926 resultados para Laplace inverse transform
We present a method of generation of exact and explicit forms of one-sided, heavy-tailed Levy stable probability distributions g(alpha)(x), 0 <= x < infinity, 0 < alpha < 1. We demonstrate that the knowledge of one such a distribution g a ( x) suffices to obtain exactly g(alpha)p ( x), p = 2, 3, .... Similarly, from known g(alpha)(x) and g(beta)(x), 0 < alpha, beta < 1, we obtain g(alpha beta)( x). The method is based on the construction of the integral operator, called Levy transform, which implements the above operations. For a rational, alpha = l/k with l < k, we reproduce in this manner many of the recently obtained exact results for g(l/k)(x). This approach can be also recast as an application of the Efros theorem for generalized Laplace convolutions. It relies solely on efficient definite integration. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4709443]
The thesis consists of three independent parts. Part I: Polynomial amoebas We study the amoeba of a polynomial, as de ned by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. A central role in the treatment is played by a certain convex function which is linear in each complement component of the amoeba, which we call the Ronkin function. This function is used in two di erent ways. First, we use it to construct a polyhedral complex, which we call a spine, approximating the amoeba. Second, the Monge-Ampere measure of the Ronkin function has interesting properties which we explore. This measure can be used to derive an upper bound on the area of an amoeba in two dimensions. We also obtain results on the number of complement components of an amoeba, and consider possible extensions of the theory to varieties of codimension higher than 1. Part II: Differential equations in the complex plane We consider polynomials in one complex variable arising as eigenfunctions of certain differential operators, and obtain results on the distribution of their zeros. We show that in the limit when the degree of the polynomial approaches innity, its zeros are distributed according to a certain probability measure. This measure has its support on the union of nitely many curve segments, and can be characterized by a simple condition on its Cauchy transform. Part III: Radon transforms and tomography This part is concerned with different weighted Radon transforms in two dimensions, in particular the problem of inverting such transforms. We obtain stability results of this inverse problem for rather general classes of weights, including weights of attenuation type with data acquisition limited to a 180 degrees range of angles. We also derive an inversion formula for the exponential Radon transform, with the same restriction on the angle.
Die zuverlässige Berechnung von quantitativen Parametern der Lungenventilation ist für ein Verständnis des Verhaltens der Lunge und insbesondere für die Diagnostik von Lungenerkrankungen von großer Bedeutung. Nur durch quantitative Parameter sind verlässliche und reproduzierbare diagnostische Aussagen über den Gesundheitszustand der Lunge möglich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden neue quantitative Verfahren zur Erfassung der Lungenventilation basierend auf der dynamischen Computer- (CT) und Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) entwickelt. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Frage untersucht, ob das Aufblähen der Lunge in gesunden Schweinelungen und Lungen mit Akutem Lungenversagen (ARDS) durch einzelne, diskrete Zeitkonstanten beschrieben werden kann, oder ob kontinuierliche Verteilungen von Zeitkonstanten die Realität besser beschreiben. Hierzu wurden Serien dynamischer CT-Aufnahmen während definierter Beatmungsmanöver (Drucksprünge) aufgenommen und anschließend aus den Messdaten mittels inverser Laplace-Transformation die zugehörigen Verteilungen der Zeitkonstanten berechnet. Um die Qualität der Ergebnisse zu analysieren, wurde der Algorithmus im Rahmen von Simulationsrechnungen systematisch untersucht und anschließend in-vivo an gesunden und ARDS-Schweinelungen eingesetzt. Während in den gesunden Lungen mono- und biexponentielle Verteilungen bestimmt wurden, waren in den ARDS-Lungen Verteilungen um zwei dominante Zeitkonstanten notwendig, um die gemessenen Daten auf der Basis des verwendeten Modells verlässlich zu beschreiben. Es wurden sowohl diskrete als auch kontinuierliche Verteilungen gefunden. Die CT liefert Informationen über das solide Lungengewebe, während die MRT von hyperpolarisiertem 3He in der Lage ist, direkt das eingeatmete Gas abzubilden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde zeitlich hochaufgelöst das Einströmen eines 3He-Bolus in die Lunge erfasst. Über eine Entfaltungsanalyse wurde anschließend das Einströmverhalten unter Idealbedingungen (unendlich kurzer 3He-Bolus), also die Gewebeantwortfunktion, berechnet und so eine Messtechnik-unabhängige Erfassung des Einströmens von 3He in die Lunge ermöglicht. Zentrale Fragestellung war hier, wie schnell das Gas in die Lunge einströmt. Im Rahmen von Simulationsrechnungen wurde das Verhalten eines Entfaltungsalgorithmus (basierend auf B-Spline Repräsentationen) systematisch analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde ein iteratives Entfaltungsverfahren eingesetzt. Aus zeitlich hochaufgelösten Messungen (7ms) an einer gesunden und einer ARDS-Schweinelunge konnte erstmals nachgewiesen werden, dass das Einströmen in-vivo in weniger als 0,1s geschieht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Zeitkonstanten im Bereich von 4ms–50ms, wobei zwischen der gesunden Lungen und der ARDS-Lunge deutliche Unterschiede beobachtet wurden. Zusammenfassend ermöglichen daher die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Algorithmen eine objektivere Bestimmung quantitativer Parameter der Lungenventilation. Dies ist für die eindeutige Beschreibung ventilatorischer Vorgänge in der Lunge und somit für die Lungendiagnostik unerlässlich. Damit stehen quantitative Methoden für die Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik zur Verfügung, deren diagnostische Relevanz im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher und klinischer Studien untersucht werden kann.
Let O-2n be a symplectic toric orbifold with a fixed T-n-action and with a tonic Kahler metric g. In [10] we explored whether, when O is a manifold, the equivariant spectrum of the Laplace Delta(g) operator on C-infinity(O) determines O up to symplectomorphism. In the setting of tonic orbifolds we shmilicantly improve upon our previous results and show that a generic tone orbifold is determined by its equivariant spectrum, up to two possibilities. This involves developing the asymptotic expansion of the heat trace on an orbifold in the presence of an isometry. We also show that the equivariant spectrum determines whether the toric Kahler metric has constant scalar curvature. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We introduce a new discrete polynomial transform constructed from the rows of Pascal’s triangle. The forward and inverse transforms are computed the same way in both the oneand two-dimensional cases, and the transform matrix can be factored into binary matrices for efficient hardware implementation. We conclude by discussing applications of the transform in
Clenshaw’s recurrenee formula is used to derive recursive algorithms for the discrete cosine transform @CT) and the inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT). The recursive DCT algorithm presented here requires one fewer delay element per coefficient and one fewer multiply operation per coeflident compared with two recently proposed methods. Clenshaw’s recurrence formula provides a unified development for the recursive DCT and IDCT algorithms. The M v e al gorithms apply to arbitrary lengtb algorithms and are appropriate for VLSI implementation.
Fluorescence tomographic imaging in turbid media using early-arriving photons and Laplace transforms
We present a multichannel tomographic technique to detect fluorescent objects embedded in thick (6.4 cm) tissue-like turbid media using early-arriving photons. The experiments use picosecond laser pulses and a streak camera with single photon counting capability to provide short time resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio. The tomographic algorithm is based on the Laplace transform of an analytical diffusion approximation of the photon migration process and provides excellent agreement between the actual positions of the fluorescent objects and the experimental estimates. Submillimeter localization accuracy and 4- to 5-mm resolution are demonstrated. Moreover, objects can be accurately localized when fluorescence background is present. The results show the feasibility of using early-arriving photons to image fluorescent objects embedded in a turbid medium and its potential in clinical applications such as breast tumor detection.
A set of DCT domain properties for shifting and scaling by real amounts, and taking linear operations such as differentiation is described. The DCT coefficients of a sampled signal are subjected to a linear transform, which returns the DCT coefficients of the shifted, scaled and/or differentiated signal. The properties are derived by considering the inverse discrete transform as a cosine series expansion of the original continuous signal, assuming sampling in accordance with the Nyquist criterion. This approach can be applied in the signal domain, to give, for example, DCT based interpolation or derivatives. The same approach can be taken in decoding from the DCT to give, for example, derivatives in the signal domain. The techniques may prove useful in compressed domain processing applications, and are interesting because they allow operations from the continuous domain such as differentiation to be implemented in the discrete domain. An image matching algorithm illustrates the use of the properties, with improvements in computation time and matching quality.
We investigate the problem of determining the stationary temperature field on an inclusion from given Cauchy data on an accessible exterior boundary. On this accessible part the temperature (or the heat flux) is known, and, additionally, on a portion of this exterior boundary the heat flux (or temperature) is also given. We propose a direct boundary integral approach in combination with Tikhonov regularization for the stable determination of the temperature and flux on the inclusion. To determine these quantities on the inclusion, boundary integral equations are derived using Green’s functions, and properties of these equations are shown in an L2-setting. An effective way of discretizing these boundary integral equations based on the Nystr¨om method and trigonometric approximations, is outlined. Numerical examples are included, both with exact and noisy data, showing that accurate approximations can be obtained with small computational effort, and the accuracy is increasing with the length of the portion of the boundary where the additionally data is given.
We study the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in a quadrant (quarter-plane) containing a bounded inclusion. Given the values of the solution and its derivative on the edges of the quadrant the solution is reconstructed on the boundary of the inclusion. This is achieved using an alternating iterative method where at each iteration step mixed boundary value problems are being solved. A numerical method is also proposed and investigated for the direct mixed problems reducing these to integral equations over the inclusion. Numerical examples verify the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
We consider a Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in a two-dimensional semi-infinite region with a bounded inclusion, i.e. the region is the intersection between a half-plane and the exterior of a bounded closed curve contained in the half-plane. The Cauchy data are given on the unbounded part of the boundary of the region and the aim is to construct the solution on the boundary of the inclusion. In 1989, Kozlov and Maz'ya [10] proposed an alternating iterative method for solving Cauchy problems for general strongly elliptic and formally self-adjoint systems in bounded domains. We extend their approach to our setting and in each iteration step mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace equation in the semi-infinite region are solved. Well-posedness of these mixed problems are investigated and convergence of the alternating procedure is examined. For the numerical implementation an efficient boundary integral equation method is proposed, based on the indirect variant of the boundary integral equation approach. The mixed problems are reduced to integral equations over the (bounded) boundary of the inclusion. Numerical examples are included showing the feasibility of the proposed method.
We scrutinize the concept of integrable nonlinear communication channels, resurrecting and extending the idea of eigenvalue communications in a novel context of nonsoliton coherent optical communications. Using the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a channel model, we introduce a new approach - the nonlinear inverse synthesis method - for digital signal processing based on encoding the information directly onto the nonlinear signal spectrum. The latter evolves trivially and linearly along the transmission line, thus, providing an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with no nonlinear channel cross talk. The general approach is illustrated with a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission format. We show how the strategy based upon the inverse scattering transform method can be geared for the creation of new efficient coding and modulation standards for the nonlinear channel. © Published by the American Physical Society.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
In linear communication channels, spectral components (modes) defined by the Fourier transform of the signal propagate without interactions with each other. In certain nonlinear channels, such as the one modelled by the classical nonlinear Schrödinger equation, there are nonlinear modes (nonlinear signal spectrum) that also propagate without interacting with each other and without corresponding nonlinear cross talk, effectively, in a linear manner. Here, we describe in a constructive way how to introduce such nonlinear modes for a given input signal. We investigate the performance of the nonlinear inverse synthesis (NIS) method, in which the information is encoded directly onto the continuous part of the nonlinear signal spectrum. This transmission technique, combined with the appropriate distributed Raman amplification, can provide an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with high spectral efficiency, thanks to highly suppressed channel cross talk. The proposed NIS approach can be integrated with any modulation formats. Here, we demonstrate numerically the feasibility of merging the NIS technique in a burst mode with high spectral efficiency methods, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and Nyquist pulse shaping with advanced modulation formats (e.g., QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM), showing a performance improvement up to 4.5 dB, which is comparable to results achievable with multi-step per span digital back propagation.
We extend our previous work into error-free representations of transform basis functions by presenting a novel error-free encoding scheme for the fast implementation of a Linzer-Feig Fast Cosine Transform (FCT) and its inverse. We discuss an 8x8 L-F scaled Discrete Cosine Transform where the architecture uses a new algebraic integer quantization of the 1-D radix-8 DCT that allows the separable computation of a 2-D DCT without any intermediate number representation conversions. The resulting architecture is very regular and reduces latency by 50% compared to a previous error-free design, with virtually the same hardware cost.