987 resultados para LARGE-AMPLITUDE


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The amplification mechanism for the side bands which accompany a large amplitude electron wave on a plasma column are shown to arise due to two mode interaction between negative and positive energy waves.


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Large amplitude oscillations of cantilevered beams of variable cross-section, with concentrated masses along the span, are studied in this paper. The governing non-linear ordinary differential equation is solved by an averaging technique to obtain approximate solutions. Stability boundaries of the response are also investigated.


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In this manuscript, we propose a criterion for a weakly bound complex formed in a supersonic beam to be characterized as a `hydrogen bonded complex'. For a `hydrogen bonded complex', the zero point energy along any large amplitude vibrational coordinate that destroys the orientational preference for the hydrogen bond should be significantly below the barrier along that coordinate so that there is at least one bound level. These are vibrational modes that do not lead to the breakdown of the complex as a whole. If the zero point level is higher than the barrier, the `hydrogen bond' would not be able to stabilize the orientation which favors it and it is no longer sensible to characterize a complex as hydrogen bonded. Four complexes, Ar-2-H2O, Ar-2-H2S, C2H4-H2O and C2H4-H2S, were chosen for investigations. Zero point energies and barriers for large amplitude motions were calculated at a reasonable level of calculation, MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVTZ, for all these complexes. Atoms in molecules (AIM) theoretical analyses of these complexes were carried out as well. All these complexes would be considered hydrogen bonded according to the AIM theoretical criteria suggested by Koch and Popelier for C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds (U. Koch and P. L. A. Popelier, J. Phys. Chem., 1995, 99, 9747), which has been widely and, at times, incorrectly used for all types of contacts involving H. It is shown that, according to the criterion proposed here, the Ar-2-H2O/H2S complexes are not hydrogen bonded even at zero kelvin and C2H4-H2O/H2S complexes are. This analysis can naturally be extended to all temperatures. It can explain the recent experimental observations on crystal structures of H2S at various conditions and the crossed beam scattering studies on rare gases with H2O and H2S.


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The interannual variation of surface fields over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are studied using data between 1900 and 1979. It is emphasized that the monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) over the north Indian Ocean and monsoon rainfall are significantly affected by synoptic systems and other intraseasonal variations. To highlight the interannual signals it is important to remove the large-amplitude high-frequency noise and very low frequency long-term trends, if any. By suitable spatial and temporal averaging of the SST and the rainfall data and by removing the long-term trend from the SST data, we have been able to show that there exists a homogeneous region in the southeastern Arabian Sea over which the March�April (MA) SST anomalies are significantly correlated with the seasonal (June�September) rainfall over India. A potential of this premonsoon signal for predicting the seasonal rainfall over India is indicated. It is shown that the correlation between the SST and the seasonal monsoon rainfall goes through a change of sign from significantly positive with premonsoon SST to very small values with SST during the monsoon season and to significantly negative with SST during the post-monsoon months. For the first time, we have demonstrated that heavy or deficient rainfall years are associated with large-scale coherent changes in the SST (although perhaps of small amplitude) over the north Indian 0cean. We also indicate possible reasons for the apparent lack of persistence of the premonsoon SST anomalies.


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The finite predictability of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system is determined by its aperiodic variability. To gain insight regarding the predictability of such a system, a series of diagnostic studies has been carried out to investigate the role of convergence feedback in producing the aperiodic behavior of the standard version of the Cane-Zebiak model. In this model, an increase in sea surface temperature (SST) increases atmospheric heating by enhancing local evaporation (SST anomaly feedback) and low-level convergence (convergence feedback). The convergence feedback is a nonlinear function of the background mean convergence field. For the set of standard parameters used in the model, it is shown that the convergence feedback contributes importantly to the aperiodic behaviour of the model. As the strength of the convergence feedback is increased from zero to its standard value, the model variability goes from a periodic regime to an aperiodic regime through a broadening of the frequency spectrum around the basic periodicity of about 4 years. Examination of the forcing associated with the convergence feedback reveals that it is intermittent, with relatively large amplitude only during 2 or 3 months in the early part of the calendar year. This seasonality in the efficiency of the convergence feedback is related to the strong seasonality of the mean convergence over the eastern Pacific. It is shown that if the mean convergence field is fixed at its March value, aperiodic behavior is produced even in the absence of annual cycles in the other mean fields. On the, other hand, if the mean convergence field is fixed at its September value, the coupled model evolution remains close to periodic, even in the presence of the annual cycle in the other fields. The role of convergence feedback on the aperiodic variability of the model for other parameter regimes is also examined. It is shown that a range exists in the strength of the SST anomaly feedback for which the model variability is aperiodic even without the convergence feedback. It appears that in the absence of convergence feedback, enhancement of the strength of the air-sea coupling in the model through other physical processes also results in aperiodicity in the model.


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The catalytic conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) by adenylate kinase (ADK) involves large amplitude, ligand induced domain motions, involving the opening and the closing of ATP binding domain (LID) and AMP binding domain (NMP) domains, during the repeated catalytic cycle. We discover and analyze an interesting dynamical coupling between the motion of the two domains during the opening, using large scale atomistic molecular dynamics trajectory analysis, covariance analysis, and multidimensional free energy calculations with explicit water. Initially, the LID domain must open by a certain amount before the NMP domain can begin to open. Dynamical correlation map shows interesting cross-peak between LID and NMP domain which suggests the presence of correlated motion between them. This is also reflected in our calculated two-dimensional free energy surface contour diagram which has an interesting elliptic shape, revealing a strong correlation between the opening of the LID domain and that of the NMP domain. Our free energy surface of the LID domain motion is rugged due to interaction with water and the signature of ruggedness is evident in the observed root mean square deviation variation and its fluctuation time correlation functions. We develop a correlated dynamical disorder-type theoretical model to explain the observed dynamic coupling between the motion of the two domains in ADK. Our model correctly reproduces several features of the cross-correlation observed in simulations. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3516588]


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The modulational instability of a large-amplitude, linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in an electron-positron plasma is considered, including the combined effect of relativistic mass variation of the plasma particles, harmonic generation, and the non-resonant, finite-frequency electrostatic density perturbations, all caused by the large-amplitude radiation field. The radiation from many strong sources, such as AGN and pulsars, has been observed to vary over a host of time-scales. It is possible that the extremely rapid variations in the non-thermal continuum of AGN, as well as in the non-thermal radio radiation from pulsars, can be accounted for by the modulational instabilities to which radiation may be subjected during its propagation out of the emission region.


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A comprehensive exact treatment of free surface flows governed by shallow water equations (in sigma variables) is given. Several new families of exact solutions of the governing PDEs are found and are shown to embed the well-known self-similar or traveling wave solutions which themselves are governed by reduced ODEs. The classes of solutions found here are explicit in contrast to those found earlier in an implicit form. The height of the free surface for each family of solutions is found explicitly. For the traveling or simple wave, the free surface is governed by a nonlinear wave equation, but is arbitrary otherwise. For other types of solutions, the height of the free surface is constant either on lines of constant acceleration or on lines of constant speed; in another case, the free surface is a horizontal plane while the flow underneath is a sine wave. The existence of simple waves on shear flows is analytically proved. The interaction of large amplitude progressive waves with shear flow is also studied.


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A detailed investigation of viscosity dependence of the isomerization rate is carried out for continuous potentials by using a fully microscopic, self-consistent mode-coupling theory calculation of both the friction on the reactant and the viscosity of the medium. In this calculation we avoid approximating the short time response by the Enskog limit, which overestimates the friction at high frequencies. The isomerization rate is obtained by using the Grote-Hynes formula. The viscosity dependence of the rate has been investigated for a large number of thermodynamic state points. Since the activated barrier crossing dynamics probes the high-frequency frictional response of the liquid, the barrier crossing rate is found to be sensitive to the nature of the reactant-solvent interaction potential. When the solute-solvent interaction is modeled by a 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential, we find that over a large variation of viscosity (eta), the rate (k) can indeed be fitted very well to a fractional viscosity dependence: (k similar to eta(-alpha)), with the exponent alpha in the range 1 greater than or equal to alpha >0. The calculated values of the exponent appear to be in very good agreement with many experimental results. In particular, the theory, for the first time, explains the experimentally observed high value of alpha even at the barrier frequency, omega(b). similar or equal to 9 X 10(12) s(-1) for the isomerization reaction of 2-(2'-propenyl)anthracene in liquid eta-alkanes. The present study can also explain the reason for the very low value of vb observed in another study for the isomerization reaction of trans-stilbene in liquid n-alkanes. For omega(b) greater than or equal to 2.0 X 10(13) s(-1), we obtain alpha similar or equal to 0, which implies that the barrier crossing rate becomes identical to the transition-state theory predictions. A careful analysis of isomerization reaction dynamics involving large amplitude motion suggests that the barrier crossing dynamics itself may become irrelevant in highly viscous liquids and the rate might again be coupled directly to the viscosity. This crossover is predicted to be strongly temperature dependent and could be studied by changing the solvent viscosity by the application of pressure. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(9950514-X].


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Large amplitude stationary Rossby wave trains with wavelength in the range 50 degrees to 60 degrees longitude have been identified in the upper troposphere during May, through the analysis of 200 hPa wind anomalies. The spatial phase of these waves has been shown to differ by about 20 degrees of longitude between the dry and wet Indian monsoon years. It has been shown empirically that the Rossby waves are induced by the heat sources in the ITCZ. These heat sources appear in the Bay of Bengal and adjoining regions in May just prior to the onset of the Indian summer monsoon. The inter-annual spatial phase shift of the Rossby waves has been shown to be related to the shift in the deep convection in the zonal direction.


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We find that at low temperature water, large amplitude (similar to 60 degrees) rotational jumps propagate like a string, with the length of propagation increasing with lowering temperature. The strings are formed by mobile 5-coordinated water molecules which move like a Glarum defect (J. Chem. Phys., 1960, 33, 1371), causing water molecules on the path to change from 4-coordinated to 5-coordinated and again back to 4-coordinated water, and in the process cause the tagged water molecule to jump, by following essentially the Laage-Hynes mechanism (Science, 2006, 311, 832-835). The effects on relaxation of the propagating defect causing large amplitude jumps are manifested most dramatically in the mean square displacement (MSD) and also in the rotational time correlation function of the O-H bond of the molecule that is visited by the defect (transient transition to the 5-coordinated state). The MSD and the decay of rotational time correlation function, both remain quenched in the absence of any visit by the defect, as postulated by Glarum long time ago. We establish a direct connection between these propagating events and the known thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in supercooled water. These strings are found largely in the regions that surround the relatively rigid domains of 4-coordinated water molecules. The propagating strings give rise to a noticeable dynamical heterogeneity, quantified here by a sharp rise in the peak of the four-point density response function, chi(4)(t). This dynamics heterogeneity is also responsible for the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation.


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Dielectric dispersion and NMRD experiments have revealed that a significant fraction of water molecules in the hydration shell of various proteins do not exhibit any slowing down of dynamics. This is usually attributed to the presence of the hydrophobic residues (HBR) on the surface, although HBRs alone cannot account for the large amplitude of the fast component. Solvation dynamics experiments and also computer simulation studies, on the other hand, repeatedly observed the presence of a non-negligible slow component. Here we show, by considering three well-known proteins (lysozyme, myoglobin and adelynate kinase), that the fast component arises partly from the response of those water molecules that are hydrogen bonded with the backbone oxygen (BBO) atoms. These are structurally and energetically less stable than those with the side chain oxygen (SCO) atoms. In addition, the electrostatic interaction energy distribution (EIED) of individual water molecules (hydrogen bonded to SCO) with side chain oxygen atoms shows a surprising two peak character with the lower energy peak almost coincident with the energy distribution of water hydrogen bonded to backbone oxygen atoms (BBO). This two peak contribution appears to be quite general as we find it for lysozyme, myoglobin and adenylate kinase (ADK). The sharp peak of EIED at small energy (at less than 2 k(B)T) for the BBO atoms, together with the first peak of EIED of SCO and the HBRs on the protein surface, explain why a large fraction (similar to 80%) of water in the protein hydration layer remains almost as mobile as bulk water Significant slowness arises only from the hydrogen bonds that populate the second peak of EIED at larger energy (at about 4 k(B)T). Thus, if we consider hydrogen bond interaction alone, only 15-20% of water molecules in the protein hydration layer can exhibit slow dynamics, resulting in an average relaxation time of about 5-10 ps. The latter estimate assumes a time constant of 20-100 ps for the slow component. Interestingly, relaxation of water molecules hydrogen bonded to back bone oxygen exhibit an initial component faster than the bulk, suggesting that hydrogen bonding of these water molecules remains frustrated. This explanation of the heterogeneous and non-exponential dynamics of water in the hydration layer is quantitatively consistent with all the available experimental results, and provides unification among diverse features.


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The structure of the Arpropargyl alcohol (ArPA) complex is determined from the rotational spectra of the parent complex and its two deuterated isotopologues, namely ArPA-D(OD) and ArPA-D(CD). The spectra confirm a geometry in which PA exists in the gauche form with Ar located in between OH and CCH groups. All a, b and c types of transitions show small splitting due to some large-amplitude motion dominated by COH torsion, as in the monomer. Splittings in a- and b-type transitions are of the order of a few kilohertz, whereas splitting in the c-type transitions is relatively larger (0.92.6 MHz) and decreases in the order ArPA>ArPA-D(CD)>ArPA-D(OD). The assignments are well supported by ab initio calculations. Atoms in molecules (AIM) and electrostatic potential calculations are used to explore the nature of the interactions in this complex. AIM calculations not only reveal the expected OHAr and Ar interactions in the Argauche-PA complex, but also novel CAr (of CH2OH group) and OHAr interactions in the Artrans-PA complex. Similar interactions are also present in the Armethanol complex.


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In this manuscript, rotational spectra of four new isotopologues of the S-H center dot center dot center dot pi bonded C2H4 center dot center dot center dot H2S complex, i.e., C2D4 center dot center dot center dot H2S, C2D4 center dot center dot center dot D2S, C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS, and (CCH4)-C-13 center dot center dot center dot H2S have been reported and analyzed. All isotopologues except C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS show a four line pattern whereas a doubling of the transition frequencies was observed for C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS. These results together with our previous report on the title complex M. Goswami, P. K. Mandal, D. J. Ramdass, and E. Arunan, Chem. Phys. Lett. 393(1-3), 22-27 (2004)] confirm that both subunits (C2H4 and H2S) are involved in large amplitude motions leading to a splitting of each rotational transition to a quartet. Further, the results also confirm that the motions which are responsible for the observed splittings involve both monomers. Molecular symmetry group analysis, considering the interchange of equivalent H atoms in H2S and C2H4 could explain the observed four line pattern and their intensities in the microwave spectrum. In addition, hydride stretching fundamentals of the complex were measured using coherence-converted population transfer Fourier Transform Microwave-infrared (IR-MW double resonance) experiments in the S-H and C-H stretch regions. Changes in the tunneling splittings upon vibrational excitation are consistent with the isotopic dependence of pure rotational transitions. A complexation shift of 2.7-6.5 cm(-1) has been observed in the two fundamental S-H stretching modes of the H2S monomer in the complex. Vibrational pre-dissociation in the bound S-H stretch has been detected whereas the instrument-limited line-shapes in other S-H and C-H stretches indicate slower pre-dissociation rate. Some local perturbations in the vibrational spectra have been observed. Two combination bands have been observed corresponding to both the S-H stretching fundamentals and what appears to be the intermolecular stretching mode at 55 cm(-1). The tunneling splitting involved in the rotation of C2H4 unit has been deduced to be 1.5 GHz from the IR-MW results. In addition, ab initio barrier heights derived for different motions of the monomers support the experimental results and provide further insight into the motions causing the splitting. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Gamma-band (25-140 Hz) oscillations are ubiquitous in mammalian forebrain structures involved in sensory processing, attention, learning and memory. The optic tectum (01) is the central structure in a midbrain network that participates critically in controlling spatial attention. In this review, we summarize recent advances in characterizing a neural circuit in this midbrain network that generates large amplitude, space-specific, gamma oscillations in the avian OT, both in vivo and in vitro. We describe key physiological and pharmacological mechanisms that produce and regulate the structure of these oscillations. The extensive similarities between midbrain gamma oscillations in birds and those in the neocortex and hippocampus of mammals, offer important insights into the functional significance of a midbrain gamma oscillatory code.