866 resultados para Lebanese Contemporary Art
[Conceptual Sketch of Fountain], untitled. Ink sketch on tracing paper with blue marker coloring, 7 1/2 x 12 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketch of Fountain], untitled. Ink sketch on tracing paper with blue marker coloring, 10x12 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Competition Drawing of Design Concept. Ink drawing on tracing paper, initialed, 11x17 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Competition Drawing of Grand Atrium Hall. Ink drawing on tracing paper, initialed, 11x17 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Competition Drawing of Grand Atrium Hall, Permanent Collection Gallery and Changing Exhibition Gallery. Ink drawing on tracing paper, initialed, 11x17 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Competition Drawing of [Floor Plan], untitled. Ink drawing on tracing paper, initialed, 11x17 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Adventures Close to Home: the British art scene from “then” to “now” is an introductory essay to the forthcoming Art World Series published by Blackdog to cover contemporary art in the United Kingdom. Previous titles have looked at North America, South America and Eastern Europe.
Adventures Close to Home: the British art scene from “then” to “now” is an introductory essay to the forthcoming Art World Series published by Blackdog to cover contemporary art in the United Kingdom. Previous titles have looked at North America, South America and Eastern Europe.
The Doctoral research was carried out with the primary purpose of reviewing past practice designs and for identifying how body movements contributes to these designs. The context in which the body movements are understood are that of discipline enforced by culture and other physio-biological restraints. A discussion on the relationships of body experience in restricted conditions are carried out, which includes the interaction between movement and space in the application of painting, moulding, biological markers, and moving images. The discipline, socially acceptable practices and regulations present in the researcher’s personal life and culture frame the artworks and a fascinating exploration of dynamics between freedom of movement in artwork construction and restrain of behaviour has been analyzed. In the process of art production, significant points discussed were with respect to the identification, succession and repetition of habitual acts. In addition, bodily movement could be considered as a synthesis of spatiality and temporality. The key point which contains the elements of time and space remains relevant to my creative practice and theoretical research. The core interest of my practice is in understanding the settings and simple rules for bodily movement, which is inspired by the past and forms a possible creation for the future. In this research, the attempt was not to display a comprehensive understanding on how body influences the design of art but rather to explain how understanding body movements provides a trace of my works, from origin, the working process and to completion. Relevant artworks and reflection of personal experiences are discussed as needed to help the reader gain more insight on the interactions of body in art creations.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Comunicação, Cultura e Artes, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Cette étude s’organise autour d’une articulation : celle entre un médium (la photographie), une ville (Beyrouth), et les événements qui ont marqué son passé récent. Le thème des rapports entre la photographie et l’histoire, avec la pluralité de sens qui le décrit, vient, en arrière-fond de ces questions, délimiter l’horizon de cette étude ; le lien entre voir et savoir, antiquement aux sources de la connaissance historique (Hartog, Loraux), en représente la ligne de fuite. En premier plan, la relation photographique et historienne à l’événement constitue l’objet de cette recherche dont le propos est d’identifier dans la photographie une référence à l’histoire considérée en tant qu’écriture. Concrètement, cet argument se déplie sur deux mouvements. Il exige, dans un premier temps, une série d’analyses théoriques visant à étudier le potentiel de connaissance et le caractère formel de la photographie en qualité de représentation événementielle. En partant des expérimentations des avant-gardes (Lugon, Baqué), jusqu’au jumelage entre la photographie et la presse, il s’agira de montrer la part de lisibilité qui appartient aux narrations photographiques (Barthes, Lavoie). Ensuite, on prendra en considération le travail opéré par l’historien lors de l’opération historiographique visant à produire, autour de l’événement, une représentation historique (de Certeau, Ricœur, Ginzburg). Outre faire ressortir le caractère de visibilité qui appartient à l’écriture historienne, ce passage sera aussi l’occasion de produire une étude comparée de la photographie et de l’histoire (Kracauer) autour de notions ponctuelles, comme celles d’empreinte, d’indice et de témoignage. Le moteur de ce premier mouvement est la notion d’événement. Abordée d’un point de vue phénoménologique (Zarader, Marion, Dastur, Diano), elle nous permettra d’observer la photographie et l’histoire d’après la génétique de leur construction. Finalement, Beyrouth et son histoire façonnées par les images constituent le cadre à l’intérieur duquel s’organise le deuxième mouvement. Les analyses des œuvres de Sophie Ristelhueber (Beyrouth photographies, 1984), Robert Frank (Come again, 1991) et Lamia Joreige (Beyrouth, autopsie d’une ville, 2010) sont conçues comme autant d’espaces dialogiques entre la photographie, l’épistémologie de l’histoire et les événements historiques qu’elles représentent. Le propos est de faire ressortir le basculement qu’elles mettent en scène : de la chronique vers l’écriture d’histoire.
'Contemporary Australia: Women' is the second in a series of triennial exhibitions at the Gallery of Modern Art in Queensland, providing a survey of contemporary art practices across the country. This exhibition's focus on women artists comes in the wake of a number of high profile international exhibitions looking at women artists in both contemporary and historical contexts. This review situates the exhibition within this field and considers its significance.
This practice-led research project explores the possibilities for restaging and reconfiguring contemporary art installations in multiple and different locations. By exploring ideas and art that demonstrate a kaleidoscopic approach to creative practice, this project examines how analysing artists' particular processes can achieve new understandings and experiences of installation art. This project achieves this through reflection on, and analysis of creative works made throughout the research, and a critical examination of contemporary art practices.
To See and Be Seen: Cinematic Constructions of Gender and Spectatorship in Contemporary Screen-Based Art addresses how gendered representation can be structured within visual art practice through a series of creative moving-image works. Using the aesthetic language of French New Wave cinema as its primary point of departure, this research project investigates how gendered representations are constructed by cinematic language. In doing this, it proposes latent possibilities present within the dominant gaze created by patriarchal relations of power. This project, in a series of creative works, demonstrates how the 'masculine' authorial gaze is learnt culturally, and by examining the gendered syntax of film, reveals how this can be recontextualised by the female artist.