67 resultados para Lawns.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Tifton 419' bermudagrass cultivar [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] is the most preferred turfgrass for sportive, commercial and residential lawns. On similar species, such as Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica, gibberellic acid-inhibiting plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to decrease mowing frequency. A very limited research has been reported yet on the PGRs regarding seasonal effects of single vs. multiple applications of these products on turfgrass quality and clipping production on South America. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sequential applications of different plant growth inhibitors during re-growth and flower rachis emission of 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass. The treatment pattern includes an initial application followed by one sequential application at 14 days intervals, according to the following: prohexadione-calcium at 100+100 or 200+200 g a.i. ha-1, bispyribac-sodium at 40+40 or 60+60 g a.i. ha-1, trinexapac-ethyl at 113+113, 226+113, 226+226, 452+113, 452+226, 452+452, 678+0 or 904+0 g a.i. ha-1, and untreated control. The treatment effect was evaluated based on measurements of visual injury, height of plants, height and number of flower rachis, and clipping total dry mass production. The results showed that only bispyribac-sodium provided visual injury on 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass, but the symptoms quickly tend towards zero at 21 days after second application (DASA). 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass greens could be better handle by sequential application of trinexapac-ethyl, or prohexadione-calcium or bispyribac-sodium, once the height of plants, seedhead emission and total clipping dry mass reduction were over than 37%, 91% and 88%, respectively, for a period up to 60 DASA.


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In the past 50 years, the range of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the south has been rapidly expanding. As their range expands, armadillos increasingly come into conflict with suburban landowners. When foraging, armadillos often uproot ornamental plants. Their rooting also destroys gardens, lawns, and flower beds. Their burrowing can damage tree roots and building foundations. Most armadillo damage is a result of their feeding habits. Armadillos dig shallow holes, 1- 3 inches deep and 3-5 inches long, as they search for soil invertebrates. A recent survey of Georgia county extension agents by scientists at the University of Georgia found that 77.6% of all agents reported receiving complaints or requests for information on armadillos. Armadillo related inquiries made up 10.1 % all inquiries for all agents across the state, surpassing even the white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Armadillos are often assumed to destroy nests of ground-nesting birds. Armadillo diets have been studied in several states including Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida. According to these studies, vertebrate matter, especially bird eggs, made up an minor portion of their diet. The armadillo’s diet often consists of more than 90% insects, grubs and earthworms. Based on these studies, it seems that claims of armadillos being significant nest predators are unfounded.


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Urban populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) cause considerable problems when large numbers congregate in parks, playing fields, and backyards. In most cases, geese are drawn to these sites to feed on the lawns. I tested whether geese have feeding preferences for different grass species. Captive Canada geese preferred Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and disliked tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae) over colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis cv. Highland), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and red fescue (Festuca rubra). They refused to eat some other ground covers such as pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) and English ivy (Hedera helix). These results suggest that goose numbers at problem sites could be reduced by changing the ground cover. I also compared the characteristics of foraging sites used by geese to other foraging sites that geese avoided. Occupied sites were more open so that geese had clearer visibility and greater ease in taking off and landing. This suggests that goose numbers at problem sites also could be reduced by planting tall trees to make it harder for the geese to fly away, and planting bushes and hedges to obstruct a goose's visibility.


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Toxocariasis is a worldwide public-health problem that poses major risks to children who may accidentally ingest embryonated eggs of Toxocara. The objectives of this study were to investigate the occurrence of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in children and adolescents and the variables that may be involved, as well as environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs, in urban recreation areas of north central mesoregion, Paraná State, Brazil. From June 2005 to March 2007. a total of 376 blood samples were collected by the Public Health Service from children and adolescents one to 12 years old, of both genders. Samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA method for detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Serum samples were previously absorbed with Ascaris suum antigens, and considered positive with a reagent reactivity index ≥1. Soil samples from all of the public squares and schools located in the four evaluated municipalities that had sand surfaces (n = 19) or lawns (n = 15) were analyzed. Of the 376 serum samples, 194 (51.6%) were positive. The seroprevalence rate was substantially higher among children aging one to five years (p = 0.001) and six to eight years (p = 0.022). The clinical signs and symptoms investigated did not show a statistical difference between seropositive and seronegative individuals (p > 0.05). In 76.5% of the investigated recreation places, eggs of Toxocara were detected in at least one of the five collected samples. Recreation areas from public schools were 2.8 times more contaminated than from public squares. It is important to institute educational programs to inform families and educators, as well as to improve sanitary control of animals and cleaning of the areas intended for recreation in order to prevent toxocariasis.


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Boreal peatlands are important in the global carbon cycle. Despite covering only 3% of the global land area, peatlands store approximately one third of all soil carbon. Temperature is one of the major drivers in peatland carbon cycling as it affects both plant production and CO2 fluxes from soils. However, it is relatively unknown how boreal peatland plant photosynthesis is affected by higher temperatures. Therefore, we measured plant photosynthetic rates under two different warming treatments in a poor fen in Northern Michigan. Eighteen plots were established that were divided into three treatments: control, open-top chamber (OTC) warming and infrared (IR) lamp warming. Previous work at this site has shown that there was a significant increase in canopy and peat temperature with IR warming (5°C and 1.4°C respectively), while the OTC’s had mixed overall warming. Plots were divided equally into lawns and hummocks. We measured mid-day carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake on sedges (Carex utriculata), shrubs (Chamaedaphne calyculata) and Sphagnum mosses. Sphagnum moss net primary production (NPP) was also measured with cranked wires and compared with CO2 uptake. Our results indicate that there was no significant difference in sedge CO2 uptake, while shrub CO2 uptake significantly decreased with warming. A significant increase occurred in Sphagnum moss gross ecosystem production (GEP), ecosystem respiration (ER) and net ecosystem exchange (NEE). Contrary to the positive CO2 exchange of Sphagnum, overall NPP decreased significantly in hummocks with both warming treatments. The results of the study indicate that temperature partly limits the photosynthetic capacity of plants in sub-boreal peatlands, but not all species respond similarly to higher temperatures.


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Decomposition rates and N release patterns of turfgrass clippings from lawns are not well understood. Litter bags containing clippings were inserted into the thatch layer of a coolseason turf. The experiment was arranged as a 2 × 4 factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Treatments included four rates of N fertilizer (0, 98, 196, and 392 kg N ha-1 yr-1) and two clipping treatments (returned vs. removed). Litter bags were removed periodically over the growing season and samples were analyzed for biomass, N and C concentrations, and C:N ratio on an ash-free basis. Percentage N loss from the clippings after 16 weeks ranged from 88% to 93% at the 0 and 392 kg N ha-1 rates, respectively, and from 86% to 94% when clippings were removed (CRM) or returned (CRT), respectively. Percentage C loss from the clippings ranged from 94% to 95% at the 0 and 392 kg N ha-1 rates, respectively, and from 92% to 96% with CRM and CRT, respectively. Cumulative N release was similar across N fertilization rates, (ranging from 131 g N kg-1 to 135 g N kg-1 tissue) but was higher for CRT (151 g N kg-1 tissue) than for CRM (128 g N kg-1 tissue). Grass clippings decomposed rapidly and released N quickly when returned to the turf thatch layer. This indicates the potential for reduced N fertilization when clippings are returned. Such rapid decomposition also suggests that the contribution of grass clippings to thatch development is negligible.


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Various N fertilizer sources are available for lawn turf. Few field studies, however, have determined the losses of nitrate (NO3-N) from lawns receiving different formulations of N fertilizers. The objectives of this study were to determine the differences in NO3-N leaching losses among various N fertilizer sources and to ascertain when losses were most likely to occur. The field experiment was set out in a completely random design on a turf typical of the lawns in southern New England. Treatments consisted of four fertilizer sources with fast- and slow-release N formulations: (i) ammonium nitrate (AN), (ii) polymer-coated sulfur-coated urea (PCSCU), (iii) organic product, and (iv) a nonfertilized control. The experiment was conducted across three years and fertilized to supply a total of 147 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Percolate was collected with zero-tension lysimeters. Flow-weighted NO3-N concentrations were 4.6, 0.57, 0.31, and 0.18 mg L-1 for AN, PCSCU, organic, and the control, respectively. After correcting for control losses, average annual NO3-N leaching losses as a percentage of N applied were 16.8% for AN, 1.7% for PCSCU, and 0.6% for organic. Results indicate that NO3-N leaching losses from lawn turf in southern New England occur primarily during the late fall through the early spring. To reduce the threat of NO3-N leaching losses, lawn turf fertilizers should be formulated with a larger percentage of slow-release N than soluble N.


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Se analizó la flora y la vegetación de céspedes de parques públicos de Mendoza (Argentina) a fin de aportar información para su manejo. Se registraron 73 especies, incluidas en 65 géneros y 24 familias. Las Poaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae y Brassicaceae representaron el 58,9 % de la flora de los céspedes. El 67,1 % de las especies son introducidas; el resto son nativas. Dominaron las perennes: 54,8 %, sobre las anuales: 42,5 % y bienales: 2,7 %, así como las estivales: 75,3 % sobre las invernales. Estructuralmente también lo hicieron las terófitas: 42,5 %, sobre las hemicriptófitas: 27,4 %, geófitas: 21,9 %, caméfitas: 5,5 % y helófitas: 2,7 %. Se determinaron 33 comunidades y se identificaron las clases fitosociológicas Molinio- Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 (campos húmedos y pisoteados, con vegetación subnitrófila e higrófita) y Stellarietea mediae R. Tx. 1950 (vegetación arvense de los cultivos). Las comunidades vegetales de Trifoliun repens más Cynodon dactylon, Lolium multiflorum más Cynodon dactylon y Cynodon dactylon fueron las de mayor extensión y coberturas de los céspedes.


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La zone sur laquelle porte notre contribution est localisée dans le Nord-Ouest Algérien. Cette étude est consacrée à l’analyse de la diversité biologique et la dynamique des formations végétales des matorrals des versants sud des monts de Tlemcen. L’utilisation de la méthode aire-espèce de Braun Blanquet nous a permis de dégager une liste de 149 espèces à partir de 150 relevés fl oristiques effectués sur l’ensemble des stations d’étude. 4,69 % des espèces appartiennent aux for mations forestières et pré-forestières, avec une hauteur n’excédant pas 2 mètres; 13,42 % aux matorrals et 81,87 % aux pelouses. La conjugaison des facteurs de dégradation a entrainé une perturbation des écosystèmes locaux accompagnée d’une régression des aires de répartition de nombreux taxons. Deux facteurs majeurs peuvent être évoqués : – amplifi cation de l’impact humain lié à l’utilisation anarchique des écosystèmes (défrichement; coupe; surpâturages; bois de chauffe), – péjorations climatiques. L’analyse statistique des spectres biologiques nous a permis de mettre en évidence les modifications de la flore le long d’un gradient dynamique: forêt – pré forêt – matorral – pelouse. Plus des 3/4 des espèces recensées dans la zone d’étude appartiennent aux thérophytes et aux hemicryptophytes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Plan of the Botanic Garden and Park as designed by Dr. Schomburgk, compiled and drawn in the office of the Surveyor General by E.P. Laurie from a survey made by Mr. Surveyor J.W. Jones 1874. It was published by Surveyor-General's Office in 1876. Scale [ca. 1:1,584].The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, roads, paths, fountains, buildings, gardens, lawns, and more. Relief shown by hachures.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Vol. 2 lacks t.-p. and index.


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First edition has title: Lawns, and how to make them.


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"First printing, January 1939."