82 resultados para Leontopithecus rosalia
OBJETIVO: Determinar se a medida da espessura do músculo adutor do polegar é confiável para avaliação nutricional de pacientes cirúrgicos e se correlaciona bem com outros parâmetros antropométricos, bioquímicos e clínicos. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, com avaliação de 87 pacientes candidatos à procedimento cirúrgico de grande porte no trato gastrointestinal. Eles foram submetidos à avaliação nutricional através da avaliação subjetiva global, antropometria (circunferência do braço, prega cutânea triciptal, e circunferência muscular do braço), albumina sérica, linfocitometria e pela medida da espessura do músculo adutor do polegar em ambas as mãos. RESULTADOS: A média da espessura da mão dominante (direita) foi de 12,64 ± 3,19 mm e da mão não dominante 12,23 ± 2,9 mm. Para desnutrição, a sensibilidade da espessura do músculo adutor do polegar direita foi de 72,37% e da esquerda de 77,33% para os pontos de cortes encontrados com a curva Receiver Operating Characteristic (13,4 e 13,1 mm respectivamente). Para ambas as mãos a especificidade foi de 100%. Encontrou-se correlação significativa (p<0,01) da espessura do músculo adutor do polegar com todas as outras técnicas antropométricas de avaliação nutricional. Os seus valores médios nos pacientes eutróficos segundo a avaliação subjetiva global foram significativamente maiores (P<0.001) que dos desnutridos leves, e estes também maiores (P<0,05) que os desnutridos graves (avaliação subjetiva global-C). CONCLUSÃO: a espessura do músculo adutor do polegar é um método de fácil execução, baixo custo, confiável e transmite segurança na avaliação do estado nutricional, podendo ser usado na prática clínica em pacientes cirúrgicos.
Con este estudio se pretende identificar el concepto de los profesionales encargados sobre los programas de Promoción y Prevención en los adolescentes en las instituciones de primer Nivel de Atención de la Secretaria Distrital de Salud.
Resumen de la revista en catalán. Este artículo forma parte del monográfico 'Les TIC : una eina per aprendre llengua'
Análisis del uso de catalán entre los escolares de Can Parellada, un barrio de Terrassa. A partir de un trabajo de investigación de bachillerato realizado por cuatro alumnas, se establecen una serie de hipótesis sobre este tema.
resumen basado en el de la publicación
La present tesi doctoral es centra en l'aplicació dels bacteris de l'àcid lactic (BAL) com a agents bioprotectors davant microorganismes patògens i deteriorants.Es van aïllar i seleccionar BAL de fruites i hortalisses fresques i es van assajar in vitro davant 5 microorganismes fitopatògens i 5 patògens humans.Es van realitzar assajos d'eficàcia en pomes Golden Delicious amb tots els aïllats enfront les infeccions causades pel fong Penicillium expansum. La soca més eficaç era Weissella cibaria TM128, que reduïa el diàmetre de les infeccions en un 50%.Les soques seleccionades es van assajar enfront els patògens Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli i Listeria monocytogenes en enciams Iceberg i pomes Golden Delicious.Els BAL interferien eficientment amb el creixemet de S. typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, però van mostrar poc efecte enfront E. coli.Finalment, es van realitzar assajos dosi-resposta amb les soques Leuconostoc mesenteroides CM135, CM160 and PM249 enfront L. monocytogenes. De totes les soques assajades, la soca CM160 va ser la més efectiva.
We propose goethite nanorods as suitable anti-ferromagnetic substrates. The great advantage of using these inorganic nanostructures as building blocks comes from the fact that it permits the design and fabrication of colloidal and supracolloidal assemblies knowing first their magnetic characteristics. As a proof of concept, we have developed mix multifunctional systems, driving on the surface of these AFM substrates, cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (the study of bimagnetic systems opens new degrees of freedom to tailor the overall properties and offers the Meiklejohn-Bean paradigm, but inverted), a silica shell (protection purposes, but also as a tailored spacer that permits controlling magnetic interactions), and metallic gold clusters (seeds that can favor the acquisition of optical or catalytic properties).
The cardiovascular, respiratory, and anesthetic effects of medetomidine-ketamine (20 μg/kg bodyweight [BW] and 10 mg/kg BW) (MK group) or dexmedetomidine-ketamine (10 μg/kg BW and 10 mg/kg BW) (DK group) were studied in golden-headed lion tamarins. Heart rate decreased after administration of both combinations; this reduction was statistically greater in the DK group than in the MK group after 15 and 45 minutes. Systolic arterial pressure decreased in a similar way in both groups, except at 15 minutes, when systolic arterial pressure was significantly lower in the DK group. Diastolic arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature were progressively reduced in all groups. Sedation time was significantly shorter and anesthesia time was significantly longer in the DK group compared with MK group. Anesthetic quality and analgesia scores were significantly greater at 5 and 15 minutes in the DK group compared with the MK group. The administration of dexmedetomidine-ketamine is as safe and effective as the administration of medetomidine-ketamine in tamarins.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
The PrPC prion protein contains 250 amino acids with some variation among species and is expressed in several cell types. PrPC is converted to PrPSc by a post-translational process in which it acquires amino acid sequences of three-dimensional conformation of -sheets. Variations in the prion protein gene were observed among 16 genera of New World primates (Platyrrhini), and resulted in amino acid substitutions when compared with the human sequence. Seven substitutions not yet described in the literature were found: W R at position 31 in Cebuella, T A at position 95 in Cacajao and Chiropotes, N S at position 100 in Brachyteles, L Q at position 130 in Leontopithecus (in the sequence responsible for generating the -sheet 1), D E at position 144 in Lagothrix (in the sequence responsible for the -helix 1), D G at position 147 in Saguinus (also located in the -helix 1 region), and M I at position 232 in Alouatta. The phylogenetic trees generated by parsimony, neighbor-joining and Bayesian analyses strongly support the monophyletic status of the platyrrhines, but did not resolve relationships among families. However, the results do corroborate previous findings, which indicate that the three platyrrhine families radiated rapidly from an ancient split.
In the present study, the coding region of the H gene was sequenced and analyzed in fourteen genera of New World primates (Alouatta, Aotus, Ateles, Brachyteles, Cacajao, Callicebus, Callithrix, Cebus, Chiropotes, Lagothrix, Leontopithecus, Pithecia, Saguinus, and Saimiri), in order to investigate the evolution of the gene. The analyses revealed that this coding region contains 1,101 nucleotides, with the exception of Brachyteles, the callitrichines (Callithrix, Leontopithecus, and Saguinus) and one species of Callicebus (moloch), in which one codon was deleted. In the primates studied, the high GC content (63%), the nonrandom distribution of codons and the low evolution rate of the gene (0.513 substitutions/site/MA in the order Primates) suggest the action of a purifying type of selective pressure, confirmed by the Z-test. Our analyses did not identify mutations equivalent to those responsible for the H-deficient phenotypes found in humans, nor any other alteration that might explain the lack of expression of the gene in the erythrocytes of Neotropical monkeys. The phylogenetic trees obtained for the H gene and the distance matrix data suggest the occurrence of divergent evolution in the primates.
The aim of this study was to evaluate stress distribution on the pen-implant bone, simulating the influence of Nobel Select implants with straight or angulated abutments on regular and switching platform in the anterior maxilla, by means of 3-dimensional finite element analysis. Four mathematical models of a central incisor supported by external hexagon implant (13 mm x 5 mm) were created varying the platform (R, regular or S. switching) and the abutments (S, straight or A, angulated 15 degrees). The models were created by using Mimics 13 and Solid Works 2010 software programs. The numerical analysis was performed using ANSYS Workbench 10.0. Oblique forces (100 N) were applied to the palatine surface of the central incisor. The bone/implant interface was considered perfectly integrated. Maximum (sigma(max)) and minimum (sigma(min)) principal stress values were obtained. For the cortical bone the highest stress values (sigma(max)) were observed in the RA (regular platform and angulated abutment, 51 MPa), followed by SA (platform switching and angulated abutment, 44.8 MPa), RS (regular platform and straight abutment, 38.6 MPa) and SS (platform switching and straight abutment, 36.5 MPa). For the trabecular bone, the highest stress values (sigma(max)) were observed in the RA (6.55 MPa), followed by RS (5.88 MPa), SA (5.60 MPa), and SS (4.82 MPa). The regular platform generated higher stress in the cervical periimplant region on the cortical and trabecular bone than the platform switching, irrespective of the abutment used (straight or angulated).
Leishmaniasis is a disease emerging or re-emerging worldwide distribution (Sousa, 2008), a major impact on public health. The canine visceral leishmaniasis is an infectious parasitic zoonosis of worldwide distribution (Troncarelli, 2009), caused by a flagellate protozoan called Leishmania chagasi (Costard, 2009). Osteomyelitis can develop when the parasite reaches the bone tissue of the host via blood or continuity of adjacent soft tissue infection (Baltenperger, 2004). The histopathology of the lesions has 100% specificity when viewing the amastigote form of the parasite (Feitosa et al., 2000). A dog breed poodle, female, five years, with chronic lameness four months ago was attended by a veterinary, proceeded to the general clinical examination, radiographic evaluation of the hindquarters and the laboratory tests of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (RIFI) for Leishmania sp. On examination, besides the enlargement of lymph nodes, the animal showed pain on flexion and extension of hind limbs. In radiographic lytic bone lesions were observed in bilateral ischial board and greater trochanter of the femur, suggestive of osteomyelitis. In specific laboratory tests for diagnosis of leishmaniasis ELISA reagent and RIFI reagent 1:40. As recommended by the Ministry of Health, the animal was euthanized. No macroscopic findings were reported during the necropsy, usually associated with leishmaniasis. The ischium bone fragments were sent for histopathological examination. There was intense proliferation of mononuclear inflammatory cells, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes. Amastigotes of Leishmania sp, were identified in the cytoplasm of some macrophages and bone tissue. In endemic areas for canine leishmaniasis, dogs with a history of intermittent lameness, and radiographic lytic bone lesions suggestive of osteomyelitis should be directed to realization of the histopathology and serologic tests for the differential diagnosis of Leishmania sp. Even without evidence of cutaneous or visceral lesions, usually associated with this disease.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ