985 resultados para Lane drops.


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Thickness tapered laminates obtained by terminating a certain number of plies contain resin-rich areas called ‘resin pockets’ near ply drops, where high stress concentrations exist. Study of the effects of ply drops and resin pockets on the tensile behaviour of tapered laminates considering certain important parameters like taper angle, the number of plies dropped, and the fiber orientation is reported here. Estimation of the tensile strength of tapered laminates necessitates accurate determination of the state of stress near the ply-drop region, which is, in general, three-dimensional (3-D) in nature. Recognising the fact that full 3-D finite-element analysis becomes computationally exorbitant, special layered 3-D finite-element analysis is carried out. Laminates with ply drops along only one direction are analysed to elicit the nature of the local bending effects occurring near the ply drops. Complete 3-D Tsai–Wu criterion considering all the six stress components is used to obtain a quick and comparative assessment of the tensile strength of these laminates. High stress concentration zones are identified and the effects of number of plies dropped at a station and resin pocket geometry are illustrated. The mechanism of load transfer near ply drops and the local bending that occurs are described. Susceptibility of ply drop zones to the onset and subsequent growth of delaminations is also brought out.


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Drop breakup inviscous liquids in agitated vessels occurs in elongational flow around impeller blade edges. The drop size distributions measured over extended periods for impellers of different sizes show that breakup process continues up to 15-20 h, before a steady state is reached. The size distributions evolve in a self-similar way till the steady state is reached. The scaled size distributions vary with impeller size and impeller speed, in contrast with the near universal scaling known for drop breakup in turbulent flows. The steady state size of the largest drop follows inverse scaling with impeller tip velocity. The breadth of the scaled size distributions also shows a monotonic relationship with impeller tip velocity only. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports an experimental investigation of low Weber number water drops impacting onto solid surfaces exhibiting anisotropic wetting. The wetting anisotropy is created by patterning the solid surfaces with unidirectional parallel grooves. Temporal measurements of impacting drop parameters such as drop base contact diameter, apparent contact angle of drop, and drop height at the center are obtained from high-speed video recordings of drop impacts. The study shows that the impact of low Weber number water drops on the grooved surface exhibits beating phenomenon in the temporal variations of the dynamic contact angle anisotropy and drop height at the center of the impacting drop. It is observed that the beating phenomenon of impacting drop parameters is caused by the frequency difference between the dynamic contact angle oscillations of impacting drop liquid oriented perpendicular and parallel to the direction of grooves on the grooved surface. The primary trigger for the phenomenon is the existence of non-axisymmetric drop flow on the grooved surface featuring pinned and free motions of drop liquid in the directions perpendicular and parallel to the grooves, respectively. The beat frequency is almost independent of the impact drop Weber number. Further experimental measurements with solid surfaces of different groove textures show that the grooved surface with larger wetting anisotropy may be expected to show a dominant beating phenomenon. The phenomenon is gradually damped out with time and is fully unrecognizable at higher drop impact Weber numbers. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we analyze the directional movement of impacting liquid drops on dual-textured solid surfaces comprising two different surface morphologies: a textured surface and a smooth surface. The dynamics of liquid drops impacting onto the junction line between the two parts of the dual-textured surfaces is studied experimentally for varying drop impact velocity. The dual-textured surfaces used here featured a variation in their textures' geometrical parameters as well as their surface chemistry. Two types of liquid drop differing in their surface tension were used. The impact process develops a net horizontal drop velocity towards the higher-wettability surface portion and results in a bulk movement of the impacting drop liquid. The final distance moved by the impacting drop from the junction line decreases with increasing impacting drop Weber number We. A fully theoretical model, employing a balance of forces acting at the drop contact line as well as energy conservation, is formulated to determine the variation, with We, of net horizontal drop velocity and subsequent movement of the impacting drop on the dual-textured surfaces.


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Hydrophobic/superhydrophobic metallic surfaces prepared via chemical treatment are encountered in many industrial scenarios involving the impingement of spray droplets. The effectiveness of such surfaces is understood through the analysis of droplet impact experiments. In the present study, three target surfaces with aluminum (Al-6061) as base material-acid-etched, Octadecyl Trichloro Silane (OTS) coated, and acid-etched plus OTS-coated-were prepared. Experiments on the impact of inertia dominated water drops on these chemically modified aluminum surfaces were carried out with the objective to highlight the effect of chemical treatment on the target surfaces on key sub-processes occurring in drop impact phenomenon. High speed videos of the entire drop impact dynamics were captured at three Weber number (We) conditions representative of high We (We > 200) regime. During the early stages of drop spreading, the drop impact resulted in ejection of secondary droplets from spreading drop front on the etched surfaces resembling prompt splash on rough surfaces whereas no such splashing was observable on untreated aluminum surface. Prominent development of undulations (fingers) were observed at the rim of drop spreading on the etched surfaces; between the etched surfaces the OTS-coated surface showed a subdued development of fingers than the uncoated surface. The impacted drops showed intense receding on OTS-coated surfaces whereas on the etched surface a highly irregular receding, with drop liquid sticking to the surface, was observed. Quantitative analyses were performed to reveal the effect of target surface characteristics on drop impact parameters such as temporal variation of spread factor of drop lamella, temporal variation of average finger length during spreading phase, maximum drop spreading, time taken to attain maximum spreading, sensitivity of maximum spreading to We, number of fingers at maximum spreading, and average receding velocity of drop lamella. Existing models for maximum drop spreading showed reasonably good agreement with the experimental measurements on the target surfaces except the acid-etched surface. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Maximum, spreading of liquid drops impacting on solid surfaces textured with unidirectional parallel grooves is studied for drop Weber number in the range 1-100 focusing on the role of texture geometry and wettability. The maximum spread factor of impacting drops measured perpendicular to grooves; beta(m,perpendicular to) is seen to be less than, that:measured parallel to grooves, beta(m,perpendicular to).The difference between beta(m,perpendicular to), and beta(m,parallel to) increases with drop impact velocity. This deviation of beta(m,perpendicular to) from beta(m,parallel to) is analyzed by considering the possible mechanisms, correspond, ing to experimental observations (1) impregnation of drop into the grooves, (2) convex shape of liquid vapor interface near contact line at maximum spreading, and (3) contact line pinning of spreading drop at the pillar edges by incorporating them into an energy conservation-based model. The analysis reveals that contact line pinning offers a physically meaningful justification of the observed: deviation of beta(m,perpendicular to) from beta(m,parallel to) compared to other possible candidates. A unified model, incorporating all the above-mentioned mechanisms, is formulated, which predicts beta(m,perpendicular to) on several groove-textured surfaces made of intrinsically hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials with an average error of 8.3%. The effect of groove-texture geometrical parameters,on maximum drop spreading is explained using this unified model. A special case of the unified model, with contact line pinning, absent, predicts beta(m,parallel to) with an average error of 6.3%.


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Experiments were performed, in a terrestrial environment, to study the migration and interaction of two drops with different diameters in matrix liquid under temperature gradient field. Pure soybean oil and silicon oil were used as matrix liquid and the drop liquid, respectively. The information on the motions of two drops was recorded by CCD camera system in the experiments to analyze the trajectories and velocities of the drops. Our experiments showed that, upon two drops approaching each other, the influence of the larger drop on the motion of the smaller one became significant. Meanwhile the smaller drop had a little influence on the larger one all the time. The oscillation of migration velocities of both drops was observed as they were approaching. For a short period the smaller drop even moved backward when it became side by side with the larger one during the migration. Although our experimental results on the behavior of two drops are basically consistent with the theoretical predictions, there are also apparent differences. 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thermocapillary migration; Drop; Interaction; Oscillation 1. Introduction A bubble or drop will move when placed in another fluid with temperature gradient. This motion happens as a consequence of the variation of interfacial tension with temperature. Such a phenomenon is already known as Marangoni migration problem. With the development of microgravity science, bubble dynamics and droplet dynamics became a hot point problem of research because this investigation is very important for basic research as well as for applications in reduced gravity environment, such as space material science, chemical engineering and so on. Young et al. first investigated the thermocapillary migration of


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Experimental hardware has been developed to perform experiments on the Marangoni migration of drops in the case of intermediate Reynolds numbers in a microgravity environment. The experiments were conducted using the drop shaft free fall facility with a 4.5 second microgravity period in the Microgravity Laboratory of Japan. In this experiment, the thermocapillary velocity of drop migration was measured for drops of different sizes in a series of temperature gradients.


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By the semi-inverse method, a variational principle is obtained for the Lane-Emden equation, which gives much numerical convenience when applying finite element methods or Ritz method.


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In this paper, we present a numerical study on the thermocapillary migration of drops. The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the energy conservation equation are solved by the finite-difference front-tracking scheme. The axisymmetric model is adopted in Our simulations, and the drops are assumed to be perfectly spherical and nondeformable. The benchmark simulation starts from the classical initial condition with a uniform temperature gradient. The detailed discussions and physical explanations of migration phenomena are presented for the different values of (1) the Marangoni numbers and Reynolds numbers of continuous phases and drops and (2) the ratios of drop densities and specific heats to those of continuous phases. It is found that fairly large Marangoni numbers may lead to fluctuations in drop velocities at the beginning part of simulations. Finally, we also discuss the influence of initial conditions on the thermocapillary migrations. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The lateral migration of neutrally buoyant rigid spheres in two-dimensional unidirectional flows was studied theoretically. The cases of both inertia-induced migration in a Newtonian fluid and normal stress-induced migration in a second-order fluid were considered. Analytical results for the lateral velocities were obtained, and the equilibrium positions and trajectories of the spheres compared favorably with the experimental data available in the literature. The effective viscosity was obtained for a dilute suspension of spheres which were simultaneously undergoing inertia-induced migration and translational Brownian motion in a plane Poiseuille flow. The migration of spheres suspended in a second-order fluid inside a screw extruder was also considered.

The creeping motion of neutrally buoyant concentrically located Newtonian drops through a circular tube was studied experimentally for drops which have an undeformed radius comparable to that of the tube. Both a Newtonian and a viscoelastic suspending fluid were used in order to determine the influence of viscoelasticity. The extra pressure drop due to the presence of the suspended drops, the shape and velocity of the drops, and the streamlines of the flow were obtained for various viscosity ratios, total flow rates, and drop sizes. The results were compared with existing theoretical and experimental data.


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O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o romance Brick Lane (2003), da escritora Monica Ali, focalizando o processo de empoderamento da protagonista Nazneen. Usando os conceitos de lugar e não-lugar propostos por Marc Augé, pretendo examinar passagens do romance que caracterizem a sensação de não-pertencimento vivida pela personagem. Nazneen recorre às memórias de sua infância com a irmã Hasina em Bangladesh para tentar se distanciar do espaço físico de Brick Lane (a comunidade onde reside em Londres), que se constitui em um não-lugar, pois ali não é possível reconstruir sua identidade fragmentada pelo deslocamento de uma cultura para outra. Considerando aspectos históricos e culturais de Bangladesh, terra natal de Nazneen, este trabalho pretende discutir as experiências da protagonista e de outros sujeitos diaspóricos do romance, além de analisar o papel crucial que Hasina (e suas cartas) desempenham na narrativa. O atual contexto multicultural e cosmopolita da cidade de Londres também será investigado, com a discussão de situações que afetam os imigrantes e suas representações no romance. Esta dissertação também considera o caráter gendrado dos movimentos migratórios contemporâneos que possibilitam novas perspectivas acerca das consequências da diáspora. A análise de passagens selecionadas do romance ratifica o processo gradual de autonomia de Nazneen que, por fim, consegue se sentir em casa novamente