938 resultados para Linux (Operating system)
Cada vez es más frecuente que los sistemas de comunicaciones realicen buena parte de sus funciones (modulación y demodulación, codificación y decodificación...) mediante software en lugar de utilizar hardware dedicado. Esta técnica se denomina “Radio software”. El objetivo de este PFC es estudiar un algoritmo implementado en C empleado en sistemas de comunicaciones modernos, en concreto la decodificación de Viterbi, el cual se encarga de corregir los posibles errores producidos a lo largo de la comunicación, para poder trasladarlo a sistemas empotrados multiprocesador. Partiendo de un código en C para el decodificador que realiza todas sus operaciones en serie, en este Proyecto fin de carrera se ha paralelizado dicho código, es decir, que el trabajo que realizaba un solo hilo para el caso del código serie, es procesado por un número de hilos configurables por el usuario, persiguiendo que el tiempo de ejecución se reduzca, es decir, que el programa paralelizado se ejecute de una manera más rápida. El trabajo se ha realizado en un PC con sistema operativo Linux, pero la versión paralelizada del código puede ser empleada en un sistema empotrado multiprocesador en el cual cada procesador ejecuta el código correspondiente a uno de los hilos de la versión de PC. ABSTRACT It is increasingly common for communications systems to perform most of its functions (modulation and demodulation, coding and decoding) by software instead of than using dedicated hardware. This technique is called: “Software Radio”. The aim of the PFC is to study an implemented algorithm in C language used in modern communications systems, particularly Viterbi decoding, which amends any possible error produced during the communication, in order to be able to move multiprocessor embedded systems. Starting from a C code of the decoder that performs every single operation in serial, in this final project, this code has been parallelized, which means that the work used to be done by just a single thread in the case of serial code, is processed by a number of threads configured by the user, in order to decrease the execution time, meaning that the parallelized program is executed faster. The work has been carried out on a PC using Linux operating system, but the parallelized version of the code could also be used in an embedded multiprocessor system in which each processor executes the corresponding code to every single one of the threads of the PC version.
Este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación de un procesador digital de efectos de audio en tiempo real orientado a instrumentos eléctricos tales como guitarras, bajos, teclados, etc. El procesador está basado en la tarjeta Raspberry Pi B+, ordenador de placa reducida de bajo coste, desarrollado en Reino unido y cuyo lanzamiento tuvo lugar en el año 2012. En primer lugar, ha sido necesario lograr que la tarjeta asuma la funcionalidad de un procesador de audio en tiempo real. Para ello se ha instalado un sistema operativo Linux orientado a Raspberry (Raspbian) y se ha hecho uso de Pure Data (Pd): lenguaje de programación gráfico que fue desarrollado en los años 90 por Miller Puckette con intención de ser enfocado a la creación de eventos multimedia y de música por computador. El papel que desempeña Pd es de capa intermedia entre el hardware y el software ya que se encarga de tomar bloques de N muestras del convertidor analógico/digital y encaminarlas a través del flujo de señal diseñado gráficamente. En segundo lugar, se han implementado diferentes efectos de audio de distintas características. Así pues, se encuentran efectos basados en retardos, filtros digitales y procesadores de dinámica. Concretamente, los efectos implementados son los siguientes: delay, flanger, vibrato, reverberador de Schroeder, filtros (paso bajo, paso alto y paso banda), ecualizador paramétrico y compresor y expansor de dinámica. Estos efectos han sido implementados en lenguaje C de acuerdo con la API de Pd. Con esto se ha conseguido obtener un objeto por cada efecto, el cual es “instanciado” en Pd pudiendo ejecutarlo en tiempo real. En este proyecto se expone la problemática que supone cada paso del diseño proponiendo soluciones válidas. Además se incluye una guía paso a paso para configurar la tarjeta y lograr realizar un bypass de señal y un efecto simple partiendo desde cero. ABSTRACT. This project involves the design and implementation of a digital real-time audio processor for electrical instruments (guitars, basses, keyboards, etc.). The processor is based on the Raspberry Pi B + card: low cost computer, developed in UK in 2012. First, it was necessary to make the cards assume the functionality of a real time audio processor. A Linux operating system called Raspberry (Raspbian) was installed. In this Project is used Pure Data (Pd): a graphical programming language developed in the 90s by Miller Puckette intending to be focused on creating multimedia and computer music events. The role of Pd is an intermediate layer between the hardware and the software. It is responsible for taking blocks of N samples of the analog/digital converter and route it through the signal flow. Secondly, it is necessary to implemented the different audio effects. There are delays based effects, digital filter and dynamics effects. Specifically, the implemented effects are: delay, flanger, vibrato, Schroeder reverb, filters (lowpass, highpass and bandpass), parametric equalizer and compressor and expander dynamics. These effects have been implemented in C language according to the Pd API. As a result, it has been obtained an object for each effect, which is instantiated in Pd. In this Project, the problems of every step are exposed with his corresponding solution. It is inlcuded a step-by-step guide to configure the card and achieve perform a bypass signal process and a simple effect.
The research proposes a reflection on tutorial videos from Youtube, seen as a form of gift in modern society. Our reflection parts form a perspective of mutual exchange, which avoids the patterns of trade with current economic purposes. We present these video producers as craftsmen of cyberculture due to the skill and competence which they transmit their knowledge. The research is consisted by the observation of video tutorials on YouTube over the Linux operating system and its distributions. Analyzing the interactions between video producers, users and the website. The analysis is based on the classic Mauss (2003) and his reinterpretations of Caille (1998, 2001, 2002, 2006), Godbout (1992, 1998) assisted by Aime Cossetta (2010) and Sennett (2009) to help understand the idea of the craftsmen. The Internet as an open territory in expansion ables us to understand that the relationship in this medium also constitutes the reciprocal links pointed out by Mauss in the early twentieth century. The circulation of intangible property, in this case the knowledge beyond the establishment of social links, promotes a collaborative extent to produce the common in cyberspace.
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2011
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Many, if not all, aspects of our everyday lives are related to computers and control. Microprocessors and wireless communications are involved in our lives. Embedded systems are an attracting field because they combine three key factors, small size, low power consumption and high computing capabilities. The aim of this thesis is to study how Linux communicates with the hardware, to answer the question if it is possible to use an operating system like Debian for embedded systems and finally, to build a Mechatronic real time application. In the thesis a presentation of Linux and the Xenomai real time patch is given, the bootloader and communication with the hardware is analyzed. BeagleBone the evaluation board is presented along with the application project consisted of a robot cart with a driver circuit, a line sensor reading a black line and two Xbee antennas. It makes use of Xenomai threads, the real time kernel. According to the obtained results, Linux is able to operate as a real time operating system. The issue of future research is the area of embedded Linux is also discussed.
The mainline Linux Kernel is not designed forhard real-time systems; it only fits the requirements of soft realtimesystems. In recent years, a kernel developer communityhas been working on the PREEMPT-RT patch. This patch(that aims to get a fully preemptible kernel) adds some realtimecapabilities to the Linux kernel. However, in terms ofscheduling policies, the real-time scheduling class of Linux islimited to the First-In-First-Out (SCHED_FIFO) and Round-Robin (SCHED_RR) scheduling policies. These scheduling policiesare however quite limited in terms of realtime performance.Therefore, in this paper, we report one importantcontribution for adding more advanced real-time capabilitiesto the Linux Kernel. Specifically, we describe modificationsto the (PREEMPT-RT patched) Linux kernel to supportreal-time slot-based task-splitting scheduling algorithms. Ourpreliminary evaluation shows that our implementation exhibitsa real-time performance that is superior to the schedulingpolicies provided by the current version of PREMPT-RT. Thisis a significant add-on to a widely adopted operating system.
With the current complexity of communication protocols, implementing its layers totally in the kernel of the operating system is too cumbersome, and it does not allow use of the capabilities only available in user space processes. However, building protocols as user space processes must not impair the responsiveness of the communication. Therefore, in this paper we present a layer of a communication protocol, which, due to its complexity, was implemented in a user space process. Lower layers of the protocol are, for responsiveness issues, implemented in the kernel. This protocol was developed to support large-scale power-line communication (PLC) with timing requirements.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Instalación de software propio adjunto a la instalación del sistema operativo.
During the project we get familiar with Linksys WRT54GL wireless router and its network managing methods. Operating system is OpenWRT which is Linux-based distribution for embedded devices. OpenWRT uses two kind of approach for its network administration. The first one is web-based user interface and the second one is command line based. Both methods are working but do not solve all problems that competent network administrator can need for secured network managing. The goal of the project was design an NCurses-based user interface for network administration that can be run from command line. The user interface can be use for example from terminal via SSH which is yet faster and also light to use. The idea is to combine the user friendly of WWW-interface and the advanced options that command line based network managing can offer. Linux-based open source OpenWRT offers good development tools. There exist also a compact development community if there is need for further development of software in future. So far user interface for command line based network administrator is not available.
Reaaliaikaisten käyttöjärjestelmien käyttö sulautetuissa järjestelmissä on kasvamassa koko ajan. Sulautettuja tietokoneita käytetään yhä useammassa kohteessa kuten sähkökäyttöjen ohjauksessa. Sähkökäyttöjen ohjaus hoidetaan nykyisin yleensä nopealla digitaalisella signaaliprosessorilla (DSP), jolloin ohjelmointi ja päivittäminen on hidasta ja vaikeaa johtuen käytettävästä matalan tason Assembler-kielestä. Ratkaisuna yleiskäyttöisten prosessorien ja reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmien käyttö. Kaupalliset reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmät ovat kalliita ja lähdekoodin saaminen omaan käyttöön jopa mahdotonta. Linux on ei-kaupallinen avoimen lähdekoodin käyttöjärjestelmä, joten sen käyttö on ilmaista ja sitä voi muokata vapaasti. Linux:iin on saatavana useita laajennuksia, jotka tekevät siitä reaaliaikaisen käyttöjärjestelmän. Vaihtoehtoina joko kova (hard) tai pehmeä (soft) reaaliaikaisuus. Linux:iin on olemassa valmiita kehitysympäristöjä mutta ne kaipaavat parannusta ennen kuin niitä voidaan käyttää suuressa mittakaavassa teollisuudessa. Reaaliaika Linux ei sovellus nopeisiin ohjauslooppeihin (<100 ms) koska nopeus ei riitä vielä mutta nopeus kasvaa samalla kun prosessorit kehittyvät. Linux soveltuu hyvin rajapinnaksi nopean ohjauksen ja käyttäjän välille ja hitaampaan ohjaukseen.
Natural gas industry has been confronted with big challenges: great growth in demand, investments on new GSUs – gas supply units, and efficient technical system management. The right number of GSUs, their best location on networks and the optimal allocation to loads is a decision problem that can be formulated as a combinatorial programming problem, with the objective of minimizing system expenses. Our emphasis is on the formulation, interpretation and development of a solution algorithm that will analyze the trade-off between infrastructure investment expenditure and operating system costs. The location model was applied to a 12 node natural gas network, and its effectiveness was tested in five different operating scenarios.
Our day-to-day life is dependent on several embedded devices, and in the near future, many more objects will have computation and communication capabilities enabling an Internet of Things. Correspondingly, with an increase in the interaction of these devices around us, developing novel applications is set to become challenging with current software infrastructures. In this paper, we argue that a new paradigm for operating systems needs to be conceptualized to provide aconducive base for application development on Cyber-physical systems. We demonstrate its need and importance using a few use-case scenarios and provide the design principles behind, and an architecture of a co-operating system or CoS that can serve as an example of this new paradigm.
Consider the problem of scheduling a set of sporadic tasks on a multiprocessor system to meet deadlines using a task-splitting scheduling algorithm. Task-splitting (also called semi-partitioning) scheduling algorithms assign most tasks to just one processor but a few tasks are assigned to two or more processors, and they are dispatched in a way that ensures that a task never executes on two or more processors simultaneously. A particular type of task-splitting algorithms, called slot-based task-splitting dispatching, is of particular interest because of its ability to schedule tasks with high processor utilizations. Unfortunately, no slot-based task-splitting algorithm has been implemented in a real operating system so far. In this paper we discuss and propose some modifications to the slot-based task-splitting algorithm driven by implementation concerns, and we report the first implementation of this family of algorithms in a real operating system running Linux kernel version 2.6.34. We have also conducted an extensive range of experiments on a 4-core multicore desktop PC running task-sets with utilizations of up to 88%. The results show that the behavior of our implementation is in line with the theoretical framework behind it.