998 resultados para Lithium salt


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The bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ion has recently been used in its lithium salt as a useful ion in solid polymer electrolytes because of the reduced degree of ion interaction its diffuse charge generates. In this work we have synthesised a number of novel salts based on the ammonium and pyrrolidinium cations of this anion. The salts all show reduced melting points compared with analogous halide salts. In some cases they are molten at room temperature. This latter group of salts have been characterized with respect to their properties as ionic liquids; the highest room temperature conductivity 2 mS cm−1 being exhibited by methyl butyl pyrrolidinium imide. Many of the salts are glass forming, exhibiting glass transition temperatures in the region of −90°C.


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We have prepared polymer gel electrolytes with alkali metal ionic liquids (AMILs) that inherently contain alkali metal ions. The AMIL consisted of sulfate anion, imidazolium cation, and alkali metal cation. AMILs were mixed directly with poly(3-sulfopropyl acrylate) lithium salt or poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid) lithium salt to form polymer gels. The ionic conductivity of these gels decreased with increasing polymer fraction, as in general ionic liquid/polymer mixed systems. At low polymer concentrations, these gels displayed excellent ionic conductivity of 10−4 to 10−3 S cm−1 at room temperature. Gelation was found to cause little change in the 7Li diffusion coefficient of the ionic liquid, as measured by pulse-field-gradient NMR. These data strongly suggest that the lithium cation migrates in successive pathways provided by the ionic liquids.


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We report the first study of the characterisation of the organic ionic plastic crystal (OIPC) N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate (C2mpyrBF4) upon mixing with a dendrimer additive. Whereas previous reports of OIPC composite formation (i.e. with ceramics and polymers) have typically reported a decrease in the conductivity when lithium salt had been added, the addition of dendrimer is shown to lead to a substantial enhancement in the lithium containing system, approaching 3 orders of magnitude at 30°C. Mechanical analysis indicates that dendrimer addition leads to a softer more ductile material while microscopy shows that the dendrimer is uniformly distributed and that the crystal microstructure is substantially disrupted, ultimately adopting a dendritic microstructure at 1mol% dendrimer content. Thermal analysis indicates a new phase in the lithium OIPC system, the crystallisation of which is suppressed in the presence of dendrimer. Instead, a decrease in the phase transition enthalpies indicates a large increase in the amorphous component of the Lithium OIPC, particularly for the most conductive system -C2mpyrBF4 +10mol% LiBF4 +0.1mol% dendrimer. Variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction confirms the presence of a new distinct phase and its absence in the presence of dendrimer. A change in the progression of the thermal phase behaviour of the OIPC in the presence of dendrimer is also shown, exhibiting the phase I (high temperature) structure at temperatures below the phase II-I transition.


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Uma nova rede de polímeros interpenetrantes (IPN) baseada em poliuretana de óleo de mamona e poli(etileno glicol) e poli(metacrilato de metila) foi preparada para ser utilizada como eletrólito polimérico. Os seguintes parâmetros de polimerização foram avaliados: massa molecular do poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), concentração de PEG e concentração de metacrilato de metila. As membranas de IPN foram caracterizadas por calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) e espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FT-IR). Os eletrólitos de redes de polímeros interpenetrantes (IPNE) foram preparados a partir da dopagem com sal de lítio através do inchamento numa solução de 10% em massa de LiClO4 na mistura de carbonato de etileno e carbonato de propileno na razão mássica de 50:50. As IPNEs foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica e Raman. As IPNEs foram testadas como eletrólito polimérico em supercapacitores. As células capacitivas foram preparadas utilizando eletrodos de polipirrol (PPy). Os valores de capacitância e eficiência foram calculados por impedância eletroquímica, voltametria cíclica e ciclos galvonostáticos de carga e descarga. Os valores de capacitância obtidos foram em torno de 90 F.g-1 e eficiência variou no intervalo de 88 a 99%. Os valores de densidade de potência foram superiores a 250 W.kg-1 enquanto que a densidade de energia variou de 10 a 33 W.h.kg-1, dependendo da composição da IPNE. As características eletroquímicas do eletrólito formado pela IPN-LiClO4 (IPNE) foram comparadas aos eletrólitos poliméricos convencionais, tais como poli(difluoreto de vinilideno)-(hexafluorpropileno) ((PVDF-HFP/LiClO4) e poliuretana comercial (Bayer desmopan 385) (PU385/LiClO4). As condutividades na temperatura ambiente foram da ordem de 10-3 S.cm-1. A capacitância da célula utilizando eletrodos de PPy com eletrólito de PVDFHFP foi de 115 F.g-1 (30 mF.cm-2) e 110 F.g-1 (25 mF.cm-2) para a célula com PU385 comparadas a 90 F.g-1 (20 mF.cm-2) para a IPNE. Os capacitores preparados com eletrólito de IPNE apresentaram valores de capacitância inferior aos demais, entretanto provaram ser mais estáveis e mais resistentes aos ciclos de carga/descarga. A interpenetração de duas redes poliméricas, PU e PMMA produziu um eletrólito com boa estabilidade mecânica e elétrica. Um protótipo de supercapacitor de estado sólido foi produzindo utilizando eletrodos impressos de carbono ativado (PCE) e o eletrólito polimérico de IPNE. A técnica de impressão de carbono possui várias vantagens em relação aos outros métodos de manufatura de eletrodos de carbono, pois a área do eletrodo, espessura e composição são variáveis que podem ser controladas experimentalmente. As células apresentaram uma larga janela eletroquímica (4V) e valores da capacitância da ordem de 113 mF.cm-2 (16 F.g-1). Métodos alternativos de preparação do PCE investigados incluem o uso de IPNE como polímero de ligação ao carbono ativado, estes eletrodos apresentaram valores de capacitância similares aos produzidos com PVDF. A influência do número de camadas de carbono usadas na produção do PCE também foi alvo de estudo. Em relação ao eletrólito polimérico, o plastificante e o sal de lítio foram adicionados durante a síntese, formando a IPNGel. As células apresentaram alta capacitância e boa estabilidade após 4000 ciclos de carga e descarga. As membranas de IPN foram testadas também como reservatório de medicamento em sistemas de transporte transdérmico por iontoforese. Os filmes, mecanicamente estáveis, formaram géis quando inchado em soluções saturadas de lidocaina.HCl, anestésico local, em propileno glicol (PG), poli(etileno glicol) (PEG400) e suas misturas. O grau de inchamento em PG foi de 15% e 35% em PEG400. Agentes químicos de penetração foram utilizados para diminuir a resistência da barreira causada pela pele, dentre eles o próprio PG, a 2-pirrolidinona (E1) e a 1-dodecil-2-pirrolidinona (E2). Os géis foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica e transporte passivo e por iontoforese através de uma membrana artificial (celofane). O sistema IPN/ lidocaina.HCl apresentou uma correlação linear entre medicamento liberado e a corrente aplicada. Os melhores resultados de transporte de medicamento foram obtidos utilizando o PG como solvente.


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The effect of lithium salt doping on the structure and ionic conduction properties of silica-polyethyleneglycol composites is reported. These materials, so called ormolytes (organically modified electrolytes), were obtained by the sol-gel process. They have chemical stability due to the covalent bonds between the inorganic (silica) and organic (polymer) phase. The structure of these hybrid materials was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) as a function of lithium concentration [O]/[Li] (O being the oxygens of the ether type). The spectra have a well-defined peak attributed to the existence of a liquid-like spatial correlation of silica clusters. The ionic conductivity was studied by AC impedance spectroscopy and is maximum for [O]/[Li] = 15. This result is consistent with SAXS and thermo-mechanical analysis measurements and is due to the formation of cross-linking between the polymer chains for the larger lithium concentrations. These materials are solid, transparent, flexible and have an ionic conductivity up to 10(-4) S/cm. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure of silica-polypropyleneglycol (PPG) nanocomposites with weak physical bonds between the organic (PPG) and inorganic (silica) phase, prepared by the sol-gel process, was investigated by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). These nanocomposite materials are transparent, flexible, have good chemical stability and exhibit high ionic conductivity when doped with lithium salt. Their structure was studied as a function of silica weight fraction x (0.06 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.29) and [O]/[Li] ratio (oxygens being of ether-type). The shape of the experimental SAXS curves agrees with that expected for scattering intensity produced by fractal aggregates sized between 30 and 90 Angstrom. This result suggests that the structure of the studied hybrids consists of silica fractal aggregates embedded in a matrix of PPG. The correlation length of the fractal aggregates decreases and the fractal dimension increases for increasing silica content. The variations in structural parameters for increasing Li+ doping indicate that lithium ions favor the growth of fractal silica aggregates without modifying their internal structure and promote the densification of the oligomeric PPG matrix.


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Two groups of hybrid organic-inorganic composites exhibiting ionic conduction properties, so called ORMOLYTES (organically modified electrolytes), have been prepared by the sol-gel process. The first group has been prepared from mixture of a lithium salt and 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane(IsoTrEOS),O,O′-bis(2-aminopropyl) polypropyleneglycol. These materials produce chemical bonds between the organic (polymer) and the inorganic (silica) phases. The second group has been prepared by an ultrasonic method from a mixture of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), polypropyleneglycol and a lithium salt. The organic and inorganic phases are not chemically bonded in these samples. The Li+ ionic conductivity, σ, of all these materials has been studied by AC impedance spectroscopy up to 100°C. Values of σ up to 10-6 Ω-1·cm-1 have been found at room temperature. A systematic study of the effects of lithium concentration, polymer chain length and the polymer to silica weight ratio on σ shows that there is a strong dependence of σ on the preparation conditions. The dynamic properties of the Li+ ion and the polymer chains as a function of temperature between -100 and 120°C were studied using 7Li solid-state NMR measurements. The ionic conductivity of both families are compared and particular attention is paid to the nature of the bonds between the organic and inorganic components.


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One of the most important components in electrochemical storage devices (batteries and supercapacitors) is undoubtedly the electrolyte. The basic function of any electrolyte in these systems is the transport of ions between the positive and negative electrodes. In addition, electrochemical reactions occurring at each electrode/electrolyte interface are the origin of the current generated by storage devices. In other words, performances (capacity, power, efficiency and energy) of electrochemical storage devices are strongly related to the electrolyte properties, as well as, to the affinity for the electrolyte to selected electrode materials. Indeed, the formulation of electrolyte presenting good properties, such as high ionic conductivity and low viscosity, is then required to enhance the charge transfer reaction at electrode/electrolyte interface (e.g. charge accumulation in the case of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor, EDLC). For practical and safety considerations, the formulation of novel electrolytes presenting a low vapor pressure, a large liquid range temperature, a good thermal and chemical stabilities is also required.

This lecture will be focused on the effect of the electrolyte formulation on the performances of electrochemical storage devices (Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors). During which, a summary of the physical, thermal and electrochemical data obtained by our group, recently, on the formulation of novel electrolyte-based on the mixture of an ionic liquid (such as EmimNTf2 and Pyr14NTf2) and carbonate or dinitrile solvents will be presented and commented. The impact of the electrolyte formulation on the storage performances of EDLC and Li-ion batteries will be also discussed to further understand the relationship between electrolyte formulation and electrochemical performances. This talk will also be an opportunity to further discuss around the effects of additives (SEI builder: fluoroethylene carbonate and vinylene carbonate), ionic liquids, structure and nature of lithium salt (LiTFSI vs LiPF6) on the cyclability of negative electrode to then enhance the electrolyte formulation. For that, our recent results on TiSnSb and graphite negative electrodes will be presented and discussed, for example 1,2.

1-C. Marino, A. Darwiche1, N. Dupré, H.A. Wilhelm, B. Lestriez, H. Martinez, R. Dedryvère, W. Zhang, F. Ghamouss, D. Lemordant, L. Monconduit “ Study of the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface on Cycling of a Conversion Type Electrode Material in Li Batteries” J. Phys.chem. C, 2013, 117, 19302-19313

2- Mouad Dahbi, Fouad Ghamouss, Mérièm Anouti, Daniel Lemordant, François Tran-Van “Electrochemical lithiation and compatibility of graphite anode using glutaronitrile/dimethyl carbonate mixtures containing LiTFSI as electrolyte” 2013, 43, 4, 375-385.


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We propose here a novel liquid dendrimer-based single ion conductor as a potential alternative to conventional molecular liquid solvent-salt solutions in rechargeable batteries, sensors and actuators. A specific change from ester (-COOR) to cyano (-CN) terminated peripheral groups in generation-one poly(propyl ether imine) (G1-PETIM)-lithium salt complexes results in a remarkable switchover from a high cation (tLi+ = 0.9 for -COOR) to a high anion (tPF6- = 0.8 for -CN) transference number. This observed switchover draws an interesting analogy with the concept of heterogeneous doping, applied successfully to account for similar changes in ionic conductivity arising out of dispersion of insulator particle inclusions in weak inorganic solid electrolytes. The change in peripheral group simultaneously affects the effective ionic conductivity, with the room temperature ionic conductivity of PETIM-CN (1.9 × 10-5 Ω-1 cm-1) being an order of magnitude higher than PETIM-COOR (1.9 × 10-6 Ω-1 cm-1). Notably, no significant changes are observed in the lithium mobility even following changes in viscosity due to the change in the peripheral group. Changes in the peripheral chemical functionality directly influence the anion mobility, being lower in PETIM-COOR than in PETIM-CN, which ultimately becomes the sole parameter controlling the effective transport and electrochemical properties of the dendrimer electrolytes.


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Despite their promising properties, phosphonium based ionic liquids have attracted little attention as compared to their nitrogen-based cation counterparts. This study focuses on the properties of a family of small phosphonium imide ionic liquids, as well as the effect of lithium salt addition to these. The 6 ionic liquids were either alkyl, cyclic or nitrile functionalised phoshonium cations with bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, NTf2, or bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (FSI) as anion. Amongst the properties investigated were ionic conductivity, viscosity, thermal behaviour, electrochemical stability and the reversibility of electrochemical lithium cycling. All ionic liquids showed very promising properties e.g. having low transition temperatures, high electrochemical stabilities, low viscosities and high conductivities. Particularly the trimethyl phosphonium ionic liquids showed some of the highest conductivities reported amongst phosphonium ionic liquids generally. The combination of electrochemical stability, high conductivity and reversible lithium cycling makes them promising systems for energy storage devices such as lithium batteries.


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The electrolytic deposition and diffusion of lithium onto bulk magnesium-9 wt pct yttrium alloy cathode in molten salt of 47 wt pct lithium chloride and 53 wt pct potassium chloride at 693 K were investigated. Results show that magnesium-yttrium-lithium ternary alloys are formed on the surface of the cathodes, and a penetration depth of 642 mu m is acquired after 2 hours of electrolysis at the cathodic current density of 0.06 A center dot cm(-2). The diffusion of lithium results in a great amount of precipitates in the lithium containing layer. These precipitates are the compound of Mg41Y5, which arrange along the grain boundaries and hinder the diffusion of lithium, and solid solution of yttrium in magnesium. The grain boundaries and the twins of the magnesium-9 wt pct yttrium substrate also have negative effects on the diffusion of lithium.


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The properties of the binary salt system based on mixtures of methyl ethyl pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethane sulfonyl) imide (P12) and lithium bis(trifluoromethane sulfonyl) imide (Li imide) are reported. The lithium containing mixtures were found to be more than two orders of magnitude more conductive than the parent P12 phase and the 33 mol% Li imide systems showed a solid state conductivity around 1×10−4 S/cm at 20°C. This solid state conductivity is believed to take place in plastic crystal phases of the P12 compound.


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Montmorillonites are composed of aluminosilicate layers stacked one above the other, and the layer thickness is approximately 1 nm. In this work lithium modified montmorillonite (Li-MMT) was prepared and used as a lithium macro-anion salt in gel electrolytes. It was found that Li-MMT exhibited good compatibility with poly(ethylene glycol), DMSO and the ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide (EMIdca), and a few of novel gel electrolytes based on Li-MMT were obtained. These gel electrolytes were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, solid state NMR, conductivity measurements and cyclic voltammetry. High conductivities up to 10− 4 to 10− 3 S/cm at room temperature were observed with these macro-anion gel electrolytes. These gel materials were promising to be used as lithium conductive electrolytes in electrochemical devices, such as lithium batteries.


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Abnormal “polymer-in-salt” conduction behavior is observed in a solid electrolyte composed of lithium iodide (LiI) and 3-hydroxypropionitrile (HPN). Based on comprehensive investigations by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman and infrared spectroscopy, this abnormal conduction behavior is attributed to the formation of new ionic associates [Lim +In−]· · ·N C (m> n) and the reinforced hydrogen bonding of I· · ·HO in the electrolyte at high LiI concentrations.