65 resultados para LCL
Plantear una síntesis de los problemas de la evaluación del rendimiento académico de los alumnos en el área de LCL (Lengua Castellana y Literatura), en la Educación Secundaria. No son abundantes los estudios e investigaciones que han afrontado la misma temática, y en numerosas ocasiones el tratamiento de estos problemas es incompleto, fragmentario o unilateral. Con frecuencia, los aspectos teóricos no derivan hacia un serio enfoque instrumental; a veces, el querer sintetizar toda la problemática conduce a una enumeración superficial de principios más bien obvios y muchas veces repetidos. En otras ocasiones el afán pragmático lleva ofrecer un conjunto de sencillas recetas de aplicación general, no fundadas en una seria teoría de los objetivos del aprendizaje y de su modo de efectuarse. La idea principal es renovar el modelo de evaluación, adaptarlo a la realidad en que se desarrolla la labor docente, humanizar el proceso de evaluación de cara al alumnado, y conseguir el grado más alto posible de equidad y objetividad en el proceso. La investigación se realiza en en tres fases: Primera fase: planificación. Segunda fase: recogida de información y detección de necesidades de formación por parte del profesorado. Tercera fase: análisis e interpretación de los resultados. Para la recogida de información, se ha seleccionado una muestra de cien profesores de LCL, que imparten la docencia en el área en diferentes centros de Córdoba y provincia, y trescientos alumnos, a razón de tres alumnos por grupo en los que imparte docencia cada uno de esos profesores. Las principales conclusiones a que se llega con la realización de este trabajo de investigación, así como las diferentes propuestas de mejora que sería necesario introducir en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para garantizar que la evaluación del profesorado en esta área que está avalada por unos planteamientos sistematizados y acordes con las necesidades educativas del alumnado. Ante la conciencia más o menos clara de que no se hace habitualmente una evaluación seria, lo que nunca debe hacerse es hacer tabla rasa de los problemas puntuales que nos puede plantear un sistema de evaluación deficiente y actuar arbitrariamente, tanto por exceso como por defecto de rigor. Cambiar los puntos de vista de la evaluación implica cambiar radicalmente muchos conceptos que se tienen sobre cómo enseñar para conseguir que los alumnos aprendan. Pensar en la evaluación como eje vertebrado de la didáctica es una de los elementos que más puede favorecer la mejora de la práctica educativa.
We previously established an 80 kb haplotype upstream of TNFSF4 as a susceptibility locus in the autoimmune disease SLE. SLE-associated alleles at this locus are associated with inflammatory disorders, including atherosclerosis and ischaemic stroke. In Europeans, the TNFSF4 causal variants have remained elusive due to strong linkage disequilibrium exhibited by alleles spanning the region. Using a trans-ancestral approach to fine-map the locus, utilising 17,900 SLE and control subjects including Amerindian/Hispanics (1348 cases, 717 controls), African-Americans (AA) (1529, 2048) and better powered cohorts of Europeans and East Asians, we find strong association of risk alleles in all ethnicities; the AA association replicates in African-American Gullah (152,122). The best evidence of association comes from two adjacent markers: rs2205960-T (P = 1.71×10-34, OR = 1.43[1.26-1.60]) and rs1234317-T (P = 1.16×10-28, OR = 1.38[1.24-1.54]). Inference of fine-scale recombination rates for all populations tested finds the 80 kb risk and non-risk haplotypes in all except African-Americans. In this population the decay of recombination equates to an 11 kb risk haplotype, anchored in the 5′ region proximal to TNFSF4 and tagged by rs2205960-T after 1000 Genomes phase 1 (v3) imputation. Conditional regression analyses delineate the 5′ risk signal to rs2205960-T and the independent non-risk signal to rs1234314-C. Our case-only and SLE-control cohorts demonstrate robust association of rs2205960-T with autoantibody production. The rs2205960-T is predicted to form part of a decameric motif which binds NF-κBp65 with increased affinity compared to rs2205960-G. ChIP-seq data also indicate NF-κB interaction with the DNA sequence at this position in LCL cells. Our research suggests association of rs2205960-T with SLE across multiple groups and an independent non-risk signal at rs1234314-C. rs2205960-T is associated with autoantibody production and lymphopenia. Our data confirm a global signal at TNFSF4 and a role for the expressed product at multiple stages of lymphocyte dysregulation during SLE pathogenesis. We confirm the validity of trans-ancestral mapping in a complex trait. © 2013 Manku et al.
Esta monografía pretende evaluar los efectos de la tradición exportadora minera y el TLC entre China y Chile desde las perspectivas de violencia estructural y desarrollo como libertad de Amartya Sen y Johan Galtung, respectivamente. A través del análisis de algunos procesos históricos que han configurado las actuales dinámicas mineras y comerciales en Chile, y de las libertades reales que poseían los chilenos antes y después de la entrada en vigor del acuerdo, se logra comprender la manera en la que los fenómenos estudiados logran constreñir o impulsar el desarrollo de las capacidades de los chilenos para llevar a cabo las vidas que desean.
Os parasitos do gênero Leishmania apresentam variações de infectividade intra e inter específicas. Entretanto, são escassas as informações a respeito da infectividade das espécies de Leishmania do Novo Mundo, principalmente, daquelas encontradas na região Amazônica brasileira, onde, até o presente momento são conhecidas seis espécies pertencentes ao subgênero Viannia causadoras de LTA. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar, in vitro, o comportamento da infectividade de 5 espécies de Leishmania do subgênero Viannia em macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos BALB/c e sua correlação com a produção de óxido nítrico pelos macrófagos infectados. Trinta cepas de Leishmania foram distribuídas em seis grupos iguais, de acordo com as espécies seguintes: I- L. (V) braziliensis/LCL, II- L. (V) braziliensis/LCM, III- L. (V) guyanensis, IV- L. (V) shawi, V -L. (V) naiffi e VI- L. (V) lainsoni. As cepas foram cultivadas em meio RPMI suplementado com 10% de soro bovino fetal e 1% de penicilina-gentamicina, até atingir a fase estacionária de cultivo, quando foram usadas para infectar macrófagos na proporção de 4 parasitos/macrófago. As culturas foram incubadas a 35°C e 5% de CO2 e após 24h, as lamínulas foram coradas com Giemsa para contagem do número de parasitos e determinação do índice de infecção, enquanto a concentração de NO (nitrito) foi calculada pelo método de Griess. Observou-se que as cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCM apresentaram o maior índice de infecção (385), sendo este significativamente maior (P<0,005) que as cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCL (264), L. (V) naiffi (215) e L. (V) lainsoni (272), porém, não significativamente maior que os índices das espécies L. (V) shawi (292) e L. (V) guyanensis (300). Quanto aos níveis de NO (nitrito), detectou-se maior concentração para a espécie L. (V) naiffi (4,1µM e menor concentração para as cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCM (2,15µM). As demais espécies tiveram concentrações de: L. (v:) lainsom (3,14µM), L. (V) shawi (2,96µM), L. (V) guyanensis (2,76µM) e cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCL (3,1µM). Diante do exposto, concluímos que cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCM são mais infectivas do que as demais espécies estudadas e, também, mais infectivas que cepas homólogas isoladas de casos clínicos de LCL. Além disso, observou-se menor infectividade da espécie L. (V) naiffi. Desse modo, notou-se que os níveis de NO produzidos pelos macrófagos infectados foram inversamente proporcionais ao grau do parasitismo.
ABSTRACT: Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis has for some time been considered as the causative agent of two distinct forms of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL): localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), and anergic diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (ADCL). Recently, a new intermediate form of disease, borderline disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis (BDCL), was introduced into the clinical spectrum of ACL caused by this parasite, and in this paper we record the clinical, histopathological, and immunological features of eight more BDCL patients from Brazilian Amazonia, who acquired the disease in the Pará state, North Brazil. Seven of them had infections of one to two years' evolution and presented with primary skin lesions and the occurrence of metastases at periods varying from six to 12 months following appearance of the first lesion. Primary skin lesions ranged from 1-3 in number, and all had the aspect of an erythematous, infiltrated plaque, variously located on the head, arms or legs. There was lymphatic dissemination of infection, with lymph node enlargement in seven of the cases, and the delayed hypersensitivity skin-test (DTH) was negative in all eight patients prior to their treatment. After that, there was a conversion of DTH to positive in five cases re-examined. The major histopathological feature was a dermal mononuclear infiltration, with a predominance of heavily parasitized and vacuolated macrophages, together with lymphocytes and plasma cells. In one case, with similar histopathology, the patient had acquired his infection seven years previously and he presented with the largest number of disseminated cutaneous lesions. BDCL shows clinical and histopathological features which are different from those of both LCL and ADCL, and there is a good prognosis of cure which is generally not so in the case of frank ADCL.
A leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) constitui uma doença infecciosa causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania com elevada incidência na região Amazônica. Uma variedade de espécies de leishmania é responsável por esta patologia. Desta forma, dependendo da espécie e da resposta imunológica do hospedeiro vertebrado, a doença pode apresentar diferentes formas clínicas, como a leishmaniose cutânea localizada (LCL) e a leishmaniose mucocutânea (LMC). A principal espécie responsável pela LTA é a Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Contudo, devido à existência de uma multiplicidade de cepas desta espécie e ao reduzido número de estudos relacionados, torna-se importante o conhecimento dos aspectos metabólicos básicos do protozoário, como o metabolismo lipídico, na tentativa de caracterizar vias ou componentes fundamentais para seu desenvolvimento e infectividade. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar distribuição de corpos lipídicos (CLs) e o perfil lipídico de duas cepas de L. (V.) braziliensis, isolada de diferentes casos clínicos, em diferentes períodos da fase estacionária do crescimento celular. As formas promastigotas das cepas M17593 (LCL) e M17323 (LMC) de L. (V.) braziliensis foram utilizadas na fase estacionária inicial (EST-I) e estacionária tardia (EST-T) de crescimento. Inicialmente, foi realizada análise ultraestrutural das formas promastigotas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET) e foram observadas estruturas sugestivas de CLs distribuídos no citoplasma do parasito, confirmados pela técnica citoquímica ósmio-imidazol, organelas necessárias para o metabolismo energético do parasito. Para quantificar a distribuição de CLs entre os dias de cultivo e entre as cepas, foi realizada análise por citometria de fluxo com Bodipy® 493/503. Os resultados indicaram que a cepa responsável pela LMC apresentou maior quantidade de CLs durante a fase estacionária tardia. Na cepa LCL não foi observado diferença significativa entre as fases estudadas. Assim, pode ser sugerido que a exacerbada resposta inflamatória que ocorre em pacientes com LMC, esteja relacionada com o acúmulo de CLs no parasito, fonte de energia e eicosanoides, como prostaglandinas. Outra hipótese é a possível correlação de CLs com a baixa exposição do fosfolipídio fosfatidilserina para a superfície externa da membrana, importante para a infectividade do parasito. Para análise dos lipídios totais, os parasitos foram submetidos à extração lipídica, seguido da técnica de HPTLC, onde foram encontrados predominantemente fosfolipídios, esterol esterificado, esteróis, triglicerídeos e ácidos graxos compondo o parasito, com variações entre as cepas e entre as fases estudadas. A cepa LCL na fase estacionária tardia possui maior quantidade de lipídios totais, que pode ser justificado por já ser conhecida como a cepa mais infectiva e possivelmente apresentar maior quantidade de glicoconjugados associados com subdomínios lipídicos importantes para o reconhecimento de fagócitos. É importante ressaltar que a maior infectividade da cepa LCL quando comparada à cepa LMC, resulta em um menor processo inflamatório. Estes resultados indicam que há uma variação no perfil lipídico e na distribuição de CLs entre as diferentes cepas de L. (V.) braziliensis, que pode estar relacionado com a infectividade do parasito e com a manifestação clinica da doença.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In beef cattle, the ability to conceive has been associated positively with size of the preovulatory follicle (POF). Proestrus estradiol and subsequent progesterone concentrations can regulate the endometrium to affect receptivity and fertility. The aim of the present study was to verify the effect of the size of the POF on luteal and endometrial gene expression during subsequent early diestrus in beef cattle. Eighty-three multiparous, nonlactating, presynchronized Nelore cows received a progesterone-releasing device and estradiol benzoate on Day–10 (D 10). Animals received cloprostenol (large follicle-large CL group; LF-LCL; N ¼ 42) or not (small follicle-small CL group; SF-SCL; N ¼ 41) on D 10. Progesterone devices were withdrawn and cloprostenol administered 42 to 60 hours (LF-LCL) or 30 to 36 hours (SF-SCL) before GnRH treatment (D0). Tissues were collected at slaughter on D7. The LF-LCL group had larger (P < 0.0001) POF (13.24 0.33 mm vs. 10.76 0.29 mm), greater (P < 0.0007) estradiol concentrations on D0 (2.94 0.28 pg/mL vs. 1.27 0.20 pg/mL), and greater (P < 0.01) progesterone concentrations on D7 (3.71 0.25 ng/mL vs. 2.62 0.26 ng/mL) compared with the SF-SCL group. Luteal gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor A, kinase insert domain receptor, fms-related tyrosine kinase 1, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1, and hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid deltaisomerase 7 was similar between groups. Endometrial gene expression of oxytocin receptor and peptidase inhibitor 3, skin-derived was reduced, and estrogen receptor alpha 2, aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C4, and lipoprotein lipase expression was increased in LF-LCL versus SF-SCL. Results support the hypothesis that the size of the POF alters the periovulatory endocrine milieu (i.e., proestrus estradiol and diestrus progesterone concentrations) and acts on the uterus to alter endometrial gene expression. It is proposed that the uterine environment and receptivity might also be modulated. Additionally, it is suggested that increased progesterone secretion of cows ovulating larger follicles is likely due to increased CL size rather than increased luteal expression of steroidogenic genes.
In allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), alloreactive T lymphocytes of donor origin mediate the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia effect but also induce graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Since human leukocyte antigens (HLA) mismatch alleles represent major targets of alloreactive T lymphocytes, patient and donor are usually matched for the class I molecules A, B, C, and for the class II molecules DRB1 and DQB1, in order do reduce the risk of GvHD. The HLA-DPB1 locus, however, is still ignored in donor selection. Interestingly, clinical studies have demonstrated that disparities at HLA-DQB1 alleles as well as distinct HLA DPB1 mismatch constellations do not adversely affect the outcome of allo-HSCT. It has also been shown that HLA class II is predominantly expressed on hematopoietic cells under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, this PhD thesis focused on the application of CD4 T cells in adoptive immunotherapy of leukemias.rnIn the first part of this thesis we developed a rapid screening approach to detect T-cell reactivity of donors to single HLA class II mismatch alleles. Allo-HLA reactivity was measured in naive, memory, and entire CD4 T cells isolated from PBMC of healthy donors by flow cytometric cell sorting according to expression of the differentiation markers CD45RA, CD45RO, CD62L, and CCR7. T-cell populations were defined by a single marker to facilitate translation into a clinical-grade allo-depletion procedure. Alloreactivity to single HLA-DR/-DQ mismatch alleles was analyzed in short-term mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) in vitro. As standard antigen-presenting cells, we used the HLA-deficient cell line K562 upon electroporation with single HLA-DR/-DQ allele mRNA. We observed in IFN-γ ELISpot assays that allo-HLA-reactivity preferentially derived from subsets enriched for naive compared to memory T cells in healthy donors, irrespective of the HLA mismatch allele. This separation was most efficient if CD62L (P=0.008) or CD45RA (P=0.011) were used as marker. Median numbers of allo-HLA-reactive effector cells were 3.5-fold and 16.6-fold lower in CD62Lneg and CD45RAneg memory CD4 T cells than in entire CD4 T cells, respectively. In allele-specific analysis, alloreactivity to single HLA-DR alleles clearly exceeded that to HLA-DQ alleles. In terms of alloproliferation no significant difference could be observed between individual CD4 T-cell subsets. rnThe second part of this thesis dealed with the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cells. Naive CD45RApos CD4 T cells isolated from healthy donor PBMC by flow cytometric cell sorting were stimulated in MLR against single allo-HLA-DQ/-DP alleles transfected into autologous mature monocyte-derived dendritic cells by mRNA electroporation. Rapidly expanding HLA-DQ/-DP mismatch reactive T cells significantly recognized and cytolysed primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts, fibroblasts (FB) and keratinocytes (KC) in IFN-γ ELISpot and 51chromium release assays if the targets carried the HLA DQ/ DP allele used for T cell priming. While AML blasts were recognized independent of pre-incubating them with IFN-γ, recognition of FB and KC required IFN-γ pre treatment. We further investigated HLA class II expression on hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells by flow cytometry. HLA class II was not detected on primary FB, KC, and non-malignant kidney cells, but was expressed at significant levels on primary AML blasts and B-LCL. Up-regulation of HLA class II expression was observed on all cell types after pre-incubation with IFN-γ.rnIn summary, the novel K562-HLA based MLR approach revealed that naive-depleted CD4 T-cell subsets of healthy individuals contain decreased allo-HLA reactivity in vitro. We propose the application of CD45RAneg naive-depleted CD4 T cells as memory T cell therapy, which might be beneficial for HLA-mismatched patients at high-risk of GvHD and low-risk of leukemia relapse. Memory T cells might also provide important post-transplant immune functions against infectious agents. Additionally, the screening approach could be employed as test system to detect donors which have low risks for the emergence of GvHD after allo-HSCT. In the second part of this thesis we developed a protocol for the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cell lines, which could be applied in situations in which patient and donor are matched in all HLA alleles but one HLA-DQ/-DP allele with low GvHD potential. These T cells showed lytic activity to leukemia cells while presumably sparing non-hematopoietic tissues under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, they might be advantageous for allo-HSCT patients with advanced stage AML after reduced-intensity conditioning and T-cell depletion for the replenishment of anti-leukemic reactivity if the risk for disease relapse is high. rn
BACKGROUND Traumatic knee dislocation represents a rare but devastating injury. Several controversies persist regarding type of treatment, surgical timing, graft selection, repair versus reconstruction of the medial and lateral structures, surgical techniques and postoperative rehabilitation. A new technique for primary ACL stabilization, dynamic intaligamentary stabilization (DIS) was developed at the authors' institution. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical and radiological outcomes of surgically treated traumatic knee dislocations by means of the DIS technique for the ACL, primary suturing for PCL, MCL and LCL. METHODS Between 2009 and 2012, 35 patients treated surgically for traumatic knee dislocation with primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with DIS, suturing of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and primary complete repair of collaterals, were evaluated clinically (IKDC score, SF12 health survey, Lysholm score, Tegner score) and radiologically with a mean follow up of 2.2 years (range 1.00-3.50 years) years. Instrumented anterior-posterior translation was measured (KT-2000). RESULTS Anterior/posterior translation (KT-2000) for the healthy and injured limb was 4.8mm (range 3-8mm) and 7.3mm (range 5-10) (89N) respectively. Valgus and varus stress testing in 30° flexion was normal in 26 (75%) and 29 (83%) patients, respectively. The IKDC score was B in 29 (83%) and C in 6 (17%) patients, while the mean Tegner score was 6 (range 4-8). The mean Lysholm score was 90.83 (range 81-95) and mean SF-12 physical and mental scores were 54.1 (range 45-60) and 51.0 (range 39-62) respectively. In 2 patients, a secondary operation was performed. CONCLUSIONS Early, one stage reconstruction with DIS can achieve good functional results and patient satisfaction with overall restoration of sports and working capacity without graft requirements.
Strontium isotope stratigraphy was used to date five discrete horizons within CRP-1. Early and late Quaternary (0.87-1.3 Ma and 0-0.67 Ma respectively) age sediments overlie a major sequence boundary at 43.15 meters below sea floor (mbsf). This hiatus is estimated to account for ~16 m.y. of missing section. Early Miocene (16.6-~20.8-25 Ma) age deposits below this boundary are in turn cut by multiple erosion surface representing hiatus is of between 0.2 and 1.2 m.y. Estimated minimum sedimentation rates range between 0.9 and 2.8 cm/k.y. in the Quaternary, and 1.5 and 6.4 cm/ky in the lower Miocene.
Instrumental monitoring of the climate at high northern latitudes has documented the ongoing warming of the last few decades. Climate modelling has also demonstrated that the global warming signal will be amplified in the polar region. Such temperature increases would have important implications on the ecosystem and biota of the Barents Sea. This study therefore aims to reconstruct the climatic changes of the Barents Sea based on benthic foraminifera over approximately the last 1400 years at the decadal to sub-decadal scale. Oxygen and carbon isotope analysis and benthic foraminiferal species counts indicate an overall warming trend of approximately 2.6°C through the 1400-year record. In addition, the well-documented cooling period equating to the 'Little Ice Age' is evident between c. 1650 and 1850. Most notably, a series of highly fluctuating temperatures are observed over the last century. An increase of 1.5°C is shown across this period. Thus for the first time we are able to demonstrate that the recent Arctic warming is also reflected in the oceanic micro-fauna.
Insulin receptor (IR) and class I major histocompatibility complex molecules associate with one another in cell membranes, but the functional consequences of this association are not defined. We found that IR and human class I molecules (HLA-I) associate in liposome membranes and that the affinity of IR for insulin and its tyrosine kinase activity increase as the HLA:IR ratio increases over the range 1:1 to 20:1. The same relationship between HLA:IR and IR function was found in a series of B-LCL cell lines. The association of HLA-I and IR depends upon the presence of free HLA heavy chains. All of the effects noted were reduced or abrogated if liposomes or cells were incubated with excess HLA-I light chain, β2-microglobulin. Increasing HLA:IR also enhanced phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 and the activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase. HLA-I molecules themselves were phosphorylated on tyrosine and associated with phosphoinositide 3-kinase when B-LCL were stimulated with insulin.
The climate of Chilean Patagonia is strongly influenced by the southern westerlies, which control the amount and latitudinal distribution of precipitation in the southern Andes. In austral summer, the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB) is restricted to the high latitudes. It expands northward in winter, which results in a strong precipitation seasonality between 35 and 45°S. Here, we present a new precipitation seasonality proxy record from Quitralco fjord (46°S), where relatively small latitudinal shifts in the SWWB result in large changes in precipitation seasonality. Our 1400 yr record is based on sedimentological and geochemical data obtained on a sediment core collected in front of a small river that drains the Patagonian Andes, which makes this site particularly sensitive to changes in river discharge. Our results show Fe/Al and Ti/Al values that are low between 600 and 1200 CE, increasing at 1200-1500 CE, and high between 1500 and 1950 CE. The increasing Fe/Al and Ti/Al values reflect a decrease in mean sediment grain-size from 30 to 20 µm, which is interpreted as a decrease in seasonal floods resulting from an equatorward shift of the SWWB. Our results suggest that, compared to present-day conditions, the SWWB was located in a more poleward position before 1200 CE. It gradually shifted towards the equator in 1200-1500 CE, where it remained in a sustained position until 1950 CE. The comparison of our record with published regional sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions for the late Holocene shows that equatorward shifts in the SWWB are systematically coeval with decreasing SSTs and vice versa, which resembles fluctuations over glacial-interglacial timescales. We argue that the synchronicity between SST and SWWB changes during the last 1400 years represents the response of the SWWB to temperature changes in the Southern Hemisphere.