coaches were asked them to recall their background in tennis, describe the role of the coach and any changes in this role, and offer suggestions to coaches for nurturing talent. A series of inductive content analyses was conduct to analyze the data. These analyses revealed significant, and changing, roles of the coach during a player’s development to professional status. Recommendations to coaches highlighted the importance of coach philosophy, communication, and planning. Implications for coach education programs are discussed.


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This study investigated the role of parents in developing Australian female professional tennis players. Top WTA ranked Australian singles players (n=10) and their parents (n=10) responded to written questionnaires. Participants were asked to recall their tennis
background and describe the current role of parents and compare these to possible earlier roles. Further, participants were asked to make recommendations to parents who wanted to help a player develop her talent. A series of inductive content analyses was conducted to analyze the data. These analyses revealed a significant, and changing, role of parents in a development process extending over 10 years. Sacrifices were necessary in order to pursue a tennis career but positive benefits were generally reported by players and their parents. The importance of a caring and respectful home environment for aspiring players was highlighted.


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Short-stay treatment has become a popular form of care as a strategy to cope with increased demands on health care. There is little research that considers children’s experiences of acute hospitalisation to a short-stay care facility such as a Paediatric Emergency and Assessment Unit (PEAU). This study explored the experiences of eight children aged 8–10 years. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to investigate the children’s own experiences of being hospitalised in a PEAU. Thematic content analyses were used. Three major themes were identified: the children’s understanding of disease, treatment and procedures; the children’s experiences of health-care personnel and the PEAU and transformation of everyday life into the settings of the hospital. The children identified the hospital stay as an overall positive experience. The children took part in leisure activities as they would at home and enjoyed time together with their parents while in hospital. In their conversations with staff they adapted to professional terms that they did not necessarily understand. They did not differentiate between professionals. Further work should be considered to clarify the consequences of this. This study has provided some limited insight into the child’s experiences of acute hospitalisation, which should inform nursing care.


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A sociologia das organizações ainda é realizada sob a construção de esquemas analíticos livres de tempo (CLARK, 1985; HASSARD, 2000; GIDDENS, 2003). No entanto, questões temporais permeiam toda e qualquer organização, o que torna o conceito de tempo de central importância para os estudos organizacionais. Com base nisso, esta pesquisa teve a ambição de abordar a dimensão temporal do trabalho nas organizações; sob a perspectiva dos indivíduos. E, dado que os gerentes médios vivenciam um duplo foco de pressão: originado da alta gerência e do nível operacional da organização, decidiu-se investigar como os gerentes médios experimentam o tempo no trabalho. Para desvendar a experiência temporal dos gerentes médios, foram analisadas, com a metodologia de análise de conteúdo, entrevistas com 20 profissionais de média gerência que trabalham em empresas que operam na cidade de São Paulo. A coleta do material de pesquisa ocorreu com entrevistas em profundidade semi-estruturadas. A análise das entrevistas sugere que embora o tempo no trabalho seja, por todos os profissionais entrevistados, definido como um recurso econômico, cuja utilização dever ser otimizada ao máximo, a experiência temporal entre os gerentes médios não é homogênea. Há fatores ambientais comuns a todos os entrevistados, que tendem a aproximar as experiências temporais dos mesmos. Tais fatores, que são a compressão do tempo, o sentido de urgência, as novas tecnologias, características intrínsecas ao papel de gerente e a organização de si próprios, das empresas e colaboradores, estão associados ao cenário econômico e social contemporâneo. No entanto, características relacionadas à idade, gênero, valores e experiências pessoais, além do segmento de atuação da empresa também impactam a experiência temporal dos gerentes médios e contribuem para a diversificação da maneira como os gerentes médios experimentam e lidam com as pressões temporais. Em síntese, a despeito dos fatores ambientais compartilhados, com destaque para a crescente compressão do tempo, a natureza humana e a impermanência dos fenômenos sociais desnudam a complexidade da experiência temporal dos gerentes médios no trabalho. E revelam que – apesar da homogeneidade, objetividade e linearidade representadas pelo relógio, ícone do tempo nas sociedades ocidentais contemporâneas – heterogeneidade, subjetividade e ciclicidade fazem parte da experiência temporal dos trabalhadores.


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Este trabalho procura dar uma resposta à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: quais variáveis influenciam o comportamento colecionar a partir da perspectiva do consumidor? Para tanto, faz uso de métodos complementares: uso de análise de conteúdo e de modelagem de equações estruturais. As seguintes variáveis foram identificadas: ideal temático, envolvimento, desejo, prazer, permanência, ocupação do espaço e exposição, conhecimento e autoridade. O construto ideal temático foi desenvolvido e escalas para medi-lo e às variáveis permanência, ocupação do espaço e exposição, conhecimento, autoridade e colecionar também foram desenvolvidas. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo estrutural de colecionar aqui desenvolvido é consistente, confiável e válido pelos diversos critérios de análise empregados (índices de adequação do modelo; verificação das hipóteses do modelo; coeficientes de determinação; efeitos diretos, indiretos e totais dos caminhos do modelo e análise de modelos alternativos) e que, portanto, representa uma construção cabível do fenômeno colecionar na área de comportamento do consumidor e que o colecionar é uma forma de estender o eu do colecionador, de uma forma diferenciada, especial. Neste estudo esse fato foi ligado à influência do ideal temático no colecionar.


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An experiment was carried out with male and females broilers of two different commercial breeds to evaluate bone mineral density of the right femur head. A number of 600 one-day-old broilers were raised in an experimental poultry house up to 42 days of age at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil. After slaughter, three males and three females in each breed in each of the established gross scores were selected. Their femora heads were submitted to gross examination, and subsequently the thighs were submitted to the Veterinary Hospital for radiographic analysis. Femora were also submitted to bone resistance, Seedor index, and dry matter content analyses. All these bone quality characteristics were different between males and females, independent of breed. Breeds presented similar behavior. It was possible to establish correlations between bone quality parameters, and confidence intervals for bone mineral density values, correlating them to femoral degeneration score, which allows characterizing femoral head lesions by radiographic optical densitometry.


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Parenting styles concern overall interaction characteristics between parents and children. To assess them, it is important to build and adapt valid and reliable instruments. The main objectives of this dissertation were to translate, adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) for the Brazilian context, as seek associations between the YPI and Familiogram Test (FG). In current study, YPI was adapted to Portuguese by backtranslation method. Content analyses were made by five judges. 920 high school and college students (543 females), whose ages were between 14 and 69 years (M = 21.3, SD = 6.1), filled out the research instruments. Data were collected in Natal, Petrolina and Brasilia cities and Porto Alegre metropolitan region. The results confirmed the existence of five factors. Final version of the YPI was composed by 49 items. Exploratory factorial analysis (principal components) were conducted using oblimin rotation. Five factors extracted explained 45.12% of the maternal scale variance and 47.59% of paternal scale. Each factor explained, at least, 3% of the variance and showed Eigenvalue over than 1.5. All items have factorial loadings values above 0.3. The confirmatory factorial analysis has showed fit statistics reasonably adequate: for maternal scale,  ² [1114] = 4636.38, p < 0.001,  ² / df = 4.16, with GFI = 0.83, AGFI = 0.81 and RMSEA = 0.06; for paternal scale,  ² [1114] = 5133.69 p < 0.001,  ² / df = 4.61, with GFI = 0.81, AGFI = 0.79 and RMSEA = 0,06. Thus, final instrument was composed by the following factors: (I) Disconnection and Rejection ( = 0.89 and 0.90), (II) Affectivity and Emotional Stability ( = 0.85 and 0.88); (III) Overvigilance and Other Directedness ( = 0.83 and 0.85), (IV) Overprotection and Impaired Autonomy ( = 0.78 and 0.79) and (V) Impaired Limits ( = 0.66 and 0.71). Finally, relations between the YPI and FG were assessed. Pearson's correlations between the YPI and FG showed moderated associations, particularly between the factors Affectivity (YPI) and Affection (FG) (r = 0.69 and 0.7 for maternal and paternal scale, respectively); and the factors Disconnection and Rejection (YPI) and Conflict (FG) (r = 0.59 and 0.58). The regression models indicated that over than 40% of variance of factors of FG can be predicted by factors of YPI. Beta coefficients for Affection-Affectivity relation were 0.67 (maternal scale) and 0.53 (paternal scale); for Disconnection-Conflict relation were 0.31 (maternal scale) and 0.44 (paternal scale). We conclude the YPI has adequate psychometric parameters and can be used in future research in this area. However, adjustments in the structure of the YPI were made. Moreover, it is suggested further studies to consider other samples and variables, increasing the knowing of parenting styles and the Young‟s theory in the Brazilian context


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In indicating the microwave irradiation for disinfecting dentures it is necessary to see how this procedure influences Candida albicans integrity and viability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of microwaves to inactivate C. albicans and damage cell membrane integrity. Two 200-ml C. albicans (ATCC 10231) suspensions were obtained. A sterile denture was placed in a beaker containing the Experimental (ES) or the Control suspension (CS). ES was microwaved at 650 W for 6 min. Suspensions were optically counted using methylene blue dye uptake as indicative of membrane-damaged cells; spread on Agar Sabouraud dextrose (ASD) for viability assay; or spectrophotometrically measured at 550 nm. Cell-free solutions were submitted to content analyses of protein (Bradford and Pyrogallol red methods); Ca++ (Cresolftaleine complexone method); DNA (spectrophotometer measurements at 260 nm) and K + (selective electrode technique). Data were analysed by Student's t- or Wilcoxon z-tests (α = 0.05). All ES cells demonstrated cell membrane damage. Viable cells were non-existent in the ES ASD plates. No significant difference in optical density between ES and CS was observed (P = 0.272). ES cells released significantly high protein (P < 0.001, Bradford; P = 0.005, Pyrogallol red), K+ (P < 0.001), Ca++ (P = 0.012) and DNA (P = 0.046) contents. Microwaves inactivated C. albicans and damaged cell membrane integrity. © 2007 The Authors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB