999 resultados para Kourouma, Ahmadou.--Monnè, outrages et défis


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Colorectal cancer is among the three most common and lethal neoplasms in Switzerland (about 4,000 new cases and 1,600 deaths per year, respectively). Several screening modalities are available. The effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening on mortality is established. The implementation of a successful screening intervention shall follow specified phases and conditions, and abide with global principles: pooling and coordinating efforts from all partners, setting goals and priorities, and identifying action plans. A feasibility (pilot) study is needed to verify requirements for quality, effectiveness, efficiency and innocuousness. Endeavours towards implementing a pilot programme for colorectal cancer screening in the Vaud canton (Switzerland) are presented and discussed.


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Emergency departments are and will be at the front line to face the forthcoming increased use of the health care system by the aging baby boomers cohort. Emergency department services will need to adjust on a quantitative as well as on a qualitative basis to manage the impact of these demographic changes. Various models of care have been developed to improve the care of older geriatric patients in the Emergency department that resulted in favorable results on functional, health, as well as health services utilization outcomes. Key components of these successful models have been identified that require a high level of integration between geriatric and emergency teams.


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Afin de rendre compte des luttes de?finitionnelles qui visent a? transformer ou a? pre?server le sens du mariage en tant qu?institution de l?he?te?rosexualite?, cet article examine deux de?bats cle?s qui ont re?cemment mis a? l?e?preuve l?institution du mariage en Suisse : l?institutionnalisation juridique des couples de me?me sexe avec l?adoption de la loi fe?de?rale sur le partenariat et la pre?servation du sche?ma familial he?te?rosexuel avec la loi fe?de?rale sur la procre?ation me?dicalement assiste?e. Ce texte de?fend que pour saisir l?e?volution du sens politique accorde? au mariage et a? la famille dans les de?bats sur le partenariat homosexuel, il convient d?e?tudier le processus d?institutionnalisation des couples homosexuels dans une temporalite? longue prenant place sur diffe?rentes sce?nes le?gislatives. This article examines how the heteronormative norm embedded in the institution of marriage has been put into question through the legal recognition of same sex couples and the access to assisted reproductive technologies in Switzerland. The paper shows that assessing the transformation of the meaning scheme attributed to the marriage and the family in the ongoing political debates on same-sex couples is enhanced by a diachronic analytical perspective focused on the different regulatory scenes, where the debate has taken place.


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L'éthique est aujourd'hui en pleine mutation (l'éthique théologique en subissant le contre-coup). Effervescence réjouissante ou valse des éthiques, progrès de la conscience morale ou fuite en avant dans ses sub-stitutions juridiques -le biodroit remplaçant la bioéthique?- relativisme moral ou quête d'une éthique commune, morale planétaire ou éthique des vertus, comment s'y retrouver dans ce carrousel tournoyant, sans perdre la tête, mais sans se laisser non plus séduire par des simplifications abusives? Mon propos sera de suggérer une ligne de crête nous permettant d'avancer au-dessus des précipices ou des abîmes et de baliser une marche plus assurée malgré les équilibres instables et fragiles qui sont de plus en plus les nôtres.


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Textes de J. Bastaire, Ch. K. Chapple, P. Descola, H. Heaton, M.-M. Egger, O. Ferrari, J.-M. Folz, J.-C. Galey, P. Gisel, K. Gloy, A. Grandjean, J. Grinevald, G. Hess, N. Hulot, J. Ivanoff, A. Papaux, T. Paquot, J.-B. Racine, P. Roch, J.-L. Schlegel et reproduction d'un texte de L. White.


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A common training plan in general internal medicine was a brave enterprise started in 2011 in accordance with the common objectives of the Swiss Society of General Medicine and the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine. The next challenge will be the dissolution of the two Societies and therefore the creation of an unique new association in 2015. This is an extraordinary opportunity to bring together the specific qualities of each association and to create a new society. Issues, objectives and secondary benefits expected from the creation of the largest national society of a medical discipline are explored as a joint discussion in this article.


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