987 resultados para Light gauge steel frame walls


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En la actualidad, el crecimiento de la población y el desarrollo tecnológico de nuestros tiempos han originado novedosas formas de confort para los habitantes, lo cual a su vez se traduce en una demanda creciente de energía. No obstante, el concepto energético está llegando a la conciencia y es necesario adaptarse a la nueva situación, por lo tanto, es imprescindible el estudio y el aprovechamiento de nuevos sistemas constructivos de cerramientos, como pueden ser los cerramientos multicapas ligeros, que presentan características favorables para el ahorro en el consumo energético, y a su vez pueden ser industrializados, obteniendo beneficios, como la mejora de la calidad, el acortamiento de plazos constructivos, mayor seguridad, altas prestaciones, mayor ligereza, más espacio habitable, entre otros. El desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral esta centrado en definir tres propuestas de Cerramientos Multicapas Ligeros (CML) con estructura de light steel frame, analizando el comportamiento térmico y acústico, así como también el coste económico de las mismas, con el objetivo de demostrar que este tipo de sistema constructivo es una alternativa competitiva a los sistemas de Cerramientos Tradicionales y, que a su vez se puedan implementar en cualquier sistema constructivo y se puedan adaptar a los distintos ambientes climáticos que existen en España. Por otro lado, se han seleccionado tres Cerramientos Tradicionales, para llevar a cabo las distintas comparativas propuestas. La investigación se desarrolla en cinco grandes partes: La primera parte está formada por la justificación de la investigación y el planteamiento de los objetivos, así como también la hipótesis de partida y la metodología empleada. En la segunda parte se definen los antecedentes teóricos, divididos en tres temas: el cerramiento ? la fachada, la transmisión del calor y la transmisión del sonido en los cerramientos. También se realiza una síntesis del trabajo de investigación previo que he realizado ?Caracterización del comportamiento térmico de fachadas multicapas ligeras?, el cual sirve de base de partida para el desarrollo de esta tesis. Y por último, se desarrollan distintos temas relacionados con el Light Steel Frame (LSF), en donde se lleva a cabo una búsqueda de la documentación disponible sobre las investigaciones científico-tecnológicas, desde distintos puntos de vista: térmico, acústico, económico, estructural, en caso de incendio, industrialización y medioambiental ? sostenibilidad. Una vez realizados todos los puntos anteriores y para sintetizar la información, se lleva a cabo una clasificación de los sistemas de cerramientos que tienen como estructura el light steel frame, se analizan las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno de estos sistemas de la clasificación, llegando a unas conclusiones que sirven de base para definir las propuestas de Cerramientos Multicapas Ligeros. En la tercera parte, se definen los tres cerramientos tradicionales que se utilizan para realizar las comparativas con los cerramientos multicapas ligeros, definiendo las características de cada uno de los materiales y, también se desarrollan los criterios de diseño que deben cumplir los cerramientos multicapas ligeros, definiendo cada una de las tres muestras de ensayo de cerramientos multicapas ligeros. En la cuarta parte se lleva a cabo el análisis teórico ? experimental de las seis muestras de estudio, en donde, se realiza una investigación térmica basada en simulaciones y experimentaciones en células de ensayo e implementación de la termografía infrarroja. Por otro lado, se realiza también una investigación acústica desarrollando ensayos en laboratorio de aislamiento a ruido aéreo e intensimetría sonora. Y por último, se hace un análisis económico, tomando en cuenta las variables del coste de construcción, el consumo energético, el ahorro que supone la masa a la estructura y el espacio adicional que aporta este tipo de sistema constructivo a la superficie útil, para ello se plantean distintos escenarios de estudio. Una vez obtenidos los resultados de las diferentes investigaciones (térmica, acústica y económica), se llevan a cabo una serie de comparativas entre los cerramientos multicapas ligeros y los cerramientos tradicionales, y los cerramientos multicapas ligeros entre sí. En la quinta parte, se exponen las conclusiones derivadas de las distintas investigaciones y se realiza la comprobación de los objetivos propuestos y de la hipótesis de partida, destacando los hallazgos principales para cada situación y se presentan las líneas futuras de investigación que han ido surgiendo en el desarrollo de la tesis doctoral.


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In recent times, light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been used extensively as primary load bearing structural members in many applications in the building industry. Fire safety design of structures using such sections has therefore become more important. Deterioration of mechanical properties of yield stress and elasticity modulus is considered the most important factor affecting the performance of steel structures in fires. Hence there is a need to fully understand the mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures. A research project based on experimental studies was therefore undertaken to investigate the deterioration of mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels. Tensile coupon tests were undertaken to determine the mechanical properties of these steels made of both low and high strength steels and thicknesses of 0.60, 0.80 and 0.95 mm at temperatures ranging from 20 to 800ºC. Test results showed that the currently available reduction factors are unsafe to use in the fire safety design of cold-formed steel structures. Therefore new predictive equations were developed for the mechanical properties of yield strength and elasticity modulus at elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of the experimental study, and the results including the developed equations. It also includes details of a stress-strain model for light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures.


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This paper reports on progress in developing new design and measurement concepts, and translating these concepts into practical applications. This research addresses gaps in ‘best practice’ green building, and is aimed ultimately at replacing green buildings with sustainable urban environments. Building on the author’s previously articulated concepts of Design for Eco-services and Positive Development, this research will demonstrate how to eco-retrofit cities so that they reverse the negative impacts of past design and generate net positive ecological impacts, at no extra cost. In contrast to ‘restorative’ design,this means increasing ecological carrying capacity and natural and social capital through built environment design. Some exemplars for facilitating Positive development will be presented in this talk,such as Green Scaffolding for retrofits, and Green Space Walls for new construction. These structures have been designed to grow and change over time, be easily deconstructed, and entail little waste. The frames support mini-ecospheres that provide a wide range of ecosystem services and biodiversity habitats, as well as heating, cooling and ventilating. In combination, the modules serve to improve human and environmental health. Current work is focused on developing a range of such space frame walls, optimised through an innovative marriage of eco-logical design and virtual modelling.


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During the past decade, a significant amount of research has been conducted internationally with the aim of developing, implementing, and verifying "advanced analysis" methods suitable for non-linear analysis and design of steel frame structures. Application of these methods permits comprehensive assessment of the actual failure modes and ultimate strengths of structural systems in practical design situations, without resort to simplified elastic methods of analysis and semi-empirical specification equations. Advanced analysis has the potential to extend the creativity of structural engineers and simplify the design process, while ensuring greater economy and more uniform safety with respect to the ultimate limit state. The application of advanced analysis methods has previously been restricted to steel frames comprising only members with compact cross-sections that are not subject to the effects of local buckling. This precluded the use of advanced analysis from the design of steel frames comprising a significant proportion of the most commonly used Australian sections, which are non-compact and subject to the effects of local buckling. This thesis contains a detailed description of research conducted over the past three years in an attempt to extend the scope of advanced analysis by developing methods that include the effects of local buckling in a non-linear analysis formulation, suitable for practical design of steel frames comprising non-compact sections. Two alternative concentrated plasticity formulations are presented in this thesis: the refined plastic hinge method and the pseudo plastic zone method. Both methods implicitly account for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. The accuracy and precision of the methods for the analysis of steel frames comprising non-compact sections has been established by comparison with a comprehensive range of analytical benchmark frame solutions. Both the refined plastic hinge and pseudo plastic zone methods are more accurate and precise than the conventional individual member design methods based on elastic analysis and specification equations. For example, the pseudo plastic zone method predicts the ultimate strength of the analytical benchmark frames with an average conservative error of less than one percent, and has an acceptable maximum unconservati_ve error of less than five percent. The pseudo plastic zone model can allow the design capacity to be increased by up to 30 percent for simple frames, mainly due to the consideration of inelastic redistribution. The benefits may be even more significant for complex frames with significant redundancy, which provides greater scope for inelastic redistribution. The analytical benchmark frame solutions were obtained using a distributed plasticity shell finite element model. A detailed description of this model and the results of all the 120 benchmark analyses are provided. The model explicitly accounts for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. Its accuracy was verified by comparison with a variety of analytical solutions and the results of three large-scale experimental tests of steel frames comprising non-compact sections. A description of the experimental method and test results is also provided.


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Application of "advanced analysis" methods suitable for non-linear analysis and design of steel frame structures permits direct and accurate determination of ultimate system strengths, without resort to simplified elastic methods of analysis and semi-empirical specification equations. However, the application of advanced analysis methods has previously been restricted to steel frames comprising only compact sections that are not influenced by the effects of local buckling. A refined plastic hinge method suitable for practical advanced analysis of steel frame structures comprising non-compact sections is presented in a companion paper. The method implicitly accounts for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. The accuracy and precision of the method for the analysis of steel frames comprising non-compact sections is established in this paper by comparison with a comprehensive range of analytical benchmark frame solutions. The refined plastic hinge method is shown to be more accurate and precise than the conventional individual member design methods based on elastic analysis and specification equations.


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Application of "advanced analysis" methods suitable for non-linear analysis and design of steel frame structures permits direct and accurate determination of ultimate system strengths, without resort to simplified elastic methods of analysis and semi-empirical specification equations. However, the application of advanced analysis methods has previously been restricted to steel frames comprising only compact sections that are not influenced by the effects of local buckling. A research project has been conducted with the aim of developing concentrated plasticity methods suitable for practical advanced analysis of steel frame structures comprising non-compact sections. This paper contains a comprehensive set of analytical benchmark solutions for steel frames comprising non-compact sections, which can be used to verify the accuracy of simplified concentrated plasticity methods of advanced analysis. The analytical benchmark solutions were obtained using a distributed plasticity shell finite element model that explicitly accounts for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. A brief description and verification of the shell finite element model is provided in this paper.


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