989 resultados para Latex dilution


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Films obtained via drying a polymeric latex dispersion are normally colloidal crystalline where latex particles are packed into a face centered cubic (fcc) structure. Different from conventional atomic crystallites or hard sphere colloidal crystallites, the crystalline structure of these films is normally deformable due to the low glass transition temperature of the latex particles. Upon tensile deformation, depending on the drawing direction with respect to the normal of specific crystallographic plane, one observes different crystalline structural changes. Three typical situations where crystallographic c-axis, body diagonal or face diagonal of the fcc structure of the colloidal crystallites being parallel to the stretching direction were investigated.


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A new approach for the synthesis of polyaniline nanofibers under pseudo-high dilute conditions in aqueous system has been developed. High yield nanoscale polyaniline fibers with 18-110 nm in diameter are readily prepared by a high aniline concentration 0.4 M oxidation polymerization using ammonium persulfate (APS) as an oxidant in the presence of hydrochloric acid (HCl), perchloric acid (HClO4), (1S)-(+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid (CSA), acidic phosphate PAEG120 (PA120) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) as the dopants. The novel pathway always produces polyaniline nanofibers of tunable diameters, high conductivity (from 10(0) to 10(1) S/cm) and crystallinity.


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High-solids, low-viscosity, stable poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) aqueous latex dispersions were prepared by the dispersion polymerization of acrylamide (AM) and acrylic acid (AA) in an aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate (AS) medium using anionic polyelectrolytes as stabilizers. The anionic polyelectrolytes employed include poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium) (PAMPSNa) homopolymer and random copolymers of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium (AMPSNa) with methacrylic acid sodium (MAANa), acrylic acid sodium (AANa) or acrylamide (AM). The influences of stabilizer's structure, composition, molecular weight and concentration, AA/AM molar feed ratio, total monomer, initiator and aqueous solution of AS concentration, and stirring speed on the monomer conversion, the particle size and distribution, the bulk viscosity and stability of the dispersions, and the intrinsic viscosity of the resulting copolymer were systematically investigated. Polydisperse spherical as well as ellipsoidal particles were formed in the system. The broad particle size distributions indicated that coalescence of the particles takes place to a greater extent.


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A polymer dispersion consisting of soft latex spheres with a diameter of 135 nm was used to produce a crystalline film with face-centered cubic (fcc) packing of the spheres. Different from conventional small-molecule and hardsphere colloidal crystals, the crystalline latex film in the present case is soft (i.e., easily deformable). The structural evolution of this soft colloidal latex film under stretching was investigated by in-situ synchrotron ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering. The film exhibits polycrystalline scattering behavior corresponding to fcc structure. Stretching results not only in a large deformation of the crystallographic structure but also in considerable nonaffine deformation at high draw ratios. The unexpected nonaffine deformation was attributed to slippage between rows of particles and crystalline grain boundaries. The crystalline structure remains intact even at high deformation, suggesting that directional anisotropic colloidal crystallites can be easily produced.


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Phenyl-capped trianiline and tetraaniline in the leucoemeraldine oxidation state were synthesized through a modified-pseudo-high-dilution technique. The chemical oxidation process of these compounds were studied by UV-Vis spectra. It was found that phenyl-capped trianiline in the leucoemeraldine oxidation state was oxidized to its EB form and then decomposed, Phenyl-capped tetraaniline was oxidized to its EB form and then to the pernigraniline oxidation state.


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Monodispersed phenyl-capped trianiline and tetraaniline were successfully synthesized by the reactions of diphenylamine with acetaldehyde-based Sckiff's bases of N-phenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine and 1,4-phenylenediamine, respectively, in the presence of ammonium persulfate and hydrochloric acid, subsequent deprotonation and reduction with phenylhydrazine. The reaction mechanism probably involves the slow hydrolysis of the Sckiff's bases and subsequent oxidative coupling reactions of the formed ammonium salts with diphenylamine at pseudo-high dilution condition of the salts.


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The toughening effect of the content of a core-shell poly(butyl acrylate)/poly(methyl methacrylate) latex polymer (PBA-cs-PMMA) on the mechanical properties, morphology and compatibility of its blends with polycarbonate(PC), i.e., PC/PBA-cs-PMMa, was studied. The mechanical properties of the blends are strongly affected by varying the content of PBA-cs-PMMA in the blend. When the PBA-cs-PMMA content is only 5 wt.-%, the impact strength of PC/PBA-cs-PMMA is almost 19 times as high as that of pure PC, indicating that PBA-cs-PMMA is a very good impact modifier for PC. With increasing interphacial layer thickness and decreasing interphacial tension, the interphacial activity becomes more and more effective and, at the same time, miscibility increases too.


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Polycarbonate (PC) and a core-shell latex polymer composed of poly(butyl acrylate) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PBA-cs-PMMA) as core and shell, respectively, were mixed using a Brabender-like apparatus under different conditions. The mechanical properties, the morphology and the processability of the blends were investigated. Because of the good compatibility of PC and PMMA, even dispersion of PBA-cs-PMMA in PC matrix and good adhesion between the components have been achieved. PBA-cs-PMMA is thus a very good impact modifier for PC. The toughening mechanism is both cavitation and shear yielding, as indicated by SEM observation. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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This book originally accompanied a 2-day course on using the LATEX typesetting system. It has been extensively revised and updated and can now be used or self-study or in the classroom. It is aimed at users of Linux, Macintosh, or Microsoft Windows but it can be used with LATEX systems on any platform, including other Unix workstations, mainframes, and even your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).