996 resultados para Lineamento Pernambuco
A cross-sectional population-based survey on the occurrence of lymphatic filariasis was carried out in the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. 7,650 individuals of both sexes were examined (from 1,416 households) of whom six tested positive for microfilaria according to the thick blood diagnostic test. The age of the individuals examined varied from 0 to 98 (averaging 26.6 years), whilst the age of the microfilaria-positive individuals varied from 11 to 29, averaging 22.5 years. Five of the six positive cases were male. These cases were residents of the following areas: Pista Preta (one case); Ponte dos Carvalhos (four cases); and Pontezinha (one case). This last case from Pontezinha was autochthonous. Of the individuals examined, 109 (1.4%) cited complaints relating to filariasis. These results suggest that filariasis is being transmitted in the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, a finding that establishes the need to carry out disease control activities, and to collaborate with the planning of the national programme for the elimination of filariasis.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território especialidade em Ambiente e Recursos Naturais
Despite all efforts to store and reduce its consumption, water is becoming less inexhaustible and its quality is falling faster. Considering that water is essential to animal life, it is necessary to adopt measures to ensure its sanitary conditions in order to be fit for consumption. The aim of this study was to analyze the microbiological quality of drinking rainwater used by rural communities of Tuparetama, a small town located in Northeast Brazil. The study covered seven rural communities, totaling 66 households. In each household two samples were collected, one from a tank and the other from a clay pot located inside the home, resulting in 132 samples (tank plus clay pot). Approximately 90% of samples were below the standard recommended by the current legislation, being considered unfit for human consumption. Part of this high microbiological contamination of drinking rainwater could be related to the lack of sanitary education and of an adequate sewerage sanitation system.
HIV/AIDS-associated visceral leishmaniasis may display the characteristics of an aggressive disease or without specific symptoms at all, thus making diagnosis difficult. The present study describes the results of diagnostic tests applied to a series of suspected VL cases in HIV-infected/AIDS patients admitted in referral hospitals in Pernambuco, Brazil. From a total of 14 eligible patients with cytopenias and/or fever of an unknown etiology, and indication of bone marrow aspirate, 10 patients were selected for inclusion in the study. Diagnosis was confirmed by the following examinations: Leishmania detection in bone marrow aspirate, direct agglutination test, indirect immunofluorescence, rK39 dipstick test, polymerase chain reaction and latex agglutination test. Five out of the ten patients were diagnosed with co-infection. A positive direct agglutination test was recorded for all five co-infected patients, the Leishmania detection and latex agglutination tests were positive in four patients, the rK39 dipstick test in three, the indirect immunofluorescence in two and a positive polymerase chain reaction was recorded for one patient. This series of cases was the first to be conducted in Brazil using this set of tests in order to detect co-infection. However, no consensus has thus far been reached regarding the most appropriate examination for the screening and monitoring of this group of patients.
Despite the effectiveness of combination antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), nonadherence to medication has become a major threat to its effectiveness. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of self-reported irregular use of antiretroviral therapy and the factors associated with such an irregularity in PLWHA. A cross-sectional study of PLWHA who attended two referral centers in the city of Recife, in Northeastern Brazil, between June 2007 and October 2009 was carried out. The study analyzed socioeconomic factors, social service support and personal habits associated with nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy, adjusted by multivariable logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of PLWHA who reported irregular use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) was 25.7%. In the final multivariate model, the irregular use of cART was associated with the following variables: being aged less than 40 years (OR = 1.66, 95%-CI: 1.29-2.13), current smokers (OR = 1.76, 95%-CI: 1.31-2.37) or former smokers (OR = 1.43, 95%-CI: 1.05-1.95), and crack cocaine users (OR = 2.79, 95%-CI: 1.24-6.32). Special measures should be directed towards each of the following groups: individuals aged less than 40 years, smokers, former smokers and crack cocaine users. Measures for giving up smoking and crack cocaine should be incorporated into HIV-control programs in order to promote greater adherence to antiretroviral drugs and thus improve the quality of life and prolong life expectancy.
SUMMARY In the present study enterotoxic and cytotoxic activities of twenty Aeromonas caviaestrains were examined. They originated from fecal specimens of patients with acute diarrhea during an outbreak in Brazil in 2004. Culture supernatants of fourteen strains (70%) caused fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal intestinal loops and in suckling mice assays, and also showed a cytotoxic activity in Vero and Caco-2 cells. The enterotoxic and cytotoxic factors were heat-stable after culture supernatants treatment at 100 ºC. The results revealed that A. caviaestrains produce a putative diarrheagenic virulence factor, a heat-stable cytotoxic enterotoxin that could be linked to the diarrhea outbreak that took place in Brazil.
Um inquérito epidemiológico foi realizado em São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, em dezembro de 1963, para determinar a prevalência da bancroftose. Êste inquérito consistiu de: exame de sangue de uma amostra representativa da população humana, capturas e dessecação de insetos transmissores. Das 2 459 pessoas examinadas (23.38% da população estimada), 17 apresentavam microfilária de Wuchereria bancrofti. O índice de microfilaremia foi de 0.7%. Das 356 casas onde se realizou a captura de insetos, 79.77% foram positivas para Culex pipiens fatigans. Dos 754 fatigans examinados para larvas de Wuchereria, 1.06% estavam infectados.
The authors report the finding of trypanosoma cruzi - like and lewisi in rodents trapped in the Araripe region of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Studies were made on the biochemical behavior of 100 strains of P.pestis isolated in Northeastern Brazil with regard to production of nitrous acid, reduction of nitrates to nitrltes, and aciáification of glycerol. Results showed that 98 strains can be classified as "orientalis variety", while the remaining two could not be included in any of the existing "varieties".
O autor descreve dois novos casos de leishmaníose visceral em Pernambuco, Brasil e observados no Instituto de Medicina Tropical da F.M.U.F.Pe. O primeiro faleceu antes de receber o tratamento específico e o segundo curou-se após uma série de tratamento com o antimoniato de N-metil-glucamina.
Os autores apresentam os resultados de levantamentos seccionais sôbre a prevalência e a morbidade da esquistossomose mansônica nas zonas rural e urbana do município de São Lourenço da Mata. A prevalência da esquistossomose e de outras helmintoses foi muito elevada. As formas hepato-esplénicas variaram de 1 a 2 %.
Os Autores realizando um levantamento coproparasitológico no Instituto de Medicina Tropical da U.F.Pe., com relação a incidência de Hymenolepis nana e Taenia sp no período de 1968 a 1970, encontram índice de infestação muito baixo, em tôrno de 0,05% a 2,7% para Taenia sp e 0,36% para Hymenolepis nana.