858 resultados para Literature and cinema
Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta sobre les diferents perspectives i aproximacions a l'Holocaust nazi per part de la literatura i el cinema. La Xoà, forma que els jueus utilitzen per anomenar l'Holocaust, és un dels moments més importants de la història europea. Ens agradaria veure si aquest tema tan delicat és tractat des de diferents perspectives i aproximacions en la literatura i el cinema. També voldríem esbrinar quina pel·lícula és millor per ensenyar què va ser l'Holocaust a una persona adulta, a un grup d'adolescents, a uns infants, etc. i si hi ha alguna pel·lícula o novel·la que vagi més enllà, en el sentit que tracti l'Holocaust des d'un punt de vista més simbòlic que no pas realista, d'arrel kafkiana, com en el cas de "L'incinerador de cadàvers". Per trobar aquestes diferents perspectives (més realistes i veristes o bé més simbòliques) caldrà observar diversos tipus de literatura (biogràfica, semibiogràfica i de ficció), pel·lícules (bèl·liques, drames, biogràfiques, etc.), articles... Analitzarem al mateix temps què diuen diferents autors sobre l'holocaust com un fet inenarrable. Compararem els dos o tres punts de vista (torturats, torturadors i testimonis).
With the ageing of the population, articular prosthetic replacements are becoming more and more frequent. One of the most feared complications is prosthetic infection, mostly due to bacteria of the cutaneous flora. Listeria monocytogenes is rarely the cause. This paper describes the management of a hip prosthetic infection due to Listeria monocytogenes. The patient was cured with antimicrobial therapy and a two-stage exchange. This case report creates an opportunity to review the literature in the aim of determining the risk factors and the optimal care.
Neuroretinitis (NR) is an inflammatory disorder characterized by optic disc edema and subsequent formation of a macular star figure. The underlying pathophysiology involves increased permeability of disc vasculature, but the etiology is not fully defined. In some cases, NR is probably due to an infectious process involving the disc; in others, a postviral or autoimmune mechanism is more likely. Cases can be divided into those in which a specific infectious agent has been identified, those considered idiopathic, and those with recurrent attacks. Some reports have not distinguished among these subgroups, and it is unclear if their clinical features vary. We reviewed the literature and our own patients looking particularly at features that might better distinguish these subtypes. Features common to all 3 groups included age, absence of pain, and fundus appearance. Preceding systemic symptoms were more common in patients with cat scratch disease (CSD) and uncommon in those with recurrence. The pattern and magnitude of visual field loss differed, more commonly confined to the central field in CSD cases and more severe in recurrent cases. Recovery of visual acuity and field was less substantial in recurrent cases even after the initial episode. MRI was usually normal in all 3 groups. Enhancement confined to the optic disc was found in all 3 groups, but enhancement of the retrobulbar optic nerve was seen only in recurrent cases. Findings that are strongly suggestive of CSD include very young age, preceding systemic symptoms, and poor visual acuity but with a small or absent relative afferent pupil defect (RAPD). In contrast, the following are suggestive of idiopathic NR with a high risk of recurrence: absence of systemic symptoms, visual field defect outside the central field, preserved visual acuity with a large RAPD, and poor recovery of vision. Decisions regarding evaluation and treatment should be made with these features in mind.
Aquest treball gira entorn la qüestió de l’ús que es fa de la literatura com a medi per a l’ensenyament de l’anglès com a segona llengua. En primer lloc, dibuixa el marc de la situació actual on hi ha una clara separació entre llengua i literatura com a assignatures diferenciades i fa un repàs de les diferents metodologies que al llarg de la historia han utilitzat la literatura com a eina d’aprenentatge de la llengua. Segonament, el treball explica el desenvolupament i posada en pràctica d’una unitat didàctica completa per a alumnes de segon de batxillerat, que te la literatura con a punt de sortida. El treball mira de concloure com la utilització de la literatura exerceix un poder de motivació clau en els alumnes i aporta un context que dona sentit i riquesa a l’ensenyament de la llengua. Per últim, el treball fa un recull de les opinions de professors d’anglès de Catalunya al respecte d’aquest tema, a través d’un qüestionari que 66 professors associats a l’APAC (Associació de Professors d’Anglès de Catalunya) van respondre de manera desinteressada.
The aim of this article is to analyze accurately the role played by two classical references, Venus and Oedipus, in Tennessee Williams Suddenly Last Summer, in accordance with the usual nature of studies on Classical Tradition a Greek and Roman- and focusing in this case on the relationship between literature and mythology. It is thanks to Venus and Oedipus that the playwright succeeds in showing the magnitude of mens and womens tragedy, which from his point of view is simply that they have failed to see either kindness in the face of God or to feel his loving and fatherly providence.
This interdisciplinary collection brings together world leaders in Gothic Studies, offering new readings on popular Gothic cultural productions from the last decade. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: contemporary High Street Goth/ic fashion, Gothic performance and art festivals, Gothic popular fiction from Twilight to Shadow of the Wind, Goth/ic popular music, Goth/ic on TV and film, new trends like Steampunk, well-known icons Batman and Lady Gaga, and theorizations of popular Gothic monsters (from zombies and vampires to werewolves and ghosts) in an age of terror/ism.
In Spain a significant number of individuals die from atherosclerotic disease of the coronary and carotid arteries without having classic risk factors and prodromal symptoms. The diagonal ear lobe crease (DELC) has been characterized in the medical literature as a surrogate marker which can identify high risk patients having occult atherosclerosis. This topic however has not been examined in either the medical or dental literature emanating from Spain. The majority of clinical, angiography and postmortem reports support the premise that DELC is a valuable extravascular physical sign able to distinguish some patients at risk of succumbing to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. A minority of studies have however failed to support this hypothesis. More recently reports using B mode ultrasound have also linked DELC to atherosclerosis of the carotid artery and another report has related DELC to the presence of calcified carotid artery atheromas on panoramic radiographs. DELC is readily visible during head and neck cancer screening examinations. In conjunction with the patient"s medical history, vital signs, and panoramic radiograph, the DELC may assist in atherosclerotic risk assessment
The most common types of orofacial pain originate at the dental or periodontal level or in the musculoskeletal structures. However, the patient may present pain in this region even though the source is located elsewhere in the body. One possible source of heterotopic pain is of cardiac origin. Objectives: Report two cases of orofacial pain of cardiac origin and review the clinical cases described in the literature. Study Design: Description of clinical cases and review of clinical cases. Results and conclusions: Nine cases of atypical pain of cardiac origin are recorded, which include 5 females and 4 males. In craniofacial structures, pain of cardiac origin is usually bilateral. At the craniofacial level, the most frequent location described is in the throat and jaw. Pain of cardiac origin is considered atypical due to its location, although roughly 10% of the cases of cardiac ischemia manifest primarily in craniofacial structures. Finally, the differential diagnosis of pain of odontogenic origin must be taken into account with pain of non-odontogenic origin (muscle, psychogenic, neuronal, cardiac, sinus and neurovascular pain) in order to avoid diagnostic errors in the dental practice as well as unnecessary treatments.
The question of the age of fingermarks is often raised in investigations and trials when suspects admit that they have left their fingermarks at a crime scene but allege that the contact occurred at a different time than the crime and for legal reasons. In the first part of this review article, examples from American appellate court cases will be used to demonstrate that there is a lack of consensus among American courts regarding the admissibility and weight of testimony from expert witnesses who provide opinions about the age of fingermarks. Of course, these issues are not only encountered in America but have also been reported elsewhere, for example in Europe. The disparity in the way fingermark dating cases were managed in these examples is probably due to the fact that no methodology has been validated and accepted by the forensic science community so far. The second part of this review article summarizes the studies reported on fingermark dating in the literature and highlights the fact that most proposed methodologies still suffer from limitations preventing their use in practice. Nevertheless, several approaches based on the evolution of aging parameters detected in fingermark residue over time appear to show promise for the fingermark dating field. Based on these approaches, the definition of a formal methodological framework for fingermark dating cases is proposed in order to produce relevant temporal information. This framework identifies which type of information could and should be obtained about fingermark aging and what developments are still required to scientifically address dating issues.