988 resultados para Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism
An investigation was made on the adsorption and kinetics of photodegradation of potassium hydrogenphthalate in an aqueous suspension of TiO2. Two models, Langmuir and Freundlich, were used to describe the adsorption process and the model proposed by Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) was employed to describe the kinetics of the photodecomposition reactions of hydrogenphthalate. The results of the adsorptions were fitted to the models proposed by Langmuir and Freundlich. Adsorption was found to be a function of the temperature, with adsorption capacity increasing from 2.4 to 4.5 mg/g when the temperature rose from 20 to 30 degrees C. The kinetic model indicates that the rate constant, k, of the first order reaction, is high in the 10.0 to 100 mg/l interval, which is coherent with the low value of the adsorption constant, K. The results fitted to the L-H model led to an equation that, within the range of concentrations studied here, theoretically allows one to evaluate the photodegradation rate. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
La conoscenza e la determinazione dell’equazione cinetica è indispensabile per lo studio, la progettazione e l’ottimizzazione di qualsiasi reattore chimico. Normalmente l’analisi cinetica viene eseguita con reattori che operano in maniera quanto più prossima a condizioni ideali in modo da rendere più facile e meno affetta da errori l’interpretazione dei risultati sperimentali. In fotocatalisi è invece di fatto impossibile realizzare, anche in presenza di una perfetta miscelazione, un sistema ideale in cui si abbia un’uniforme distribuzione di tutti i parametri che influenzano la velocità di reazione. Infatti in un reattore fotocatalitico il campo di radiazione è intrinsecamente non uniforme poiché l’assorbimento della radiazione e quindi la sua attenuazione sono necessari per l’attivazione della reazione. Pertanto l’impossibilità di realizzare un sistema fotocatalitico che operi in condizioni quanto più possibile prossime all’idealità e l’incapacità di misurare sperimentalmente i valori locali di velocità di reazione e di velocità di assorbimento dei fotoni possono rendere complessa una corretta analisi cinetica. In questo lavoro vengono studiate le modalità con cui condurre comunque una rigorosa analisi cinetica di un sistema fotocatalitico slurry, nel quale il fotocalizzatore è disperso come polvere fine in sospensione nella soluzione reagente. La reazione studiata è quella di mineralizzazione dell’acido formico. Sono stati impiegati due reattori con geometrie ed illuminazioni differenti: un reattore piano illuminato con luci LED ed un reattore anulare con lampada lineare fluorescente blacklight. È stata verificata la validità di una particolare equazione cinetica, che tiene conto dell’effetto non lineare della velocità specifica (cioè per unità di massa di catalizzatore) di assorbimento dei fotoni e delle concentrazioni del reagente, dell’ossigeno e del fotocatalizzatore. Sono state inoltre determinate le condizioni critiche che possono portare ad errori nell’analisi cinetica ed è stata dimostrata l’utilità di un modello matematico che tiene conto dei bilanci di energia raggiante, di materia nonché del campo di moto. Il modello matematico, in cui compare un solo parametro aggiustabile (il tempo caratteristico di reazione od equivalentemente la costante cinetica), è in grado di riprodurre molto soddisfacentemente i risultati sperimentali in tutte le diverse condizioni operative: diversa geometria di reattore, diversa illuminazione, differente spessore ottico, diverse contrazioni di substrato e di fotocatalizzatore. Infine è stato mostrato come l’equazione cinetica ad una sola costante cinetica, che è stata adottata, descriva meglio la cinetica della reazione fotocatalitica in esame di altre equazioni a due o più costanti cinetiche spesso utilizzate in fotocatalisi e basate sulla teoria di Langmuir-Hinshelwood, a dimostrazione di un diverso meccanismo di reazione.
This report presents the proceedings of the Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University, April 26, 1975. Since a number of the contributions will be published in detail elsewhere, only brief summaries of each contribution are included here. Requests for additional information on projects conducted at Iowa State University should be directed to Dr. Peter J. Reilly, and those at Kansas State University to the editors. Contents"Enzymatic Breakdown of Hemicellulose," Alfred R. Fratzke, Iowa State University "Biochemical Aspects of Hydrocarbon Uptake in Hydrocarbon Fermentations," Tadaatsu Nakahara, Kansas State University "Optimal Concentration Profiles for Bifunctional Catalysts with Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetics and Varying Effectiveness Factors," Ho Nam Chang, Iowa State University "Single Cell Protein Production from Hydrocarbons in Tower Systems," J. R. Gutierrez, Kansas State University "Effect of Temperature and pH on the Stability and Activity of Immobilized Glucoamylase and Glucose Isomerase," Gene K. Lee, Iowa State University "Oxygen Transfer in a Tower System with Two Liquid Phases," G. T. MacLean, Kansas State University "Continuous Production of Glucose from Dextrin by Glucoamylase Immlobilized on Porous Silica," Douglas D. Lee, Iowa State University
Dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP), diethyl methyl phosphonate (DEMP), and fluorophenols undergo rapid decomposition upon TiO$\sb2$ catalyzed photooxidation in air saturated aqueous solution. The degradation rates of DMMP were determined over a range of temperatures, under solar and artificial irradiation with and without simultaneous sonication. Solar illumination is effective for the degradation and the use of low energy of sonication increases the rate of mineralization. The surface area and the type of TiO$\sb2$ dramatically affect the photoactivity of the catalyst. A number of intermediate products are formed and ultimately oxidized to phosphate and carbon dioxide. Possible reaction mechanisms and pathways for DMMP and DEMP are proposed. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic parameters for the photocatalysis of fluorophenols suggest modestly different reactivity for each isomer. The adsorption constant is largest for the ortho isomer consistent with the adsorption onto TiO$\sb2$ through both hydroxyl and fluoride groups to form a chelated type structure. ^
Dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP), diethyl methyl phosphonate (DEMP), and fluorophenols undergo rapid decomposition upon TiO2 catalyzed photooxidation in air saturated aqueous solution. The degradation rates of DMMP were determined over a range of temperatures, under solar and artificial irradiation with and without simultaneous sonication. Solar illumination is effective for the degradation and the use of low energy of sonication increases the rate of mineralization. The surface area and the type of TiO2 dramatically affect the photoactivity of the catalyst. A number of intermediate products are formed and ultimately oxidized to phosphate and carbon dioxide. Possible reaction mechanisms and pathways for DMMP and DEMP are proposed. The Langmuir- Hinshelwood kinetic parameters for the photocatalysis of fluorophenols suggest modestly different reactivity for each isomer. The adsorption constant is largest for the ortho isomer consistent with the adsorption onto TiO2 through both hydroxyl and fluoride groups to form a chelated type structure.
O óleo de pescado é caracterizado por ser uma fonte rica de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ω-3, desde modo a sua oxidação lipídica se torna mais favorável quando comparado com outros óleos de origem vegetal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a otimização da etapa de branqueamento através da metodologia de superfície de resposta, sendo utilizado misturas de carvão ativado e terra ativada (Tonsil) para a remoção da cor e dos produtos de oxidação, procurando-se preservar o conteúdo total de carotenóides no óleo de carpa. O óleo bruto de carpa (Cyprinus carpio L.) para a realização do trabalho foi obtido a partir da realização de ensilagem ácida, passando posteriormente pelas etapas de refino: degomagem, neutralização, lavagem, secagem e branqueamento. A otimização da etapa de branqueamento foi realizada através de um planejamento fatorial composto central, com os fatores de estudo: a quantidade de adsorvente (Ads) e a quantidade de carvão ativado (Ca), sendo consideradas como respostas o conteúdo total de carotenóides e o valor de TBA. Na melhor condição do branqueamento do óleo de carpa foi realizado um estudo cinético, e para o cálculo das constantes cinéticas foram utilizados os modelos de Brimberg modificado e de Langmuir-Hinshelwood, A condição ótima do branqueamento foi com 2% de adsorvente e 10% de carvão ativado, onde ocorreram menores perdas de carotenóides (44,40%), com redução da cor escura presente no óleo de (85,62%) e redução do valor de TBA (73,10%), obtendo-se um óleo branqueado de carpa com qualidade oxidativa e melhor aspecto em relação à cor. Os dois modelos cinéticos representaram de forma satisfatória os dados experimentais do branqueamento do óleo de carpa, pelos altos coeficientes de determinação e baixos erros médios relativos apresentados. Foi possível observar que ocorreu uma rápida adsorção dos pigmentos carotenóides, e após 30 min a adsorção foi menos eficiente. Nos óleos bruto e branqueado de vísceras de carpa não foi identificada diferença significativa entre as concentrações de ácidos graxos, demonstrando que as etapas de refino utilizadas não alteraram o perfil de ácidos graxos do óleo bruto.
Using the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique, stearic acid (SA) monolayers were deposited onto the surface of an iron (Fe) electrode to study the inhibition effect and the mechanism of SA in a neutral medium. Molecular orientation and the number of deposited monolayers of SA were shown to have marked effects on inhibition of Fe corrosion. The inhibition mechanism depended mainly on blocking.
HDTMA+ pillared montmorillonites were obtained by pillaring different amounts of the surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMAB) into sodium montmorillonite (Na-Mt) in an aqueous solution. The optimum conditions and batch kinetics of sorption of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions were reported. The solu-tion pH had a very important effect on the sorption of p-nitrophenol. The maximum p-nitrophenol absorption/adsorption occurs when solution pH (7.15~7.35) is approx-imately equal to the pKa (7.16) of the p-nitrophenol ion deprotonation reaction. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that surfactant cations had been pillared into the interlayer and the p-nitrophenol affected the arrangement of surfactant. With the increased con-centration of surfactant cations, the arrangement of HDTMA+ within the clay inter-layer changes and the sorption of p-nitrophenol increases. HDTMA+ pillared mont-morillonites are more effective than Na-Mt for the adsorption of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solutions. The Langmuir, Freundlich and dual-mode sorption were tested to fit the sorption isotherms.
Brust-Schiffrin synthesis (BSS) of metal nanoparticles has emerged as a major breakthrough in the field for its ability to produce highly stable thiol functionalized nanoparticles. In this work, we use a detailed population balance model to conclude that particle formation in BSS is controlled by a new synthesis route: continuous nucleation, growth, and capping of particles throughout the synthesis process. The new mechanism, quite different from the others known in the literature (classical LaMer mechanism, sequential nucleation-growth-capping, and thermodynamic mechanism), successfully explains key features of BSS, including size tuning by varying the amount of capping agent instead of the widely used approach of varying the amount of reducing agent. The new mechanism captures a large body of experimental observations quantitatively, including size tuning and only a marginal effect of the parameters otherwise known to affect particle synthesis sensitively. The new mechanism predicts that, in a constant synthesis environment, continuous nucleation-growth-capping mechanism leads to complete capping of particles (no more growth) at the same size, while the new ones are born continuously, in principle leading to synthesis of more monodisperse particles. This prediction is validated through new experimental measurements.
The two-phase Brust-Schiffrin method (BSM) is used to synthesize highly stable nanoparticles of noble metals. A phase transfer catalyst (PTC) is used to bring in aqueous phase soluble precursors into the organic phase to enable particle synthesis there. Two different mechanisms for phase transfer are advanced in the literature. The first mechanism considers PTC to bring in an aqueous phase soluble precursor by complexing with it. The second mechanism considers the ionic species to be contained in inverse micelles of PTC, with a water core inside. A comprehensive experimental study involving measurement of interfacial tension, viscosity, water content by Karl-Fischer titration, static light scattering, H-1 NMR, and small-angle X-ray scattering is reported in this work to establish that the phase transfer catalyst tetraoctylammonium bromide transfers ions by complexing with them, instead of encapsulating them in inverse micelles. The findings have implications for particle synthesis in two-phase methods such as BSM and their modification to produce more monodispersed particles.
The two-step particle synthesis mechanism, also known as the Finke-Watzky (1997) mechanism, has emerged as a significant development in the field of nanoparticle synthesis. It explains a characteristic feature of the synthesis of transition metal nanoparticles, an induction period in precursor concentration followed by its rapid sigmoidal decrease. The classical LaMer theory (1950) of particle formation fails to capture this behavior. The two-step mechanism considers slow continuous nucleation and autocatalytic growth of particles directly from precursor as its two kinetic steps. In the present work, we test the two-step mechanism rigorously using population balance models. We find that it explains precursor consumption very well, but fails to explain particle synthesis. The effect of continued nucleation on particle synthesis is not suppressed sufficiently by the rapid autocatalytic growth of particles. The nucleation continues to increase breadth of size distributions to unexpectedly large values as compared to those observed experimentally. A number of variations of the original mechanism with additional reaction steps are investigated next. The simulations show that continued nucleation from the beginning of the synthesis leads to formation of highly polydisperse particles in all of the tested cases. A short nucleation window, realized with delayed onset of nucleation and its suppression soon after in one of the variations, appears as one way to explain all of the known experimental observations. The present investigations clearly establish the need to revisit the two-step particle synthesis mechanism.
Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of stearic acid was used as template to induce the nucleation and growth of KCl crystals when the KCl solution was cooled from 50 to 25 degrees C. When the LB film template was vertically dipped into the solution, only induced crystals with (1 1 0) orientation were formed. However, if the template was horizontally placed into solutions, both the induced nuclei at the solution/film interface and spontaneous nuclei formed in solution were simultaneously absorbed onto the LB film, and then grew further to form crystals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and optical microscopy images showed that the orientation and morphology of the crystals were controlled properly by changing the orientation and position of the LB films in the solutions.
Controlled crystallization of BaF2 under two different kinds of monolayers, octadecylamine [CH3(CH2)(17)NH2] and hexadecanol [CH3(CH2)(14)CH2OH], has been studied by using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope. It was found that the monolayer headgroup, the degree of ionization of the headgroup, etc., had a complicated effect on the selectivity of monolayers for crystal and on the morphology and orientation of crystals grown under the compressed monolayers. At pH = 7.0, XRD analysis showed that (100)-oriented BaF2 crystals were formed under the octadecylamine monolayer, while several kinds of crystals were found under the hexadecanol monolayer. In comparison, at pH = 8.5, both (100)-oriented BaF2 and (111)-oriented Ba(NO3)(2) crystals were obtained under the monolayer of octadecylamine. However, crystals formed under hexadecanol monolayer consist of BaF2, Ba(NO3)(2), etc. The detailed mechanism for crystallization was discussed in terms of the specific interaction and lattice matching between the monolayer headgroup and the nucleating species.
Three new amphiphilic rare earth complexes with only two organic long chains Ln (MOP)(2)Cl (MOP=monooctadecyl phthalate, Ln=Eu, Tb, Gd) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis. The complexes (Eu, Tb) showed good luminescence property with long fluorescence lifetime, whereas the intensity and lifetime of Tb complex are greater than those of Eu complex, By measuring the triplet energy levels of ligand based on energy transfer mechanism, above phenomena have been well explained. The Langmuir films of the complexes on the air/water interface were also studied and the results show that all of them have good film-forming property.
The inhibiting effect and mechanism of 1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-(1-piperazinyl)-3-quinoline carboxylicacid(ciprofloxacin), 1-ethyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-(1-piperazinyl)-3-quinoline carboxylic acid (norfloxacin) and (-)-(S)-9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-7 H-pyrido(1,2,3-de)-1,4-benzoxazine-6 carboxylic acid (ofloxacin) on the corrosion of mild steel in 1 mol/L HCl have been studied using electrochemical method, quantum chemical method and SEM at 303 K. The potentiodynamic results showed that these compounds suppressed both cathodic and anodic processes of mild steel corrosion in 1 mol/L HCl. The impedance spectroscopy showed that R-p values increased, and C-dl values decreased with the rising of the working concentration. Quantum chemical calculation showed that there was a positive correlation between some inhibitors structure properties and the inhibitory efficiency. The inhibitors function through adsorption followed Langmuir isotherm, and chemisorption made more contribution to the adsorption of the inhibitors on the steel surface compared with physical adsorption. SEM analysis suggested that the metal had been protected from aggressive corrosion because of the addition of the inhibitors.