951 resultados para Leonard Mine
In open-cut strip mining, waste material is placed in-pit to minimise operational mine costs. Slope failures in these spoil piles pose a significant safety risk to personnel, along with a financial risk from loss of equipment and scheduling delays. It has been observed that most spoil pile failures occur when the pit has been previously filled with water and then subsequently dewatered. The failures are often initiated at the base of spoil piles where the material can undergo significant slaking (disintegration) over time due to overburden pressure and water saturation. It is important to understand how the mechanical properties of base spoil material are affected by slaking when designing safe spoil pile slope angles, heights, and dewatering rates. In this study, fresh spoil material collected from a coal mine in Brown Basin Coalfield of Queensland, Australia was subjected to high overburden pressure (0 – 900 kPa) under saturated condition and maintained over a period of time (0 – 6 months) allowing the material to slake. To create the above conditions, laboratory designed pressure chambers were used. Once a spoil sample was slaked under certain overburden pressure over a period of time, it was tested for classification, permeability, and strength properties. Results of this testing program suggested that the slaking of saturated coal mine spoil increase with overburden pressure and the time duration over which the overburden pressure was maintained. Further, it was observed that shear strength and permeability of spoil decreased with increase in spoil slaking.
This article contributes an original integrated model of an open-pit coal mine for supporting energy-efficient decisions. Mixed integer linear programming is used to formulate a general integrated model of the operational energy consumption of four common open-pit coal mining subsystems: excavation and haulage, stockpiles, processing plants and belt conveyors. Mines are represented as connected instances of the four subsystems, in a flow sheet manner, which are then fitted to data provided by the mine operators. Solving the integrated model ensures the subsystems’ operations are synchronised and whole-of-mine energy efficiency is encouraged. An investigation on a case study of an open-pit coal mine is conducted to validate the proposed methodology. Opportunities are presented for using the model to aid energy-efficient decision-making at various levels of a mine, and future work to improve the approach is described.
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee Paavo Ravilan (1902–1974) ja Leonard Bloomfieldin (1887–1949) tieteenfilosofisia näkemyksiä ja heistä muodostunutta tutkijankuvaa. Työn näkökulma on oppihistoriallinen, ja sen tavoitteena on selvittää Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin teoreettisten näkemysten yhtäläisyyksiä. Työn pääasiallinen lähdekirjallisuus sisältää sekä kotimaista että kansainvälistä kielitieteen historiankirjoitusta. Aineistona on Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin teoreettisen tason kirjoitukset kielitieteestä ja tieteenfilosofiasta; näin ollen heidän kielitieteelliset tutkimuksensa jäävät työn ulkopuolelle. Työtä varten on käytetty myös arkistolähteitä sekä ulkomailta että Suomesta. Ravilan kansainvälisyyttä käsiteltäessä arvokasta aineistoa ovat varsinkin yhdysvaltalaisten yliopistojen arkistoista löytynyt kirjeenvaihto ja muu arkistomateriaali. Luvussa 2 esitellään yleistä kielitieteen historiaa 1800-luvulta 1960-luvulle. Luvussa 3 käsitellään Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin elämää ja uraa ja analysoidaan heistä muodostunutta tutkijankuvaa. Luvussa 4 käsitellään niitä tieteenfilosofisia kysymyksiä, joissa Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin ajatusten samankaltaisuus parhaiten tulee esille: empirismiä, positivismia, merkitystä, formalismia sekä synkronian ja diakronian suhdetta. Ravila ja Bloomfield painottivat empiristisen asennoitumisen tärkeyttä kielitieteessä erityisesti suhteessa aineistoon ja siitä tehtäviin päätelmiin. Lisäksi molemmat olivat positivisteja ja vastustivat siksi sellaisia selityksiä, joita ei voi perustella aineistosta käsin suorien havaintojen avulla. Myös molemmilla toistuva tieteellisyyden vaatimus on johdettavissa positivistisesta asennoitumisesta. Kielitieteen oppihistoriassa Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin tutkijankuva on erilainen varsinkin suhteessa merkityksentutkimukseen, mutta heidän kannanottojensa yksityiskohtaisempi tarkastelu osoittaa, että heidän näkemyksistään voidaan löytää yllättäviä samankaltaisuuksia. Myös synkronian ja diakronian suhdetta tutkittaessa voidaan havaita yhtymäkohtia: synkronistina pidetty Bloomfield ja diakronistina pidetty Ravila pitivät molemmat parhaana lähestymistapana kieleen synkronian ja diakronian yhdistävää tutkimusotetta. Vertailemalla Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin tieteenfilosofisia näkemyksiä voidaan havaita, että heidän käsityksensä kielitieteestä on monilta osin yhteneväinen. Lisäksi vertailu avaa mielenkiintoisia näkökulmia Ravilan suhteeseen suomalaiseen kielitieteeseen. Esimerkiksi positivismin mukainen metafysiikkavastaisuus erottaa hänet ajan eurooppalaisesta kielitieteestä ja toisaalta yhdistää häntä yhdysvaltalaiseen kielitieteeseen.
This paper proposes a new multi-stage mine production timetabling (MMPT) model to optimise open-pit mine production operations including drilling, blasting and excavating under real-time mining constraints. The MMPT problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming model and can be optimally solved for small-size MMPT instances by IBM ILOG-CPLEX. Due to NP-hardness, an improved shifting-bottleneck-procedure algorithm based on the extended disjunctive graph is developed to solve large-size MMPT instances in an effective and efficient way. Extensive computational experiments are presented to validate the proposed algorithm that is able to efficiently obtain the near-optimal operational timetable of mining equipment units. The advantages are indicated by sensitivity analysis under various real-life scenarios. The proposed MMPT methodology is promising to be implemented as a tool for mining industry because it is straightforwardly modelled as a standard scheduling model, efficiently solved by the heuristic algorithm, and flexibly expanded by adopting additional industrial constraints.
This thesis investigates factors that impact the energy efficiency of a mining operation. An innovative mathematical framework and solution approach are developed to model, solve and analyse an open-pit coal mine. A case study in South East Queensland is investigated to validate the approach and explore the opportunities for using it to aid long, medium and short term decision makers.
The utility of rice husk as an adsorbent for metal ions such as iron, zinc and copper from acid mine water was assessed. The adsorption isotherms exhibited Langmuirian behavior and were endothermic in nature. The free energy values for adsorption of the chosen metal ions onto rice husk were found to be highly negative attesting to favorable interaction. Over 99% Fe3+, 98% of Fe2+ and Zn2+ and 95% Cu2+ uptake was achieved from acid mine water, with a concomitant increase in the pH value by two units using rice husk. The remediation studies carried out on acid mine water and simulated acid mine water pretreated with rice husk indicated successful growth of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans (D. nigrificans). The amount of sulphate bioreduction in acid mine water at an initial pH of 5.3 was enhanced by D. nigrificans from 21% to 40% in the presence of rice husk filtrate supplemented with carbon and nitrogen. In simulated acid mine water with fortified husk filtrate, the sulphate reduction was even more extensive, with an enhancement to 73%. Concurrently, almost 90% Fe2+, 89% Zn2+ and 75% Cu2+ bioremoval was attained from simulated acid mine water. Metal adsorption by rice husk was confirmed in desorption experiments in which almost complete removal of metal ions from the rice husk was achieved after two elutions using 1 M HCl. The possible mechanisms of metal ion adsorption onto rice husk and sulphate reduction using D. nigrificans are discussed.
Calculated phase relations in the system MnOSi02-C02-02 were used to propose a thermodynamic explanation for the thermal metamorphism of rhodochrosite beds lying between chert strata. The metamorphic MnOS i 0 2 minerals are arranged in order quartz(chert), rhodonite. tephroite and manganosite-hausmannite-pyrochroite rhodonite across the ore bed. The calculation covered temperatures up to 1000 K and pressures up to 5 kb. The zoning was interpreted as the result of a continuous rise in metamorphic temperature. The equilibrium partner of rhodochrosite changed from rhodonite through manganosite. Across the ore bed there are gradients in the chemical potential of MnO and SiO2 but fugacities of volatlle components such as C02. 02 and H20 were probably uniform at any given time and location during formation of the zones. Assuming that the total pressure and the fugacity of C02 were at 1.4 kb and 1.0 1 b. respectively. rhodonite. tephroite and manganosite would have formed at 472. 478 and 629 K.
Communication and environmental monitoring play a major role in underground mining both from production and safety point of view. However, underground mining communication as well as monitoring devices encounter several challenges because of the nature of underground features and characteristics. Lack of real time information from underground workings may hamper production and create serious safety risks. Proper communication and monitoring devices are inevitable requirements for better production and improved safety. Communication and environmental monitoring devices are basic element of underground mine infrastructure. This paper describes the performance of communication and monitoring devices being used in underground mines. An attempt has been made to assess the safety risks by these devices which may dictate future research directions.
Three-dimensional discrete element face-to-face contact model with fissure water pressure is established in this paper and the model is used to simulate three-stage process of landslide under fissure water pressure in the opencast mine, according to the actual state of landslide in Panluo iron mine where landslide happened in 1990 and was fathered in 1999. The calculation results show that fissure water pressure on the sliding surface is the main reason causing landslide and the local soft interlayer weakens the stability of slope. If the discrete element method adopts the same assumption as the limit equilibrium method, the results of two methods are in good agreement; while if the assumption is not adopted in the discrete element method, the critical phi numerically calculated is less than the one calculated by use of the limit equilibrium method for the same C. Thus, from an engineering point of view, the result from the discrete element model simulation is safer and has more widely application since the discrete element model takes into account the effect of rock mass structures.
La contaminación del suelo es una de las principales amenazas para los ecosistemas y la salud humana. Actualmente, desde un punto de vista tanto económico como ambiental, la fitoestabilización es la mejor tecnología para remediar suelos contaminados con elevadas concentraciones de metales como son los suelos mineros. La fitoestabilización asistida consiste en el empleo de plantas y enmiendas orgánicas y/o inorgánicas con el fin de reducir la movilidad y la biodisponibilidad de los contaminantes y recuperar la salud de suelo. En este trabajo se han realizado ensayos en microcosmos y en campo centrándonos en la salud del suelo minero contaminado con Pb y Zn durante un proceso de fitoestabilización empleando enmiendas orgánicas (purines vacunos, gallinaza, estiércol de oveja y lodos de papelera mezclados con gallinaza) y/o la especie metalífera Festuca rubra con el objetivo de (i) estudiar las interacciones suelo-enmienda responsables de los cambios inducidos por el proceso de quimioestabilización en las propiedades físicoquímicas y biológicas del suelo, (ii) evaluar la efectividad del proceso de fitoestabilización sobre suelos vegetados y de la revegetación sobre suelos desnudos (iii) valorar la idoneidad de distintos indicadores químicos y biológicos (parámetros microbianos y de la vegetación) para monitorizar la efectividad de la fitoestabilización asistida en términos de reducción de la biodisponibilidad de metales en el suelo, mejora de la vegetación y de la recuperación de la salud del suelo. La aplicación de enmiendas al suelo minero supone una entrada de materia orgánica y nutrientes que conduce a una disminución de la biodisponibilidad de metales, facilitando la colonización de las plantas y el crecimiento de la vegetación nativa, además de estimular la actividad microbiana del suelo. El pH del suelo es un factor crítico que condiciona la movilidad de los metales y la toxicidad del suelo. Las poblaciones microbianas de las enmiendas no modificaron la diversidad funcional de las comunidades microbianas nativas de la mina. Los purines vacunos y los lodos de papelera mezclados con gallinaza son los tratamientos más efectivos en el proceso de fitoestabilización asistida bajo condiciones de campo. La gallinaza fue el tratamiento que más estimuló el crecimiento de la vegetación nativa y la colonización en los suelos desnudos. El bioensayo de elongación radical de lechuga es un test sensible, sencillo y barato para evaluar la biodisponibilidad de metal y la ecotoxicidad del suelo. Los tocoferoles son biomarcadores de exposición a metales con potencial para su implementación en bioensayos de toxicidad. Este trabajo permite concluir que la población metalífera de F. rubra, combinada con enmiendas orgánicas, es una excelente candidata para los proyectos de fitoestabilización asistida. Además, la monitorización simultánea de los parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos del suelo y de su ecotoxicidad permite una evaluación adecuada de la salud del suelo, así como la selección de enmiendas apropiadas para el desarrollo de un proceso fitoestabilizador.