125 resultados para Layouts


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La compréhension de la structure d’un logiciel est une première étape importante dans la résolution de tâches d’analyse et de maintenance sur celui-ci. En plus des liens définis par la hiérarchie, il existe un autre type de liens entre les éléments du logiciel que nous appelons liens d’adjacence. Une compréhension complète d’un logiciel doit donc tenir compte de tous ces types de liens. Les outils de visualisation sont en général efficaces pour aider un développeur dans sa compréhension d’un logiciel en lui présentant l’information sous forme claire et concise. Cependant, la visualisation simultanée des liens hiérarchiques et d’adjacence peut donner lieu à beaucoup d’encombrement visuel, rendant ainsi ces visualisations peu efficaces pour fournir de l’information utile sur ces liens. Nous proposons dans ce mémoire un outil de visualisation 3D qui permet de représenter à la fois la structure hiérarchique d’un logiciel et les liens d’adjacence existant entre ses éléments. Notre outil utilise trois types de placements différents pour représenter la hiérarchie. Chacun peut supporter l’affichage des liens d’adjacence de manière efficace. Pour représenter les liens d’adjacence, nous proposons une version 3D de la méthode des Hierarchical Edge Bundles. Nous utilisons également un algorithme métaheuristique pour améliorer le placement afin de réduire davantage l’encombrement visuel dans les liens d’adjacence. D’autre part, notre outil offre un ensemble de possibilités d’interaction permettant à un usager de naviguer à travers l’information offerte par notre visualisation. Nos contributions ont été évaluées avec succès sur des systèmes logiciels de grande taille.


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Le mémoire original s'accompagnait en annexe du livre-objet Le poids de l'oiseau sur la vitre.


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We contribute a quantitative and systematic model to capture etch non-uniformity in deep reactive ion etch of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices. Deep reactive ion etch is commonly used in MEMS fabrication where high-aspect ratio features are to be produced in silicon. It is typical for many supposedly identical devices, perhaps of diameter 10 mm, to be etched simultaneously into one silicon wafer of diameter 150 mm. Etch non-uniformity depends on uneven distributions of ion and neutral species at the wafer level, and on local consumption of those species at the device, or die, level. An ion–neutral synergism model is constructed from data obtained from etching several layouts of differing pattern opening densities. Such a model is used to predict wafer-level variation with an r.m.s. error below 3%. This model is combined with a die-level model, which we have reported previously, on a MEMS layout. The two-level model is shown to enable prediction of both within-die and wafer-scale etch rate variation for arbitrary wafer loadings.


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The work developed in LUDA’s project has clearly showed that, in a European economic and cultural diversified frame, crossed by recent and not so recent historical challenging processes, the issues of the urban affairs certainly have different layouts, but, as a matter of fact, we can assume that in their essence they are common to all regions. Identifying a set of common problems is not difficult: the Luda’s; the disadjustment between people and goods mobility, the difficult articulation between space and development sustainability the fragile features of the urban space in its complexity, the responsible social management of current migrations etc.


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Changes in mature forest cover amount, composition, and configuration can be of significant consequence to wildlife populations. The response of wildlife to forest patterns is of concern to forest managers because it lies at the heart of such competing approaches to forest planning as aggregated vs. dispersed harvest block layouts. In this study, we developed a species assessment framework to evaluate the outcomes of forest management scenarios on biodiversity conservation objectives. Scenarios were assessed in the context of a broad range of forest structures and patterns that would be expected to occur under natural disturbance and succession processes. Spatial habitat models were used to predict the effects of varying degrees of mature forest cover amount, composition, and configuration on habitat occupancy for a set of 13 focal songbird species. We used a spatially explicit harvest scheduling program to model forest management options and simulate future forest conditions resulting from alternative forest management scenarios, and used a process-based fire-simulation model to simulate future forest conditions resulting from natural wildfire disturbance. Spatial pattern signatures were derived for both habitat occupancy and forest conditions, and these were placed in the context of the simulated range of natural variation. Strategic policy analyses were set in the context of current Ontario forest management policies. This included use of sequential time-restricted harvest blocks (created for Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) conservation) and delayed harvest areas (created for American marten (Martes americana atrata) conservation). This approach increased the realism of the analysis, but reduced the generality of interpretations. We found that forest management options that create linear strips of old forest deviate the most from simulated natural patterns, and had the greatest negative effects on habitat occupancy, whereas policy options that specify deferment and timing of harvest for large blocks helped ensure the stable presence of an intact mature forest matrix over time. The management scenario that focused on maintaining compositional targets best supported biodiversity objectives by providing the composition patterns required by the 13 focal species, but this scenario may be improved by adding some broad-scale spatial objectives to better maintain large blocks of interior forest habitat through time.


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Turbulence statistics obtained by direct numerical simulations are analysed to investigate spatial heterogeneity within regular arrays of building-like cubical obstacles. Two different array layouts are studied, staggered and square, both at a packing density of λp=0.25 . The flow statistics analysed are mean streamwise velocity ( u− ), shear stress ( u′w′−−−− ), turbulent kinetic energy (k) and dispersive stress fraction ( u˜w˜ ). The spatial flow patterns and spatial distribution of these statistics in the two arrays are found to be very different. Local regions of high spatial variability are identified. The overall spatial variances of the statistics are shown to be generally very significant in comparison with their spatial averages within the arrays. Above the arrays the spatial variances as well as dispersive stresses decay rapidly to zero. The heterogeneity is explored further by separately considering six different flow regimes identified within the arrays, described here as: channelling region, constricted region, intersection region, building wake region, canyon region and front-recirculation region. It is found that the flow in the first three regions is relatively homogeneous, but that spatial variances in the latter three regions are large, especially in the building wake and canyon regions. The implication is that, in general, the flow immediately behind (and, to a lesser extent, in front of) a building is much more heterogeneous than elsewhere, even in the relatively dense arrays considered here. Most of the dispersive stress is concentrated in these regions. Considering the experimental difficulties of obtaining enough point measurements to form a representative spatial average, the error incurred by degrading the sampling resolution is investigated. It is found that a good estimate for both area and line averages can be obtained using a relatively small number of strategically located sampling points.


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Landscape narrative, combining landscape and narrative, has been employed to create storytelling layouts and interpretive information in some famous botanic gardens. In order to assess the educational effectiveness of using "landscape narrative" in landscape design, the Heng-Chun Tropical Botanical Garden in Taiwan was chosen as research target for an empirical study. Based on cognitive theory and the affective responses of environmental psychology, computer simulations and video recordings were used to create five themed display areas with landscape narrative elements. Two groups of pupils watched simulated films. The pupils were then given an evaluation test and questionnaire, to determine the effectiveness of the landscape narrative. When the content was well associated and matched with the narrative landscape, the comprehension and retention of content was increased significantly. The results also indicated that visual preference of narrative landscape scenes was increased. This empirical study can be regarded as a successful model of integrating landscape narrative and interpretation practice that can be applied to the design of new theme displays in botanic gardens to improve both the effectiveness of interpretation plans and the visual preference of visitors. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is becoming increasingly important that we can understand and model flow processes in urban areas. Applications such as weather forecasting, air quality and sustainable urban development rely on accurate modelling of the interface between an urban surface and the atmosphere above. This review gives an overview of current understanding of turbulence generated by an urban surface up to a few building heights, the layer called the roughness sublayer (RSL). High quality datasets are also identified which can be used in the development of suitable parameterisations of the urban RSL. Datasets derived from physical and numerical modelling, and full-scale observations in urban areas now exist across a range of urban-type morphologies (e.g. street canyons, cubes, idealised and realistic building layouts). Results show that the urban RSL depth falls within 2 – 5 times mean building height and is not easily related to morphology. Systematic perturbations away from uniform layouts (e.g. varying building heights) have a significant impact on RSL structure and depth. Considerable fetch is required to develop an overlying inertial sublayer, where turbulence is more homogeneous, and some authors have suggested that the “patchiness” of urban areas may prevent inertial sublayers from developing at all. Turbulence statistics suggest similarities between vegetation and urban canopies but key differences are emerging. There is no consensus as to suitable scaling variables, e.g. friction velocity above canopy vs. square root of maximum Reynolds stress, mean vs. maximum building height. The review includes a summary of existing modelling practices and highlights research priorities.


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Document designers combine a range of stylistic and structural typographic attributes to articulate and differentiate information for readers. This paper explores how the kind of typographic differentiation used in a document influences readers’ impressions of documents. A preliminary study indicated that three patterns of typographic differentiation (high, moderate and low) might underlie participants’ impressions of magazine design. Subsequently, a set of nine magazine layouts with controlled content was purposefully developed to systematically examine the impact of high, moderate and low patterns of typographic differentiation on participants’ impressions of documents. These documents were used in a repertory grid procedure to investigate the kind of impressions readers articulate in relation to typographic presentation and whether readers are likely to formulate similar or differing impressions from high, moderate, and low patterns of typographic differentiation. The results suggest that typographic differentiation influences a range of rhetorical and experiential judgments. For example, participants described high differentiation documents as the most attention-grabbing and easy to skim-read, while they considered moderate and low differentiation documents to require deeper reading strategies. In addition, participants assumed high differentiation documents to be much more sensationalist than moderate or low differentiation documents, which they generally perceived as authoritative and credible.


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Public genealogical databases are becoming increasingly populated with historical data and records of the current population`s ancestors. As this increasing amount of available information is used to link individuals to their ancestors, the resulting trees become deeper and more dense, which justifies the need for using organized, space-efficient layouts to display the data. Existing layouts are often only able to show a small subset of the data at a time. As a result, it is easy to become lost when navigating through the data or to lose sight of the overall tree structure. On the contrary, leaving space for unknown ancestors allows one to better understand the tree`s structure, but leaving this space becomes expensive and allows fewer generations to be displayed at a time. In this work, we propose that the H-tree based layout be used in genealogical software to display ancestral trees. We will show that this layout presents an increase in the number of displayable generations, provides a nicely arranged, symmetrical, intuitive and organized fractal structure, increases the user`s ability to understand and navigate through the data, and accounts for the visualization requirements necessary for displaying such trees. Finally, user-study results indicate potential for user acceptance of the new layout.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS


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A aplicação de técnicas de estudo de sistemas em ambientes industriais com grande concorrência, é cada vez mais significativa devido às modificações e flexibilidade de produção exigidas. A aplicação de técnicas de análise e ajustes de layouts são algumas destas técnicas que podem trazer resultados competitivos positivos. O presente trabalho descreve os tipos de layouts existentes, com suas aplicações, vantagens e desvantagens com a finalidade de analisar e propor melhorias em layouts de processo na indústria coureira. O trabalho enfoca ainda os principais pontos a serem considerados quando da criação de um novo layout ou do ajuste e/ou melhoria de um existente. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo de caso utilizando a técnica de Melhoria de Layout de Silveira (1998), com a aplicação do Planejamento Sistemático de Layout em um layout de processo do setor da Secagem, característico em uma indústria beneficiadora de couro. Os resultados obtidos traduzem o re-arranjo de seus postos de trabalho com redução do fluxo de material de acordo com a aproximação de postos com relações de afinidade. Essa alteração possibilitou uma melhor organização espacial dos postos de trabalho e um melhor controle da produção, através da separação natural dos lotes. A metodologia adotada pode ser utilizada como ferramenta de melhoria nos demais setores, tanto da própria empresa, como do mercado coureiro em geral.


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A aplicação de técnicas para o desenvolvimento de soluções para problemas existentes dentro dos setores produtivos tornam-se cada vez mais necessária, devido às constantes modificações tecnológicas, econômicas e sociais experimentadas pelas empresas. Dentre essas técnicas destaca-se o SLP (Systematic Layout Planning - Planejamento Sistemático de Layout), que traz resultados positivos na reestuturação de layouts fabris. No presente trabalho, apresentam-se diferentes opções de layouts, suas aplicações, vantagens e desvantagens, bem como sua utilização no contexto do SLP. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso utilizando o SLP Planejamento Sistemático de Layout em setor de pintura do ramo metal-mecânico. Os resultados obtidos revelam-se através do re-arranjo de postos de trabalho com redução no fluxo de linha de acordo com a aproximação de postos por afinidades e um melhor controle de produção, através de um melhor seqüênciamento da linha. Essa alteração também possibilitou uma melhor organização espacial dos pontos de trabalho e um incremento da capacidade produtiva dentro da empresa. A metologia adotada pode ser utilizada como ferramenta de melhoria nos demais setores, tanto da própria empresa, como de outras que se assemelham ao processo produtivo descrito neste estudo de caso.


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The evolution of integrated circuits technologies demands the development of new CAD tools. The traditional development of digital circuits at physical level is based in library of cells. These libraries of cells offer certain predictability of the electrical behavior of the design due to the previous characterization of the cells. Besides, different versions of each cell are required in such a way that delay and power consumption characteristics are taken into account, increasing the number of cells in a library. The automatic full custom layout generation is an alternative each time more important to cell based generation approaches. This strategy implements transistors and connections according patterns defined by algorithms. So, it is possible to implement any logic function avoiding the limitations of the library of cells. Tools of analysis and estimate must offer the predictability in automatic full custom layouts. These tools must be able to work with layout estimates and to generate information related to delay, power consumption and area occupation. This work includes the research of new methods of physical synthesis and the implementation of an automatic layout generation in which the cells are generated at the moment of the layout synthesis. The research investigates different strategies of elements disposition (transistors, contacts and connections) in a layout and their effects in the area occupation and circuit delay. The presented layout strategy applies delay optimization by the integration with a gate sizing technique. This is performed in such a way the folding method allows individual discrete sizing to transistors. The main characteristics of the proposed strategy are: power supply lines between rows, over the layout routing (channel routing is not used), circuit routing performed before layout generation and layout generation targeting delay reduction by the application of the sizing technique. The possibility to implement any logic function, without restrictions imposed by a library of cells, allows the circuit synthesis with optimization in the number of the transistors. This reduction in the number of transistors decreases the delay and power consumption, mainly the static power consumption in submicrometer circuits. Comparisons between the proposed strategy and other well-known methods are presented in such a way the proposed method is validated.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar até que ponto as orientações repassadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Criminalística aos Setores Técnico-científicos da Polícia Federal, em termos de ambiente físico, têm se voltado para a interação interdisciplinar entre os peritos e para a preservação da cadeia de custódia. Para tanto, foi necessário recorrer a fundamentos sobre interdisciplinaridade, cadeia de custódia, arranjo físico na gestão de processos e ao planejamento de espaços no sentido de fortalecer o embasamento teórico para a discussão dos dados obtidos na pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa, desenvolvida com a ajuda de entrevistas destinadas aos ocupantes de setores estratégicos responsáveis pelas orientações e consultas à documentação técnica produzida na Polícia Federal, foi complementada com a realização de visitas aos setores do Paraná, Santa Catarina, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Alagoas, Rio Grande do Norte e Amazonas, de caráter exploratório e observacional, contemplando desde aspectos gerais associados aos objetos de análise até as peculiaridades regionais registradas in loco. Foram identificados dois tipos de orientações repassadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Criminalística, sendo um na fase preliminar de projeto e outro em momento posterior de avaliação, realizados por grupos distintos de servidores. De norte a sul do país, foram registradas diversas impressões atuais associadas aos ambientes físicos e instalações dessas unidades e, com base na riquíssima experiência obtida em cada localidade, foi possível propor uma modesta sugestão de melhoria ao arranjo físico na unidade do pesquisador e registrar sua implantação a posteriori. Mediante a comparação entre as orientações repassadas com as impressões obtidas nas visitas chegou-se à identificação, por exemplo, de lacunas de comunicação no âmbito do próprio Instituto Nacional de Criminalística, que perde excelentes oportunidades de prover os projetistas com informações atualizadas relacionadas aos ambientes físicos das descentralizadas. Conclui-se que apesar do avanço recente em relação ao tema, no tocante à criação de propostas preliminares de layout das unidades e à instituição das Comissões de Avaliação da Gestão da Criminalística, a unidade central precisa manter um sistema integrado de gestão dessas informações, alinhado às novas tendências construtivas e de projetos da Administração, de forma a transformar continuamente as observações coletadas nas unidades em novas orientações e diretrizes capazes de realimentar o sistema.