950 resultados para Landscape design
Horticulture is “the first of all the arts and sciences”. This definition indicates both the breadth and depth of the discipline and its early inception as mankind changed from being hunter-gatherers to cultivators. Intensive crop production which is a form of horticulture preceded more extensive agricultural practices. From that time onwards the intricate involvement of horticulture in man’s life has become very apparent by its multitude of applications and the interests of those involved. These extend from the provision of foodstuffs and nutritional benefits through pharmaceuticals to aspects of rest and relaxation onto encouraging physical and mental well-being. Horticulture is therefore, a discipline with many components and as such that it can mean different things in the varying context of its use. This chapter introduces the meanings of horticulture as expressed by the authors who have contributed to this Trilogy of Books. They have analysed in considerable depth “Horticulture” as expressed in its facets of production, environment and society. Horticulture has impact and expression in each of these fields of human activity. This chapter also sets Horticulture into the wider context of the world of plants and their intensive cultivation both in their use by mankind and in the natural world. The aim is to demonstrate the depth and breadth of human activity associated with this discipline for it stretches from crop production, through landscape design and maintenance and into aspects of society and its expression in the arts and humanities. Horticulture touches almost every aspect of human activity. Increasingly Horticulture has significant importance in contributing towards the mitigation of the major problems which now face life on Earth such as:- climate change, food security, the loss of natural biodiversity, pollution, resource erosion and over-population. Indeed despite or perhaps because of its antiquity and therefore its strong connection between science, technology and practice horticulture can offer solutions that might allude other disciplines.
O Planejamento Paisagístico do Campus da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) em Botucatu - SP, foi elaborado a partir de um Plano Diretor já existente e considerado o comportamento da paisagem, com edificações e circulações já estabelecidas, dando ênfase ao projeto de ajardinamento do entorno da Central de Salas de Aulas. Os objetivos principais do planejamento visam a proteção do solo, arborização adequada e ajardinamento do encontro dos prédios principais. O traçado proposto é simples, com a finalidade de dar uma escala humana ao Campus, considerando a necessidade dos usuários e de favorecer a utilização de máquinas para manutenção e tratos culturais, em face da pequena disponibilidade de mão-de-obra, sendo mais elaborado somente nos entornos dos prédios principais. A estrutura vegetal é formada de árvores, arbustos, gramados e outras forrações que foram selecionadas por sua rusticidade, resistência, aclimatação ao local e disponibilidade nos Viveiros Experimentais da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas-UNESP. Procurou-se utilizar, sempre que possível, espécies nativas
As bromélias apresentam formas exóticas com uma grande diversidade de cores e de flores, constituindo importantes espécies para uso em paisagismo e floricultura. em conseqüência disto, são muito comercializadas. Porém, parte das plantas que se encontram no mercado, ainda são provenientes do extrativismo. Esta situação é também reflexo do pequeno número de informações sobre técnicas de propagação e cultivo. Uma das limitações é o desconhecimento do tipo de substrato e adubação adequados ao cultivo destas espécies. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de bromélias do Neoregelia cruenta, cultivadas em diferentes substratos e adubações foliares através da altura, do número de folhas, da matéria fresca e seca, da parte aérea e das raízes. As mudas utilizadas foram provenientes de cultura de tecidos. Após um período de pré-aclimatização, foram transplantadas para estufa sem nebulização. Os substratos foram constituídos da mistura de diferentes proporções de solo, areia, casca de arroz carbonizada e por um substrato comercial à base de vermiculita. Aos substratos foi aplicada adubação foliar, combinando uréia e sacarose, em intervalos de quinze dias. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as interações entre os substratos, dose de sacarose e de uréia, não afetaram a altura das mudas e o número de folhas. O uso de sacarose também não influenciou o desenvolvimento das mudas. O substrato comercial à base de vermiculita, independente da aplicação de adubação foliar, proporcionou maior altura das mudas e número de folhas. A aplicação de uréia apresentou efeito linear crescente durante o período avaliado.
Caesalpinia ferrea is a species used a lot as a medicinal plant, for urban arborization and landscape design in the state of Amapa. Yet there is not much ecophysiological information available on it. Light is an important environment factor that controls processes associates with the accumulation of dry matter, contributing thus for plant growth. The object of this research was to study the effect of different luminosity levels on the growth of seedlings of this species. The seedlings were transplanted to plastics bags containing a mixture of soil and sand (2:1), which were maintained in the full sun, under artificial shade with reduction of 50% and 70% of the luminosity and under natural shade of a closed canopy of forest. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates. Seedlings submitted to natural shade showed strong growth inhibition. In the full sun, the seedlings presented higher net assimilatory rate (NAR), lower shoot/root ratio (SRR) and lower leaf area ratio (LAR). The results showed little difference in the growth and biomass allocation between seedlings kept in 50 and 70% shade; the seedlings submitted to this treatment presented higher values of SRR and LAR. This indicates plasticity which influences a possible increase in light capture and is important, therefore, to keep the seedling growth and survival under low light levels. The results as a whole showed morphological and physiological adjustment to different light levels in Caesalpinia ferrea.
The intention of this survey is develop design actions about the site of the former steel from Lençóis Paulista, a large and impressive area, but underutilized in the town. The aim is to revitalize it since the analysis and knowledge from the place and its surroundings, in order to solve the analysis observed: the non integration of the town, neighborhoods and public adjacent devices with the interior of the mentioned spot
El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto “Operación de Autopistas Seguras, Inteligentes y Sostenibles (OASIS)”, cuyo principal objetivo es definir la autopista del futuro, aquella que en su operación presentará niveles notablemente altas de seguridad, servicio al usuario y sostenibilidad. Para lograrlo, uno de los parámetros a tener en cuenta es la conservación y optimización del paisaje por el que discurren. Esta tesis desarrolla una metodología de valoración del paisaje de las autopistas, aplicando dicha metodología a diversos tramos de las autopistas gestionadas por empresas del proyecto (OHL Concesiones, Iridium y Abertis). El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en más de 2.000 km de autopistas, identificando los diferentes paisajes vistos desde la carretera y elaborando un catálogo de fotografías digitalizadas y georreferenciadas de los paisajes; desarrollando y aplicando una novedosa metodología de valoración de la calidad del paisaje; determinando las diferencias entre el paisaje percibido desde las autopistas por medio de fotografías y mediante la utilización de mapas representativos de paisaje; identificando los elementos de diseño paisajístico (puentes, estaciones de servicio, etc.) y estableciendo alternativas para su mejor adecuación paisajística; y estimando el impacto que provocan estas infraestructuras al observarse desde fuera. Es de esperar que las conclusiones extraídas de este proyecto permitan una mejor integración paisajística de las autopistas del futuro, convirtiéndose en instrumentos para mostrar paisajes de mayor calidad, y reduciendo el impacto como elementos modificadores del territorio. Summary This work is within the framework of the project "Operation of Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Highways (OASIS)," whose main objective is to define the highway of the future, which in its operation will present significantly high levels of safety, customer service and sustainability. To achieve this, one of the parameters to consider is landscape conservation and improvement along highways. This thesis develops a methodology for assessing the landscape of highways, applying the model to different stretches of highway managed by project companies (OHL Concessions, Iridium and Abertis). The study was carried out in more than 2.000 km of highways, identifying the different landscapes seen from the road and developing a catalog of digitized and georeferenced photographs of landscapes; developing and applying a new methodology for assessing the quality of the landscape; determining the differences between the landscape seen from highways through photographs and use of landscape maps; identifying the landscape design elements (bridges, service area, etc.) and providing alternatives for better landscape; and integration estimating the impact that cause these infrastructures when viewed from outside. It is expected that the conclusions extract from this project allow to better landscape integrate of the future highways, become instruments to show higher quality landscapes, reducing the impact as modifiers´ elements of the territory.
The concept hybrid city responds to a series of real demands of liveability in cities in an information society as it integrates the physical and the virtual in an "augmented" reality by the everyday use of ICT and virtual social network.
Nagele es un asentamiento urbano situado en el Noordoostpolder, territorio neerlandés ganado al mar. Fue diseñado por arquitectos de los grupos De 8 en Opbouw entre los que destacaron Rietveld, Van Eesteren, Van Eyck, Bakema, Stam y Ruys. El proyecto se desarrolló entre 1947 y 1956, un periodo de tiempo con formas de proyectar muy ricas en interpretaciones. Los arquitectos pusieron en crisis los planteamientos historicistas de las nuevas poblaciones de los pólderes. Propusieron un nuevo prototipo, una morfología compacta y concéntrica que transmitiría igualdad a una comunidad agrícola, entendida como una sociedad urbana del siglo XX. La administración apoyó la propuesta que convertiría el proyecto en un arriesgado reto por su falta de antecedentes. La vigencia de las formulaciones permanece hoy en día en la ciudad construida, aunque con alteraciones. En los dibujos del proceso se encuentran los principales enunciados teóricos que este trabajo pretende descubrir. El trabajo aborda aspectos no suficientemente explorados, como su relación con el pólder, la evolución de las estrategias proyectivas, la ordenación paisajista y los elementos urbanos. El Noordoostpolder es la culminación de una serie de experiencias multidisciplinares en el reclamo de tierras a gran escala. Se estudia su estructura urbana policéntrica, la parcelación agrícola que origina el proyecto urbano y la vinculación de la vegetación con la infraestructura, proporcionando orientación, protección climática y escala humana, conceptos que impregnan las estrategias del proyecto urbano. La primera fase de la ordenación configuró áreas monofuncionales que respondían a cada una de las cuatro necesidades básicas del método científico de la ciudad higienista. El acontecimiento que marcó el final de la primera fase fue su presentación en el séptimo CIAM de 1949, cuyo título fue Aplicación de la Carta de Atenas. El programa residencial se dividió en clusters organizados en torno a una pradera vecinal central, vinculándose el orden vecinal, urbano y territorial. La segunda fase fue un catalizador de nuevos planteamientos. El proyecto se transformó en un In-between Realm, un escenario teórico donde coexisten fenómenos tradicionalmente antagónicos que Van Eyck denominó Twin Phenomena, convirtiéndose la ciudad en una réplica formal de la ambivalencia de la mente humana. La indefinición espacial no programada en la propuesta anterior se transformó en un conjunto de espacios urbanos, con límites y dimensiones adaptados a la escala humana. El proyecto es anterior a la obra escrita de Van Eyck por lo que estimuló sus enunciados teóricos. Unas ideas también reconocidas en los tres CIAM posteriores en los que también se expuso el proyecto. El diseño paisajista se integra en el proyecto urbano desde sus orígenes. El límite se compone de una barrera boscosa que protege climáticamente, proporciona escala humana y control visual frente a las llanuras infinitas del pólder. Van Eyck sintetizó el proyecto como una habitación verde sin techo, afirmación que dilucida su equivalencia con el de un interior doméstico. Exteriormente la ciudad se convierte en una unidad autónoma del territorio. Interiormente, un sistema jerarquizado de vegetación vinculado a la arquitectura y la infraestructura constituye espacios urbanos de diferentes escalas. La propuesta fue transformada por Boer y Ruys en un nuevo espacio urbano único, no asimilando los conceptos anteriores. El proyecto y construcción de los primeros elementos urbanos consistió en un reparto de tareas a De 8 en Opbouw, hecho que estimula estudiar su relación con el proyecto urbano. La estructura policéntrica organiza las aulas de las escuelas de Van Eyck, las diferentes áreas confesionales del cementerio de Ruys y las unidades residenciales, diseñadas por Stam, Rietveld y Stam-Besse. Los Twin Phenomena alcanzan un acuerdo en el corredor comercial, diseñado por Bakema y Van der Broek. La generación de espacios dentro de otros aparece también en el cementerio, a través de una nueva barrera boscosa y en el sistema de pliegues del muro que configura la iglesia de Bakema y Van der Broek. El proyecto se vincula a un planteamiento holístico, mediante el que el diseño de cada uno de sus elementos tiene en cuenta las estrategias proyectivas del todo del cual forma parte, convirtiéndose, al igual que las obras de De Stijl, en parte de una composición infinita que acerca arte y diseño en la vida cotidiana de la sociedad. La diversidad generacional e ideológica de estos arquitectos convirtió el proyecto en un tablero de juego sobre el que se aplicaron diferentes formas de proyectar la ciudad, ubicando a Nagele en un punto de inflexión del Movimiento Moderno. ABSTRACT The research focuses on the Nagele project, a Dutch urban settlement located in the Noordoostpolder, a territory which was entirely reclaimed from the IJsselmeer lake. It was designed by a group of architects from the De 8 and Opbouw teams, the leading protagonists being Rietveld, Van Eesteren, Van Eyck, Bakema, Stam y Ruys. It was designed from 1947 to 1956, a fruitful period in urban planning. These architects questioned the traditionalist urban design applied to the new populations in the IJsselmeer polders. Facing their principles, the work group proposed a new prototype; a compact and concentric urban pattern to foster equality in a new community of farm labourers, which was recognized by the architects as a twentieth century urban society. The government supported their new proposals. The lack of implementation of the innovatory conceptual statements subjected the project into a high-risk challenge. However, in spite of these difficulties, the basic concepts remain though partially transformed, in the actual city. The project drawings reflect the principle concepts that this work aims to discover. Some approaches that have not been sufficiently studied are tackled in this thesis. Firstly, the project´s relationship with the polder. Secondly, the evolution of projective strategies during the period of urban planning, the landscape design and the design of urban elements. The Noordoostpolder is the culmination of a series of multi-disciplinary experiences in large scale land reclamation, whose polycentric urban structure and agricultural subdivision provide the framework of Nagele. Linking the vegetation to infrastructure fostered orientation, climate protection and human scale; strategies which were repeated, though on a smaller scale, in the actual city. The first phase of the project was composed of mono-functional urban areas which responded to each of the four basic human needs indicated by the scientific method of the functional city. The presentation of the project at the seventh CIAM in 1949 was the event which marked the end of the first phase of the planning. This congress was entitled Implementation of the Athens Charter. The residential program was divided into housing clusters surrounding a central prairie, a pattern which was related to its urban and territorial whole. The second phase of the plan was subjected to a new theoretical approach. The urban planning became an In-between Realm, a theoretical scenario where traditionally antagonistic concepts coexist. Van Eyck named these concepts Twin Phenomena. The city thus conceived of as a counterform of the ambivalence of the human mind where spatial indefinition in the previous proposals was transformed into a Bunch of Places with defined boundaries and dimensions, all of which reflecting human scale. The landscape design was integrated into the urban project from its inception. The limits consist of a green wind-barrier which not only provides climate protection but also provides human scale and visual control towards the unlimited plains of the polder. Van Eyck summarised the project as a green room without a roof. This statement elucidates its equivalence to a domestic interior. Outwardly, the city becomes an autonomous unit on the territory. Inwardly a hierarchical vegetation system is linked to architecture and infrastructure. Together, they configure different scales of urban spaces. The proposal was transformed by Boer and Ruys into a unique urban space without assimilating Van Eyck´s concepts. The study of the Nagele landscape project of Nagele and the writings of Van Eyck verify the fact that many of his theoretical foundations (In-between Realm, Twin Phenomena, Bunch of Places, Right Scale) can be applied not only to architecture and city but also to landscape design. The application of these principles led the Nagele project to become a counterform of Van Eyck´s thinking. The design and construction of the first urban elements involved a distribution of tasks to De 8 en Opbouw, which stimulated their relationship with the urban project. The polycentric structure organised the school classrooms outlined by Van Eyck, the different areas of the cemetery planned by Ruys and the housing clusters designed by Stam, Rietveld and Stam-Besse. The Twin Phenomena concept can be applied in Van der Broek´s shopping corridor. The concept space within another space is also implemented in the cemetery surrounded by a new green barrier, and in the church built by Van der Broek and Bakema, whose spaces are configured by a folding wall. The project takes a holistic approach, which considers the design of each element within the strategies of the whole, where they become parts of an infinite composition, as in the art works of De Stijl fostering art and design to ordinary people´s daily lives. The generational and ideological diversity of these architects turned the project into a game board on which different ways of planning the city were played, obtaining Nagele the distinction of being a turning point of Modernism.
This dissertation was primarily engaged in the study of linear and organic perspective applied to the drawing of landscape, considering the perspective as a fundamental tool in order to graphically materialize sensory experiences offered by the landscape / place to be drawn. The methodology consisted initially in the investigation of perspective theories and perspective representation methods applied to landscape drawing, followed by practical application to a specific case. Thus, within the linear perspective were analyzed and explained: the visual framing, the methods of representation based on the descriptive geometry and also the design of shadows and reflections within the shadows. In the context of organic perspective were analyzed and described techniques utilizing depth of field, the color, or fading and overlapping and light-dark so as to add depth to the drawing. It was also explained a set of materials, printing techniques and resources, which by means of practical examples executed by different artists over time, show the perspectives’ drawings and application of theory. Finally, a set of original drawings was prepared in order to represent a place of a specific case, using for this purpose the theories and methods of linear and organic perspective, using different materials and printing techniques. The drawings were framed under the "project design", starting with the horizontal and vertical projections of a landscape architecture design to provide different views of the proposed space. It can be concluded that the techniques and methods described and exemplified, were suitable, with some adjustments, to the purpose it was intended, in particular in the landscape design conception, bringing to reality the pictorial sense world perceived by the human eye
This project is for the ecological rehabilitation of lagoons and natural communities at 24 parks within the Chicago Park District. The development of Chicago's lagoon system began shortly after the State of Illinois created the Chicago Park District in 1869. The lagoons were expanded over the next 50 years into 14 parks and they have become extremely important ecologic, recreation, and historic resources. A variety of factors over the last 140 years have contributed to the current deteriorated condition of the lagoons which require the expenditure of funds for major rehabilitation activities. Age of infrastructure, erosion, and sedimentation were the natural forces at work; however, the lagoons' popularity and lack of comprehensive management plan also contributed. All of the lagoons are eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic places as major contributing features. Additionally, the lagoons in Columbus, Garfield, Humboldt, Jackson, Lincoln, Sherman and Washington Parks are historic landmarks. The Park District has already invested over $5 million for partial lagoon restoration at Humboldt, Douglas, Sherman, McKinley, Riis and Garfield Parks, and additional work is required.
2011-ben műszeres vizsgálatokat végeztünk jó várostűrő Fraxinus excelsior ’Westhof’s Glorie’ fajtáján, Budapest két, különböző forgalmi terheltségű helyszínén, a közlekedésileg forgalmas Andrássy úton (WGS84 N47°30’36,1” E19°04’14,7”) és a kertvárosi jellegű Ménesi úton (WGS84: N47°28’52,0” E19°02’21,8”). A vizsgált növények sztómakonduktanciáját (gs), transzspirációját (E), nettó CO2 asszimilációját (A) és a fotoszintetikusan aktív besugárzás (PAR) mértékét infravörös gáz analizátor (IRGA) rendszerű LCi készülékkel mértük. A méréssorozatot augusztusban reggel 6 órától este 20 óráig, szeptemberben reggel 8 órától délután 18 óráig végeztük, két órás periódusokban ismételve. A két helyszínen mért PAR és a levélfelületi-hőmérséklet értékek, mint környezeti tényezők napi menete kisebb különbségekkel eltérően alakult. A nettó CO2 asszimiláció és a transzspiráció mértéke a sztómakonduktanciával szoros összefüggést mutatott. A nagyobb forgalmú helyszínen lévő fák esetében magasabb volt a sztómakonduktancia, a transzspiráció és a CO2 megkötés is, ami azt jelenti, hogy az itt elhelyezkedő fák többet párologtatnak, ellenben ezekben a növényekben nagyobb mértékű volt a szén beépülése. Ebből arra következtetünk, hogy a fák levélzete rugalmasan alkalmazkodik a rendelkezésre álló magasabb CO2 koncentrációhoz, viszont a nagyobb transzspiráció megnöveli ebben a környezetben a fák vízigényét.
A Tájvédelmi és Tájrehabilitációs Tanszéken két évtizede folyó egyedi tájérték kataszterezések eredményeinek ismeretében keresték meg tanszékünket három évvel ezelőtt Tokaj-hegyaljai környezetvédő civil szervezetek azzal a kéréssel, hogy mérjük fel a világörökségi listára felvett borvidéki tájhoz tartozó néhány település egyedi tájértékeit. Abban az időben még javában folyt a vita a szerencsi szalmatüzelésű hőerőmű engedélyezéséről vagy létesítésének tiltásáról. A vitában – remélhetően véglegesen – a létesítést elvető álláspont érvényesült. Az elutasításban jelentős szerepe volt annak, hogy a beruházás a térség jövőbeni sorsa szempontjából kiemelt fontosságú világörökségi cím megtartását veszélyeztette. Ugyanakkor kiderült, hogy eddig nem készültek el a Tokaj-hegyaljai borvidék világörökségi jelentőségét alátámasztó értékleltárok. Korábbi gyakorlatunkat folytatva egyetemi hallgatói csoportokkal szakmai terepgyakorlatok keretében kezdtük el a felméréseket, és két év alatt hat település egyedi tájérték kataszterét készítettük el és adtuk át az érintett települések önkormányzatainak, valamint az értékvédelmet is felvállaló helyi civil szervezeteknek. Az egyedi tájérték kataszterezések mellett néhány évvel ezelőtt kezdtük el tanszékünkön a tájkarakter vizsgálatok módszertanának kidolgozását célzó kutatásokat. Amikor 2011-ben felmerült a Tokaj-hegyaljai világörökség helyszín történeti tájjá nyilvánítása, adódott a felismerés, hogy a tájkarakter vizsgálatainkat célszerű erre a térségre is kiterjeszteni.
A Kert- és Szabadtértervezési Tanszéken 2008-tól új növényalkalmaz ási munkacsoport alakult. Az itt folyó kutatások elsődleges célja, hogy a változó életvitel, környezet és klíma kihívásainak megfelelő új, a gyakorlatban is megvalósítható növényalkalmazási megoldásokat tárjon fel. Legfontosabb témáink: 1. Zöldtetők, zöldhomlokzatok növényalkalmazása. 2. Újszerű évelő alkalmazási megoldások. 3. Kiemelkedő dendrológiai értékek hiteles megújítása. 4. Új szárazságtűrő dísznövény taxonok vizsgálata. 5. A globális felmelegedés hatásainak modellezése, a klímaváltozás hatása a növényalkalmazásban.
Napjaink nagyvárosi zöldfelületeinek tárgyalásakor immár nem lehet fi gyelmen kívül hagyni a zöldtetőket (www.greenroofs.com). A zöldtetők defi níciójuk szerint olyan tetők, tetőelemek, amelyek vegetációval borítottak és szerkezetük szervesen integrálódik az épületszerkezetbe (vagyis ha például egy teraszt teljesen beborítunk cserepes növényekkel, attól az még nem lesz zöldtető). A zöldtetők legnagyobb előnye paradox módon nem az, amelyet a városi zöldfelület jelent, vagyis hogy lazítja a város szerkezetét, redukálja a negatív klimatikus hatásokat, illetve helyet ad a rekreációnak, hanem éppen ellenkezőleg, mint tetőtípus az adott épületre illetve annak szerkezetére és belső klímájára hat leginkább.
Az élhetőség ideája a 19. század első felében: az angol táj mint példakép a magyar közgondolkodásban
Az angolkertnek is nevezett klasszikus tájkertről alkotott magyarországi ismeretek kutatása ennek ellenére nem újdonság. A korábbi szakirodalom egyes utazók benyomásainak lényegét, sőt az angolkert divatjának több eszmetörténeti jellegzetességét is elemezte már (Sisa, 1992; Papp, 1992; Sisa, 1994; Sisa, 2001; Galavics, 2003; Gál, 2005), de az angliai kerti élmények átfogó, a motívumokat is bemutató elemzését, valamint a brit utazóknak a magyarországi kertekről alkotott véleményét háttérként felmutató összefoglalás még nem készült. A jelen kutatás egyrészt újabb források bevonásával, másrészt a brit-magyar interakciók komplex, összehasonlító elemzésével kíván teljesebb képet mutatni az angol tájkert magyarországi diadalmenetéről.