947 resultados para LOW INTENSITY CONFLICT


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We evaluated the effects of a low intensity aerobic exercise protocol on cardiac remodeling and myocardial function in diabetic rats. Wistar rats were assigned into four groups: sedentary control (C-Sed), exercised control (C-Ex), sedentary diabetes (DM-Sed), and exercised diabetes (DM-Ex). Diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Rats exercised for 9 weeks in treadmill at 11 m/min, 18 min/day. Myocardial function was evaluated in left ventricular (LV) papillary muscles and oxidative stress in LV tissue. Statistical analysis was given by ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis. Echocardiogram showed diabetic groups with higher LV diastolic diameter-to-body weight ratio and lower posterior wall shortening velocity than controls. Left atrium diameter was lower in DM-Ex than DM-Sed (C-Sed: 5.73 ± 0.49; C-Ex: 5.67 ± 0.53; DM-Sed: 6.41 ± 0.54; DM-Ex: 5.81 ± 0.50 mm; P < 0.05 DM-Sed vs C-Sed and DM-Ex). Papillary muscle function was depressed in DM-Sed compared to C-Sed. Exercise attenuated this change in DM-Ex. Lipid hydroperoxide concentration was higher in DM-Sed than C-Sed and DM-Ex. Catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were lower in diabetics than controls and higher in DM-Ex than DM-Sed. Glutathione peroxidase activity was lower in DM-Sed than C-Sed and DM-Ex. Conclusion. Low intensity exercise attenuates left atrium dilation and myocardial oxidative stress and dysfunction in type 1 diabetic rats.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desnsenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq)


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Background The increase in fructose consumption is paralleled by a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome, and consequently, cardiovascular disease mortality. We examined the effects of 8 weeks of low intensity exercise training (LET) on metabolic, hemodynamic, ventricular and vascular morphological changes induced by fructose drinking in male rats. Methods Male Wistar rats were divided into (n = 8 each) control (C), sedentary fructose (F) and ET fructose (FT) groups. Fructose-drinking rats received D-fructose (100 g/l). FT rats were assigned to a treadmill training protocol at low intensity (30% of maximal running speed) during 1 h/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks. Measurements of triglyceride concentrations, white adipose tissue (WAT) and glycemia were carried out together with insulin tolerance test to evaluate metabolic profile. Arterial pressure (AP) signals were directly recorded. Baroreflex sensitivity (BS) was evaluated by the tachycardic and bradycardic responses. Right atria, left ventricle (LV) and ascending aorta were prepared to morphoquantitative analysis. Results LET reduced WAT (−37.7%), triglyceride levels (−33%), systolic AP (−6%), heart weight/body weight (−20.5%), LV (−36%) and aortic (−76%) collagen fibers, aortic intima-media thickness and circumferential wall tension in FT when compared to F rats. Additionally, FT group presented improve of BS, numerical density of atrial natriuretic peptide granules (+42%) and LV capillaries (+25%), as well as the number of elastic lamellae in aorta compared with F group. Conclusions Our data suggest that LET, a widely recommended practice, seems to be particularly effective for preventing metabolic, hemodynamic and morphological disorders triggered by MS.


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Cell-based therapy is a promising approach for many diseases, including ischemic heart disease. Cardiac mesoangioblasts are committed vessel-associated progenitors that can restore to a significant, although partial, extent, heart structure and function in a murine model of myocardial infarction. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) is a noninvasive form of mechanical energy that can be delivered into biological tissues as acoustic pressure waves, and is widely used for clinical applications including bone fracture healing. We hypothesized that the positive effects of LIPUS on bone and soft tissue, such as increased cell differentiation and cytoskeleton reorganization, could be applied to increase the therapeutic potential of mesoangioblasts for heart repair. In this work, we show that LIPUS stimulation of cardiac mesoangioblasts isolated from mouse and human heart results in significant cellular modifications that provide beneficial effects to the cells, including increased malleability and improved motility. Additionally, LIPUS stimulation increased the number of binucleated cells and induced cardiac differentiation to an extent comparable with 5´-azacytidine treatment. Mechanistically, LIPUS stimulation activated the BMP-Smad signalling pathway and increased the expression of myosin light chain-2 together with upregulation of β1 integrin and RhoA, highlighting a potentially important role for cytoskeleton reorganization. Taken together, these results provide functional evidence that LIPUS might be a useful tool to explore in the field of heart cell therapy


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Aim of study: To examine the prevalence of low intensity symptom severity states in patients taking placebo, rofecoxib 12.5 mg once daily, rofecoxib 25 mg once daily, or ibuprofen 800 mg three times daily using a post-hoc definition of low pain intensity states (BLISS Index) based on the WOMAC Index. Methods: Two 6-week, double-blind, parallel-group, placebocontrolled, ibuprofen-comparator studies were conducted to measure the efficacy of rofecoxib in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis. These studies employed a flare design requiring a minimum level of symptoms at entry following discontinuation of prior analgesics. The WOMAC Pain subscale (100 mm visual analog scale) was used as the pain measure. In separate analyses, WOMAC pain subscale scores from each patient were compared to five thresholds of pain:%5 mm, %10 mm, %15 mm, %20 mm, and %25 mm. The percent of patients with BLISS states (1) on average over 6 weeks, (2) at any time during the study, and (3) at week 6 was computed for each treatment group and threshold. The treatment group percentages were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Results: During the study, patients received placebo (N Z 143), rofecoxib 12.5 mg (N Z 461), rofecoxib 25 mg (N Z 459), or ibuprofen (N Z 465). For each pain threshold and treatment group, the percent of patients with BLISS states at any time (e.g., 50% for rofecoxib 25 mg) exceeded the percentage at week 6 (e.g., 40% for rofecoxib 25 mg) which, in turn, exceeded the percentage with BLISS states on average (e.g., 32% for rofecoxib 25 mg). The percentages of patients in the active treatment groups with BLISS states on average were significantly different than observed in the placebo group at the%15 mm threshold (8–11% points vs placebo, P ! 0.01), %20 mm level (10–15% points, P ! 0.01), and %25 mm level (14–17% points, P ! 0.001). Significant differences between the active treatments and placebo were also observed at the %10 mm threshold (8–9% points, P ! 0.05) for measurements at week 6 and at the%10 (12–14% points, P !0.001) and%5 mm thresholds (5–7% points, P ! 0.05) for patients with BLISS states at any time. Conclusion: These measures of BLISS states differentiate all three active treatment groups from placebo and further confirm, at an individual patient level, the clinical benefit of rofecoxib in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Furthermore, they provide information on the prevalence of patients achieving low (%15 mm, %20 mm, %25 mm), and very low (%5 mm, %10 mm) pain severity states.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies indicate that the observation of other people's actions influences the excitability of the observer's motor system. Motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes typically increase in muscles which would be active during the execution of the observed action. This 'motor resonance' effect is thought to result from activity in mirror neuron regions, which enhance the excitability of the primary motor cortex (M1) via cortico-cortical pathways. The importance of TMS intensity has not yet been recognised in this area of research. Low-intensity TMS predominately activates corticospinal neurons indirectly, whereas high-intensity TMS can directly activate corticospinal axons. This indicates that motor resonance effects should be more prominent when using low-intensity TMS. A related issue is that TMS is typically applied over a single optimal scalp position (OSP) to simultaneously elicit MEPs from several muscles. Whether this confounds results, due to differences in the manner that TMS activates spatially separate cortical representations, has not yet been explored. In the current study, MEP amplitudes, resulting from single-pulse TMS applied over M1, were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles during the observation of simple finger abductions. We tested if the TMS intensity (110% vs. 130% resting motor threshold) or stimulating position (FDI-OSP vs. ADM-OSP) influenced the magnitude of the motor resonance effects. Results showed that the MEP facilitation recorded in the FDI muscle during the observation of index-finger abductions was only detected using low-intensity TMS. In contrast, changes in the OSP had a negligible effect on the presence of motor resonance effects in either the FDI or ADM muscles. These findings support the hypothesis that MN activity enhances M1 excitability via cortico-cortical pathways and highlight a methodological framework by which the neural underpinnings of action observation can be further explored. © 2013 Loporto et al.


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This thesis aims to understand the behavior of a low-rise unreinforced masonry building (URM), the typical residential house in the Netherlands, when subjected to low-intensity earthquakes. In fact, in the last decades, the Groningen region was hit by several shallow earthquakes caused by the extraction of natural gas. In particular, the focus is addressed to the internal non-structural walls and to their interaction with the structural parts of the building. A simple and cost-efficient 2D FEM model is developed, focused on the interfaces representing mortar layers that are present between the non-structural walls and the rest of the structure. As a reference for geometries and materials, it has been taken into consideration a prototype that was built in full-scale at the EUCENTRE laboratory of Pavia (Italy). Firstly, a quasi-static analysis is performed by gradually applying a prescribed displacement on the roof floor of the structure. Sensitivity analyses are conducted on some key parameters characterizing mortar. This analysis allows for the calibration of their values and the evaluation of the reliability of the model. Successively, a transient analysis is performed to effectively subject the model to a seismic action and hence also evaluate the mechanical response of the building over time. Moreover, it was possible to compare the results of this analysis with the displacements recorded in the experimental tests by creating a model representing the entire considered structure. As a result, some conditions for the model calibration are defined. The reliability of the model is then confirmed by both the reasonable results obtained from the sensitivity analysis and the compatibility of the values obtained for the top displacement of the roof floor of the experimental test, and the same value acquired from the structural model.


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La presente monografía explora las nociones de la guerra internacional analizando los conceptos tanto de la guerra clásica, como de los conflictos de baja intensidad en la guerra contra el terrorismo internacional en Afganistán.


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Social conflict between mice produces analgesia in the attacked mouse. Both the magnitude and type (opioid or nonopioid) of this analgesia have been related to attack intensity and strain of mouse. In the present study low intensity social conflict (7 bites) did not produce analgesia, whereas high intensity - 30 and 60 bites interactions produced, respectively, short-lasting (5 min) and very short-lasting (1 min) analgesia in Swiss albino mice, when compared with nonaggressive interaction (0 bite). The 30 bites aggressive interaction induced analgesia (AIIA) was not affected by IP injection of either naloxone (5.0 and 7.5 mg/kg) or diazepam (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg). However, this attack-induced analgesia was reduced after IP administration of the 5-HT1A agonists, gepirone (0.3 and 3.0 mg/kg) and BAY R 1531 (0.01 mg/kg). These results indicate that the analgesia induced by 30 bites social conflict in Swiss albino mice does not involve opioid and GABA-benzodiazepine (GABA-BZD) mechanisms. In addition, they suggest that high-intensity social conflict activates serotonergic pain modulatory systems that act through 5-HT1A receptors. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.