1000 resultados para Lucano, Marco Anneo, 39-65
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Patógenos transmitidos por carrapatos atingem uma variedade de hospedeiros vertebrados. Para identificar os agentes patogênicos transmitidos por carrapatos entre cães soropositivos para Leishmania infantum no município Campo Grande-MS, foi realizado um estudo sorológico e molecular para a detecção de Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma platys e Babesia vogeli em 60 amostras de soro e baço, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o diagnóstico confirmatório de L. infantum por meio de técnicas sorológicas e moleculares. Também foi realizado o alinhamento e análise filogenética das sequências para indicar a identidade das espécies de parasitas que infectam esses animais. Anticorpos IgG anti-Ehrlichia spp., anti-B. vogeli e anti-L. infantum foram detectados em 39 (65%), 49 (81,6%) e 60 (100%) dos cães amostrados, respectivamente. Vinte e sete (45%), cinquenta e quatro (90%), cinquenta e três (88,3%), dois (3,3%) e um (1,6%) cães mostraram-se positivos na PCR para E. canis, Leishmania spp., Leishmania donovani complex, Babesia sp. e Anaplasma sp., respectivamente. Após o seqüenciamento, os amplicons mostraram 99% de similaridade com isolados de E. canis, B. vogeli e A. platys e Leishmania chagasi. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que os cães soropositivos para L. infantum de Campo Grande, MS, são expostos a vários agentes transmitidos por carrapatos, e, portanto, devem ser incluídos no diagnóstico diferencial em cães com suspeita clínica de leishmaniose.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
The objective of this work was to study the morphology and biometry of the infraorbital foramen (FIO), variations in its shape, size and number as well as to obtain measurements of its location. 60 dry skulls were analyzed. The test of Qui-quadrant and the T Test were used in measurements with a 5% significance. On the right side, the FIO was measured at a distance of 6.49(+/- 1.68) mm from the lower, 39.65(+/- 3) mm from the upper, 17.7(+/- 2.97) mm from the medial and 20.46(+/- 2.9) mm from the lateral margin of the orbit; its pear-shaped opening distance was 13.67(+/- 2.17) mm. On the left side, the distance of the FIO to the lower margin of the orbit was 6.52(+/- 1.82) mm; to the upper margin was 39.9(+/- 2.62) mm and to the lateral and medial margin were 17.93(+/- 2.58) mm and 21.12(+/- 3) mm, respectively; its distance to the pear-shaped opening was 14.26(+/- 1.83) mm. It was found predominately in an oval shape, in 39 (65%) of the skulls, on both sides. Accessory foramens were present in 11 samples on the right and in 15 samples on the left side. The FIO was most frequently found on the side of, or laterally to the sagittal plane that passes through the middle of the supraorbital foramen/incisures, in 38 skulls (63.3%) on the right side and in 45 skulls (75%) on the left and middle to the zigomatic-maxillary suture, in 41 skulls (68.3%) on right and in 42 skulls (70%) on the left side, besides being most frequently found in a region between the first and second premolars, in 22 skulls (36.7%) on the right side and in 17 skulls (28.3%) on the left.
par Marco Antonio Canini
Im Rahmen einer lithologischen, biostratigraphischen und faziellen Neubearbeitung des Callovien im zentralen Nordwestschweizer Jura werden auch verschiedene Faunenelemente berücksichtigt und untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird im ersten Teil die Fazies von vier lithologischen Einheiten (Châtillon-, Bollement-, Herznach- und Graitery-Member) vorgestellt, die Brachiopoden führen. Diese sind im zweiten Teil näher beschrieben. Dabei konnten im Untersuchungsgebiet 21 Arten festgestellt werden: 6 Rhynchonelliden, 15 Terebratuliden (davon 7 Terebratulidinen und 8 Terebratellidinen). 8 Spezies sind nicht nur im Untersuchungsgebiet erstmals nachgewiesen worden, sie sind für das ganze Gebiet der Schweiz neu: Fortunella? acutiloba, Septaliphoria orbignyana, Dictyothyris smithi, orsoplicathyris flexuosa, Antiptychina bivallata, Aulacothyris hypocirta, Digonella cf. pseudoantiplecta, „Zeilleria“ cf. biappendiculata.
Temperate, transitional and subtropical waters of the remote Azores Front region east of Azores (24-40°N, 22-32°W) were sampled during three cruises conducted under increasing stratification conditions (April 1999, May 1997 and August 1998). Despite the temporal increase of surface temperature (by 5 °C) and stratification (by 2.1 1/min**2), as well as the thermocline shoaling (by ~15 m), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in the surface layer were not significantly different for the early spring, late spring and summer periods, with average concentrations of 69±2 µM-C and 5.2±0.4 µM-N, respectively. The surface excess of semi-labile DOC, compared with the baseline DOC concentration in the deep ocean (47±2 µM-C), represents 33% of the bulk DOC concentration and as much as 85% of the TOC (=POC+DOC) excess. When compared with the winter baseline (56±2 µM-C), the seasonal surface DOC excess is 20% of the bulk DOC concentration and 87% of the seasonal TOC excess. These results confirm the major role played by DOC in the carbon cycle of surface waters of the Azores Front region. The total amount of bioreactive DOC transported from the temperate to the subtropical North Atlantic by the Ekman flux between March and December represents only ~15% of the average annual primary production, and ~15% and ~30% of the measured sinking POC flux+vertical DOC eddy diffusion during early spring and summer, respectively. Vertical eddy diffusion is 35% and 2% of the spring and summer sinking POC flux, respectively. On the other hand, DOC only contributes 13% to the local oxidation of organic matter in subsurface waters (between the pycnocline and 500 m) of the study region.
El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar cómo aprenden estudiantes para profesores de educación secundaria a analizar la enseñanza de las matemáticas como un aspecto del desarrollo de su competencia docente. Para ello, analizamos la estructura argumentativa de una discusión en línea entre estudiantes para profesores de enseñanza secundaria cuando están identificando e interpretando aspectos de la comunicación matemática como un rasgo característico de la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Para realizar el análisis, usamos el esquema de un argumento de Toulmin y centramos nuestra atención en cómo los estudiantes para profesor establecían la relación entre las conclusiones y los datos y cómo usaban las garantías. Los resultados muestran tres características de las estructuras argumentativas generadas por los estudiantes para profesor en un debate en línea que determinan oportunidades para el aprendizaje de la competencia docente “mirar con sentido” la enseñanza de las matemáticas: refinar garantías para apoyar una conclusión, discutir sobre cómo se debe establecer una conclusión para que sea admitida, y poner en duda las conclusiones.
Extract from Jahrbücher für classiche philologie hrsg. von Alfred Fleckeisen. v. 31, 1885
Errata slip inserted at end.
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