822 resultados para Lazzard, Gilbert: Actancy. Empirical approaches to language typology
What does ‘care’ mean in contemporary society? How are caring relationships practised in different contexts? What resources do individuals and collectives draw upon in order to care for, care with and care about themselves and others? How do such relationships and practices relate to broader social processes? Care shapes people’s everyday lives and relationships and caring relations and practices influence the economies of different societies. This interdisciplinary book takes a nuanced and context-sensitive approach to exploring caring relationships, identities and practices within and across a variety of cultural, familial, geographical and institutional arenas. Grounded in rich empirical research and discussing key theoretical, policy and practice debates, it provides important, yet often neglected, international and cross-cultural perspectives. It is divided into four sections covering: caring within educational institutions; caring amongst communities and networks; caring and families; and caring across the life-course. Contributing to broader theoretical, philosophical and moral debates associated with the ethics of care, citizenship, justice, relationality and entanglements of power, Critical Approaches to Care is an important work for students and academics studying caring and care work in the fields of health and social care, sociology, social policy, anthropology, education, human geography and politics.
Facilitated by an Engineer and a Social Scientist, both of whom have expertise in Engineering Education Research and Evaluation (EERE), this interactive workshop is divided into three main sections, each one focusing on a different area of evaluation. It will build on research conducted at Aston University School of Engineering and Applied Science to explore and critique the value of introducing CDIO across the first year undergraduate curriculum. Participants will be invited to consider the pedagogical and engineering related challenges of evaluating the academic and practical value of CDIO as a strategy for learning and teaching in the discipline. An empirical approach to evaluation developed by the researchers to provide empirically grounded evidence of the pedagogical and vocational value of CDIO will form the theoretical and conceptual basis of the workshop. This approach is distinctive in that it encapsulates both engineering and social science methods of evaluation. It is also contemporaneous in nature, with the researchers acting as a ‘fly on the wall’ capturing data as the programme unfolds. Through facilitated discussion and participation, the workshop will provide colleagues with the opportunity to develop a cross-disciplinary, empirically grounded research proposal specifically for the purposes of critically evaluating CDIO. It is anticipated that during the workshop, colleagues will work together in small groups. Suitable pedagogical approaches and tools will be suggested and a purposefully developed Engineering Education Research Guide, written by the workshop facilitators, will be given to all participants to inform and support the Workshop approach.
In the present state of the art of authorship attribution there seems to be an opposition between two approaches: cognitive and stylistic methodologies. It is proposed in this article that these two approaches are complementary and that the apparent gap between them can be bridged using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and in particular some of its theoretical constructions, such as codal variation. This article deals with the theoretical explanation of why such a theory would solve the debate between the two approaches and shows how these two views of authorship attribution are indeed complementary. Although the article is fundamentally theoretical, two example experimental trials are reported to show how this theory can be developed into a workable methodology of doing authorship attribution. In Trial 1, a SFL analysis was carried out on a small dataset consisting of three 300-word texts collected from three different authors whose socio-demographic background matched across a number of parameters. This trial led to some conclusions about developing a methodology based on SFL and suggested the development of another trial, which might hint at a more accurate and useful methodology. In Trial 2, Biber's (1988) multidimensional framework is employed, and a final methodology of authorship analysis based on this kind of analysis is proposed for future research. © 2013, EQUINOX PUBLISHING.
Learning and teaching approaches to engineering are generally perceived to be difficult and academically challenging. Such challenges are reflected in high levels of student attrition and failure. In addressing this issue, a unique approach to engineering education has been developed by the paper authors. This approach, which is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate levels, brings together pedagogic and engineering epistemologies in an empirically grounded framework. It is underpinned by three distinctive concepts: Relationships, Variety & Synergy. Based upon research, the R + V + S approach to Engineering Education provides a learning and teaching strategy, which in enhancing the student experience, increases retention and positively impacts student success [S2]. Based on the study findings, this paper shows how, by designing engineering education around the concepts of Relationships, Variety and Synergy, the student learning experience becomes one that is academically challenging yet beneficial to both students and engineering educators. The challenge is to widen and test the approach in other areas of engineering education, before going on to investigate the value of the approach in other disciplines.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to survey various meanings attached to a public-private partnership (PPP) and related aspects in Western literature, and identify commonalities and differences between them. Additionally, the article intends to critically assess conflicting and overlapping views on contractual and institutional PPPs, their forms and models, and draw insights for transitional economies. Design/methodology/approach – The article contrasts and compares views on PPP meanings, forms and models within Western PPP literature, and also draws comparisons with understanding of partnership aspects in the Russian language sources. The paper examines theories underpinning PPPs, builds connections to PPP advantages and drawbacks, and provides critical assessment of net benefits that PPPs may bring along to the society. Findings – The article concludes that future PPP research in transitional countries such as Kazakhstan and Russia, particularly in the area of organisational and power arrangements in partnerships, may delineate new concepts such as government as a guarantor of a PPP project, social significance of a PPP project, and risk management in a country’s contextual environment. Practical implications – In transitional countries, in which PPPs are in their infancy, clarification of theoretical positions, and identification of commonalities and differences between meanings attached to the PPP terminology may enable better decisions by researchers and practitioners in their selection and further development of partnerships and related concepts. Originality/value – Research in the field of PPPs in transitional countries such as Russia and Kazakhstan is in its infancy. The paper intends to contribute to the body of knowledge about PPPs by providing detailed account and categorisation of their principal meanings, forms, models, underpinning theories, and drawing insights for future research in transitional countries.
Background: The development and progression of cancer depend on its genetic characteristics as well as on the interactions with its microenvironment. Understanding these interactions may contribute to diagnostic and prognostic evaluations and to the development of new cancer therapies. Aiming to investigate potential mechanisms by which the tumor microenvironment might contribute to a cancer phenotype, we evaluated soluble paracrine factors produced by stromal and neoplastic cells which may influence proliferation and gene and protein expression. Methods: The study was carried out on the epithelial cancer cell line (Hep-2) and fibroblasts isolated from a primary oral cancer. We combined a conditioned-medium technique with subtraction hybridization approach, quantitative PCR and proteomics, in order to evaluate gene and protein expression influenced by soluble paracrine factors produced by stromal and neoplastic cells. Results: We observed that conditioned medium from fibroblast cultures (FCM) inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis in Hep-2 cells. In neoplastic cells, 41 genes and 5 proteins exhibited changes in expression levels in response to FCM and, in fibroblasts, 17 genes and 2 proteins showed down-regulation in response to conditioned medium from Hep-2 cells (HCM). Nine genes were selected and the expression results of 6 down-regulated genes (ARID4A, CALR, GNB2L1, RNF10, SQSTM1, USP9X) were validated by real time PCR. Conclusions: A significant and common denominator in the results was the potential induction of signaling changes associated with immune or inflammatory response in the absence of a specific protein.
MARTINS, A. R. (Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil), N. PUT, (Division of Biology and Education, University of Vechta, 49377 Vechta, Germany), A. N. SOARES, A.B BOMB, and B. APPEZZATO DA GLORIA (Biological Science Department, Escola Superior de Agricultura `Luiz de Queiroz`, University of Sao Paulo, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 137: 220-235. 2010.-New approaches to underground systems in Brazilian Smilax species (Smilacaceae). Scientific studies show that the watery extract of the thickened underground stem and its adventitious roots of the genus Smilax can act as a therapeutic agent in immunoinflammatory disorders, such as rheumatic arthritis. Brazilians have used this genus of plants in folk medicine, however it is very hard to identify these species, since the morphology of the underground systems is very similar in this group. For better identification of those systems, we studied six species of Smilax L. (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana, S. oblongifolia and S. rufescens), collected in different regions of Brazil with different physiognomies and soil characteristics. The main purpose is to describe the morpho-anatomy of the underground systems and to analyze if their structure depends on environmental conditions. The underground stem (rhizophore) is of brown color and it is knotty, massive, slender (S. rufescens) or tuberous (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana and S. oblongifolia). The tuberization is a result of primary thickened meristem (PTM) activity. The color and thickness of the adventitious roots change during development because the epidermis and outer cortex are disposed of, so the inner cortex becomes the new covering tissue with lignified and dark color cells. There are differences in starch grain shapes in mature roots. The chemical attributes of the soil are very similar in all studied environments and, even when soil characteristics varied, all the species` underground system was distributed close to the soil surface (10 to 15 cm deep). The species exhibited clonal growth hence their underground system functions as storage structures and the axillary buds can sprout into new stems. Only Smilax rufescens, collected in sandy soil of Restinga, has vegetative dispersal due to the runners.
In a study of merger-evoked cultural change in three organizations, quantitative and qualitative data were collected from individuals at all employment levels in both merger partners within each organization. Results were that most individuals perceived that the merger had impacted significantly on them personally. There was, however, a perceived lack of congruence between the organizational cultures of merging partners, resulting in cultural clashes and significant changes to the organizations' organizational cultures. More specifically, outcomes for both individuals and the subsequent acculturation following the mergers were related to the approach adopted to manage the merger process: incremental, immediate, or indifferent.
A framework for and overview of the key elements of language planning is presented covering status planning, corpus planning, language-in-education planning, prestige planning and critical approaches to language planning. Within each of these areas, key articles outlining important recent directions are discussed indicating the field’s new found sense of vitality.
A number of unique challenges are faced when attempting to estimate mortality attributable to illicit drugs. The hidden nature of illicit drug use creates difficulties in quantifying the prevalence of such use; identifying adverse health effects associated with exposure, and calculating the risk of these effects. The use of cohort studies of drug users allows the identification of causes of mortality associated with drug use and the determination of the risk of these causes. This risk estimate can then be used in conjunction with estimates of the prevalence of drug use to, extrapolate the burden of mortality. We identify a number of such studies and present some solutions to the major challenges faced when attempting to estimate the global burden of mortality attributable to illicit drug use. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The objective of the Study is to analyze approaches in master`s thesis in Brazilian Post-Graduate Programs in Accounting Sciences in relation to Controllership, in terms of their conceptual, procedural and organizational aspects, as proposed by Borinelli (2006). The research is descriptive and it uses a quantitative approach. The sample consists of 26 master`s thesis which have the word ""Controllership"" in their titles. Resulting from analysis, in Perspective I (conceptual aspects), in which the elements of definition, object of study and relationship with other sciences were referenced, consensus among authors of the master`s thesis was not verified. In Perspective II (procedural aspects), which deals with activities and functions of Controllership by means of how they materialize as areas of knowledge within organizations, it was observed that the approach in the master`s thesis is quite differentiated in terms of the scope of activities. In relation to Perspective III (organizational aspects), there is also no consensus about what constitutes typical Controllership activities, but master`s thesis do include in the definition of Controllership the idea that it is a service or function of information. It was concluded that the approach to controllership, in terms of its conceptual, procedural and organizational aspects is similar to the elements proposed by Borinelli (2006).
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to describe the anatomy of the cavernous sinus and to provide a guide for use when performing surgery in this complex area. Clinical cases are used to illustrate routes to the cavernous sinus and its contents and to demonstrate how the cavernous sinus can be used as a pathway for exposure of deeper structures. METHODS: Thirty cadaveric cavernous sinuses were examined using X3 to X40 magnification after the arteries and veins were injected with colored silicone. Distances between the entrance of the oculomotor and trochlear nerves and the posterior clinoid process were recorded. Stepwise dissections (if the cavernous sinuses, performed to demonstrate the intradural and extradural routes, are accompanied by intraoperative photographs of those approaches. RESULTS: The anatomy of the cavernous sinus is complex because of the high density of critically important neural and vascular structures. Selective cases demonstrate how a detailed knowledge of cavernous sinus anatomy can provide for safer surgery with low morbidity. CONCLUSION: A precise understanding of the bony relationships and neurovascular contents of the cavernous sinus, together with the use of cranial base and microsurgical techniques, has allowed neurosurgeons to approach the cavernous sinus with reduced morbidity and mortality, changing the natural history of selected lesions in this region. Complete resection of cavernous sinus meningiomas has proven to be difficult and, in many cases, impossible without causing significant morbidity. However, surgical reduction of such lesions enhances the chances for success of subsequent therapy.
In type 2 diabetes (DM2) there is progressive deterioration in beta-cell function and mass. It was found that islet function was about 50% of normal at the time of diagnosis and reduction in beta-cell mass of about 60% at necropsy (accelerated apoptosis). Among the interventions to preserve the beta-cells, those to lead to short-term improvement of beta-cell secretion are weight loss, metformin, sulfonylureas, and insulin. The long-term improvement was demonstrated with short-term intensive insulin therapy of newly diagnosed DM2, the use of antiapoptotic drugs such as glitazones, and the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 mimetics), not inactivated by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase 4 and/or to inhibit that enzyme (GLP-1 enhancers). The incretin hormones are released from the gastrointestinal tract in response to nutrient ingestion to enhance glucose-dependent insulin secretion from the pancreas and overall maintenance of glucose homeostasis. From the two major incretins, GLP-1 and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide), only the first one or its mimetics or enhancers can be used for treatment. The GLP-1 mimetics exenatide and liraglutide as well as the DPP4 inhibitors (sitagliptin and vildagliptin) were approved for treatment of DM2.