982 resultados para Leishmania major-like
Resistance and susceptibility to infection with the intracellular parasite, Leishmania major, are mediated by parasite-specific CD4+ Th1 and Th2 cells, respectively. It is well established that the protective effect of parasite-specific CD4+ Th1 cells is largely dependent upon the IFN-gamma produced. However, recent results indicate that the effect of Th1 cells on resolution of lesions induced by L. major in genetically resistant mice also requires a functional Fas-FasL pathway of cytotoxicity. In contrast to resistant mice, susceptible BALB/c mice develop aberrant Th2 responses following infection with L. major and consequently suffer progressive disease. These outcomes clearly depends upon the production of interleukin 4 (IL-4) early after infection. We have shown that a burst of IL-4 mRNA, peaking in draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice 16 hrs after infection, occurs within CD4+ T cells that express V beta 4-V alpha 8 T cell receptors. In contrast to control and V beta 6-deficient mice, V beta 4-deficient BALB/c mice were resistant to infection, demonstrating the role of these cells in Th2 development. The early IL-4 response was absent in these mice, and Th1 responses occurred following infection. The LACK antigen of L. major induced comparable IL-4 production in V beta 4-V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells. Thus, the IL-4 required for Th2 development and susceptibility to L. major is produced by a restricted population of V beta 4-V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells after cognate interaction with a single antigen from this complex parasite. The IL-4 produced rapidly by these CD4+ T cells induces within 48 hours a state of unresponsiveness to IL-12 among parasite-specific CD4+ T cell precursors by downregulating the IL-12 receptor beta 2 chain expression.
BALB/c mice develop aberrant T helper 2 (Th2) responses and suffer progressive disease after infection with Leishmania major. These outcomes depend on the production of interleukin-4 (IL-4) early after infection. Here we demonstrate that the burst of IL-4 mRNA, peaking in draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice 16 hr after infection, occurs within CD4+ T cells that express V beta 4 V alpha 8 T cell receptors. In contrast to control and V beta 6-deficient BALB/c mice, V beta 4-deficient BALB/c mice were resistant to infection, demonstrating the role of these cells in Th2 development. The early IL-4 response was absent in these mice, and T helper 1 responses occurred following infection. Recombinant LACK antigen from L. major induced comparable IL-4 production in V beta 4 V alpha 8 CD4+ cells. Thus, the IL-4 required for Th2 development and susceptibility to L. major is produced by a restricted population of V beta 4 V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells after cognate interaction with a single antigen from this complex organism.
We describe the relationship between lesion outcome and histopathological hallmarks in susceptible (BALB/c) and resistant (C57BL/6 and IL-4-deficient BALB/c) mouse strains over the course of a 12-week-infection with Leishmania major in the ear. The infiltration of mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear cells occurred within 6 h and mononuclear cells predominated one week post-infection. Permissive intracellular growth of the pathogen was associated with non-healing lesions. In contrast, tissue damage and clearance of the parasite was observed in healing lesions and was associated with inducible nitric oxide synthase expression. The identification of the structural components of tissue reaction to the parasite in this study furthers our understanding of subjacent immune effector mechanisms.
Anti-silencing factor 1 (ASF1) is a histone chaperone that contributes to the histone deposition during nucleosome assembly in newly replicated DNA. It is involved in chromatin disassembly, transcription activation and in the cellular response to DNA damage. In Leishmania major the ASF1 gene (LmASF1) is located in chromosome 20 and codes for a protein showing 67% of identity with the Trypanosoma brucei TbASF1a. Compared to orthologous proteins, LmASF1 conserves the main residues relevant for its various biological functions. To study ASF1 in Leishmania we generated a mutant overexpressing LmASF1 in L. major. We observed that the excess of LmASF1 impaired promastigotes growth rates and had no impact on cell cycle progress. Differently from yeast, ASF1 overproduction in Leishmania did not affect expression levels of genes located on telomeres, but led to an upregulation of proteins involved in chromatin remodelling and physiological stress, such as heat shock proteins, oxidoreductase activity and proteolysis. In addition, we observed that LmASF1 mutant is more susceptible to the DNA damaging agent, methyl methane sulphonate, than the control line. Therefore, our study suggests that ASF1 from Leishmania pertains to the chromatin remodelling machinery of the parasite and acts on its response to DNA damage.
Phlebotomine sandflies of the genus Sergentomyia are widely distributed throughout the Old World. It has been suggested that Sergentomyia spp are involved in the transmission of Leishmania in India and Africa, whereas Phlebotomus spp are thought to be the sole vectors of Leishmania in the Old World. In this study, Leishmania major DNA was detected in one Sergentomyia minuta specimen that was collected in the southern region of Portugal. This study challenges the dogma that Leishmania is exclusively transmitted by species of the genus Phlebotomus in the Old World.
Leishmania major infection induces self-healing cutaneous lesions in C57BL/6 mice. Both IL-12 and IFN-γ are essential for the control of infection. We infected Jun dimerization protein p21SNFT (Batf3(-/-) ) mice (C57BL/6 background) that lack the major IL-12 producing and cross-presenting CD8α(+) and CD103(+) DC subsets. Batf3(-/-) mice displayed enhanced susceptibility with larger lesions and higher parasite burden. Additionally, cells from draining lymph nodes of infected Batf3(-/-) mice secreted less IFN-γ, but more Th2- and Th17-type cytokines, mirrored by increased serum IgE and Leishmania-specific immunoglobulin 1 (Th2 indicating). Importantly, CD8α(+) DCs isolated from lymph nodes of L. major-infected mice induced significantly more IFN-γ secretion by L. major-stimulated immune T cells than CD103(+) DCs. We next developed CD11c-diptheria toxin receptor: Batf3(-/-) mixed bone marrow chimeras to determine when the DCs are important for the control of infection. Mice depleted of Batf-3-dependent DCs from day 17 or wild-type mice depleted of cross-presenting DCs from 17-19 days after infection maintained significantly larger lesions similar to mice whose Batf-3-dependent DCs were depleted from the onset of infection. Thus, we have identified a crucial role for Batf-3-dependent DCs in protection against L. major.
Metacaspases (MCAs) are distant orthologues of caspases and have been proposed to play a role in programmed cell death in yeast and plants, but little is known about their function in parasitic protozoa. The MCA gene of Leishmania major (LmjMCA) is expressed in actively replicating amastigotes and procyclic promastigotes, but at a lower level in metacyclic promastigotes. LmjMCA has a punctate distribution throughout the cell in interphase cells, but becomes concentrated in the kinetoplast (mitochondrial DNA) at the time of the organelle's segregation. LmjMCA also translocates to the nucleus during mitosis, where it associates with the mitotic spindle. Overexpression of LmjMCA in promastigotes leads to a severe growth retardation and changes in ploidy, due to defects in kinetoplast segregation and nuclear division and an impairment of cytokinesis. LmjMCA null mutants could not be generated and following genetic manipulation to express LmjMCA from an episome, the only mutants that were viable were those expressing LmjMCA at physiological levels. Together these data suggest that in L. major active LmjMCA is essential for the correct segregation of the nucleus and kinetoplast, functions that could be independent of programmed cell death, and that the amount of LmjMCA is crucial. The absence of MCAs from mammals makes the enzyme a potential drug target against protozoan parasites.
Mice with homologous disruption of the gene coding for either the p35 subunit or the p40 subunit of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and derived from a strain genetically resistant to infection with Leishmania major have been used to study further the role of this cytokine in resistance to infection and the differentiation of functional CD4+ T cell subsets in vivo. Wild-type 129/Sv/Ev mice are resistant to infection with L. major showing only small lesions which resolve spontaneously within a few weeks and develop a type 1 CD4+ T cell response. In contrast, mice lacking bioactive IL-12 (IL-12p35-/- and IL-12p40-/-) developed large, progressing lesions. Whereas resistant mice were able to mount a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to Leishmania antigen, susceptible BALB/c mice as well as IL-12-deficient 129/Sv/Ev mice did not show any DTH reaction. To characterize the functional phenotype of CD4+ T cells triggered in infected wild-type mice and IL-12-deficient mice, the expression of mRNA for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in purified CD4+ lymph node cells was analyzed. Wild-type 129/Sv/Ev mice showed high levels of mRNA for IFN-gamma and low levels of mRNA for IL-4 which is indicative of a Th1 response. In contrast, IL-12- deficient mice and susceptible BALB/c mice developed a strong Th2 response with high levels of IL-4 mRNA and low levels of IFN-gamma mRNA in CD4+ T cells. Similarly, lymph node cells from infected wild-type 129 mice produced predominantly IFN-gamma in response to stimulation with Leishmania antigen in vitro whereas lymph node cells from IL-12-deficient mice and susceptible BALB/c mice produced preferentially IL-4. Taken together, these results confirm in vivo the importance of IL-12 in induction of Th1 responses and protective immunity against L. major.
Little is known about the relation between the genome organization and gene expression in Leishmania. Bioinformatic analysis can be used to predict genes and find homologies with known proteins. A model was proposed, in which genes are organized into large clusters and transcribed from only one strand, in the form of large polycistronic primary transcripts. To verify the validity of this model, we studied gene expression at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational levels in a unique locus of 34kb located on chr27 and represented by cosmid L979. Sequence analysis revealed 115 ORFs on either DNA strand. Using computer programs developed for Leishmania genes, only nine of these ORFs, localized on the same strand, were predicted to code for proteins, some of which show homologies with known proteins. Additionally, one pseudogene, was identified. We verified the biological relevance of these predictions. mRNAs from nine predicted genes and proteins from seven were detected. Nuclear run-on analyses confirmed that the top strand is transcribed by RNA polymerase II and suggested that there is no polymerase entry site. Low levels of transcription were detected in regions of the bottom strand and stable transcripts were identified for four ORFs on this strand not predicted to be protein-coding. In conclusion, the transcriptional organization of the Leishmania genome is complex, raising the possibility that computer predictions may not be comprehensive.
Summary Resolution of the inflammation is as important as its induction. In this thesis, we investigated the contributions of two prominent factors involved in inflammation, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) and neutrophils. We studied their role in the resolution óf the inflammatory lesion induced by the infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. In mice susceptible to infection with L. major, unhealing lesions are characterized by an elevated number and sustained presence of inflammatory neutrophils in the infected tissue, illustrating an acute inflammatory process. In contrast, mice from resistant strains, which resolve their lesions, can control the presence of neutrophils at the site of infection. Neutrophil persistence in the infected tissue may result from several events including an increased survival of neutrophils mediated by factors produced by the pathogen or the microenvironment. Following infection with L. major, the cellular composition of the inflammatory lesion differs significantly between susceptible and resistant mice and a higher proportion of macrophages is present in the lesions of resistant strains. In an attempt to clarify the factors involved in neutrophil persistence, we investigated the mechanisms modulating neutrophil cell death. We demonstrated that macrophages could induce neutrophil apoptosis in a process involving TNF. TNF is an essential cytokine with pro- and anti-inflammatory properties, which is expressed as a transmembrane protein that can be cleaved releasing the secreted form. Our data show the essential role of the transmembrane form of TNF (mTNF) in the induction of neutrophil apoptosis by macrophages, revealing macrophages and mTNF as important regulators of neutrophil apoptosis. TNF is critical in the resolution of the inflammatory lesion induced by L. major infection, and in L. major resistant strains its absence results in increased swelling of the lesions. We investigated the contribution of mTNF in the outcome of L. major infection. Our data demonstrate that following infection with L. major, mTNF is sufficient to support the resolution of the inflammatory lesion and optimal parasite killing. In addition, we show that the presence of mTNF is essential to induce neutrophil clearance in the infected tissue. While the persistence of neutrophils is deleterious for the host, we could demonstrate an early anti-inflammatory role of neutrophils. Altogether, this study demonstrates the importance of mTNF in the induction of neutrophil apoptosis, a process involved in the resolution of the inflammatory lesion induced by L. major infection. Résumé La résolution de l'inflammation est toute aussi importante que son initiation. Durant ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les contributions de deux facteurs importants impliqués dans l'inflammation, le TNF (Facteur Nécrosant des Tumeurs) et les neutrophiles, dans la résolution de la lésion inflammatoire induite par l'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major. Chez les souris sensibles à l'infection avec L. major, des lésions importantes qui ne guérissent pas se développent ; celles-ci sont caractérisées par un nombre élevé et une présence soutenue de neutrophiles dans les tissus infectés, ce qui illustre un processus inflammatoire aigu. Au contraire, les souris résistantes à l'infection qui guérissent leurs lésions, sont capables de contrôler la présence des neutrophiles au site d'infection. La persistance des neutrophiles dans la lésion inflammatoire peut être la conséquence de plusieurs événements, dont une augmentation de la survie des neutrophiles induite par des facteurs produits par le pathogène ou le micro-environnement. Suite à l'infection avec L. major, la composition cellulaire de la lésion inflammatoire est significativement différente entre les souris sensibles et résistantes à l'infection, et une plus grande proportion de macrophages est présente dans les lésions des souris résistantes. Dans l'objectif de clarifier les facteurs impliqués dans la persistance des neutrophiles dans les tissus infectés par L. major, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de régulation de la mort des neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que les macrophages pouvaient induire l'apoptose des neutrophiles dans un procédé impliquant le TNF. Le TNF est une cytokine aux propriétés pro- et anti-inflammatoires, exprimée sous une forme transmembranaire qui peut être clivée pour relâcher la forme sécrétée. Nos expériences illustrent le rôle essentiel de la forme transmembranaire du TNF (mTNF) dans l'induction de l'apoptose des neutrophiles par les macrophages. Lé TNF est une cytokine importante dans la résolution de la réaction inflammatoire induite par L. major, et chez les souris résistantes l'absence de TNF provoque des lésions inflammatoires plus importantes. Nous avons étudié la contribution du mTNF dans la résolution de l'infection avec L. major. Nos résultats démontrent que suite à une infection avec le parasite, la présence du mTNF est suffisante pour guérir la lésion inflammatoire et contrôler efficacement la réplication du parasite. De plus, le mTNF joue un rôle essentiel dans l'élimination des neutrophiles du tissu infecté. Alors que la persistance des neutrophiles est nocive pour l'hôte, nous avons montré que les neutrophiles avaient un rôle précoce anti-inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle l'importance du mTNF dans l'induction de l'apoptose des neutrophiles par les macrophages, un procédé impliqué dans la résolution de la lésion inflammatoire induite par l'infection avec L. major.
Suite à une infection avec le protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major), les souris sensibles de souche BALB/c développent des lésions progressives associées à une maturation des cellules CD4+ TH2 sécrétant de l'IL-4. A l'inverse, les souris résistantes de souche C57BL/6 guérissent à terme, sous l'influence de l'expansion des cellules CD4+ TH1 produisant de l'IFNy qui a un effet synergique avec le TNF ("tumor necrosis factor") sur l'activation des macrophages et leur fonction leishmanicide. Lors de notre étude nous avons montré que des souris C57BL/6 doublement déficientes en TNF et FasL ("Fas ligand") infectées par L. major ne guérissaient ni leur lésions ni ne contrôlaient la réplication de parasites malgré une réponse de type TH1. Bien que l'activité de synthétase inductible de l'oxyde nitrique ("iNOs") soit comparable chez les souris doublement ou simplement déficientes, seules celles déficientes en FasL ont démontré une incapacité à contrôler la réplication parasitaire. De surcroît il est apparu que le FasL a un effet synergique avec l'IFNy. L'adjonction de FasL à une culture cellulaire de macrophages stimulés par l'IFNy conduit à une activation de ces cellules. Celle-ci est démontrée par l'augmentation de la production de TNF et de NO par les macrophages ainsi que par l'élimination des parasites intracellulaires par ces mêmes cellules. Alors que le FasL et l'IFNy semblent essentiels au contrôle de la réplication des pathogènes intracellulaires, la contribution de TNF s'oriente davantage vers le contrôle de l'inflammation. L'activation macrophagique via Fas précède la mort cellulaire qui survient quelques jours plus tard. Cette mort cellulaire programmée était indépendante de la cascade enzymatique des caspases, au vu de l'absence d'effet de l'inhibiteur non-spécifique ZVAD-fmk des caspases. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'interaction Fas-FasL agit comme une costimulation nécessaire à une activation efficace des macrophages, la mort cellulaire survenant consécutivement à l'activation des macrophages.¦-¦Upon infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major (L. major), susceptible BALB/c mice develop non healing lesions associated with the maturation of CD4+ TH2 cells secreting IL-4. In contrast, resistant C57BL/6 mice are able to heal their lesions, because of CD4+ TH1 cell expansion and production of high levels of IFNy, which synergizes with tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in activating macrophages to their microbicidal state. In our study we showed that C57BL/6 mice lacking both TNF and Fas ligand (FasL) infected with L. major neither resolved their lesions nor controlled L. major replication despite a strong TH1 response. Although comparable inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOs) was measured in single or double deficient mice, only mice deficient in FasL failed to control the parasite replication. Moreover FasL synergized with IFNy for the induction of leishmanicidal activity within macrophages infected with L. major in vitro. Addition of FasL to IFNy stimulated macrophages led to their activation, as reflected by the secretion of tumour necrosis factor and nitrite oxide, as well as the induction of their microbicidal activity, resulting in the killing of intracellular L. major. While FasL along with IFNy and iNOs appeared to be essential for the complete control of intracellular pathogen replication, the contribution of TNF appeared more important in controlling the inflammation on the site of infection. Macrophage activation via Fas pathway preceded cell death, which occurred a few days after Fas mediated activation. This program cell death was independent of caspase enzymatic activities as revealed by the lack of effect of ZVAD-fmk, a pan-caspase inhibitor. These results suggested that the Fas-FasL pathway, as part of the classical activation pathway of the macrophages, is essential in the stimulation of macrophage leading to a microbicidal state and to AICD, and may thus contribute to the pathogenesis of L. major infection.
Recent evidence indicates that B cells are required for susceptibility to infection with Leishmania major in BALB/c mice. In this study, we analyzed the role of the IL-10 produced by B cells in this process. We showed that B cells purified from the spleen of BALB/c mice produced IL-10 in response to stimulation with L. major in vitro. In vivo, early IL-10 mRNA expression is detected after L. major infection in B cells from draining lymph nodes of susceptible BALB/c, but not of resistant C57BL/6 mice. Although adoptive transfer of naive wild-type B cells prior to infection in B cell-deficient BALB/c mice restored Th2 cell development and susceptibility to infection with L. major of these otherwise resistant mice, adoptive transfer of IL-10(-/-) B cells mice did not. B cells stimulated by L. major, following in vitro or in vivo encounter, express the CD1d and CD5 molecules and the IL-10 produced by these cells downregulate IL-12 production by L. major-stimulated dendritic cells. These observations indicate that IL-10 secreting B cells are phenotypically and functionally regulatory B cells. Altogether these results demonstrate that the IL-10 produced by regulatory CD1d+ CD5+ B cells in response to L. major is critical for Th2 cell development in BALB/c mice.
Histone H1 in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania is a developmentally regulated protein encoded by two genes, HIS-1.1 and HIS-1.2. These genes are separated by approximately 20 kb of sequence and are located on the same DNA strand of chromosome 27. When Northern blots of parasite RNA were probed with HIS-1 strand-specific riboprobes, we detected sense and antisense transcripts that were polyadenylated and developmentally regulated. When the HIS-1.2 coding region was replaced with the coding region of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene, antisense transcription of this gene was unaffected, indicating that the regulatory elements controlling antisense transcription were located outside of the HIS-1.2 gene, and that transcription in Leishmania can occur from both DNA strands even in the presence of transcription of a selectable marker in the complementary strand. A search for other antisense transcripts within the HIS-1 locus identified an additional transcript (SC-1) within the intervening HIS-1 sequence, downstream of adenine and thymine-rich sequences. These results show that gene expression in Leishmania is not only regulated polycistronically from the sense strand of genomic DNA, but that the complementary strand of DNA also contains sequences that could drive expression of open reading frames from the antisense strand of DNA. These findings suggest that the parasite has evolved in such a way as to maximise the transcription of its genome, a mechanism that might be important for it to maintain virulence.
The murine model of infection with Leishmania major has allowed the demonstration of a causal relationship between, on the one hand, genetically determined resistance to infection and the development of a Th1 CD4+ cell response, and on the other hand, genetically determined susceptibility and Th2 cell maturation. Using this murine model of infection, the role of cytokines in directing the functional differentiation pathway of CD4+ T cell precursors, has been demonstrated in vivo. Thus, IL-12 and IFN-gamma have been shown to favour Th1 cell development and IL-4 is crucial for the differentiation of Th2 responses. Maturation of a Th2 response in susceptible BALB/c mice following infection with L. major is triggered by the IL-4 produced during the first two days after parasite inoculation. This IL-4 rapidly renders parasite specific CD4+ T cells precursors unresponsive to IL-12. A restricted population of CD4+ T cells expressing the V beta 4V alpha 8 TCR heterodimer and recognizing a single epitope on the LACK (Leishmania Activated C-Kinase) antigen of L. major is responsible for this rapid production of IL-4, instructing subsequent differentiation towards the Th2 phenotype of CD4+ T cells specific for several parasite antigens.