917 resultados para Lac operons
Context: BL Lacs are the most numerous extragalactic objects which are detected in Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays band. They are a subclass of blazars. Large flux variability amplitude, sometimes happens in very short time scale, is a common characteristic of them. Significant optical polarization is another main characteristics of BL Lacs. BL Lacs' spectra have a continuous and featureless Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) which have two peaks. Among 1442 BL Lacs in the Roma-BZB catalogue, only 51 are detected in VHE gamma-rays band. BL Lacs are most numerous (more than 50% of 514 objects) objects among the sources that are detected above 10 GeV by FERMI-LAT. Therefore, many BL Lacs are expected to be discovered in VHE gamma-rays band. However, due to the limitation on current and near future technology of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope, astronomers are forced to predict whether an object emits VHE gamma-rays or not. Some VHE gamma-ray prediction methods are already introduced but still are not confirmed. Cross band correlations are the building blocks of introducing VHE gamma-rays prediction method. Aims: We will attempt to investigate cross band correlations between flux energy density, luminosity and spectral index of the sample. Also, we will check whether recently discovered MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical BL Lac. Methods: We select a sample of 42 TeV BL Lacs and collect 20 of their properties within five energy bands from literature and Tuorla blazar monitoring program database. All of the data are synchronized to be comparable to each other. Finally, we choose 55 pair of datasets for cross band correlations finding and investigating whether there is any correlation between each pair. For MAGIC J2001+435 we analyze the publicly available SWIFT-XRT data, and use the still unpublished VHE gamma-rays data from MAGIC collaboration. The results are compared to the other sources of the sample. Results: Low state luminosity of multiple detected VHE gamma-rays is strongly correlated luminosities in all other bands. However, the high state does not show such strong correlations. VHE gamma-rays single detected sources have similar behaviour to the low state of multiple detected ones. Finally, MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical TeV BL Lac. However, for some of the properties this source is located at the edge of the whole sample (e.g. in terms of X-rays flux). Keywords: BL Lac(s), Population study, Correlations finding, Multi wavelengths analysis, VHE gamma-rays, gamma-rays, X-rays, Optical, Radio
Le f. 100 manque.
Le f. 100 manque.
Le f. 100 manque.
Collectionneur : Lesouëf, Auguste (1829-1906)
Collectionneur : Lesouëf, Auguste (1829-1906)
Commençant par : «... nois negée et si li out aparellée à sa chevalerie robe blanche de samit, cote et mantel... » et finissant par : «... conquier, damoisele, nos en aurons... helmes et cil chevaliers a... » . Incomplet an commencement et à la fin ; le dernier feuillet est en partie effacé.
Contient : «... l'assemblée qui lors i fu la veille de Pantecouste. Explicit. Ci fenist mestre Gautier Map son livre et commance le Galaad. (Fol. 152.) A la veille de Pantecouste quant li compaignon de la Table ronde... » (Incomplet. de la fin.) — Miniatures