914 resultados para Lichen taxonomy


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The taxonomic status of Australian species presently assigned to the genera Teneropsis Chapin and Cregya LeConte is assessed. Two new genera are erected: Gnidmus gen. nov. for Gnidmus jocosus (Schenkling) comb. nov. (transferred from Teneropsis); Hautenerus gen. nov. for Hautenerus australicus (Lea) comb. nov. (transferred from Teneropsis), Haute - nerus kioloa (Kolibáć) comb. nov. (transferred from Cregya) and Hautenerus leichhardti sp. nov. The three previously described species are redescribed. The systematic position of these taxa is discussed. Additionally, Tarsostenus hilaris (Westwood) comb. nov. is transferred from Tarsostenosis Heller and a revised key to Australian genera of Korynetinae is provided. © The State of Queensland, Queensland Museum 2013.


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Heavy metals build-up on urban road surfaces is a complex process and influenced by a diverse range of factors. Although numerous research studies have been conducted in the area of heavy metals build-up, limited research has been undertaken to rank these factors in terms of their influence on the build-up process. This results in limitations in the identification of the most critical factor/s for accurately estimating heavy metal loads and for designing effective stormwater treatment measures. The research study undertook an in-depth analysis of the factors which influence heavy metals build-up based on data generated from a number of different geographical locations around the world. Traffic volume was found to be the highest ranked factor in terms of influencing heavy metals build-up while land use was ranked the second. Proximity to arterial roads, antecedent dry days and road surface roughness has a relatively lower ranking. Furthermore, the study outcomes advances the conceptual understanding of heavy metals build-up based on the finding that with increasing traffic volume, total heavy metal build-up load increases while the variability decreases. The outcomes from this research study are expected to contribute to more accurate estimation of heavy metals build-up loads leading to more effective stormwater treatment design.


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Despite considerable research on the impact of early childhood education (ECE), there is little empirical evidence about what the everyday work of educators entails. This paper reports on the development of a tool to capture generalisable data on the everyday work of educators so as to inform effective workforce policy. This tool—a taxonomy of early childhood educators’ work—was developed by drawing on the expertise of six early years’ experts from Australia and the United States of America (USA) and includes time-use diaries, focus groups and interviews with 21 early childhood educators working in long day care and preschool services. The taxonomy, which we present here, consists of 10 domains, each with a number of sub-classes. We propose that this taxonomy is a useful codification system for ascertaining the everyday work tasks, activities and actions of early childhood educators in diverse early years’ settings. It is anticipated that the taxonomy will prove a valuable tool for subsequent research investigating the early childhood workforce.


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Phylogenetic studies of cyanobacterial lichens Lichens are symbiotic assemblages between fungi (mycobiont) and green algae (phycobiont) or/and cyanobacteria (cyanobiont). Fossil records show that lichen-like symbioses occurred already 600 million years ago. Lichen symbiosis has since then become an important life strategy for the Fungi, particularly for species in the phylum Ascomycota as approximately 98% of the lichenized fungal species are ascomycetes. The taxonomy of lichen associations is based on the mycobiont. We reconstructed, using DNA sequence data, hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships of lichen-forming fungi that include species associated with cyanobacteria. These hypotheses of phylogeny should form the basis for the taxonomy. They also allowed studies of the origin and the evolution of specific symbioses. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic cyanobionts were also studied in order to examine selectivity of cyanobionts and mycobionts as well as possible co-evolution between partners involved in lichen associations. The suggested circumscription of the family Stereocaulaceae to include Stereocaulon and Lepraria is supported. The recently described crustose Stereocaulon species seem to be correctly placed in the genus, although Stereocaulon traditionally included only fruticose species. The monospecific crustose genus Muhria is also shown to be best placed in Stereocaulon. Family Lobariaceae as currently delimited is monophyletic. Within Lobariaceae genus Sticta including Dendriscocaulon dendroides form a monophyletic group while the genera Lobaria and Pseudocyphellaria are non-monophyletic. A new classification of Lobariaceae is obviously needed. Further studies are however required before a final proposal for a new classification can be made. Our results show that the cyanobacterial symbiotic state has been gained repeatedly in the Ascomycota while losses of symbiotic cyanobacteria appear to be rare. The symbiosis with green algae is confirmed to have been gained repeatedly in Ascomycota but also repeatedly lost. Cyanobacterial symbioses therefore seem to be more stable than green algal associations. Cyanobacteria are perhaps more beneficial for the lichen fungi and therefore maintained. The results indicate a dynamic association of the lichen symbiosis. This evolutionary instability will perhaps be important for the lichen fungi as the utilization of options will perhaps enable lichens to colonize new substrates and survive environmental changes. Some cyanobacterial lichen genera seem to be highly selective towards the cyanobiont while others form symbioses with a broad spectrum of cyanobacteria. No evidence of co-evolution between fungi and cyanobacteria in cyanolichens could be demonstrated.


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We provide a taxonomic redescription of the dasyurid marsupial Swamp Antechinus, Antechinus minimus (Geoffroy, 1803). In the past, A. minimus has been classified as two subspecies: the nominate A. minimus minimus (Geoffroy, 1803), which is found throughout much of Tasmania (including southern Bass Strait islands) and A. minimus maritimus (Finlayson, 1958), which is found on mainland Australia (as well as some near-coastal islands) and is patchily distributed in mostly coastal areas between South Gippsland (Victoria) and Robe (South Australia). Based on an assessment of morphology and DNA, we conclude that A. minimus is both distinctly different from all extant congeners and that the two existing subspecies of Swamp Antechinus are appropriately taxonomically characterised. In our genetic phylogenies, the Swamp Antechinus was monophyletic with respect to all 14 known extant congeners; moreover, A. minimus was well-positioned in a large clade, together with all four species in the Dusky Antechinus complex, to the exclusion of all other antechinus. Within A. minimus, between subspecies there were subtle morphological differences (A. m. maritimus skulls tend to be broader, with larger molar teeth, than A. m. minimus, but these differences were not significant); there was distinct, but only moderately deep genetic differences (3.9–4.5% at mtDNA) between A. minimus subspecies. Comparatively, across Bass Strait, the two subspecies of A. minimus are morphologically and genetically markedly less divergent than recently recognised species pairs within the Dusky Antechinus complex, found in Victoria (A. mimetes) and Tasmania (A. swainsonii) (9.4–11.6% divergent at mtDNA)


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Tutkimus käsittelee kääpien sukulaisuussuhteita. Käävät ovat kantasienten (Basidiomycota) muotoryhmä, joiden itiöemien alapinta muodostuu yhteensulautuneista pilleistä. Muotoryhmänä kääpiä voi verrata vaikka puihin siinä mielessä, että käävät kuten puutkaan eivät ole samankaltaisuudestaan huolimatta kaikki sukua toisilleen. DNA:n käyttö sukulaisuussuhteiden selvittämisessä on aloittanut mullistuksen kääpien luokittelussa. Aiemmin käytetty, itiöemien ominaisuuksiin perustunut luokittelu on osoittautunut keinotekoiseksi sukulaisuussuhteiden kannalta. Tutkimuksessani syvennyttiin useamman kääpäsuvun polveutumishistoriaan hyödyntäen DNA:ta ja perinteisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset liittyvät sitkokääpien sukuun (Antrodiella). Tämä noin 70 lajia sisältävä suku osoittautui rikkonaiseksi - sitkokääpiin luetut lajit kuuluvat kahteen sienilahkoon ja oikesti vähintään 13 sukuun. Tutkimuksessa löytyi kaksi Suomelle uutta sitkokääpää, leppikääpä (A. ichnusana) ja nipukkakääpä (A. leucoxantha). Uudet suvut kuvattiin Suomessa esiintyville sirppikääville (Sidera) ja talikääville (Obba). Uusi kääpäsuku ja -laji kuvattiin myös Indonesiasta (Sebipora aquosa). Valtaosa sitkokääpiin luetuista lajeista kuuluu orakarakoiden heimoon (Steccherinaceae), joka rajattiin tässä tutkimuksessa uudelleen. Heimoon kuuluvat mm. karakäävät (Junghuhnia) ja orakasmaiset orakarakat (Steccherinum). Sen sisällä selvitettiin kääpien ja orakkaiden sukulaisuussuhteita. Perinteisesti käävät ja orakkaat on viety eri sukuihin riippumatta niiden mikroskooppisesta samankaltaisuudesta. Tulosten valossa orakarakoiden heimossa käävät ja orakkaat pysyvät pääosin erillisissä suvuissa, mutta tästä on myös poikkeuksia (Antrodiella, Metuloidea ja Steccherinum). Lähes kaikki DNA:n perusteella määriteltävissä olevat suvut ovat tunnistettavissa itiöemien ominaisuuksiensa perusteella. Tulokset antavat eväitä kääpien luokitteluun laajemminkin osoittamalla, mitkä ominaisuudet ovat luokittelun kannalta merkityksellisiä. Tarkentunut tieto lajimäärästä ja lajien sukulaisuussuhteista hyödyttää ekologista tutkimusta sekä arvioita lajien uhanalaisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aikana luotua DNA-kirjastoa käytetään lajien tunnistamiseen. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös etsittäessä bioteknologisia sovelluksia käävistä, sillä sovellusten kannalta kiinnostavat ominaisuudet seuraavat usein sienten sukupuuta.


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This dissertation is focused on the taxonomy, phylogeny, and ecology of the vagrant, erratic and allied terricolous and saxicolous species of the genera Aspicilia A. Massal. and Circinaria Link (Megasporaceae), particularly those traditionally referred to as manna lichens . The group has previously been defined on the basis of few morphological characters. The phylogeny of the family Megasporaceae is inferred from the combined dataset of nuLSU and mtSSU sequences. Five genera Aspicilia, Circinaria, Lobothallia, Megaspora, and Sagedia are recognized. Lobothallia is sister of the four other genera, while Aspicilia and Sagedia form the next clade. All these genera have small asci with eight spores. Circinaria is a sister genus of Megaspora, and these two have in common asci with (1 4) 6 8 large spores. Circinaria forms a monophyletic group and sphaerothallioid species form a monophyletic group within Circinaria. The presence of certain morphological characters such as pseudocyphellae, thickness of cortex and medulla layers, as well as ecological differences in sphaerothallioid species distinguish it from some other crustose species, especially those containing aspicilin and characterised by thin cortex and medulla layers, conidium length c. 6 12 µm and absence of pseudocyphellae. If sphaerothallioid species are accepted as a distinct genus, the rest of the Circinaria species would remain as a paraphyletic assemblage. Currently, the genus Circinaria includes all the sphaerothallioid species and its generic position is confirmed and accepted. Thus, it is proposed as a correct generic name also for the manna lichens described originally in other genera. Phylogeny at the species level was studied using nrITS sequence data. Traditionally, morphological characters have been used for the recognition of species. They were re-evaluated in the light of molecular data. Since characters such as vagrant, erratic and crustose growth forms proved to be misleading for the recognition of some species, a combination of several characters (including molecular data) is recommended. Vagrant growth form seems to have evolved several times among the distantly related lineages and even within a single population. The reasons behind the high plasticity in the external morphology of the sphaerothallioid Circinaria remain, however, unknown. Six new species are recognized: Aspicilia tibetica, Circinaria arida, C. digitata nom provis., C. gyrosa nom. provis., C. rogeri nom. provis., and C. rostamii nom. provis. Based on an analysis of nrITS dataset, three new erratic, vagrant and crustose species were also recognized, but these require additional study. The results also reveal that C. elmorei and C. hispida are not monophyletic as currently understood. In addition, 13 new combinations in the genus Circinaria are proposed.


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This paper presents a unified taxonomy of shape features. Such taxonomy is required to construct ontologies to address heterogeneity in product/shape models. Literature provides separate classifications for volumetric, deformation and free-form surface features. The unified taxonomy proposed allows classification, representation and extraction of shape features in a product model. The novelty of the taxonomy is that the classification is based purely on shape entities and therefore it is possible to automatically extract the features from any shape model. This enables the use of this taxonomy to build reference ontology.


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Taxonomic descriptions, line drawings, and references are given for the 30 named and 5 unnamed species of North American fish Eimeriidae. In addition, a key was developed based on available morphologic data to distinguish between similar species. Taxa are divided into two genera: Eimeria (27 species) which are tetr&sporocystic with dizoic, nonbivalved sporocysts, and Goussia (3 species) which are tetrasporocystic with dizoic, bivalved sporocysts that lack Stleda bodies and have sporocyst walls composed of two longitudinal valves. (PDF file contains 24 pages.)


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Covers the history of the study of boring sponges, taxonomy and distributions. Also includes identification of species, descriptions, key, references and plates. (PDF contains 30 pages)