961 resultados para Lehtonen, Risto: Story of a storm


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1816 was arguably the most significant year in Leigh Hunt's career as a Romantic poet. After a two-year imprisonment, he had spent much of 1815 going back to the theatre and seeing Edmund Kean, the actor whom Hazlitt had praised so highly in the pages of The Examiner. [...]


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La Catedral de York se muestra a los alumnos de Primaria como testigo de las circunstancias históricas que la rodean, desde el inicio de su primera construcción en 1080 hasta la actualidad. Los textos ilustrados ayudan a los niños a ver los acontecimientos de la historia a través de los ojos de la gente.


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Es la historia de la Navidad. Con texto adaptado de la Biblia, empieza por la Anunciación y termina con el regreso de la Sagrada Familia a Nazaret después de su huida a Egipto.


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Greyfur es un conejo que pace pacíficamente al sol del verano en el Gran bosque con sus pequeños hijos que juegan alegremente. De pronto, un ruido cercano le sobresalta. Ha visto una comadreja que merodea cerca de éstos, por lo que Greyfur se lanza a protegerlos de este feroz depredador. Al final del libro, hay información sobre animales y plantas que aparecen en la historia y, además se proponen actividades para que los niños aprendan a conocer algunos aspectos de la vida salvaje.


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En el siglo dieciséis Fernando Magallanes navegó desde la costa española hacia el oeste para encontrar una nueva ruta a las islas de las especias. Uno de los hombres que navegó con Magallanes escribió un libro sobre su viaje. Esta publicación, narra suexperiencia personal del largo y peligroso viaje.


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Forma parte de una serie de lectura para niños en doce niveles diferentes divididos en historias que todavía están relacionadas con las experiencias de los alumnos y, por tanto, despiertan el interés por la lectura. Cada cuatro páginas hay juegos de palabras, crucigramas, verdadero-falso y preguntas de selección múltiple para reforzar la comprensión del texto. Cualquier palabra nueva se explica por una página en la foto diccionario.Explica la historia del the.


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Es el momento de conocer la verdadera historia de los tres cerditos y el lobo feroz. Solamente la conoce una persona, su protagonista, Alexander Wolf, y su relato comienza con la preparación del pastel de cumpleaños de su querida abuelita.


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Una historia sobre una foca huérfana y su lucha por la supervivencia. En la segunda parte del libro, los niños aprenderán sobre las focas huérfanas en la vida real y descubrir la forma en que aumentan las probabilidades de sobrevivir con la ayuda de las personas que cuidan de ellas.


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A new method for assessing forecast skill and predictability that involves the identification and tracking of extratropical cyclones has been developed and implemented to obtain detailed information about the prediction of cyclones that cannot be obtained from more conventional analysis methodologies. The cyclones were identified and tracked along the forecast trajectories, and statistics were generated to determine the rate at which the position and intensity of the forecasted storms diverge from the analyzed tracks as a function of forecast lead time. The results show a higher level of skill in predicting the position of extratropical cyclones than the intensity. They also show that there is potential to improve the skill in predicting the position by 1 - 1.5 days and the intensity by 2 - 3 days, via improvements to the forecast model. Further analysis shows that forecasted storms move at a slower speed than analyzed storms on average and that there is a larger error in the predicted amplitudes of intense storms than the weaker storms. The results also show that some storms can be predicted up to 3 days before they are identified as an 850-hPa vorticity center in the analyses. In general, the results show a higher level of skill in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) than the Southern Hemisphere (SH); however, the rapid growth of NH winter storms is not very well predicted. The impact that observations of different types have on the prediction of the extratropical cyclones has also been explored, using forecasts integrated from analyses that were constructed from reduced observing systems. A terrestrial, satellite, and surface-based system were investigated and the results showed that the predictive skill of the terrestrial system was superior to the satellite system in the NH. Further analysis showed that the satellite system was not very good at predicting the growth of the storms. In the SH the terrestrial system has significantly less skill than the satellite system, highlighting the dominance of satellite observations in this hemisphere. The surface system has very poor predictive skill in both hemispheres.


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The prediction of extratropical cyclones by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) has been investigated using an objective feature tracking methodology to identify and track the cyclones along the forecast trajectories. Overall the results show that the ECMWF EPS has a slightly higher level of skill than the NCEP EPS in the northern hemisphere (NH). However in the southern hemisphere (SH), NCEP has higher predictive skill than ECMWF for the intensity of the cyclones. The results from both EPS indicate a higher level of predictive skill for the position of extratropical cyclones than their intensity and show that there is a larger spread in intensity than position. Further analysis shows that the predicted propagation speed of cyclones is generally too slow for the ECMWF EPS and show a slight bias for the intensity of the cyclones to be overpredicted. This is also true for the NCEP EPS in the SH. For the NCEP EPS in the NH the intensity of the cyclones is underpredicted. There is small bias in both the EPS for the cyclones to be displaced towards the poles. For each ensemble forecast of each cyclone, the predictive skill of the ensemble member that best predicts the cyclones position and intensity was computed. The results are very encouraging showing that the predictive skill of the best ensemble member is significantly higher than that of the control forecast in terms of both the position and intensity of the cyclones. The prediction of cyclones before they are identified as 850 hPa vorticity centers in the analysis cycle was also considered. It is shown that an indication of extratropical cyclones can be given by at least 1 ensemble member 7 days before they are identified in the analysis. Further analysis of the ECMWF EPS shows that the ensemble mean has a higher level of skill than the control forecast, particularly for the intensity of the cyclones, 2 from day 3 of the forecast. There is a higher level of skill in the NH than the SH and the spread in the SH is correspondingly larger. The difference between the ensemble mean and spread is very small for the position of the cyclones, but the spread of the ensemble is smaller than the ensemble mean error for the intensity of the cyclones in both hemispheres. Results also show that the ECMWF control forecast has ½ to 1 day more skill than the perturbed members, for both the position and intensity of the cyclones, throughout the forecast.