947 resultados para Loop Airlift Reactors


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We present the supersymmetric standard model three-loop beta-functions for gauge and Yukawa couplings and consider the effect of three-loop corrections on the standard running coupling analyses.


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A fuzzy linguistic controller has been developed and implemented with the aim to cope with interactions between control loops due to coupling effects. To access the performance of the proposed approach several experiments have also been conducted using the classical PID controllers in the control loops. A mixing process has been used as test bed of all controllers experimented and the corresponding dynamic model has been derived. The successful results achieved with the fuzzy linguistic controllers suggests that they can be an alternative to classical controllers when in the presence of process plants where automatic control as to cope with coupling effects between control loops. © 2014 IEEE.


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IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2258 – 2261, Seattle, EUA


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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Motivated by the dark matter and the baryon asymmetry problems, we analyze a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model with a Z(2) symmetry (which provides a dark matter candidate). After a detailed two-loop calculation of the renormalization group equations for the new scalar sector, we study the radiative stability of the model up to a high energy scale (with the constraint that the 126 GeV Higgs boson found at the LHC is in the spectrum) and find it requires the existence of a new scalar state mixing with the Higgs with a mass larger than 140 GeV. This bound is not very sensitive to the cutoff scale as long as the latter is larger than 10(10) GeV. We then include all experimental and observational constraints/measurements from collider data, from dark matter direct detection experiments, and from the Planck satellite and in addition force stability at least up to the grand unified theory scale, to find that the lower bound is raised to about 170 GeV, while the dark matter particle must be heavier than about 50 GeV.


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The loop-mediated isothermal amplification method (LAMP) is a recently developed molecular technique that amplifies nucleic acid under isothermal conditions. For malaria diagnosis, 150 blood samples from consecutive febrile malaria patients, and healthy subjects were screened in Thailand. Each sample was diagnosed by LAMP, microscopy and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR), using nPCR as the gold standard. Malaria LAMP was performed using Plasmodiumgenus and Plasmodium falciparum specific assays in parallel. For the genus Plasmodium, microscopy showed a sensitivity and specificity of 100%, while LAMP presented 99% of sensitivity and 93% of specificity. For P. falciparum, microscopy had a sensitivity of 95%, and LAMP of 90%, regarding the specificity; and microscopy presented 93% and LAMP 97% of specificity. The results of the genus-specific LAMP technique were highly consistent with those of nPCR and the sensitivity of P. falciparum detection was only marginally lower.


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Dissertation for the Master degree in Biotechnology


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Los materiales lignocelulósicos residuales de las actividades agroindustriales pueden ser aprovechados como fuente de lignina, hemicelulosa y celulosa. El tratamiento químico del material lignocelulósico se debe enfrentar al hecho de que dicho material es bastante recalcitrante a tal ataque, fundamentalmente debido a la presencia del polímero lignina. Esto se puede lograr también utilizando hongos de la podredumbre blanca de la madera. Estos producen enzimas lignolíticas extracelulares fundamentalmente Lacasa, que oxida la lignina a CO2. Tambien oxida un amplio rango de sustratos ( fenoles, polifenoles, anilinas, aril-diaminas, fenoles metoxi-sustituídos, y otros), lo cual es una buena razón de su atracción para aplicaciones biotecnológicas. La enzima tiene potencial aplicación en procesos tales como en la delignificación de materiales lignocelulósicos y en el bioblanqueado de pulpas para papel, en el tratamiento de aguas residuales de plantas industriales, en la modificación de fibras y decoloración en industrias textiles y de colorantes, en el mejoramiento de alimentos para animales, en la detoxificación de polutantes y en bioremediación de suelos contaminados. También se la ha utilizado en Q.Orgánica para la oxidación de grupos funcionales, en la formación de enlaces carbono- nitrógeno y en la síntesis de productos naturales complejos. HIPOTESIS: Los hongos de podredumbre blanca, y en condiciones óptimas de cultivo producen distintos tipos de enzimas oxidasas, siendo las lacasas las más adecuadas para explorarlas como catalizadores en los siguientes procesos:  Delignificación de residuos de la industria forestal con el fin de aprovechar tales desechos en la alimentación animal.  Decontaminación/remediación de suelos y/o efluentes industriales. Se realizarán los estudios para el diseño de bio-reactores que permitan responder a las dos cuestiones planteadas en la hipótesis. Para el proceso de delignificación de material lignocelulósico se proponen dos estrategias: 1- tratar el material con el micelio del hongo adecuando la provisión de nutrientes para un desarrollo sostenido y favorecer la liberación de la enzima. 2- Utilizar la enzima lacasa parcialmente purificada acoplada a un sistema mediador para oxidar los compuestos polifenólicos. Para el proceso de decontaminación/remediación de suelos y/o efluentes industriales se trabajará también en dos frentes: 3) por un lado, se ha descripto que existe una correlación positiva entre la actividad de algunas enzimas presentes en el suelo y la fertilidad. En este sentido se conoce que un sistema enzimático, tentativamente identificado como una lacasa de origen microbiano es responsable de la transformación de compuestos orgánicos en el suelo. La enzima protege al suelo de la acumulación de compuestos orgánicos peligrosos catalizando reacciones que involucran degradación, polimerización e incorporación a complejos del ácido húmico. Se utilizarán suelos incorporados con distintos polutantes(por ej. policlorofenoles ó cloroanilinas.) 4) Se trabajará con efluentes industriales contaminantes (alpechínes y/o el efluente líquido del proceso de desamargado de las aceitunas). The lignocellulosic raw materials of the agroindustrial activities can be taken advantage as source of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. The chemical treatment of this material is not easy because the above mentioned material is recalcitrant enough to such an assault, due to the presence of the lignin. This can be achieved also using the white-rot fungi of the wood. It produces extracellular ligninolitic enzymes, fundamentally Laccase, which oxidizes the lignin to CO2. The enzyme has application in such processes as in the delignification of lignocellulosic materials and in the biobleaching of fibers for paper industry, in the treatment of waste water of industrial plants, in the discoloration in textile industries, in the improvement of food for ruminants, in the detoxification of polutants and in bioremediation of contaminated soils. HYPOTHESIS: The white-rot fungi produce different types of enzymes, being the laccases the most adapted to explore them as catalysts in the following processes:  Delignification of residues of the forest industry in order to take advantage of such waste in the animal feed.  Decontamination of soils and / or waste waters. The studies will be conducted for the design of bio reactors that allow to answer to both questions raised in the hypothesis. For the delignification process of lignocellulosic material they propose two strategies: 1- to treat the material with the fungi 2-to use the partially purified enzyme to oxidize the polyphenolic compounds. For the soil and/or waste water decontamination process, we have: 3- Is know that the enzyme protects to the soil of the accumulation of organic dangerous compounds catalyzing reactions that involve degradation, polymerization and incorporation to complexes of the humic acid. There will be use soils incorporated into different pollutants. 4- We will work with waste waters (alpechins or the green olive debittering effluents.


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Passive trip system, reactor trip, runaway reaction, batch reactor


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AbstractBackground:The recording of arrhythmic events (AE) in renal transplant candidates (RTCs) undergoing dialysis is limited by conventional electrocardiography. However, continuous cardiac rhythm monitoring seems to be more appropriate due to automatic detection of arrhythmia, but this method has not been used.Objective:We aimed to investigate the incidence and predictors of AE in RTCs using an implantable loop recorder (ILR).Methods:A prospective observational study conducted from June 2009 to January 2011 included 100 consecutive ambulatory RTCs who underwent ILR and were followed-up for at least 1 year. Multivariate logistic regression was applied to define predictors of AE.Results:During a mean follow-up of 424 ± 127 days, AE could be detected in 98% of patients, and 92% had more than one type of arrhythmia, with most considered potentially not serious. Sustained atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation occurred in 7% and 13% of patients, respectively, and bradyarrhythmia and non-sustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurred in 25% and 57%, respectively. There were 18 deaths, of which 7 were sudden cardiac events: 3 bradyarrhythmias, 1 ventricular fibrillation, 1 myocardial infarction, and 2 undetermined. The presence of a long QTc (odds ratio [OR] = 7.28; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.01–26.35; p = 0.002), and the duration of the PR interval (OR = 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02–1.08; p < 0.001) were independently associated with bradyarrhythmias. Left ventricular dilatation (LVD) was independently associated with non-sustained VT (OR = 2.83; 95% CI, 1.01–7.96; p = 0.041).Conclusions:In medium-term follow-up of RTCs, ILR helped detect a high incidence of AE, most of which did not have clinical relevance. The PR interval and presence of long QTc were predictive of bradyarrhythmias, whereas LVD was predictive of non-sustained VT.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2010


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2015


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The paper is devoted to the study of a type of differential systems which appear usually in the study of some Hamiltonian systems with 2 degrees of freedom. We prove the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits on each negative energy level. All these periodic orbits pass near the total collision. Finally we apply these results to study the existence of periodic orbits in the charged collinear 3–body problem.


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Na,K-ATPase is the main active transport system that maintains the large gradients of Na(+) and K(+) across the plasma membrane of animal cells. The crystal structure of a K(+)-occluding conformation of this protein has been recently published, but the movements of its different domains allowing for the cation pumping mechanism are not yet known. The structure of many more conformations is known for the related calcium ATPase SERCA, but the reliability of homology modeling is poor for several domains with low sequence identity, in particular the extracellular loops. To better define the structure of the large fourth extracellular loop between the seventh and eighth transmembrane segments of the alpha subunit, we have studied the formation of a disulfide bond between pairs of cysteine residues introduced by site-directed mutagenesis in the second and the fourth extracellular loop. We found a specific pair of cysteine positions (Y308C and D884C) for which extracellular treatment with an oxidizing agent inhibited the Na,K pump function, which could be rapidly restored by a reducing agent. The formation of the disulfide bond occurred preferentially under the E2-P conformation of Na,K-ATPase, in the absence of extracellular cations. Using recently published crystal structure and a distance constraint reproducing the existence of disulfide bond, we performed an extensive conformational space search using simulated annealing and showed that the Tyr(308) and Asp(884) residues can be in close proximity, and simultaneously, the SYGQ motif of the fourth extracellular loop, known to interact with the extracellular domain of the beta subunit, can be exposed to the exterior of the protein and can easily interact with the beta subunit.