916 resultados para Linguistic analysis


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This metalexicographic study examines the relationship between the proverbial material in The English-Irish Dictionary (1732) of Begley and McCurtin, Abel Boyer’s The Royal Dictionary (First edition 1699, second edition 1729), and Nathaniel Bailey’s An Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1721). It will show, for the first time, that both the English macrostructure and microstructure of the proverbial entries in Begley and McCurtin (1732) were reproduced directly from Boyer’s dictionary and, in spite of claims to the contrary, the impact of Bailey’s (1721) dictionary was negligible. Furthermore, empirical data gleaned from a comparative linguistic analysis of the various editions of The Royal Dictionary prior to 1732, will prove that it was the second official edition (1729) that was used as the framework for The English-Irish Dictionary. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the nature of the proverbial entries will also outline the various translation strategies that were used to compose the Irish material— particularly literal translation—and show that there are extremely high-levels of borrowings from Boyer (1729), both in terms of the English entries under the lemma, and the French entries in the comment.


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Schools attempting to engage with the families of all learners, including those with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds recognize the importance of effective oral and written communication. The aim of this study is to determine if school generated written communication created by an urban school district serving a culturally and linguistically diverse population in the Northeast of the US adhered to the principles of plain English. This exploratory research examined exemplar pieces of written school generated communication, using different forms of linguistic analysis to determine whether the communication contained elements recognized to facilitate or impede the comprehensibility of each piece of communication. Additionally, a text assessment tool which can help schools to analyze the written text communication they send to families was developed and refined.


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Além de alguns estudos lexicais, não existe em Portugal nenhuma tradição de análise linguística da imprensa. Entre os aspectos que oferecem especial interesse, incluem-se os títulos das notícias, em parte porque propõem uma gramática diferente da da norma discursiva, mas também devido aos jogos linguísticos, nomeadamente o emprego de linguagem metafórica, a que os redactores recorrem para incentivar a leitura dos textos. O trabalho em curso debruça-se sobre os vários níveis da realização linguística deste tipo textual, partindo de um corpus informatizado de 2.060 títulos de notícia portugueses com linguagem metafórica. Assim, no nível sintáctico, interessou-nos estudar a configuração sintáctica do título e os constituintes que nele correspondem ao veículo metafórico. No nível semântico, identificámos, seguindo um enquadramento teórico subordinado à teoria dos espaços múltiplos de Fauconnier e Turner, as metáforas conceptuais presentes no corpus. No nível fonológico, foi feito um estudo sobre padrões sonoros de aliteração, rima e jogos de palavras concomitantes com a linguagem metafórica do título. O nível gráfico debruçou-se sobre os diversos processos de destacar graficamente o veículo metafórico e suas consequências na descodificação da mensagem. Finalmente, no nível intertextual, apresentou-se uma pesquisa sobre as relações internas do título com outros componentes do co-texto noticioso e as relações externas com textos mais ou menos distantes, mas culturalmente partilhados. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram os processos através dos quais a linguagem metafórica no título de imprensa permite a verbalização de conceitos, a condensação de significados e motiva à leitura do texto.


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My research permitted me to reexamine my recent evaluations of the Leaf Project given to the Foundation Year students during the fall semester of 1997. My personal description of the drawing curriculum formed part of the matrix of the Foundation Core Studies at the Ontario College of Art and Design. Research was based on the random selection of 1 8 students distributed over six of my teaching groups. The entire process included a representation of all grade levels. The intent of the research was to provide a pattern of alternative insights that could provide a more meaningful method of evaluation for visual learners in an art education setting. Visual methods of learning are indeed complex and involve the interplay of many sensory modalities of input. Using a qualitative method of research analysis, a series of queries were proposed into a structured matrix grid for seeking out possible and emerging patterns of learning. The grid provided for interrelated visual and linguistic analysis with emphasis in reflection and interconnectedness. Sensory-based modes of learning are currently being studied and discussed amongst educators as alternative approaches to learning. As patterns emerged from the research, it became apparent that a paradigm for evaluation would have to be a progressive profile of the learning that would take into account many of the different and evolving learning processes of the individual. A broader review of the student's entire development within the Foundation Year Program would have to have a shared evaluation through a cross section of representative faculty in the program. The results from the research were never intended to be conclusive. We realized from the start that sensory-based learning is a difficult process to evaluate from traditional standards used in education. The potential of such a process of inquiry permits the researcher to ask for a set of queries that might provide for a deeper form of evaluation unique to the students and their related learning environment. Only in this context can qualitative methods be used to profile their learning experiences in an expressive and meaningful manner.


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Alan Garcia, l’actuel président du Pérou, est un des politiciens les plus controversés dans l’histoire péruvienne. Le succès de sa carrière comme candidat est fort opposé aux résultats catastrophiques de sa première gestion présidentielle. Dans la culture populaire, les compétences discursives de Garcia, ainsi que le contraste entre son succès et ses pauvres performances en tant que président, l’ont élevé au rang de mythe. Ce travail de recherche présente une analyse pragmatique linguistique des stratégies discursives utilisées par le président Garcia dans son deuxième mandat (2001-2006). L’analyse sera centrée sur le rapport établi par Steven Pinker (2007) entre politesse positive et solidarité communale. Les travaux de Brown et Levinson (1978, 1987) et d’Alan Fiske (1991) sont notre base théorique. L’exclusion sociale d’une partie de la population électorale péruvienne, selon le point de vue de Vergara (2007), est l’élément clé pour mieux comprendre le succès de la stratégie discursive de Garcia. Vegara présente une analyse diachronique multi-variable de la situation politique péruvienne pour expliquer la rationalité de la population électorale péruvienne. À partir de cet encadrement théorique, nous procéderons à l’analyse lexicométrique qui nous permettra d’identifier les stratégies discursives utilisées dans le corpus des discours de Garcia qui a été choisi pour l’analyse. D’après le schéma de Pinker, les données obtenues seront classifiées selon la définition de politesse positive de Brown et Levinson. Finalement, nous évaluerons le rapport entre les résultats classifiés et le modèle de solidarité communale de Fiske. L’objectif est de démontrer que le style discursif de Garcia est structuré à partir d’une rationalité dont l’objet est de fermer la brèche sociale entre le politicien et l’électorat.


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This research project is a contribution to the global field of information retrieval, specifically, to develop tools to enable information access in digital documents. We recognize the need to provide the user with flexible access to the contents of large, potentially complex digital documents, with means other than a search function or a handful of metadata elements. The goal is to produce a text browsing tool offering a maximum of information based on a fairly superficial linguistic analysis. We are concerned with a type of extensive single-document indexing, and not indexing by a set of keywords (see Klement, 2002, for a clear distinction between the two). The desired browsing tool would not only give at a glance the main topics discussed in the document, but would also present relationships between these topics. It would also give direct access to the text (via hypertext links to specific passages). The present paper, after reviewing previous research on this and similar topics, discusses the methodology and the main characteristics of a prototype we have devised. Experimental results are presented, as well as an analysis of remaining hurdles and potential applications.


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This paper discusses the implementation details of a child friendly, good quality, English text-to-speech (TTS) system that is phoneme-based, concatenative, easy to set up and use with little memory. Direct waveform concatenation and linear prediction coding (LPC) are used. Most existing TTS systems are unit-selection based, which use standard speech databases available in neutral adult voices.Here reduced memory is achieved by the concatenation of phonemes and by replacing phonetic wave files with their LPC coefficients. Linguistic analysis was used to reduce the algorithmic complexity instead of signal processing techniques. Sufficient degree of customization and generalization catering to the needs of the child user had been included through the provision for vocabulary and voice selection to suit the requisites of the child. Prosody had also been incorporated. This inexpensive TTS systemwas implemented inMATLAB, with the synthesis presented by means of a graphical user interface (GUI), thus making it child friendly. This can be used not only as an interesting language learning aid for the normal child but it also serves as a speech aid to the vocally disabled child. The quality of the synthesized speech was evaluated using the mean opinion score (MOS).


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Mediante la combinación de métodos de análisis comportamental y lingüísticos se estudió la relación entre el uso del lenguaje y los patrones atributivos en jóvenes y niños colombianos en distintas etapas de su desarrollo y en diferentes contextos regionales. Se midió la producción de juicios atributivos con el fin de analizar el rol relativo de factores del desarrollo y socioculturales en la complejidad de la producción lingüística y las tendencias de agresividad indirecta. En segundo lugar, se evaluó si los patrones observados en Colombia reproducen los reportados en otras partes del mundo. Los resultados muestran que, de manera consistente con la literatura, existen diferencias en la complejidad del lenguaje producido en distintas etapas del desarrollo y en las tendencias y valencias de juicios atributivos en distintos contextos regionales de Colombia. Se desprenden dos hipótesis emergentes: 1) Existen elementos del neurodesarrollo que influyen en el dominio competente del lenguaje evidenciados a través de patrones universales de desarrollo tardío. 2) El contexto sociocultural es un factor determinante en la elección de juicios atributivos y patrones de agresividad indirecta.


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O problema que motivou a realização do presente trabalho foi a dificuldade em se acolher o sofrimento psíquico nas unidades de atenção básica. Neste trabalho, investigamos se esta dificuldade se deve à inadequação epistemológica do paradigma hegemônico. Realizamos uma revisão de literatura e analisamos a utilização do termo paradigma na produção científica brasileira recente. Após busca pelas palavras-chave paradigma e medicina e seleção prévia, foram escolhidos 17 textos. A análise foi feita em duas etapas: análise linguística e levantamento da temática emergente. Levantamos as cinquenta palavras mais frequentes e as agrupamos em comunidades de coocorrência, utilizando o algoritmo de Clauset. Os textos discutiam as ideias de Kuhn e trouxeram tanto experiências inovadoras já implantadas em unidades de saúde quanto exemplos de mudanças curriculares nos cursos de medicina. A promoção da saúde aparece como um novo e promissor paradigma para a saúde.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)